There are plenty of reasons to undergo a 21 day cleanse. Getting a handle on your weight or blood sugar levels are widespread reasons people decide to give a 21 day detox a try. However, an increasing number of people are worried about high blood pressure. In this blog, we’ll dive into the causes of high blood pressure, and what you can do to better manage it.
Understanding Blood Pressure
Our bodies are pretty amazing machines. We have mechanisms to take in air, complex joints and muscles, and an entire hydraulic system to move blood around our body. And just like any hydraulic system, pressure is always going to be a concern.
We don’t really want to get into all the physics of moving liquid here. We’re here to bring you the best in 21 day cleanses, and to help you to understand the major mechanics. But the basics are pretty simple to understand and essential to grasp so your body and mind can connect.
Essentially, the less room that a liquid such as blood has to move through, the higher pressure will be. That makes sense, of course. For example, water would need to squeeze at a higher pressure through a straw than a pipe.
For humans, those pipes are our arteries. If your arteries become narrowed or clogged, your blood pressure will rise. This also means that the higher force of blood can actually start to damage the walls and lining of your arteries.
Having high blood pressure (a condition also known as hypertension) puts extra stress on your circulatory system. It increases the risk for various circulatory-related health issues, such as heart attack and stroke. What’s worse is that the signs of high blood pressure are often fairly subtle, and you may not recognize these risks sneaking up on you.
Why is My Blood Pressure High?
There are a few factors that can lead to high blood pressure. More often than not, the main culprit to examine certainly has to be cholesterol. For those not in the know, cholesterol is a substance your body produces to help it make things like cell membranes. While useful as a construction material, you don’t want too much of it sitting in your bloodstream. Imagine a bunch of concrete blocks dumped in the middle of a busy highway causing a huge obstruction – you get the idea.
So eating foods that are too high in cholesterol will make your blood pressure rise, as will getting a diet that is too high in salt and fat. If you have issues with your kidneys or hormones, you could be at risk for higher blood pressure – ditto for people with diabetes. Being overweight is also a significant risk factor for higher blood pressure.
Okay, So What Can I Do About This?
The most straightforward answer is obviously to simply cut back on that cholesterol. That means you’re going to want to try to eat a diet that is full of low fat, low sodium content. You should also cut back on your vices – that means to scale back on the alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine. Exercise gets your blood pumping and circulation working correctly. It’s also a great way to reduce stress, which (you guessed it) drops blood pressure.
It’s also vital to get started on your weight loss goals. The faster you can shed some pounds, the sooner you can start letting your arteries recover. Of course, not all weight loss methods are created equal. If you want a reliable and sustainable weight loss program without things like celery juice side effects, Chef V is here to help. Whether a quick 3 day juice cleanse or a longer 21 day cleanse, we’re here to help you with your weight loss goals.