Got gut problems? Stomach strains? Good digestive health is good health overall. If your digestive system has issues, it will bring your life to a painful, bowel-clenching halt. However, before you jump into a raw juice cleanse, there are a few steps you can take for overall better digestive health. Here are some of the best ones.
#1 Schedule
Sometimes it’s not about what you eat, but when you eat it. Carefully scheduling your mean times can have surprising benefits for your overall digestive health. You want to give your meals all the time they need to digest. Try to space out meals and snacks four to three hours apart. If you’re on a raw juice cleanse, try to schedule your juices at the same time each day and interspersed evenly.
#2 Fiber
If there is one secret to good digestive health, it has to be fiber. This really is the magic ingredient that keeps everything else moving along at a reasonable rate. Proper fiber intake lets you keep your bowels healthy, manage cholesterol, and even regulate blood sugar levels. It’s excellent for overall health, not just digestive wellbeing. Make sure to get plenty of fruits and vegetables for their fiber content.
On a side note, many people are wary about enjoying juice cleanse benefits because they’re worried about the lack of fiber when drinking juices. Remember that with Chef V, we add in delicious detox soups and detox smoothies, so you’ll always get the fiber you need.
#3 Hydration
Fiber is super essential for digestive health, but it can’t do it alone. Getting plenty of water is also key to good digestive health. It’s the counterpart to fiber, working together as a dynamic duo to provide smooth sailing for all your digestive functions. Together, water and fiber help protect you from conditions like constipation.
#4 Low-Fat
Cutting the fat isn’t just so that you can lose weight. Too much fat in your diet will tend to slow down your digestion and increase your risks of things such as constipation. It can mess around with your blood sugar levels, affecting your appetite. This creates a spiral where it’s hard to maintain a consistently balanced diet.
#5 Probiotics
Good gut health is often determined by having a healthy supply of gut flora. Probiotics are a mixture of good bacteria and yeast that boost your overall digestive health. A lot of fermented foods are good probiotics, most famously yogurt.
#6 Exercise
Exercise is another excellent way to help avoid constipation. Physical activity helps provide blood flow to the muscles that work your digestive system. Whenever you get a workout, your digestive system gets the same benefit!
#7 Stress Management
Mind over matter is very real. Having high-stress levels can make your body think you’re in a life-or-death situation and send your digestive system into overdrive. Not only can this produce things like stomach aches, but it can also increase your appetite. You might get a craving for high-fat snacks, starting a whole new set of digestive issues.
Sometimes stress is just a part of life. But it doesn’t need to be part of your raw juice cleanse. With Chef V, it’s easy to get your delicious green drink delivered – and get detox soups and detox smoothies as well! So don’t sweat the small stuff, and enjoy your easy and convenient way to cut the fat and improve your digestive health.