Tag: ultra shake

Protein Powder: What you Need to Know before you Cleanse

two Chef V protein powders held by a girl

When you think of a juice cleanse or detox diet, does protein come to mind? If not, it should. But not just any protein. In fact, many protein powders can be toxic to your health. Learn why you need protein if you’re cleansing and what kind is best for your body. Here’s what you need to know.

new protein shake

Doing a Cleanse? Why Protein Powder is important

All animals must eat protein every day to survive. Us wild human animals included. Now I’m not saying you need to eat a 72-ounce T-bone steak every day for health. I’d feel very sorry for your colon if you did that.

You don’t even need a small bite of filet mignon every day. In fact, there’s no proof that you need animal protein for optimal health. Any natural vegan protein will do, including nuts and seeds.

Here’s a fun nutrition fact to chew on: the human body can’t live more than 70 days without eating any protein. Give or take a day. I haven’t personally tested this theory. And I don’t recommend you try either.

But if you’re reading this because you’re researching the best juice cleanse, there’s a very good chance you’re going to kill yourself just a little bit. And thanks to me, I’m going to save you from that. I’ll explain how in just a sec….

You see, if you go ultra low carb like the keto diet, no problem. Some of that dietary fat you’re feasting on will be converted into glucose (sugar) for your brain to feed on. Even protein can be converted into glucose. If you eat that 72-ounce steak, there’s a good possibility some of the cow meat will turn into sugar and get stored as fat.

But your body can’t store excess protein. It also can’t make protein from carbs or fats or anything else. That’s why you need to eat protein everyday for optimal health.

Your lean muscle tissue, hair, skin, and nails all need adequate protein to look healthy.

So if you’re checking out some different cleanse or detox diet options out there, here’s the big problem with them….

Most cleanse programs contain zero protein. Instead, all juice detoxes are is a slick marketing trick for selling you fruit juice with loads of sugar. That’s the opposite of cleansing! (Compare my cleanse program to popular juice cleanses here.)

Think how brittle your hair and nails will look after going several days without protein.

Some people think that it’s not good to have protein during a cleanse. Why? They assume it’s bad for the digestive system. Well, in a way, that’s true. But only if it’s processed meat or unhealthy protein powder.

I’m here to steer you in a healthy direction and recommend a protein powder to take while doing a cleanse.

protein burger

Vegan Protein Powder For Cleansing

Multi-colored, attractive bottles of juice may be effective for marketing. But they’re not good for health. You see, many commercial juice cleanse programs include about a half dozen different kinds of juice, each a different color of the rainbow. But each containing 20 grams or more of sugar and zero protein.

As far as I’m concerned (as a certified nutritional therapist), you need just one color of juice: green. Green-leafy vegetables are the most nutrient-dense foods and play a critical part in the body’s detoxification process. But even my cold-blended Organic Green Drinks don’t have any protein.

That’s why several years ago, I brainstormed on a protein powder that would be healthy for everybody, including people doing a cleanse. The result is my Organic Vegan Protein Shake. With 17 grams of high-absorbance pea protein per packet, brittle nails don’t stand a chance.

You’ll have to trust me (or the 5-star reviews on Yelp) that the shake tastes great. How does it taste good without adding gobs of sugar? My recipe uses organic vanilla powder, stevia, and monk fruit extract. Stevia and monk fruit are natural, calorie-free sweeteners.

Pea protein has become more popular. When I decided to use pea protein a few years ago, I never thought it would be just as effective for the weightlifting community. But check it out. This study shows that it produces the same increase in muscle thickness as whey protein.

There are a couple reasons I don’t use whey in my Protein Shake for my cleanse programs. First, many whey protein powders are contaminated with heavy metals. (Says this Harvard research report.) And also, whey protein is not good for people with lactose intolerance. True, I could have used whey protein isolate, which contains close to zero lactose, but I just don’t trust how whey is manufactured. And I don’t think it’s good for cleansing overall.

What About Soy Protein Powder For Cleansing?

Some people are concerned about soy protein’s effect on women. This is because soy is a phytoestrogen, and if the body has too much estrogen absorbed, it could produce a hormonal cancer such as breast cancer.

Thus far, there are no studies linking soy protein powder to breast cancer. However, I do believe that processed soy is not good for health. Also, I think there is something to the too much estrogen theory. After all, it’s not just the food supply from soybeans that causes estrogen dominance, it’s all the plastics and everyday cleaners that can mimic the effects of estrogen.

