Picking the right green juice to cleanse with can be exhausting. This blog helps you look for some “green flags" to look out for. From weird preservatives to added sugars, what do you need to steer clear of? Beyond organic leafy greens, what do you need to include? In this blog, we’ll discuss green flags you need to be on the lookout for to find the best juices for detox.
When is a juice not a juice? When it’s labeled a “beverage," “cocktail," or “drink." Companies use these euphemisms to cover up the fact that what they sell isn’t pure juice.
If you’re going for a juice cleanse, it’s always best to make it an organic juice cleanse. There are a few reasons for this. Organic juice cleanses have been less processed. This means it’s more likely that you’re getting the maximum amount of nutrients from all those vegetables and fruits.
Processed foods found in non-organic green drinks can often have adverse effects on your health. These could include preservatives or added sugars for flavor. Plus, there are all the side benefits you get as well. Organic simply tastes fresher, hands down. It’s also more likely that organic green drinks were created in a sustainable manner, a bonus for the environmentally conscious.
Leafy Greens
What would a green drink be without the greens? When examining the contents of a green drink, Look for the maximum nutritional value. If it’s just celery and cucumber it might taste fresh, but you won’t be getting the most nutritionally dense vegetables. Worse, “lighter" green drinks like this can often be a bit tough on the digestive system.
What you’re looking for in the leafy greens are ingredients high in vitamins and minerals. The deeper and darker the green, the better. You want things like kale, collard greens, and chard.
Low sugar
Often, our customers find us when looking for juices for detox to get their sugar levels under control. By slashing your sugar intake, you can get better control of your weight, your energy levels, and even your mood. Blood sugar can be a temperamental thing, however. Only through maintaining a low sugar intake can you get it to stabilize.
So why would you want to ruin your green drink by adding a lot of extra sugar? You could argue that it’s for the taste. It’s still possible to have a great-tasting green drink without loading up on the sugar. Take our own detox juice recipe. We add in just enough apple juice for an all-natural sweeter taste.
When buying juice in the store, you probably want to go pasteurized. This means it’s more likely to have kept fresh while it was waiting for you on the grocery store shelf.
However, if you’re getting juice for detox delivered right to your door, then it’s another story. Since the green drink is freshly made, and you’re going to drink it right away, you don’t need to worry as much about pasteurization. In fact, unpasteurized is often the better option. Pasteurization kills off harmful bacteria that can grow while waiting on the shelf. But it can also kill off good bacteria in your digestive system. The pasteurization process also mutes the delicious flavors of the fruits and veggies.
Cold blended
You want to get the most out of those vegetable juices, don’t you? That’s why it’s vital you go for blended juice cleanse recipes over pressed juice cleanse recipes. Pressed juices might result in a “cleaner" end result, but you’re missing out on all the great stuff, like the pulp and seeds, which contains a lot of the nutritional value.
At Chef V, we’re very proud of the cold blended process that goes into creating every glass of our delicious green drink. We make sure you’re getting the absolute best experience when drinking green juice. That’s our guarantee — all green flags on your green drink, all the way.