Tag: juice cleanse break

Our Top 4 Favorite Tropical Fruits

As of writing, it may be the depths of winter in many parts of America. We’re certain you’re dreaming of sunnier climates, especially if you’re buried in snow. One of the best ways to lift your spirits during these times is to enjoy some tropical fruits. Not only does this add a tropical flair to your diet in dark times, but it can also help you stay healthy while you’re cooped up indoors. With that in mind, we’ll go over some of our favorite tropical fruits here.

Why Fruits Matter

Fruits tend to be packed full of all sorts of great vitamins, just like vegetables. In particular, fruit is often noted for high levels of Vitamin C and potassium. This means that fruit is great for your immune system. Fruit is also very low in carbs and fat, while still keeping a sweet taste through natural sugars. This means that fruit is a great way to indulge your sugar cravings without having to worry about gaining weight or suffering sugar crashes.

Of course, every fruit brings its special benefits as well. The following are some of our favorites.

#1 Papayas

As makers of detox juice cleanses, we’re always looking for ways to help promote healthier guts and digestion. In many places around the world, papaya is considered the staple after-dinner dessert. This is because of the enzyme appropriately called “papain”, which makes proteins much easier to digest. And, of course, papaya is wonderful for your immune system. So if you’re looking for the perfect post-dinner snack, the papaya might be just what you need.

#2 Banana

Okay, the banana is a really obvious choice. We get it. But there’s no list of our favorite tropical fruits that couldn’t include a mention. There’s just so much in every banana. They include Vitamin C for your immune system, dietary fiber for your digestive system, and vitamin B6 for energy and making red blood cells. If you need it, bananas probably have it in a conveniently portable package.

#3 Mangos

There’s a good reason many people have dubbed the mango the “king of fruits”. First off, mangos are just plain delicious. They’re incredibly flexible as well, fitting into a wide variety of dishes. Yet, mango’s nutritional profile is where its real magic shines. Mangoes are full of vitamin C, making them amazing for your immune system. They are also packed with substances that promote the creation of Vitamin A, leading to good eye health. (Oh, and Vitamin A and C together help give you clearer skin – a total win!)

Mango is also popular in many juice cleanse plans for its benefits for indigestion. Mangoes contain enzymes that help you break down fiber and protein, making them great for your gut.

#4 Pineapples

Pineapples are thought by many to be just a garnish – something you might (controversially, perhaps) toss on a pizza to make it seem more “Hawaiian”. Yet, pineapples are a secret nutritional powerhouse.

Beyond having tons of Vitamin C, pineapple also contains manganese, good for building healthy bones. It also includes antioxidants that help boost your immune system even further. And it tastes great without featuring too many fats or sugars, making it the perfect fruit to combat sugar cravings.

Enjoy A Tropical Green Drink

At Chef V, we’re famous for our juice cleanse plans filled with leafy greens. But did you know that you can get detox juice cleanse green drinks that have a tropical flair to them as well? Our tropical green drink features mango and pineapple along with all the greens. This makes it one of the most delicious detox juice cleanses out there. Make sure to start building your detox juice cleanse plan today, to get this tropical green drink as soon as possible!

Are Juice Cleanse Powders Worth It?

Are Juice Cleanse Powders Worth It?

If you’ve gotten into juicing or juice cleanses before, you know that there is nothing quite like the good feeling you get from enjoying the best in green drinks. They are a great way to cut down on your caloric intake and help promote weight loss. However, for many of us, making the juices we want can be a bit of a hassle. Many of the best juices are also perishable, making them difficult to store for later.

Juice cleanse powders appear to be the perfect solution to this, and there are plenty of people out there who will swear by them. The idea seems pretty perfect – you get your juice in a powdered form that will stay good pretty much indefinitely. However, when you compare green juice vs. green powder, fasting with green powder isn’t such a great choice.

What are Green Powders?

So what exactly is a juice cleanse powder, or “green powder” as they are more often known? Basically, a green powder is a supplement that takes the form of a (you guessed it) powder. Generally, this will be made by grinding down all the desired ingredients and then drying them out, just leaving a powdered substance behind. While this basic process is used for most green powders, there are many manufacturers who will also add in extra supplemental ingredients beyond the fruits and vegetables they’ve dried.

Powders Pros and Cons

As mentioned, the main “pro” of green powders is that they are convenient. All you have to do is scoop some green powder into some water, and voila – you’ve got a green drink seemingly checking all of your health requirement boxes. The fact that the ingredients are dried also allows more of them to be packed into a smaller package, so to speak. Many manufacturers of green powders will add in vitamins and minerals. Green powders can also manage to be fairly low calorie, since it’s just a powder added to water.

However, there are distinct downsides to going for green powders. First off, it can sometimes be difficult to track all the things that are actually in a green powder. In fact, many of them have been found to contain excess sugar (what’s the point of a blended juice cleanse then?) and poisonous materials. There’s also the problem that drying out the ingredients can in many cases take away the nutritional value – much more than can be gained by adding extra in. If you sacrifice freshness, you sacrifice goodness.

Green Juice vs. Green Powder

While juice cleanse powders are certainly convenient, they do have significant downsides when measured up against the freshest green drinks. Even if you can get past the possibility of poisonous or toxic materials that may have been added into them, they simply aren’t going to give you the same nutrients that a green drink would. This is crucial for staying healthy during a blended juice cleanse. The low-calorie intake during fasting with green powder can actually be a downside – if you go too low on the calorie intake you’ll end up feeling starved and extremely low energy. This may cause you to give up on your otherwise successful juice cleanse experience.

Of course, there is that wonderful convenience. Can you really get green drinks faster than by using a powder? If you get a delivery from Chef V, it’s entirely possible. We deliver absolutely fresh green drinks right to your doorstep. All you have to do, is enjoy them. Check our delivery areas today to see if you can start getting Chef V’s delicious, nutritions and convenient green drinks.

Why Veggies? A Look at the Benefits of Vegetarian and Vegan Meals

Why Veggies? A Look at the Benefits of Vegetarian and Vegan Meals

It would be an understatement to say that, at Chef V, we love veggies. Sourcing great organic vegetable ingredients for our green drinks, and everything else in our 21 day cleanse, is our passion. Of course, we’re not alone in our veggie love. From your parents when you were young, up to your nutritionist, you’ve probably been informed plenty of times about the health benefits of vegetables.

But what exactly makes vegetables so great? Is going full vegetarian the right idea? What role do vegetables play in the Chef V Cleanse? All these questions will be answered here!

What’s the Hype With Vegetables?

Understanding what makes vegetables so great involves understanding both what they contain, and what they don’t contain. Every food out there has at least some sort of nutritional value to it. At the very least, it won’t let you starve. However, a lot of foods also come with more sugar, fat, or carbs than our body doesn’t really need.

Vegetables are so great because so many of them are naturally low in fat or calories and contain fiber that keeps us fuller longer. There also hasn’t been a single vegetable discovered out there yet that contains cholesterol. This means that you can snack on veggies pretty much guilt-free.

And when it comes to what Vitamins do contain, well… a full list would be too long for this article! Exactly what nutrients, vitamins, and minerals you are getting depending on the veggies in question. However, overall, vegetables are an important source of…

  •  Vitamin A
  •  Vitamin C
  •  Potassium
  •  Fiber
  •  Folic Acid
  •  Phytonutrients

If you’re not a nutritionist, that might just be a list of long words, but that set of nutrients is vital for your overall health. Vitamins and phytonutrients are important for keeping your immune system healthy, and for maintaining cell health – slowing the damage to cells that comes naturally with aging, and help prevent diseases caused by inflammation and the breakdown of cells, such as heart disease. There is even some evidence that it can reduce the risk of cancers!

Meanwhile, veggies that contain fiber are excellent for your digestive health and can help you manage your cholesterol levels. Folic acid helps promote the creation of healthy blood cells, and potassium helps keep your blood pressure under control. Basically, if there is a system in your body, vegetables are going to help you maintain it at healthy levels.

Is Going Vegan Worth It?

If veggies are so great, then clearly the best option is to simply go fully vegetarian, or better yet vegan, right? Well, the short answer is that it depends. Everyone has their own special dietary needs, and it’s a good idea to do your research (and consult a doctor or nutritionist) before you do any major changes to your diet or lifestyle.

By the same token, however, you shouldn’t be afraid to embrace a vegan lifestyle out of fear that you are not getting all the nutrients you need. One major concern that keeps people from adopting a fully vegan diet is the worry that they won’t be getting enough of certain nutrients, such a protein. However, nutritional information has come a long way – we now have a pretty good idea of which vegetables can be used as a great source of protein, or of any other kind of nutrient. (Even our own 21 day cleanse features protein-filled smoothies to complement our green drink!)