50% off Chef V Cleanse

Muscle Heads

You don’t need to buy one of those huge tubs of protein powders that huge weightlifters buy for bulging biceps.

If you’re not doing a cleanse, I really don’t think you need any protein powder at all. But if you are going to do a cleanse, you absolutely do need some protein if you don’t want your muscles to waste away and your immune system to get weak.

Dietary protein plays a major role in virtually every thing that happens in your cells. And not only that, protein helps you feel full. If you go even a few days without it, just having juice will make your blood sugars go up and down. You’ll get tired and cranky.

Look, even if you don’t choose one of my cleanses, I do highly encourage you to consume a little high-quality vegan-protein every day (hemp and brown rice are also good choices).

A little protein every day goes a long way for health.

Best wishes and to your health,

Chef V

Chef V and kale

The Power of Pea Protein: Why You Will Cleanse So Hap-pea-ly

peas for protein

Pea protein is one of the most popular vegan proteins with no signs of slowing down, and for good reason. It’s super easy to digest, contains all 9 essential amino acids and doesn’t cause nasty belly bloating. That’s why Chef V is excited to introduce Vanilla Ultra Shake with pea protein for cleanse customers. 

peas in pod

Puny plant-powered peas? Hardly! Here’s Why Pea Protein Rocks…

It wasn’t that long ago that if you would have told someone at the gym that you use pea protein, they would have likely responded, oooo, gross! 

After all, peas were something that only babies eat. And maybe grown-ups who ate the occasional split pea soup. But pea protein powder? That was something relatively unheard of a generation ago, much less 5-10 years ago. Peas have proven to shatter the myth of the puny vegan. 

No longer is it far left field for bodybuilders to heal the microscopic muscle-fiber tears after a lifting session with pea protein. In fact, some of the most accomplished bodybuilders are vegan and support their lean muscle tissue with plant-powered protein powders, especially pea.  

The total value of the worldwide pea protein market was worth about $380 million in 2017. By 2027, guess what the market is forecast to be worth…?

Over $1 billion. 

That’s a lot of “pass the peas, please!” 

Pea protein powder is not a fly-by-night fad. Thanks to the growing consciousness of the health benefits of eating a natural plant-based diet, plant-powered protein powders are becoming the norm, not the exception. (I say “natural plant-based” because you can be a vegan and still be unhealthy, eating lots of processed junk.)

But if you’re thinking about doing a juice cleanse, do you really need pea protein? 

Spoiler alert: YES!

And here’s why…

The #1 Mistake With Doing a Juice Cleanse: Not Enough Protein

After doing a juice cleanse for a couple days, you might feel elated. Especially if prior to doing the cleanse you were not eating a clean diet, consisting mostly of organic produce and unrefined grains. 

But with most juice cleanses, by day 3, if not before, many people start feeling like complete $h!*. 

That’s because most cleanses on the market do not contain enough protein. In fact, most of them contain only the trace amounts of protein that are naturally occurring in fruit and vegetables. 

Speaking of fruit, that’s another problem with doing a cleanse. If you’re just drinking juice that’s primarily fruit-based, the lack of fiber and protein may cause dramatic blood-sugar fluctuations. 

You’ll become moody, irritable and you’ll eventually be so hungry, you’ll be dreaming and salivating about eating a bacon cheeseburger. Oh, and the not-so-sweet cherry on top of most cleanses is that the lack of fiber and protein will make you miserably constipated. 

So keep in mind that even if you’re doing a juice cleanse, you need to consume an adequate amount of protein, much more than one or two grams you would get per day from fruits and vegetables. 

doing a cleanse

Why Is Pea Protein Necessary When Doing A Cleanse? 

When most people think of protein powder, workout recovery and meal replacement are probably the two top things that come to mind. 

But if you want to reboot your metabolism to unclog your congested liver, then “cleansing” should be front and center of your mind when it comes to protein powder. 

And hands-down, pea protein powder is the best for a cleanse. That’s because pea protein powder is:

  • Hypoallergenic (it won’t trigger food allergies; with rare exceptions)
  • Highly-absorbable 
  • Easy to digest (won’t cause gas or bloating)
  • A complete protein (contains all 9 essential amino acids; no food combining necessary)
  • Non-inflammatory
  • High in iron 
  • Good for the cardiovascular system
  • Supports healthy skin, hair and nails

I want to briefly talk about this last benefit. I’ve been in this business for a very long time, first as a certified nutritional therapist and personal chef and now as the curator of the nation’s best home delivery Green Drink plan and Cleanse/Detox program. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen first-hand the brittle nails, pale skin and dull hair caused by an unhealthy cleanse program. 

