Our Top Tips for a Healthy Morning Routine
Any day is only as good as its start. Developing a healthy morning routine is the best way to make sure that you kick butt every single day. A healthy morning routine is essential if you’re taking part in a juice diet or a detox juice cleanse. Count this doubly if you’re going for a 7 day juice cleanse or even longer.
Of course, there’s more to healthy morning routines than just green juice. This blog covers some tips to get that little extra boost of health and energy in your mornings – of course, with a bit of help from Chef V’s green drink! We’ll be running this blog as a list – make sure to read more of our content for continuous great health tips.
Prepare the Night Before
Before you even actually start your day, you can still get ready for a great morning. No one wants to scramble to find the things they need while the clock is ticking or when they’re still a little sleepy. By prepping all you need for work or school the night before, you can simply grab and go when getting ready for work. This means prepping your lunch bag with your juices for the day and filling up your water bottle. Or even setting out your clothing to minimize morning indecision.
Cold Showers
Let’s start off with a shock, shall we? Some people prefer cold showers to give them the quick burst of energy that comes with being doused in chilly water. Getting energy without any food or drink needed is always a plus. However, there’s also an indication that a burst of cold water in the morning can boost your endorphin levels, circulation, and metabolism. Pretty good for such an easy wake-up step, isn’t it?
Cut the Coffee
We know, coffee is an essential part of so many morning routines. And you need that energy, right? But is coffee really worth it? The energy it gives is only temporary and can lead to caffeine addiction and withdrawal. And that’s before we take into account the fat and sugar that many of us dump into our brews to make them more palatable.
Plenty of Water
After you wake up, it will probably have been eight hours or so before your last drink of water. Good hydration is vital to consistent health and energy. Make sure that you get enough to drink in the morning, and you’ll feel great for the rest of the day.
Morning Exercises
What? Exercise when you’re at your most tired?
No, we’re not crazy. Just a little bit of exercise will get your blood pumping and your energy levels rising. Just 10 minutes of yoga can go a long way toward giving you a burst of energy for the day and a healthy amount of blood circulation and muscle activity. A quick walk is also a great way to get that blood pumping and some fresh air.
Mental Preparation
If you’re already in the mindset that you’re going to have a bad day, well, spoilers – you’re probably going to have a bad day. Starting off with a positive attitude is vital. If you’re into it, a quick morning meditation session can be a fantastic way to center yourself and get ready to kick the day’s butt. Meditation is also a great way to reduce stress and lower your blood pressure.
Give Yourself Time
You don’t need to go for full meditation to have a mentally healthy morning. Sometimes the best way to cut back on stress is to give yourself plenty of time. Don’t just rush to the shower and out the door. Give yourself time to sit down, maybe enjoy a podcast or some music. This also gives you the chance to do things like write to-do lists for the day or write in a journal.
This lets you prep things for when you come home tired at the end of the day. If the dishes are already done or the garbage already taken out, that’s one more thing you don’t have to worry about. Getting chores done in the morning can be much more effective than doing them in the evening when you’re all tuckered out from a day at work.
A Low Carb Start
We’re always told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Debatably true, but why do we have this hammered into us? Is it maybe so we’ll buy tons of oatmeal, cereal, and juices? A hearty breakfast sounds like a decent idea – if you’re in a field involving a lot of manual labor. For everyone else, this is a massive carb overload. This will lead to a blood sugar spike and then the inevitable blood sugar crash. Not all the coffee in the world will give you your energy back.
Despite what the breakfast pundits will tell you, you don’t need to load up on carbs to have a productive day. Keeping it light is often the best way to go. And the best way to go light, of course, is just enjoying a simple green drink or green smoothie. This way, you get all the nutrition and hydration you need without all the carbs weighing you down.
And if you’re looking for the best green drinks out there, look no further. With Chef V’s green drink delivery, you can make sure you’re getting a ton of great green drinks, ready for every single morning!