So, in the end, going vegan is a personal choice – but one with plenty of great reasons behind it. For some, it can be a moral or ethical choice. Nonetheless, you shouldn’t ignore the many health benefits of going vegan as well. It’s an excellent way to cut back on the sugars, carbs, fats, and calories, allowing you get a better handle on your weight, energy levels, and overall health – and what’s better than that?

How to Get More Vegetables In Your Life

Even if you’re uncertain about going full vegan, it’s absolutely true that many of us can stand to get some more fresh leafy greens in our diet. Whether to lose weight or just feel great, more fruits and veggies are always a great idea. And it doesn’t require a big shakeup in your lifestyle either.

For one, including more vegan dishes in your diet is easier than you might think. While writing this, it’s a very cold winter in many parts of the world. Since you probably would be wanting soup anyways, why not go for some delicious vegan soups?

With a little creativity, it’s also easy enough to readapt your favorite meat-based recipes into healthy and delicious vegan versions with beans, lentils and greens. You can get the same delicious meals that you enjoy, but also get a good heaping of your favorite veggies along with the mix as well.

It’s also important not to underestimate one of the best vegetable eating strategies out there – snacking. With minimal prep work, you can whip up some tasty vegan snacks that will be ready for the rest of your day. Even if you have a sweet tooth and aren’t sure about veggies, there are plenty of foods that let the natural sweetness of vegetables and fruits shine through.

Of course one of the best ways to boost your veggie levels is to undergo a 21 day cleanse, or get our green drink plan. By focusing your diet for a few days across it on the most nutritious (and low sugar and low-fat vegetables), our Chef V cleanse can supercharge your weight loss goals. It can also help cut sugar cravings, leading to healthier future eating habits. Just check out these success stories of those who have tried our Chef V cleanses and green juice recipes!

Fasting with Green Powder Versus Green Drinks

There’s a lot to like about the idea behind green powders. They let you get the benefits of a green drink, but one you can store for your leisure. But how do green powders measure up head-to-head against fresh green drinks? Can a green powder supplement stand up in a juice detox diet? Let’s see how they compare when it comes to boosting your digestive system, improving energy levels, and promoting weight loss. 

What are green powders? 

Green powders are a form of dietary supplement that comes in the form of, well, a green powder. Green powders often feature highly nutritious leafy greens, such as spinach and spirulina, hence the color. 

The idea behind green powder is that the goodness of those same leafy greens can be stored for later, letting you get some essential fruits and vegetables regardless of your eating habits. It’s important to note that green powders can have a wide range of different ingredients. These ingredients are ground, pulped, or pressed, then dried out at low temperatures to retain their nutritional value. Afterward, binding and processing agents are added to ensure the product keeps its “powder” form.

Once you get the green powder at home, it’s up to you how you enjoy it. You can sprinkle it into drinks or on top of yogurt. You can even mix it directly into water to make an impromptu vegetable juice, though you may want to add some lemon or other flavor. Plenty of green powders don’t have the greatest taste when taken in a pure form. Ideally, green powders are a way to add some extra vitamins and minerals to your diet.

Green powders versus green drink

Let’s start off by saying there are certainly many benefits to greens powder. Getting more fruits and vegetables into your diet, no matter the form will always be a good thing in the long-term. The leafy greens often found in green powders are great for many health concerns, from lowering blood pressure to boosting the immune system. Another point in favor of green powders is that they tend to be extremely low in calories, even more than most juices. 

But once we put green powder supplements right in the ring against green drinks, we start to notice some issues with performance. Obviously, how seriously these issues matter will depend on the specific green powder, and how much it contains things like processed foods and added sugars. 

Actually, let’s stop there and talk about adding sugar. It’s an unfortunate fact, but a lot of green powders don’t taste that great. When it comes to green cocktails, fresh is best. This means a lot of consumers end up adding sweeteners back into the product to make it palatable. Sort of ruins the whole point, doesn’t it?

And that’s not all when it comes to additives. We touched on this before, but a lot of green powders aren’t as organic as they might appear to be at first glance. Plenty of green powder supplements are filled with gums or other additives to get the best consistency. Some of these additives could have unknown health consequences or even be allergenic. Allergens to watch out for when fasting with green powder include lecithin, pectin, and/or flax.

The balance of vitamins and minerals in green powder supplements can also often be tricky to get right. Even necessary vitamins can have nasty side effects if you cram too much of them into your diet. On the flip side, the process by which green powder supplements are made often involves losing out on a lot of things as well. For example, many green powder supplements tend not to have all the great fiber of their original vegetables, losing it during processing. 

Meet your weight-loss goals with Chef V

With Chef V’s green drink, you can be confident knowing you’re getting every last drop of goodness out of the fruits and vegetables going into your juice detox diet. Our green drink comes packed with the nutrients and minerals you need (including fiber!) to boost your every day routine, or help you through our famous juice detox diets. Just check out our success stories!


What Organic Really Means (To Chef V)

Veronica working from home

The Christmas Season is fast approaching. While this is a well-deserved rest period for all of us, there is also the question of if our various weight loss programs can possibly survive the gauntlet of holiday meals and treats. Generally, the holidays are the time when we relax, enjoy our favorite foods – and then have to come up with some New Year’s Resolutions about going to the gym more to shed all that new holiday weight.

Not gaining all that weight in the first place is much easier than losing weight. But to many of us, the extra holiday pounds are simply an accepted part of life. If you’re undergoing a Chef V Cleanse weight loss program, this can put a real damper on your holiday mood, making it feel like all your green drink efforts have been undone. However, with a little bit of planning and discipline, you can reduce the impact of those Christmas Dinners.

Mind Over Meatloaf

Your state of mind matters a lot when it comes to maintaining good health. No, we’re not saying that you can just wish yourself skinny. However, how you approach the holidays mentally can have a significant effect on how healthy you remain throughout it.

It’s important to make sure that you are eating to enjoy the food, not just because everyone else is eating. Make sure to take it slow, and pay attention to what your body is saying about how full you are. It’s really easy to carry around a plate of snacks and let those sugary treats sneak up on you.

This doesn’t mean you should approach your favorite holiday foods with dread. You should be doing the opposite, in fact! Take the time to slow down and really enjoy your favorite foods. Eat them because you love them, not just because it’s part of the holiday. If you try to deny yourself now, this could lead to binge eating later on. At the same time, it can be useful to make some informed decisions about food – especially if you’re the one cooking.

Reinvent Your Christmas Classics

Of course, what you eat matters just as much as how you eat it. It seems inevitable that your Christmas dinner is going to be filled with carb and fat heavy entrees. However, with just a little bit of imagination, you can improve the health profile of any Christmas classic.

For example, take the heavy potato products that inevitably find their way into most Christmas dinner rosters. Why not swap the cream and butter heavy mashed potatoes for some equally creamy (but less fattening) cauliflower? Instead of topping your sweet potatoes with marshmallows and sugar, why not try out some oatmeal instead?

Still determined to have some meat products at Christmas dinner? For those not ready to go full vegan yet, the devil is in the details. Often, Christmas hams and turkeys get most of their sugar and fat from their glazes. Looking for some glazes that use more natural sweetness can help cut down on calories.

Also, make sure to try and keep your Christmas dinner balanced. There can always be a place at the Christmas table for leafy greens, and other fruits and veggies, if you’re creative. Brussel sprouts make an excellent Christmas dish, and an easy one to cook as well, for example. Broccoli, with a little extra love and attention, can turn into an exciting side dish all its own.

No Green Drink? No Worry

Christmas time isn’t just about the special foods. For many families, it’s time to break out the special drinks as well. Many of these drinks tend to be high in alcohol, fat, or sugar – or, in the case of eggnog, all three at once! These drinks can often be a sneaky source of weight gain that you don’t notice. (They’re certainly a far cry from Chef V’s healthy green drinks!)

Replacing high fat or alcoholic drinks with things like tea, cider or water can be a good way to cut down on the holiday pounds. However, if you don’t want to give up your favorite warm beverages, there are plenty of ways to make healthier versions, especially if you look into milk alternatives.

Keeping Healthy is Sweet

Another staple of Christmas time is the wide array of desserts. This army of delectable treats is also what tends to lead to us feeling rather gross when the whole Christmas binging is over. However, you can still enjoy your Christmas sweets without ruining your whole diet.