When you go 7, 14 or 21 days or longer doing a juice fast and don’t get enough protein, you are literally starving your lean muscle tissue. Isn’t the whole point of doing a cleanse to feel better and sexier—no matter what your body type is? 

Well, I can personally guarantee you that if you don’t get enough protein while you’re cleansing, you will not look and feel your best. 

Just Say No To Animal Protein While Cleansing?

If protein is so important while doing a cleanse, why not eat a tiny bit of grass-fed beef or supplement with egg white protein powder? 

The reason why is because if you need to cleanse because of a sluggish metabolism, animal protein is extremely difficult to process. 

That’s because your liver produces bile, the greenish, detergent-like liquid that metabolizes dietary fat. 

If your liver is underperforming, you need to temporarily minimize your intake of dietary fat; I recommend completely avoiding animal fat while you’re cleansing and in the immediate days after your cleanse is done. 

New To Chef V’s Cleanse: Vanilla Ultra Shake With Pea Protein

The number one concern most people have about doing a cleanse is, “Will I starve?” The good news is that with a Chef V Cleanse, not only will you not starve, your belly will be hap-pea-ly nourished thanks to 4 Green Juices per day, 2 Vanilla Ultra Protein Shakes with pea protein per day, and 1 delicious DETOX SOUP for dinner. 

You can choose between a 5 Day, 3 Day or 1 Day Cleanse. 

Learn more here

Here’s to feeling “hap-pea” on your cleanse!

Love,  Chef V

Chef V, Coco and kale

How To Do A Juice Cleanse

juice cleanse


making green drink


Stop! Don’t click the buy now button on a juice cleanse just yet. Before you spend $100, $200 or more on a juice cleanse, take just a few minutes of your precious time to learn how to do a juice cleanse “successfully.”

What does successfully mean? It means that you get through the juice cleanse with no detox symptoms; you experience no cravings, especially for unhealthy snacks; and, you’ll be empowered to eat healthy long after the juice cleanse is over. You’ll have both the knowledge and motivation to stick to healthy eating habits. Moreover, a successful cleanse will reset your taste buds so that even a tiny morsel of junk food will taste disgusting to you!

You have tons of options when spending money on a juice cleanse. Without doubt, not all juice cleanses are the same. In fact, many juice cleanses are detrimental to your health. But the problem is, many people who buy a juice cleanse don’t do their research.

Instead, many people purchase a juice cleanse online almost as if it’s an impulse buy. Kind of like buying mints or chocolate or gum at the supermarket checkout line. However, a tin of mints costs only a few bucks, not a few hundred.

Perhaps It’s no surprise then that many online juice cleanse reviews read like these real ones:

“day TWO and I now can’t drink it – it is so SOUR / tainted like rusty nail I can’t drink it. A WASTE of $100.00…”

“I’ve done a few juice cleanses and this one is not very good at all. I wouldn’t waste your money on it.”

“Awful. Tastes terrible and made me incredibly sick.”

“Waste of my time and money. This all had way too much sugar in it to be a cleanse.”


“I’ve never craved for solid food so much.”

“Don’t believe the hype because that’s all it is. They taste awful are super expensive and I found a piece of plastic in my juice.”


Want your juice cleanse to be a 5-star experience—like these 500 5-star reviews— and not an epic fail like the reviews above? 

Then take a quick peek at these TOP 5 MUST-HAVES FOR A HEALTHY JUICE CLEANSE:

