Agnes & Kelly success

Agnes W. – First Three Day Cleanse and Feeling Amazing!

Hello,I wanted to share my success with Chev V. I did the three day cleanse and OMG!!!, I feel Amazing.

I was introduced to Chef V thru my daughter, who has been using your product for quite sometime now. I’m constantly talking about being healthy. At 70 yrs old, I think it’s important to take care of your body. So with that said, I took advantage of your 50% off deal. Glad that I did this.

The first day was very very hard.!!, yet I was determined to stick it out. Day 2 was somewhat easier, yet still hard for me working in an Office that receives Lunches everyday from the Drug Rep companies. Hard fighting that and not being tempted.. “Still determined” to complete my cleanse…

I must admit Day 3 was so EASY….. I feel great, Lots of energy.. my skin is clear… Just feeling Cleansed. The Best Part, I’ve Lost 51/2 lbs.


Thank you Chef V……… I will be doing another cleanse in a month or two… Thank You.

– Agnes W.

Agnes & Kelly success

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