For example, there are plenty of baked dessert recipes that cut down on flour or fat. You can also look into adding more fruits and veggies to the desert menu, through additions such as sweet fruit bowls. All of your favorite Christmas staples probably have a low fat, low carb, or low sugar variant if you look it up.

Remain Active

The Christmas season tends to be a colder one, and our instinct is to spend it inside safe and snug with our family. However, there are plenty of ways that you can still keep active, depending on where you are. The key is to turn staying active into a fun family event, rather than a chore. Why not take advantage of the winter landscape to go ice skating, sledding, or take a winter hike through the woods? If you’re not a very outdoorsy family, there are often plenty of Christmas Markets or other special events to peruse.

Relax, and Let Chef V Help

Our best tip for holiday health? Don’t let it worry you. Anxiety is only going to prompt you to stress it. With Chef V Cleanse weight loss as an option, you never need to worry that Christmas means the end of your weight loss goals. Our green drink blended juice cleanses are the perfect way to bring in the new year.

No matter how much you splurged during Christmas, you can rely on Chef V’s blended juice cleanse to detox your body and leave you feeling great. Best of all, they are delivered right to your front door – so no need to worry about venturing out into the cold every day during your detox programs. So sit back, relax, enjoy your break, and know that Chef V is ready to help you out with your weight loss goals – from the modest, up to our 21 day detox.

Chef V’s Guide to Surviving Christmas Dinner

Veronica working from home

The Christmas Season is fast approaching. While this is a well-deserved rest period for all of us, there is also the question of if our various weight loss programs can possibly survive the gauntlet of holiday meals and treats. Generally, the holidays are the time when we relax, enjoy our favorite foods – and then have to come up with some New Year’s Resolutions about going to the gym more to shed all that new holiday weight.

Not gaining all that weight in the first place is much easier than losing weight. But to many of us, the extra holiday pounds are simply an accepted part of life. If you’re undergoing a Chef V Cleanse weight loss program, this can put a real damper on your holiday mood, making it feel like all your green drink efforts have been undone. However, with a little bit of planning and discipline, you can reduce the impact of those Christmas Dinners.

Mind Over Meatloaf

Your state of mind matters a lot when it comes to maintaining good health. No, we’re not saying that you can just wish yourself skinny. However, how you approach the holidays mentally can have a significant effect on how healthy you remain throughout it.

It’s important to make sure that you are eating to enjoy the food, not just because everyone else is eating. Make sure to take it slow, and pay attention to what your body is saying about how full you are. It’s really easy to carry around a plate of snacks and let those sugary treats sneak up on you.

This doesn’t mean you should approach your favorite holiday foods with dread. You should be doing the opposite, in fact! Take the time to slow down and really enjoy your favorite foods. Eat them because you love them, not just because it’s part of the holiday. If you try to deny yourself now, this could lead to binge eating later on. At the same time, it can be useful to make some informed decisions about food – especially if you’re the one cooking.

Reinvent Your Christmas Classics

Of course, what you eat matters just as much as how you eat it. It seems inevitable that your Christmas dinner is going to be filled with carb and fat heavy entrees. However, with just a little bit of imagination, you can improve the health profile of any Christmas classic.

For example, take the heavy potato products that inevitably find their way into most Christmas dinner rosters. Why not swap the cream and butter heavy mashed potatoes for some equally creamy (but less fattening) cauliflower? Instead of topping your sweet potatoes with marshmallows and sugar, why not try out some oatmeal instead?

Still determined to have some meat products at Christmas dinner? For those not ready to go full vegan yet, the devil is in the details. Often, Christmas hams and turkeys get most of their sugar and fat from their glazes. Looking for some glazes that use more natural sweetness can help cut down on calories.

Also, make sure to try and keep your Christmas dinner balanced. There can always be a place at the Christmas table for leafy greens, and other fruits and veggies, if you’re creative. Brussel sprouts make an excellent Christmas dish, and an easy one to cook as well, for example. Broccoli, with a little extra love and attention, can turn into an exciting side dish all its own.

No Green Drink? No Worry

Christmas time isn’t just about the special foods. For many families, it’s time to break out the special drinks as well. Many of these drinks tend to be high in alcohol, fat, or sugar – or, in the case of eggnog, all three at once! These drinks can often be a sneaky source of weight gain that you don’t notice. (They’re certainly a far cry from Chef V’s healthy green drinks!)

Replacing high fat or alcoholic drinks with things like tea, cider or water can be a good way to cut down on the holiday pounds. However, if you don’t want to give up your favorite warm beverages, there are plenty of ways to make healthier versions, especially if you look into milk alternatives.

Keeping Healthy is Sweet

Another staple of Christmas time is the wide array of desserts. This army of delectable treats is also what tends to lead to us feeling rather gross when the whole Christmas binging is over. However, you can still enjoy your Christmas sweets without ruining your whole diet.

For example, there are plenty of baked dessert recipes that cut down on flour or fat. You can also look into adding more fruits and veggies to the desert menu, through additions such as sweet fruit bowls. All of your favorite Christmas staples probably have a low fat, low carb, or low sugar variant if you look it up.

Remain Active

The Christmas season tends to be a colder one, and our instinct is to spend it inside safe and snug with our family. However, there are plenty of ways that you can still keep active, depending on where you are. The key is to turn staying active into a fun family event, rather than a chore. Why not take advantage of the winter landscape to go ice skating, sledding, or take a winter hike through the woods? If you’re not a very outdoorsy family, there are often plenty of Christmas Markets or other special events to peruse.

Relax, and Let Chef V Help

Our best tip for holiday health? Don’t let it worry you. Anxiety is only going to prompt you to stress it. With Chef V Cleanse weight loss as an option, you never need to worry that Christmas means the end of your weight loss goals. Our green drink blended juice cleanses are the perfect way to bring in the new year.

No matter how much you splurged during Christmas, you can rely on Chef V’s blended juice cleanse to detox your body and leave you feeling great. Best of all, they are delivered right to your front door – so no need to worry about venturing out into the cold every day during your detox programs. So sit back, relax, enjoy your break, and know that Chef V is ready to help you out with your weight loss goals – from the modest, up to our 21 day detox.

Why Raw Veggies Matters

Veronica working from home

Not everyone is aware of the nutritional changes that affect vegetables when they are cooked – there’s a lot of benefits involved in keeping it raw. This blog will dig into the reasons why raw vegetables are better for you, and explain why raw and unpasteurized is the way to go for blended juice cleanses.

Why Eat Raw Vegetables?

When it comes down to the question of are raw vegetables better than cooked, there’s a lot to unpack in terms of nutrition and taste. What is very clear, however, is that when you cook vegetables, there is always something that is going to be lost in the process. Cooking vegetables, especially overcooking them, can start to rob them of nutritional value.

The major benefits of raw vegetables come down to getting the most out of those nutrients, especially the kind that are prone to break down under heat or leech into the water if you’re boiling them. The two most common vitamins that are lost in this process are Vitamin B and Vitamin C.

The Raw Vegetable Vitamins

Vitamin B is important in promoting good digestion, eyesight, energy levels, brain and nerve function, and the growth of red blood cells. Vitamin C, meanwhile, helps in the repair of all bodily tissues (like cartilage, bone, teeth, and collagen) as well as helping your body absorb iron and fight off disease.

This means that altogether, eating raw vegetables can help improve everything from your cardiovascular health to your digestion, to even the youthful appearance of your skin! It will also give you the energy you need to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

Going for raw vegetables also gives you a benefit in what you’re missing out on, not just what you’re adding. A lot of recipes call the addition of a lot of fat to veggie dishes – think oil and hydrogenated butters. By cutting down on these, you’re cutting down on overall fat, and improving your overall health.
Should Everything Be Raw?
With so many benefits, you might be wondering if you can throw out all your kitchen appliances entirely. Why cook veggies at all if you can get the most out of them while raw? There are a few reasons you shouldn’t go tossing out your frying pan just yet.

Firstly, some vegetables may be better for you cooked – or at least don’t change too much nutritionally when cooked. For example, tomatoes release antioxidants when cooked, and carrots can release Vitamin A if you give them some heat, like roasted in the oven. Raw and cooked vegetables should be thought of as complementary to each other, both serving their own purposes.

That said, a lot of us aren’t getting nearly enough raw vegetables into our diet – so think about some ways that you can add them into meals as slaws or salads, or enjoy them as snacks. And, of course, raw vegetables are a key part of blended juice cleanses as well – just like in Chef V’s juice cleanses

Chef V’s Blended Juice Cleanse

Our Blended juice cleanse uses raw vegetables that are unpasteurized. You can’t get any fresher than this! Our blended juice cleanse uses these raw veggies to help you lose weight, improve your digestion, and keep focused. Thanks to all the packed-in vitamins, you’ll also look great, with glowing skin.