  1. ORGANIC: All ingredients in the juice cleanse must be organic. You’re going to have a much more difficult time detoxing and losing weight if the juice contains pesticides. Only organic juice cleanses will really help your liver purge toxins that are responsible for weight gain and skin problems.
  2. BLENDED VEGGIES, NOT JUICED: Any juice cleanse (even an organic juice cleanse) that’s mostly fruit juice is a waste of your money and bad for your health. The massive amounts of fruit sugar will cause cravings for junk food because of unsteady blood sugar levels. In fact, a juice cleanse shouldn’t actually consist of juice at all! Instead, it should contain blended green, leafy vegetables. In other words, it should be an Organic Green Drink containing the planet’s most detoxifying and nutritious veggies that just happen to taste great blended. (Learn more about the difference between blended and juiced here.)
  3. FIBER: Blended green leafy veggies are infinitely better for your health because they contain fiber. Fiber is a must-have for a successful organic juice cleanse. That’s because fiber helps you go #2. You can’t detox if you don’t poop. And you won’t poop if your cleanse juice doesn’t contain fiber. Unfortunately, many people who spend lots of money on cleanse juice end up feeling miserable because they are constipated. Also, fiber helps you feel full. Without fiber, you’ll be way more tempted by cravings for junk snacks.
  4. PROTEIN: The majority of juice cleanses (again, even organic juice cleanses) do not contain nearly enough protein. Even going as little as 3 days without enough protein will start wasting away your muscle tissue. Your hair may feel like straw and your nails brittle. Fruits and veggies contain very little protein. Definitely not enough to support your body’s lean muscle. In light of this fact, you need an organic juice cleanse that contains ample protein. Maybe not a T-bone steak’s worth, but sufficient to boost metabolism.
  5. Pre- & Post-Cleanse Guidance: In order for you to have a 5-star organic juice cleanse experience, you need to know exactly what to eat and drink and what not to eat and drink—not only during the cleanse, but well before and after. It may come as a shock that there are some people whose first meal after a cleanse is over is a bacon cheeseburger with fries. But who can blame them if they’re not informed…. It’s easy to think how somebody can get duped into thinking “Oh, I’ll lose 10 pounds doing a juice cleanse and I’ll be so much healthier when it’s over,” only to resume their unhealthy eating habits.


How The Nation’s #1 Juice Cleanse Delivery Company Blows Away The Competition & Will Leave You Feeling Slimmer With Healthier Looking Skin, AND More Energetic, Focused & Empowered To Stick With Smart Eating Habits For Good!

doing a cleanse

The reason why over 10,000 people have chosen ChefV.com for their juice cleanse is we offer so much more than juice (really, they’re Organic Green Drinks). We are the only cleanse that includes Organic Green Drinks, Organic Vegan Protein Shakes & Detox Soup.

The Organic Green Drinks & Protein Shakes gives you all the nutritional support you need to experience an easy, satisfying, and successful cleanse.

Each day, on a ChefV.com Cleanse, you’ll enjoy:

  • Four (4) 16 oz Organic Green Drinks:
    The yummy green drinks cleanse vital organs and rid harmful toxins from the body without the discomfort of other juice cleanses. Cold-blended to preserve nutrient density, Organic Green Drinks consist of 7 of the most detoxifying leafy greens on the planet, all certified organic: green kale, black kale, collard greens, dandelion greens, green chard, curly parsley and green leaf lettuce. The Organic Green Drinks are sweetened with a tiny bit of apple to satisfy your taste buds.
  • Two (2) 16 oz Organic Protein Shakes:
    Maintaining lean muscle is critical for juice cleanse success. But a protein shake is no good unless it tastes great and is easy to absorb. The 20 grams of vegan-friendly pea protein powder is super easy to digest and won’t leave you with that chalky taste and bloated feeling characteristic of many other protein powders. This raw, whole food protein shake is delicious and contains all nine essential amino acids to keep you going strong all day.
  • 1 Detox Soup:
    Enjoy a 16 oz “SOUPer Detox” to end each day with a warm, delicious meal that flushes your vital organs and leaves you satisfied. This flavorful soup is packed with local, organic ingredients that may help detoxify your body. Not only does Detox Soup taste great, it’s extremely nourishing, containing some of the most therapeutic nutrients on the planet, such as turmeric and ginger. On each day of your cleanse, you’ll get either Ginger Carrot or Sweet Potato Curry Soup. All soups are vegan-friendly.


Can you see why and how the ChefV.com cleanse is different than every single other cleanse you’ve ever come across? No other 1, 3, or 5 day juice cleanse on the market is organic, delivers fresh to your home and offers Green Drinks, Protein Shakes, Detox Soups and Detox Tea, along with giving you step by step instructions on how to do a juice cleanse with success. 

It’s for these reasons that hundreds of people who have completed a Chef V juice cleanse have written a 5-star review.

Here are just a few:

Absolutely loved the cleansing process and the products itself ! I’m a seasoned cleanser/detoxer and a certified Health Coach. I must say that Chef V’s system is a breeze and actually healthier compared to others of similar systems in certain aspects. Chef V’s cleanse/detox programs are healthy, effective, simple, straight to the point, enjoyable, and actually affordable (for what your getting compared to others). All of that without sacrificing quality! They also offer several levels/packages and options according to your experience level and needs (which not many brands do).”

Anaya M.

