It’s a wild thought. We barely want to write it down. But maybe, just maybe, you’d like to try some other delicious vegan beverages after all our wonderful juices for detox. Strange to think you’d ever need something beyond Chef V’s iconic green drink, but it could be that our juices for detox have put you in a real mood for other tasty, healthy, vegan beverages.
If you’re new to vegan eating (and drinking), you might not know where to start. Moving past basic fruit juice can be a little daunting for some. How do you know what tastes good? How do you avoid things like the dreaded celery juice side effects?
Ultimately, it’s up to you to explore to find what vegan drinks you (and your family) enjoy. If you’re uncertain which vegetables and fruits to reach for first, we’ll provide some of our favorite ideas for tasty vegan beverages. Hopefully, you’ll find a fun idea here you hadn’t considered before!
#1 Beet smoothies
We have some pretty great detox smoothie recipes to offer. However, there are a ton of underrated fruits and veggies that can make amazing juices or smoothies. If you’ll let us travel off the beaten path, we have to give beets a shoutout. They’re far too unfairly maligned. But beets can be delicious and are most definitely healthy for you.
Beets pair up excellently with tasty berries to create fantastic vegan smoothies. If you want to try one out, we have an antioxidant smoothie that we’re sure you’ll love.
#2 Vegan hot chocolate
It’s not just all juices and smoothies. Sometimes it’s a good idea to expand your notion of what vegan drinks can be beyond just juices for detox and green drinks. Hot chocolate is generally viewed as a sugary and unhealthy treat. But, as we’ve shown, it can be made into healthy vegan versions as well. If you want something with more kick, then you can always look online for the flavorful Mexican varieties.
#3 Vegan eggnog
We’d be remiss to bring up vegan hot chocolate and not include a mention of our amazing vegan eggnog recipe. With a fantastic blend of spices and almond milk, it’s just as amazing as the traditional version. If you’re feeling up for some fun (and not on a blended juice cleanse) you can even add some brandy to it. Sounds wild? Then wait until you read the next entry.
#4 Vegan margaritas
A margarita on this list? Really? It’s not as strange as it sounds. You can find many great recipes for fully vegan margaritas online, generally with coconut or pineapple juice. This means you can enjoy an alcoholic beverage free of pretty much any allergen. Not something we’d recommend that you chug, but you can make your next summer party a little fancier by whipping some of these out.
#5 Cane sugar lemonade
When life gives you lemons… well, we already made that joke. But lemons and juices for detox just seem to be a great pairing. Of course, most store-bought lemonade is filled with artificial sugars. If you can get your hand on fresh juices, and some natural cane sugar, it shouldn’t be too difficult to make a healthier version. You can even get really creative with some of your fruit choices!
#6 Chocolate milk
Hey, if we’re putting hot chocolate on this list, we should be allowed to put regular old chocolate milk on here. Chocolate milk being vegan seems too strange to you? It’s more achievable than you might think. There are plenty of great healthy vegan versions of the drink online.
#7 Golden milk
Do you know what’s better than chocolate milk? Golden milk. When it comes to benefits for your digestive system and reducing inflammation, this drink really is golden. The secret comes down to the ingredient that gives it that distinctive hue — turmeric. Our version even features some fresh ginger for a truly fantastic detox juice recipe, and an excellent golden alternative to our green drinks.
#8 Ginger smoothies
Fresh ginger needs a lot more love in the world of healthy juicing. Its health benefits are incredible, and it’s terrific for boosting your immune system and helping calm down digestive issues. It’s not as hard to work into smoothies as you might think. Just check out our apple ginger apple berry smoothie for an example.
#9 Celery juices
So, we’ve discussed some of the side effects of drinking celery juice in our experiment on the subject. We’re still not convinced celery juice can be a replacement for healthy green smoothies and juices for detox. Celery juice side effects can be pretty pronounced for some people, especially on an empty stomach.
However, while it might not be a juice cleanse star, fresh celery juice is still a tasty treat for many people who enjoy something light and refreshing. To make it tasty, get creative with the ingredients. Adding in some lime is never a bad move.
#10 Our Chef V green drink
Is it cheating ending our list like this? Maybe. But too often we only get to talk about our green drink (loaded with vitamins and minerals, of course) in the context of our blended juice cleanses. And in the role of a juice cleanse staple, it certainly does its job. From weight loss to managing blood sugar and high blood pressure, our green drink is always ready to go to bat for your health.
But that’s forgetting the fact that it’s also a delicious and healthy vegan drink option. It goes wonderfully with any meal, or any time of the day, not just for when you’re on your blended juice cleanse. Juices for detox don’t need to be just for detox. And with our Chef V Plan, you don’t even need to do any prep work yourself. Just build your plan, and get it delivered to your door. It’s that easy!