Our cleanses come with protein shakes and detox soups as well, to help you power through to your cleansing goals, no matter what those goals are. This means that you have the power to build your own cleanse to best suit your needs. Check it out, today, right here.

Why Hydration Matters

Veronica working from home

One of the great benefits of a blended juice cleanse is that it’s a great way to keep yourself hydrated. You’ve probably heard tons of doctors, medical professionals, and health-conscious family members point out the importance of getting enough water every day. But why exactly is that? Today we’ll go over everything you need to know about hydration and the benefits of water to the human body, and what you need to know about hydration and juice cleanses. If you’ve ever wondered “why do I need to stay hydrated” – then read on!

So, Why Do I Need to Stay Hydrated?

If aliens were to land on Earth tomorrow, you can bet that their first impression of our planet would be “wet”. Between oceans, rivers, and rain, water is everywhere – and that’s before you even get into all the water in plants and animals. The human body itself is roughly 60% water. Because water is such an integral “ingredient” to making “you”, it makes sense that you would get a lot of benefits out of keeping “topped up” on this vital fuel. Some of these benefits include…

Aiding Digestion

At Chef V, we’re all about promoting healthy digestive systems. And one of the best ways to keep a healthy digestive system is to drink plenty of water. Water is needed for your body to properly absorb food and get the most nutrients out of it. Not drinking enough water can lead to issues such as constipation, and trouble digesting certain nutrients such as fiber. If you’re having issues with bowel movements, or want to prevent constipation your relief could be as simple as upping your daily water intake.

Promoting Weight Loss

Weight Loss is also something that we’re big on at Chef V – and what do you know, water helps out with that as well. Partially this is just because water helps make you feel full, without adding on a lot of extra calories. However, water also helps you lose weight in other ways. It can help flush fat faster out of your body, and also boosts your metabolism, keeping your body’s natural fat-burning on track.

Protecting Tissues and Joints

Water isn’t just fuel for your body. It’s a lubricant as well. Getting the right amounts of water will help keep the tissues and joints in your body moist. This helps these parts of your body function better and provides more cushioning for you when you’re physically active. Being able to exercise with less discomfort can also help out that weight loss we talked about!

Boosts Your Cardiovascular System?

Do you know what’s mostly made of water? Blood – up to 90% of it is water. Do you know what blood is important for in your body? If you answered “pretty much everything”, you’re right. Just like your digestive system needs water running through it to work properly, your heart and blood system needs plenty of water to remain healthy and help regulate blood pressure.

Purifying Your System

Here’s another thing we love at Chef V – detoxing. And when it comes to the best detoxing substance on earth, you can’t get much better than the old classic of water. Your kidneys, liver, and other purifying organs need plenty of water to flush out those toxins. Without enough water, these systems are prone to developing nasty issues such as Kidney Stones.

Boosts Energy

Lastly, water just leaves you feeling all-around great. Not only does it provide the energy your body needs to move, but it provides fuel for your brain. With enough water, you’ll have the energy to kick butt throughout the day, no matter what it is you’re doing.

The Dangers of Dehydration

Getting water into you isn’t just about the benefits. If you don’t make sure that you regularly drink water and keep up a steady fluid intake, you could start to suffer from dehydration. The longer you go without enough water, the more severe symptoms can get. To start, you’ll have to deal with greater fatigue and dizziness as well as headaches. This can then progress into a feeling of overheating, muscle cramps, and even constipation. Prolonged dehydration can also lead to issues with the healthiness of your skin – not getting enough water can literally dry you out and age you!

So if you don’t want to turn into a walking mummy, it’s a good idea to keep those hydration levels up. Beyond the symptoms listed above, there are a few other good signs that can tell you that you aren’t getting enough daily water into you. Urine that is more yellow-ish than usual, dry lips and tongue, and even bad breath can all be signs of dehydration.

Avoiding dehydration can be trickier than it sounds. We assume that we just drink enough water and we’re good. But there are a lot of factors that can sneakily increase our body’s need for water. For example, if you’re exercising more, you’ll need more water to balance out all your sweating. If you’re sick, you might be vomiting out water from your body, or your medication might be messing with your hydration levels.

It could even be an issue with diet – fruits and vegetables are actually a good source of water on their own. If you aren’t getting enough in your diet, that could be leading to mild dehydration all on its own.

Blended Juice Cleanses and Hydration

So now that we know all the amazing benefits of hydration, how do juice cleanses play into this? Blended juice cleanses are actually a great way to stay hydrated. Not only are you getting most of your nutrition in liquid form, but you’re also getting plenty of those fruits and veggies we mentioned as important to hydration. The liquid focus of a cleanse is what makes it so good at detoxing your body.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should stop drinking water during a juice cleanse. Making sure to stay hydrated with glasses of water is a great way to help your body detox during a juice cleanse. Since water makes you feel more full, it also is a great way to help you if you have trouble handling your appetite during a juice cleanse.

So that’s the deal with hydration! If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Do Vegetables Have Protein? – Your Guide to Protein and Veggies

Veronica working from home

Do Vegetables Have Protein? – Your Guide to Protein and Veggies

There are plenty of reasons to go vegan, from those relating to health to those relating to ethical concerns. However, arrayed against all these good reasons are all the reasons that people are skeptical about veganism, from the absurd to the legitimate. These concerns about going vegan are often transferred over to concerns about blended juice cleanses.

One of the most common concerns we hear at Chef V is about the lack of protein in vegetables. When we think of “high protein” foods, we tend to think of animal products. So how much protein can you find in vegetables? And are there ways to get protein during the midst of a blended juice cleanse? Read on and find out!

Why Protein is Important

Every vitamin, mineral, and nutrient that can be found in our bodies has an important purpose. However, protein has a particularly important role to play in keeping your body healthy. This is because protein can be thought of as a “building block” nutrient – it’s an important component of many cells in your body.

This means if you want to develop strong and healthy bones and muscles and stay fit, protein is key. Protein also has the added benefit of being super beneficial for weight loss. Compared to fat and carbs, protein fills you up with relatively little weight gain.

So protein can not only help you lose weight, but it can give you the energy and body repair needed to exercise – and lose more weight! This is why it’s important to try and get a good amount of protein in your diet. Normally this isn’t a major concern, but it is true that it’s easier to get protein out of animal products than vegetable products. However, this isn’t a hard rule. There are plenty of veggies that are actually great sources of protein -including some of the following:

#1 Beans
Lima beans, Fava Beans, Garbanzo Beans, Pinto Beans – whatever bean you can name, there’s a good chance that they’re a high source of protein. Beans are great because of how easy they are to slot into any recipe as a replacement for meat-based proteins. From burritos to soups, beans have you covered.

#2 Quinoa
There’s a reason that Quinoa has become such a popular vegan health food. Beyond being high in fiber and antioxidants, it’s also a good source of protein. Plus, it cooks conveniently quickly, making it great for whipping up protein-filled snacks.

#3 Nuts
If you are looking for that extra protein, feel free to go nuts on nuts. From almonds to pistachios, nuts are often a great way to get protein – and make a wonderful appetite-satisfying snack. Nuts are also great to toss into any recipe, from healthy salads to delicious vegan desserts.

#4 Broccoli
Kids might turn up their noses at broccoli, but they don’t know what they’re missing. Whether you’re looking for Vitamin C and K, or just want that great veggie-based protein, you can never go wrong with this classic green.

#5 Asparagus
Asparagus is so great to cook with. Roast them, grill them, steam them – they always come out tasting great and make a wonderful side dish to whatever you’re cooking, year-round. Oh, and did we mention that they’re packed with protein as well?

#6 Brussel Sprouts
Speaking of great to cook with, have you ever tried Brussel Sprouts with maple syrup? If not, you’ve never really experienced this leafy green in its full glory. And, of course, you get a ton of health benefits as well, including a wonderful dose of protein.

#7 Corn
Looking for something a little bit sweeter in your vegetables? Not only is corn a tasty vegetable treat, it’s also a great source of protein. And like beans, it’s very easy to mix into a variety of other dishes.

#8 Potatoes
Potatoes aren’t often thought of as a “healthy” veggie, likely due to the fact that we very often eat them without their skins, and are drowned in butter. However, potatoes can be an excellent source of protein if you eat them with the skins still on. Keep an eye out for particularly protein-packed variants such as russet and red potatoes.