– Anaya M., Brooklyn, NY

“Still going strong by using these products!!! I just completed a 3 day cleanse in order to get ready for another 21 day cleanse challenge, and again I feel energized, light, and super glowing! Even after only the quick and easy 3 day cleanse I LOST A TOTAL OF 9lbs!!! I’ve kept it off too. CHECK OUT MY PROGRESS PIC THIS TIME AROUND FROM THE 3-DAY CLEANSE!”

Photo of Chef V - San Marcos, CA, United States
– Rick M., Studio City, CA

“The most delicious green drink you have ever tasted! I found this company through my best friend. She swears by it and always has it in her fridge. So, of course I had to get in on a good thing! 

The green drink and the cleanses are down right amazing. The cook book also gives great options for cooking at home. Chef V making getting healthy nutrition as easy as opening your fridge and pouring into the glass. Love it!”

– Alyse P., Burlingame, CA

Ready to get started on a juice cleanse … but don’t know which plan to choose?

It’s simple…

Choose a Chef V Organic Juice Cleanse That’s Right For You


Never done a juice cleanse? No problem. Start with our 3 Day Juice Cleanse. This is our most popular organic juice detox for quick weight loss. You’ll receive easy-to-follow pre- and post-cleanse guidelines. How much weight can you lose? How does 5-15 pounds sound? And even if you eat junk food and drink coffee, you can easily do a 3 Day Cleanse. In fact, many people, like Alice, with no previous cleanse or detox program experience say they didn’t miss their coffee at all:

“Lost 6.5 lbs & my skin cleared up”

“Originally I thought I couldn’t do it because I love to eat junk food and drink coffee. Well I just finished my 3 day cleanse and I feel great! I lost 6.5 lbs and my skin cleared up. I did the cleanse with no problem and barely felt hungry the whole time. I would recommend that everyone do a cleanse at least once. This was my first cleanse and I’m glad that I did the research on Chef V because it was the right choice. The green drink was tasty and kept me energized. I was surprised that I didn’t need my daily coffee. I think that I will drink a lot less coffee.”

– Alice, USA


If you have done a cleanse or detox program before but it’s been a while, our 5 Day Cleanse is perfect for you. This safe, highly affordable and enjoyable program may help you lose up to 20 pounds in just 5 days when you follow the easy guidelines. Five days might sound like a lot for some people. But with the Green Drinks, Protein Shakes, Detox Soups and Detox Tea you won’t feel famished or give in to temptations. 

“Healthier, energized & I crave the green drink!”

“The Chef V cleanse definitely gets my stamp of approval. My first cleanse was the 5-day and I have never done a cleanse before. I won’t lie: it was hard. I eat a lot of solid food and just drinking liquids is normally not my thing. I feel healthier, energized, and actually crave the green drink. It’s a super green, healthy drink and chances are your body isn’t used to getting so much of it. A cleanse isn’t just about losing weight, it’s about inputting good nutritious foods into your system so that your body and mind will thank you. But I did end up losing 6 pounds, from 128 to 122 which is a nice bonus!”

– Gloria, USA

“lost 13 pounds & feel better”

“I decided to do the cleanse after two of my friends showed me their fantastic results from Chef V’s cleanse! I bought the 5 day and started ASAP. Overall, I lost 13 pounds with the cleanse (was originally 130) and I feel so much better! I recommended the cleanse to a friend of mine after showing her my results and she also lost 10 pounds. In conclusion, if you’re trying to find a way to lose weight, try Chef V’s organic cleanse. You won’t be disappointed! Thanks Chef V!”

– Marlyn, USA


These simple (and sometimes luxurious) detox treatments can enhance your cleanse, leading to more weight loss, detoxification and relaxation.

  • Massage: Getting a massage releases metabolic waste from your tissues and improves your blood circulation. If you have the money, a monthly massage is great for detox. Try to get a massage a day or two before your cleanse.
  • Sauna: Byproducts of metabolism seep out your sweat pores in a sauna. This dietary waste includes lactic acid and uric acid. Your body also stores fat in the toxins, which a sauna can help purge.
  • Steam: Sitting in a steam room opens your mucous membranes. This is a great thing if you have congestion. Steam rooms and a Chef V cleanse are a powerful detoxing duo.
  • Facials: your skin is the largest organ in the body. And when you have skin problems, it’s really a mirror of what’s going on in your body. Some toxins are able to escape through the skin. For example, bad bacteria that seep out your pores can manifest as acne or blackheads. Facials can help eliminate the bad bacteria.
  • Colon Hydrotherapy: OK, so having a tube inserted up your backside might not be your idea of a glamorous spa treatment. But colon hydrotherapy is essential for detoxing, especially if you don’t poop regularly.
  • Yoga: A gentle, yoga class is a healthy and spiritual way to enhance your cleanse. But during your cleanse, take it easy. In addition to gentle yoga, go for walks or do other forms of low-impact, low-intensity movement. Wait a few days until your cleanse is over before exercising at high-intensity again.


