Over 2,300 5-Star Groupon Ratings Can’t Be Wrong

Many of our customers get introduced to Chef V Organic Green Drinks through our insanely-low priced low-sugar juice cleanse deal on Groupon. Our accountant thinks we’re nuts for offering our Green Drinks for such a low price. But many of our customers want to do a juice cleanse but don’t know where to start. And unfortunately, virtually all the conventional big brands of juices, owned by conglomerates such as Coca Cola and the like, are loaded with sugar (see graphic below) and are expensive. Groupon might be a loss leader at times, but if it serves as a launching point for a health transformation, I’m all in … P&L statements be damned!

Currently, out of more than 3,000 Groupon reviews, 75% of them rank as perfect 5 star reviews. I’m not bragging; I’m grateful. Here are some of my favorite recent reviews:

“I lost 7 lbs on the 5 day cleanse. The process to redeem the voucher was very easy. Before I bought this I knew the taste of the juice wasn’t going to be extremely delicious since is a green juice but I’m okay with the taste however the shake wasn’t my favorite but I managed to drink it and I didn’t mind the tea. If this is your first cleanse it might me a little hard to do but is worth it."

Elena S., August 4, 2018

I got a 5 day cleanse and is was great. As I went through the 5 days surprisingly I wasn’t hungry. It was easy to follow and the results were great. I will definitely use Chef V’s products again."

Timothy E., April 2, 2018

Great detox program. makes your detox a breeze! Great for busy people that don’t have time to juice at home! I loved the shakes that came with the program. I lost 7 pounds with this detox!"

Jessika H., August 28, 2018

Customers Showing V The Love On Yelp

We also have a great track record on Yelp, with nearly 1000 reviews so far. Thank you so much for everybody who has posted a review. And I don’t mean only those customers who have posted 5-star reviews. I sincerely thank you even if you posted a not-so-flattering review. It’s the only way we can continue to improve. As a matter of fact, the first Yelp review I’ll share with you isn’t a perfect one; it’s 4 out of 5 stars. It comes from Valerie M. of Manhattan, NY, who writes on July 6:

“Oh man did I ever need this!  After getting married last summer I let myself ‘rest’ a little too much, I fell off the wagon with exercising regularly and my eating was becoming disastrous.  I was feeling tired and bloated. My cellulite was out of control. I was chugging coffee to stay alert. My weight was up to 158 which was a number I hadn’t seen on the scale in a long time… I needed something to kick start my system.

“I had tried your green drink (which I loved!) a few years ago and remembered that you had cleanses.  I wanted to do the 5 day but had some time conflicts so decided to start off just with the 3 to see how I did, and for sure next time I’m going to do a longer one!

“All the elements of the cleanse were delicious and packed so nicely for me to cart around the rest of my day during a heat wave 🙂 I knew I loved the green drink but I adored the shakes (that cinnamon spice one?  yum!), and the soups as well!" 

“I feel AMAZING.  My cellulite is basically gone.  My bloat is much improved (wish I could have done longer!).  My skin feels luscious and soft. And I am a whole new weight…  from pre-cleanse (first picture) to 2 days post-cleanse (2nd picture) I am now down to 149.  I lost almost 10 lbs! This not only made me feel physically amazing but lots of mental clarity as well.  Really can’t wait for my next cleanse!

“The only reason it is 4 stars and not 5?  I had to wait for half an hour and make multiple calls in order to pick up my order, the guy said it was loud so he didn’t hear his phone but I was worried I would have gone all the way there for nothing!"

Thank you for the amazing review, Valerie! And thanks for your honesty. We have improved our delivery system so now you don’t even have to come pick up your order … we’ll deliver to you for free!" (that’s a picture of Valerie below)

16 Oz. of Juice A Day May Keep the Doctor Away

I also love this Yelp review from Sharie F. of San Diego, CA. On October 23rd, Sharie wrote: 

We LOVE Chef V!  We have been using the Green Drink and other products over the years as cleanses and re-boots. The sweet potato soup is my fave!  I suffer from chronic illness and and auto-immune disease. After years on various medications, which in itself can make you feel like crud. I have never felt as good as I do when coming off a week long (or longer) Chef V cleanse."

And here’s one from one of my newest neighbors in New Jersey. Gina V. lives in West Caldwell, NJ, home of our newest commercial kitchen and store. Gina writes:

I have been wanting to try the green drinks for awhile now, so I bought 64 ounces of the Tropical green drink.  Not only does it taste amazing (and i am not a green drink person) but I already feel 100% better than I felt last weekI have more energy and my sweet tooth cravings are gone!  I highly recommend everyone get this drink into their daily regimen!! I love it!! Love everyone who works there and will definitely say it’s one of my favorite places on West Caldwell!! Welcome to NJ Chef V!"

Thanks for welcoming me to the neighborhood, Gina!

I could go on and on with more Chef V success stories.

If you have a health transformation story you’d like to share that our products played a role in, I’d love to hear about it. Here’s my personal email address: chefv@chefv.com …

Until next time, stay cool, calm and collected over the holiday season. Don’t forget to do a little yoga. Even 10 minutes a day works wonders.


Chef V

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