#9 Lentils
If you’re looking for another vegetable that makes a nice “base” for meals, there are other options beyond the potato. One of the most overlooked is the humble Lentil. This legume really punches above its weight – with a ton of protein and even iron, lentils can do just as much as any animal product for giving you energy. Better yet, they’re also filled with other important vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and potassium

#10 Peas
There’s a reason that you were always supposed to finish off your green peas as a kid! Not only are they easy to add into plenty of recipes, but this versatile vegetable is also a great source of protein to boot.

Chef V Juice Cleanse and Protein
If you’re worried about your protein levels while undergoing a blended juice cleanse – don’t. Chef V has you covered on the protein content side, mainly through our incredibly nutritious (and tasty) protein shakes. Just like we make sure you don’t lose out on fiber through our tasty soups, we make sure you’re getting enough protein during your blended juice cleanse through our shakes.

What’s the secret? The answer lies in the humble pea. We use protein extract from peas in our shakes to give them that extra boost of protein goodness. This means that you can enjoy your blended juice cleanse without any worry of a lack of protein. So feel free to check out our blended juice cleanses and start planning your detox experience today!

What in the World are Phytonutrients?

There’s being interest in living a healthy lifestyle, and then there’s being a real nutritional nut. One of the biggest hurdles to reaching true nutritional mastery is understanding all the terms being tossed around. One term you might hear thrown around a lot is “phytonutrients”. This is actually a very important term for those interested in green drinks and low sugar juice cleanse – we’ll explain why here.

What Are Phytonutrients?

Those of you who understand a little bit of Latin probably recognize the term “Phyto” as referring to plant matter. This is a pretty good clue for what phytonutrients are. Also known as phytochemicals, there is not a single “phytonutrient”. Rather, they refer to a variety of important nutrients that you will tend to find within plant matter, from fruits to vegetables. Common kinds of phytonutrients include lutein, flavonoids, coumarins, indoles, isoflavones, lignans, organosulfures, and plant sterols.

Okay, so that’s a lot of new terms to look up, we get it. There won’t be a quiz on this, we promise! Long story short, phytonutrients are chemicals that plants create to keep themselves healthy. What’s very cool, is that phytonutrients can be used to keep humans healthy as well!

Why Phytonutrients Matter

Going through every benefit of phytonutrients would take forever. There are some major benefits they provide that have caught the attention of many nutritionists. These include some of the following:

Antioxidants: Many phytonutrients are antioxidants – this means that they can help prevent damage to your cells, which can then cut down the risk of cancers, heart diseases, and aging-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Immune System Boosting: Many phytonutrients are used to help protect plants against infections and diseases. It’s appropriate then that a lot of them can help boost the human immune system as well, giving you better resistance to harmful bacteria and viruses.

Eye Health: If you are getting your phytonutrients from leafy greens in a green drink, you can also get the benefit of improved eye health, and resistance to degenerative eye diseases.

Getting Your Phytonutrients

Many of you are probably very ready to start enjoying phytonutrients right away. Before you start messing around with celery juice (and celery juice side effects) it’s important to understand that not all fruits and vegetables are high in phytochemicals. By the same token, not all phytochemicals are in all of those fruits and vegetables.

A lot of the brightest colored fruits, such as tomatoes, avocados, and blueberries, tend to be high in phytochemicals. One of the best ways to get phytochemicals is through dark and leafy greens, such as spinach and kale.

One of the best ways to get all those phytochemicals is from your dark leafy greens in the form of green drinks. This lets you pack as many phytochemicals as possible into a single easily digestible green drink. However, not all green drinks are made equal – you can’t get a lot of phytochemicals just from celery juice.

Chef V’s Green Drink is full of leafy green vegetables like black kale, green kale, and chard. This makes it not only a great part of a low sugar juice cleanse for weight loss, but also a great way to help repair your cells and boost your immune system.

Best of all, getting as much green drink as you want, when you want, has never been easier thanks to Chef V’s Green Drink Plans. Make sure to check it out and start building your personalized plan today.

Celery Juice Headaches and Green Powder: Wellness Fads to Be Skeptical Of

At Chef V, we’re all about proven results when it comes to promoting health. With some hard work and patience, (and great Chef V green drinks!) anyone can achieve their personal health goals. However, in a world of instant gratification, everyone is looking for shortcuts. This isn’t something to be ashamed of, but it does mean that there is going to be a lot of misinformation out there about various health fads and fakes. We’ve heard some of the worst, and today, we’ll share some that we’ve heard, from the plausible-sounding to the plain wacky.

#1 Celery Juice Cures Everything

Now, we’re not trying to knock celery here. The crunchy veggie is a great part of many meals and makes a healthy low-calorie snack. However, we’ve seen plenty of people treating celery juice as equal to or even as a replacement for green drinks. People say that just drinking this veggie liquidated on its own is a magical potion for everything that ails you.

However, there doesn’t seem to be any real hard proof of any of that. Celery is low in calories, sure, but being low in calories doesn’t add up to being high in minerals and nutrients. Just drinking celery juice on its own is never going to be a replacement for an actually specially prepared green drink recipe as it lacks many vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

If you try and do a juice cleansed based entirely around blended celery stalks you’re going to run into some problems right away. The side effects of celery juice generally revolve around it playing havoc with your digestive system, leading to intense hunger (ruining a cleanse) and diarrhea (which can lead to dehydration and other problems.) While low in carbs, celery juice is actually pretty high in sodium – too much of it could lead to a variety of health issues.

#2 Green Powders are a Cleansing Shortcut

We’ve actually tackled this one before but it’s worthwhile to provide another reminder. Green powders are often touted as a convenient replacement to green drinks, one that you can store and use at your leisure.

Nonetheless, that convenience comes with a cost. Fresh veggies are always going to be easier to digest for your body than powders. However, the real problem lies with many of the powders themselves. They often include an excess of other additives used to modify the taste – and adding too much sugar to the blend sort of defeats the purpose of a blended juice cleanse.

Worst of all, many brands of powder actually contain ingredients that are actively harmful to you. So when it comes to green juice vs. green powder, it’s always best to reach for the green drink.

#3 Inserting… Things

Warning, but this one is gonna get pretty gross.

At Chef V we’re all about putting good stuff into your body. However, an alarming health trend intended to flush out ones body starting from the inside out is not the way to go. Some of these are older fads, such as the ever Hollywood popular colonics.

We get it. People want good digestive health and they want a clean colon. But is a strong stream of water down south the way to do it? It might sound like a quick but painful shortcut – why not get the cleansing started from the inside out (literally)? But if there’s a theme to this piece, it’s that shortcuts aren’t always what they’re cracked up to be.

The problem is, the cleansing process simply doesn’t work backward like that. Developing a healthy digestive system involves eating the right foods for your liver, kidneys, stomach, and guts.

We’d like to say colonics are the weirdest option that people opting for in the name of health… but that wouldn’t be true. Just remember – no shortcuts! You want good health results, you should adopt a healthy diet or a cleanse. It just doesn’t work in reverse.

#4 Eating Charcoal (No, Really)

A lot of bad wellness fads can be traced back to someone taking a single fact or idea, and then extrapolating it out to its craziest level. It is true that charcoal is often used as a filter. And it is also true that activated charcoal is used in certain medical applications.

That does not mean that you should be chowing down on charcoal. It is true that charcoal tends to bind things to it. But this doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to drink or eat it. The charcoal will bind to absolutely everything. That means that it can interfere with the operation of healthy bacteria in your gut. Worst case scenario? It creates a blockage (ouch!).

We get the desire to take any sort of supplement that will help reduce toxins and flush out the bad stuff. But putting things that aren’t food into your body is rarely a good idea (which we just covered above). The best detox aids are natural ones, that let your body flush toxins on its own terms, without ruining your gut flora or blocking your intestines.

#5 Mainlining Vitamins

Want to try to get the vitamins from stuff like green drink, but without getting to enjoy that green drink? Some people who think this way have taken to not drinking their vitamins, but injecting them directly into their bloodstream with an IV drip.

We suppose to those worried about time and efficiency, this could make sense. You’re skipping out on the digestion part and getting right to the vitamin intake. The problem is, there’s no real basis for assuming that this works. This may come as a shock to many, but human beings were designed to ingest their nutrients… by eating and drinking. Crazy, we know! But there are actually establishments you can go to and receive a vitamin IV drip.

Beyond being a silly way to try and get your vitamins, this can be potentially dangerous, leading to bloodstream infections or clogged capillaries. Trust us – just get your vitamins the old-fashioned way. Thankfully, with Chef V’s green drink, getting your fruits and veggies doesn’t have to be a pain in your butt… or your arm. So check out our Green Drink plan today!