We’ll give you exact instructions on what you’ll need to do in the days before your cleanse begins. However, if you want a sneak peek, here goes:



  • Before you get started, take two days before AND after your cleanse to eat only the recommended foods below. This will help decrease your detox symptoms and help you ease into and out of the cleanse.
EAT THIS           NOT THIS     
Fruits & Vegetables
Unsweetened fresh or frozen whole fruits, fresh squeezed fruit juices, sea vegetables (seaweeds), avocados, olives, and raw, steamed, sautéed, juiced, or roasted vegetables
Oranges, orange juice, grapefruit, bananas, strawberries, grapes, corn, creamed vegetables, nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, potatoes)
Dairy Substitutes
Hemp, rice, and nut milks (such as almond, hazelnut, walnut, etc.) and coconut milk, coconut oil/butter
Dairy and eggs: including milk, cheese, cottage cheese, cream, yogurt, butter, ice cream, non-dairy creamers, ghee
Non-Gluten Grains & Starch
Brown, red, black and wild rice, millet, amaranth, teff, tapioca, buckwheat, quinoa
White rice, wheat, corn, barley, spelt, kamut, rye, triticale, oats (even gluten-free)
Animal Protein
Fresh or water-packed, cold-water fish (trout, salmon, halibut, tuna, mackerel, sardines, pike, kippers), wild game (rabbit, pheasant, bison, venison, elk, etc.), lamb, duck, organic chicken and turkey
Pork (bacon), beef, veal, sausage, cold cuts, canned meats, frankfurters (hot dogs), shellfish, any raw meats or fish
Vegetable Protein
Split peas, lentils, legumes, bee pollen, spirulina, and blue-green algae
Soybean products (soy sauce, soybean oil in processed foods)
Nuts & Seeds
Hemp, sesame, pumpkin, & sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, pecans, almonds, walnuts, cashews, macadamia, pistachios, brazil, nut and seed butters such as almond or tahini
Peanuts & peanut butter

Cold-pressed olive, flax, safflower, sesame, almond, sunflower, walnut, pumpkin, coconut
Butter, margarine, shortening, processed oils, canola oil, salad dressings, mayonnaise, spreads
Filtered water, green, white or herbal tea, seltzer or mineral water, Yerba Mate, coconut water, green drink
Alcohol, coffee, caffeinated beverages, soda pop, soft drinks, fruit juice (unless fresh pressed)
Stevia, coconut nectar
Refined sugar, white/brown sugars, maple syrup, high fructose corn syrup, evaporated cane juice, Splenda®, Equal®, Sweet’N Low®, juice concentrate, agave nectar, brown rice syrup
Vinegar, all spices, all herbs, sea salt, black pepper, stone-ground mustard, miso, coconut liquid aminos, wheat-free tamari and nama shoyu, unsweetened whole fruit jam
Regular chocolate (with dairy and sugar), ketchup, relish, chutney, traditional soy sauce, barbecue sauce, teriyaki, breath mints
  • Drink 16oz of Green Drink first thing every morning. Continue for at least two days eating the pre- cleanse food to ease you back into a healthy diet. Keep it Going!


Friends help each other stay accountable. It’s much easier to do a cleanse if you’ve got a good friend to help keep you in check. Craving ice cream while doing a cleanse? Your friend can slap some sense into you. Not literally. That wouldn’t be nice of your friend to slap you. But a good friend will help you realize that instant gratifications are false friends. The good news is you won’t want ice cream on a ChefV.com cleanse. That’s because we’ll provide you with all the yummy Green Drinks, Protein Shakes, and Detox Soups you need to avoid cravings. 

Even if you don’t have a friend to do a Juice Cleanse with, consider us your friend. We’ll hold your hand every step of the way.  REMEMBER: In order to lose weight easily and learn how to keep it off for good, you need a Chef V Organic Cleanse, not just any standard juice cleanse!  And if you have any questions before DAY 1 of your cleanse, do not hesitate to reach out to us

Good luck on your cleanse! 

(You really won’t need any luck because we make it really easy for you!)

Chef V, Coco and kale

© 2021 Chef V, LLC.