Maintaining blood sugar levels is important for everyone, but especially pressing for those with diabetes. Blended juice cleanses can help you get your blood sugar levels back under control, and cut sugar cravings as well – this makes them an incredibly useful tool for both preventing diabetes, and alleviating its symptoms.
Individuals with diabetes do need to be very careful with changes in their blood sugar levels, and with what they eat in general. This means that diabetic cleanses need to be approached with a little bit more care and thought. We’ll cover some of these considerations right here.
Juicing to Prevent Diabetes
In an odd twist, juice is both one of the main causes of diabetes, and one of the main ways to prevent it. How does that work, you might ask?
The risk of Type 2 Diabetes can be increased significantly by the consumption of sugar (overall diet, lifestyle and genetics also play a role). A lot of the juice products you can buy in the grocery store tend to be filled with sugar, often artificially added in order to create a sweeter flavor. Since we tend to think of juice as “healthy”, we might gulp down a lot of sugar without realizing it.
However, there are also a lot of healthier juice options out there. The green drink in our blended juice cleanses, for example, is filled with only the healthiest fruits and vegetables, and has low overall sugar content – an 8oz serving has 26 calories and 6 g of sugar.
Blended juice cleanses can be a great way to help regulate the dangerous sugar levels that might lead to the development of diabetes. They’re also a great way to help regular sugar cravings. This doesn’t only promote weight loss, but it helps you better stick to a healthy diet that can be used to manage diabetes risk factors. While reading the labels on blended juice cleanses, check for the amount of sugar – some have up to 100 g of sugar!
Juicing and Diabetes Concerns
So, a blended juice cleanse can be a great way to help prevent the high blood glucose levels that can be a risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes. But should people with Type 2 Diabetes be taking part in blended juice cleanses? Can it do anything for diabetes after it has developed?
If you are considering the possibility of a safe detox for diabetics, there are a few things to consider. Blood sugar levels for those with diabetes are much more difficult to control. This means that if you go all out on a hardcore diabetic cleanse to lose weight, you could possibly drop your blood sugar down to levels that are potentially unsafe.
If you have diabetes and aren’t sure about participating in a juice cleanse just yet, it doesn’t mean that you have to abandon the good stuff in a blended juice cleanse entirely – far from it. It does mean that you should try to set more limited and realistic blended juice cleanse goals for healthy living.
Cutting out sugary drinks is still important, as are managing sugar cravings. This is why incorporating green drinks into your regular diet can be a great way to help you achieve weight loss goals, and blood sugar level goals, even if you do have diabetes. By losing weight and cutting sugar cravings, you can help better manage your diabetes overall. With Chef V, you can get a green drink plan developed just for you, delivering the exact amount of the healthiest green drinks out there for your own health needs.
So while undergoing long cleanses may not be the best idea for those with diabetes, blended juice cleanse products can still play an important role in maintaining good health.
Recently Chef V had a clinical research study of its detox and green drink products completed. It shows that a 21 day Chef V detox plus a week of Chef V organic green drink lower A1C blood sugar levels.