Your Guide to Chef V’s Greens

Veronica working from home

At Chef V, we make a wide range of products designed to help you through to your juice cleanse diet success. However, if there is one product that is a signature of ours, it’s our green drink. Every green drink is expertly designed and blended in such a way to give you a wide array of green goodness, from veggies such as chard and dandelion greens.

However, an impressively green ingredient list might not mean much to you unless you are fully aware of all the nutritional and health benefits they bring. With that in mind, let’s dive into everything that makes our green drink, well… green!

The Kales

Our first ingredient needs no introduction. Kale is a well-regarded superfood. You’ve had it in salads, you’ve grilled it as a side – maybe you’ve even put it on your pizzas and burgers. This flexible veggie is perfect for those looking to get some of the ultimate leafy greens into their diet.

So what exactly makes Kale so great? Quite frankly, it’s got a nutritional profile that kicks butt. A single serving of kale will give you more than enough of your daily dose of Vitamin A, K, and C, along with a little touch of B6 for added effect. Vitamin A helps with your immune system and eyesight. Vitamin K, meanwhile, helps you make the proteins that your body needs to clot blood and build up bones, protecting you from injury. Vitamin C helps create collagen (what you need to get firm skin and full lips) and helps promote your immune system and your resistance to damage to your cells. Vitamin C is especially important because it’s linked to lowered risk for cardiovascular diseases and cancers, but it isn’t easy for humans to naturally produce in their bodies.

Kale also includes some other important nutrients and minerals, such as manganese, calcium, copper, potassium, and iron. That calcium is of particular note since it’s not always easy to find it outside of animal products like dairy.

Fun fact – Chef V’s green drink actually contains two kinds of Kale, Green Kale, and Black Kale. Green Kale is also known as Curly Kale, and is probably the vegetable you are thinking of when you think of “kale”. However, Black Kale (also known as Lacinato Kale or Tuscan Kale), also needed some extra love. This leafy veggie gets its name from the darker color of its flatter leaves. It’s nutritionally similar to curly kale, but really brings its A-Game to the amount of Vitamin A, thanks to its high levels of Beta Carotene. The two kales also have different but complementary tastes that help define the taste of our green drink.

Collard Greens

To our readers from the south, collard greens are a home cooking staple. To the rest of us, they might be a little less familiar. This leafy green features dark green, fanlike leaves with strong stems. They’re actually a relative of the kales we mentioned above, with a very similar nutritional profile. If you ever cook with kale, feel free to try swapping in the collard greens once in a while.

That explains why collard greens are filled with so much of the A, C, and K Vitamins, as well as many of the same minerals. Collard greens are, in particular, a good source of antioxidants. These compounds are great for helping reduce inflammation and repair cells, being the secret ingredient that allows so many leafy greens to be such great cancer fighters.

Green Leaf Lettuce

When it comes to lettuce, it can be difficult to differentiate the wide variety of types. For clarification, green leaf lettuce is a medium to large variety. The leaves tend to be tender, smooth and broad, with lots of curls and frills. Like the greens we mentioned before, it’s a great way to get that holy trinity of A, C, K vitamins.

Green Leaf Lettuce is also a great source of folate, which is the naturally occurring form of Vitamin B9 – you’ll often hear Vitamin B9 referred to as “folic acid”. All of the B vitamins are important for creating healthy fats and proteins in your body, to enable you to maintain great-looking skin, hair, and nails. B9 in particular is good at creating the proteins you need in your brain, leading to better mental and emotional health. Pretty good for some lettuce, huh?

Curly Parsley

Often, when you garnish your food with parsley, you’ll be using flat-leaf parsley, also known as Italian parsley. At Chef V, we’ve added Curly Parsley into our green drink recipe as part of our juice cleanse diet. Curly Parsley is easily recognizable by its ruffled (curly) leaves and brighter shade of green.

However, you shouldn’t think of this parsley as just a garnish. Like its bigger green cousins above, Curly Parsley is an amazing source of Vitamin K and A, which as you’ve learned means that it’s great for pretty much every part of your body. Parsley has a special power all its own, however. It’s particularly good at promoting the health of your kidneys, making them work better at filtering toxins from your body. This helps keep things like bloating and blood pressure under control. In a juice cleanse diet, parsley is often an unsung detox hero.

Green Chard

Green Chard is often known as “Swiss Chard” – but this is a bit of a misleading nickname, given the plant is native to the sunny shores of Sicily, not the snowy slopes of Switzerland. The Swiss do love to cook with it though, which is probably where the name comes from.

We followed Switzerland’s lead here by making Green Chard part of our Green Juice recipe. This leafy green is a veritable Swiss Army Knife of nutrition. You have the expected set of Vitamins A, C, and K. But you can toss Vitamin E in there as well, as well as calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, and zinc – all without much in the way of calories.

Green chard is loaded with fiber as well, which makes it great for your digestive system. It’s also been linked to helping regulate blood sugar levels. Combined with its immune-boosting antioxidant properties, Green Chard is a great green to have on board when it comes to losing weight.

Dandelion Greens

Today, many of us think of dandelions simply as weeds. However, historically, dandelions were considered to have the much more noble title of “herb”. In fact, dandelions used to be considered medicinal, before the garden care industry set out to ruin the poor little plant’s reputation.

However, considering that it’s a great source of Vitamins A, C, K, and B2, as well as iron, protein and calcium, we feel that dandelion greens deserve to stand proud along with the rest of the fruits and vegetables in our juice cleanse diet. You just need to look at dandelions in a different light. For example, there’s an old wives’ tale that eating dandelions make you wet the bed. However, there is a grain of truth here – like parsley, dandelion greens are super good for your kidneys, keeping your bathroom breaks regular and helping remove toxins from your body.

Leafy Greens, Assemble!

And there you have it, a tour of all the leafy greens that make our green drink such an awesome part of our juice cleanse diet. As you can see, we didn’t just select these greens to help out with weight loss – rather, they’re there to give you the full nutritional package while you’re on your juice fast.

Of course, our green drink is just one part of our juice cleanse diet, all designed to help protect you against weight gain. If you’re interested in how to do a juice cleanse, or more information on our products, just shoot us a message. We’re always happy to talk shop on juice cleanse diets and green drinks!

Why is Kale Such a Big Deal?

Veronica working from home

Kale is considered a real leafy green superhero in the food pyramid – and the juice cleansing world as well. However, this wasn’t always the case. Roughly 10 years ago or so, Kale went from being an obscure secret of the nutritionally-minded to one of the poster children of nutritious eating and green drinks. But what makes Kale so great? This piece will go over the nutritional value of kale, and the health benefits you can get from kale juice cleanse.

Where Did Kale Come From?

Our older (but who really feels old on kale juice cleanses?) might remember a time when mentioning kale would only cause confused stares. It’s certainly boomed in popularity mainly within the last 10 years. So where did this super-veggie end up coming from?

The truth is, kale has been with us all along. In fact, people have been growing Kale since the era of Ancient Greece and Rome! Back then, the nutritional theory hadn’t been invented yet. What attracted people to kale was its impressive resistance to frost. This made it a staple in countries like Scotland and Russia and made it a popular veggie to bring to the colder parts of North America as well.

What Makes Kale So Great?

While kale has always been a staple crop, particularly in Europe, in North America it mainly toiled in obscurity for many years until exploding in popularity. As modern eaters started to be more discerning with what they put on their plates, they started to demand food that had a more well-rounded nutritional profile.

And boy but did they find it in kale. Just like other leafy greens, kale is filled with vitamins C and K, iron, potassium, and fiber. However, it also manages to be a great source of antioxidants and calcium as well.

Antioxidants are basically a requirement to being called a superfood. These useful compounds help reduce the creation of the free radicals that can damage your cells. This means that they are great for literally every part of your body, serving functions from preventing inflammation and heart disease, to lowering the chance of cancer.

Calcium, meanwhile, is important for the building of healthy bones and muscles. Generally, you get your calcium from dairy products, but kale opens up a way for even the most die-hard vegan to get their calcium from green drinks and fresh juice.

Why Kale Juice Cleanses Are Awesome

If you’re familiar with Chef V’s blended juice cleanses, then you know that kale is a central ingredient. In fact, kale is what makes our green drinks so, well, green! In fact, we use two variants of kale, Black Kale and Green Kale, in order to get the widest nutritional spread and anti-oxidant combo.

There are plenty of green drink recipes out there, but we’re very committed to producing the best in kale juice cleanse kits. If not carefully prepared, detox diets can often be difficult to maintain for the whole duration. You just end up feeling hungry and listless.

Kale is our secret ingredient to preventing this. Not only is it giving you all the nutrients you expect from fruits and veggies, but it is also making sure that you get some protein, iron, and calcium – things that you normally expect to get from animal products.

Add in our detox smoothies and detox soups, and you have a blended juice cleanse that your average person can actually finish, and stay healthy and energized the entire way through. While this takes a team of carefully selected ingredients, it’s important to recognize the big role that kale plays in this team. If you want to learn more about our green drinks and other products, make sure to check out the information here!

When to Put the Brakes on Juice Cleansing

Veronica working from home

When To Put The Brakes On Juice Cleansing

When it comes to any kind of undertaking for exercise or diet, safety always comes first. A blended juice cleanse is a great way to help with weight loss, improve the digestive system and remove toxins from the body. However, very few things come for free. A juice cleanse is a challenge, but one with amazing health benefits and payoff. Like any detox diet, they may not be appropriate for every person, at any time.

This piece will help give advice on when is the best time to perform a juice cleanse, who should and shouldn’t do juice cleanses, and what are the signs that you should take a break or slow down. When people ask “is juice cleansing bad”, the question they should be asking is – is it right for me?

When is the Best Time for a Juice Cleanse?

During a blended juice cleanse, you really want to be in a headspace where you can be focusing entirely on the juice cleanse. You also want to make sure that you start your juice cleanse at a time when you aren’t going to be doing a lot of physical activity since you will be consuming a lower calorie intake. If you have a job that involves a lot of moving around, it’s best to plan your juice cleanse for a weekend or vacation time.

It’s also not the best idea to do a juice cleanse if you are feeling ill. The juice cleanse may make you feel better, but you might also be depriving your body of the resources it needs to battle whatever bug you have.

Should I Do a Juice Cleanse?

Most importantly, if your doctor recommends that you don’t do juice cleanses due to some sort of underlying medical condition – then don’t do a juice cleanse. Your long-term health always comes first, and your doctor is probably the one best equipped to make calls on that front.

Children generally shouldn’t be doing intense detox programs either. As a child, getting enough solid foods is important. Of course, children should be drinking juice and getting plenty of fruits and veggies. By getting them a taste for healthy eating at a younger age you can prepare them to enjoy fruit and vegetable juices at an older age.

By the same token, the elderly should be cautious around trying out intensive juice fasts. If your doctor says you’re up for it, go right ahead, but watch carefully for potential side effects. Most importantly, it’s key that anyone who is pregnant not try cleansing with juice. This is something that all health professionals will agree on. If you are pregnant, wait until after childbirth and for your doctor to give you the “okay” before you consider getting back on the cleansing wagon.

How Do I Know When to Take a Break?

If you aren’t feeling well during a detox session, listen to your body and consider taking a break. Your body is pretty good at telling you when something isn’t going well. If you feel ill or are in pain, it’s time to slow down your detoxing. While cleansing, it’s important to try and relax. Make sure that you stick to only low-intensity exercises and to not push yourself too hard. Think yoga, not lifting weights.

One of the best ways to make it through cleansing is practice – try starting off small. If you’re cleansing with Chef V, you get the option of 1 Day and 3 Day Cleanses to get you used to the world of detoxing. As long as you’re cleansing at your level of expertise, you’re sure to have a great time!

Juice Cleansing the Easy Way: Fiber and Juice Cleanse Diets

Veronica working from home

There are, sadly, many people who will turn their nose up at the very idea of a juice cleanse. Very often, this group consists of those who tried a juice cleanse and couldn’t make it through. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, however, if you can get through a juice cleanse, especially if you are just starting out. Plenty of people report feeling too hungry, exhausted, and low energy to make it through. However, this is rarely a problem for those taking a Chef V cleanse, especially our more modest goal versions like the 3 day juice cleanse.

So what’s our secret? Chef V’s cleanse program is designed to give you all the nutrients you need while cleansing. And one of the most overlooked, but impactful nutrients when it comes to juice cleanse diets has to be fiber. Here, we’ll give you everything you need to know about fiber, and why it’s so important to even a simple 3 juice cleanse.

So What is Fiber Anyways?

Alright – so, fiber is a carbohydrate. Wait, don’t run away! Not all carbs are always bad for you. And fiber is a very unique carbohydrate indeed. Often, the problem with carbs is that they tend to dump a lot of sugar into our blood, causing blood sugar spikes. fiber, on the other hand, simply passes through our digestive tracts, not overstaying its welcome. This isn’t to say, however, that fiber passes through you without any long-term health benefits.

The fiber that we eat tends to come in two forms, soluble and insoluble, each with its own purpose and benefits. Soluble fiber helps keep your digestion working at a regular place. It’s not just digestion that soluble fiber helps you manage, however – it also helps you lower cholesterol levels, and manage blood pressure and blood sugar. Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, simply passes through your body and is vital to preventing bowel syndromes like constipation.

What’s important to note about fiber is that while it’s super important to our health, it’s only found in plant-based foods, like fruits and veggies. In particular, dark leafy greens, squashes, carrots, and some fruits (like apples) are great sources of fiber.

Fiber and Juice Cleanse Diets

You’ll find that some juice cleanses (even short 3 day juice cleanses) will play havoc with your bowels. This is because, very often, those juice cleanses focus on the sexier nutrients like antioxidants, and don’t give poor humble fiber a second thought. Or, if they do consider fiber, they only want to chase the cholesterol-busting soluble fiber, while not giving enough attention to the bowel-helping insoluble fiber. This means that people often suffer intense intestinal distress when undergoing a juice cleanse diet.

Thankfully, if you’re on a Chef V detox diet, whether a 3 day juice cleanse or a 21 day juice cleanse, you don’t need to worry about running to the toilet every half hour. This is because we specifically designed our detox diet to be something that people could actually, you know, finish.

How do we do it? Well, first of all, we don’t just toss you a crate of juice and call it a day. Our Chef V cleanses come with protein shakes and detox soups as well, to make sure that you are getting a well-rounded amount of nutrients and fiber into you – especially through our detox soup’s sweet potato and carrots. Plus, our fresh juice is filled with tons of fiber-packed leafy greens. This means that our juice cleanses are great for losing weight by cutting down on carbs, not because of all the exercise you’re getting doing sprints to the bathroom. If that sounds great to you, make sure to check out the ingredients in our cleanse.

Your Guide to Nutrition and Sleep

Veronica working from home

Sleep and Nutrition have a bigger connection than you may realize. If you’re suffering from insomnia, the issue might lie in your diet. This piece will explain why sleep is so important and how nutrition and sleep relate to each other – and how a blended juice cleanse detox can help you out if you’re not getting as much shuteye as you should.

Dangers of Sleepless Nights

There are a host of issues that come with not getting enough sleep. No matter how healthy you eat and how much you exercise (and how much you juice cleanse), you can still ruin your health by not getting that needed shuteye. Sleep is so important because this is the time when your body and mind can regenerate and recover from being active all day long. This means that sleep isn’t just important for physical health, but for mental health and cognitive abilities as well.

The most obvious symptom of lack of sleep will be, well, sleepiness. That sounds benign, but trying to get anything done during a day when you haven’t had enough sleep is a real chore. This sleepiness can conceal some more severe effects, such as lack of alertness, problems with memory, increased stress, and difficulty concentrating and exercising. Lack of sleep can also severely impact your immune system.

And that’s just the issues you’ll run into during the short term! Poor sleep patterns over an extended period can lead to some significant health issues. The stress caused by lack of sleep can lead to conditions such as hypertension and stress eating, which can lead to greater weight. Lack of sleep can even mess with the hormones that help regulate your cardiovascular system – this means even more weight being put on, as well as an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes. Lack of sleep can also lead to severe or worsening depression or anxiety over time.

Tips for Better Sleep

Human society has been doing its best to ruin our ability to sleep in a variety of ways. Too much light in the evenings, and too many glowing screens, tend to confuse our body’s ability to slow down functions in preparation for sleep. The best schedule for sleep involves at least an hour of “downtime” before bed – nothing beats a good book for this. Not only does this relax you, but it also starts to train your brain to associate the time before bed with winding down.

Scheduling is also important. It can be all about when you get up in the morning, as much as when you get to bed. If you can get up at a consistent hour, you’ll start to train your body to go to sleep at a proper time to wake up at that hour.

It’s also important to have a sleeping space free from distractions. For many of us this can be difficult, but cutting down on sound and light is important. If your bed isn’t giving you the comfort you need, you may want to look into a change of mattress or pillows.

And then there’s the very interesting link between sleep and nutrients, which we’ll get into here next. As they say, you are what you eat – and you want to be someone with a body ready for sleep!

Nutrition and Sleep

As you can see, there are plenty of methods to achieve better sleeping habits. One of the most potent methods is actually nutritional. A healthy diet can mean the difference between peaceful slumber and sleepless nights.

We mentioned earlier that lack of sleep can prompt you to start making bad dietary decisions. This relationship works in reverse. Having a proper intake of a wide variety of vitamins and minerals has been shown to improve sleep quality. If you’re missing a key vitamin or other nutrients, you may start to have issues sleeping.

Why is this? Studies are still being done on this, but we do know that sleep is closely related to the complex chemistry in our brain. We also know that getting the right vitamins and minerals improves the function of that brain chemistry – this is why a bad diet can lead to you feeling gross not just physically, but mentally. Our brain releases certain chemicals when it’s time to sleep to help us drift off. If we’re missing the important components of those chemicals, our brain is going to struggle to properly turn itself off and rest. And a brain without rest is going to be an unhappy brain.

Conversely, diets that are too high in carbs may make you feel drowsy during the day but can ruin your sleep when night rolls around. And we all know what diets that are too heavy in sugar and caffeine can do to you – these substances are some of the worst offenders when it comes to ruining sleep schedules.

This is why blended juice cleanses tend to be so great for helping sleep. Firstly, the best diets for sleep are those that are filled with fruits and vegetables (and all those amazing vitamins contained within). Not only does a blended juice cleanse make sure you’re getting a wide range of veggies, but the fact that they are raw means that fewer of those key sleep vitamins have been removed in the prep process. This means your brain is getting everything it needs for a proper shutdown.

Blended juice cleanses are also a great way to give your body a break from carbs, sugar, and caffeine, so you don’t need to worry about any of these substances playing havoc with your ability to get some shuteye. Blended juice cleanses are a great way to feel energetic and focused during the day, and still get plenty of sleep at night.

Want to start to improve your sleep duration and feel amazing during the day? Then give our Chef V blended juice cleanses a spin. With even just a few days you’ll be feeling significantly better – rocking your days, and sleeping sounding during your nights.

You, Your Liver, and Chef V

Veronica working from home

Do you ever stop and think “where would I be without my liver?”. If you answered yes- well, you certainly have some weird thoughts! However, you also have a train of thought that is very relevant to this blog. Liver health is super important, but it often gets overlooked in favor of organs with better public relations, such as the heart, brain, and stomach. Understanding good liver health is key to good health overall. And good liver health can be improved through detox juice – as we’ll explain here.

What Does the Liver Do?

You’ve probably heard people joke about their livers when referring to their ability to take in alcohol. That’s actually pretty close to the mark on what livers do – but only the start. Did you know that scientists have identified over 500 vital functions that a liver performs? Some of the most important functions include:
* Regulating the breakdown of fats into useful forms
* Storing and managing excess glucose
* Regulating and producing proteins
* Storing iron for the blood
* Handling Blood clotting
* Removing bacteria from the bloodstream
* Filtering out toxins and drugs
* Processing waste out of the body

Quite a lot, huh? Basically, your liver is your body’s most powerful filter. However, far too many people take their liver for granted. Even the most powerful filter can get overwhelmed, clogged, or damaged. If you want your liver to take good care of you, you need to make sure you are taking good care of your liver.

How to Take Care Of Your Liver

Just like your liver has a ton of different functions, there are also a myriad of risks that it can face if you’re not careful. The following is just a brief list of the ways that you can make sure that you have a healthy, happy liver that is busy doing its job of flushing out toxins.

Eat a Balanced Diet: When it comes to good liver health, nothing is better than getting a variety of fruits and veggies. The green veggies (like you’ll find in our green drink) are particularly good at promoting good liver health.

Exercise: Getting enough exercise is good for pretty much every part of your body, including your liver. Exercising helps burn not just the fat on your body, but the fat in your blood as well, leading to a healthier liver.

Maintain a Healthy Weight: Maintaining levels of fat in the body is one of your liver’s key jobs. If you are over your healthy body weight, it can start to damage your liver. Exercise and healthy eating, mentioned above, are good ways to maintain a healthy weight, as are Chef V’s cleanse programs, like our 21 day detox.

Moderate Your Alcohol Intake: One of the things your liver is most famed for is helping your body process alcohol. It’s only good manners that you try not to overload the poor organ with too much of the stuff. Drinking more than one or two glasses of alcohol a day can start to have serious impacts on your organs.

Be Careful of Medication…: If you’ve looked closely, you’ve probably noticed that some medications come with warnings about liver damage if you take too much. Always do your best to heed these warnings. Your liver is what helps spread drugs throughout your body, both useful and harmful, and you don’t want to overload it.

…. and Supplements: Nutritional supplements seem like a great way to “cheat the system”. You get nutrition, but without having to bother trying to meal plan for it. However, getting your supplements in an inorganic way can often be dangerous for your liver, putting too much of certain vitamins and minerals through it. If you’re looking for a nutritional boost, it’s better to look into food products that pack a lot in – like our detox juices and green drinks, of course.

If you’re interested in giving your liver some extra love, why not look into our 21 day detox? You’ll flush those toxins out of your body, let your liver get ahead on its own toxin-filtering, and give it the nutrients it needs to be in fighting form.

Cholesterol Management With Chef V’s Detox Juice Diet

Veronica working from home

We know that Cholesterol is bad from countless pieces of dieting advice – but what actually is cholesterol? Is there any way to save ourselves from it? What are the foundations of cholesterol management? With all these pressing questions, Cholesterol can seem like a real nutritional boogeyman. Chef V is here to help give a simple explanation of what Cholesterol is, and how you can deal with it.

What Is Cholesterol?

Here’s a fact. You have cholesterol right now in your body – and that’s not something you should be panicking over. Everyone has cholesterol and it’s an important substance (if you want to get technical, a “lipid”) inside your body. In fact, all animals have cholesterol, and it’s important in helping your cells make hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help you digest food. So why all the worry?

As is usual, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. In particular, cholesterol can be dangerous if too much of it ends up in your blood. Cholesterol can start to combine with other substances in arteries, creating a plaque-like substance. This can end up making your arteries difficult for your blood to get through. At worst, it can cause heart attacks, heart disease, and stroke.

Maybe a bit confusingly, not all cholesterol has this effect. “Good Cholesterol” (also known as HDL Cholesterol) is referred to as the kind of cholesterol that helps move other cholesterol through to your liver (where it can be safely filtered). Bad cholesterol is the kind that hangs around in your arteries instead of moving on its way. You can consider it somewhat like an unwanted houseguest.

What Makes Bad Cholesterol Hang Around?

There are a few things that can cause that bad cholesterol to start to build up. Lack of exercise and smoking, for example, will lower the “good cholesterol” that is supposed to shuffle that bad cholesterol off to your liver. This makes it harder to get rid of that bad cholesterol.

However, the real key factor in the buildup of bad cholesterol is certainly diet, particularly saturated and trans fats. Eating foods high in these kinds of fats will start to cause a buildup in cholesterol. High-fat foods can include meats and chocolates, as well as foods that are heavily deep-fried or processed. What’s worse is that these high-fat foods tend to make you put on weight – which also increases the dangers of bad cholesterol.

There are, of course, some other risk factors at play here. Men tend to have a more difficult time handling their bad cholesterol than pre-menopause women do. Your genetics can also have an effect on how well your body manifests bad cholesterol. Regardless, making sure to monitor your fat intake is one of the most impactful ways that you can get a handle on cholesterol management.

Fight Bad Cholesterol With a Detox Juice Diet

Diet and weight management are the keys to managing your cholesterol levels in the long term. You want to make sure that you are getting plenty of fruits and veggies, watching your calorie intake, and doing your best to lose weight. Especially useful to look out for are antioxidants, foods that help boost heart health.

If you are looking to kickstart your blood cholesterol management, Chef V’s detox juice diet is here to help. Undergoing blended juice cleanses is a great way to improve your health, and manage high blood pressure. Firstly, our green juice recipe is great for encouraging weight loss, which helps lower your risk of building up high cholesterol.

Secondly, our fresh juices are filled with great antioxidant substances, such as our black and green kale. Our detox juice recipes move you out of the cholesterol risk zone of higher weight and boost your heart health with their great and nutritional ingredients. Want proof of this weight loss? Check out some of our success stories here!

Your Guide to Nutrition and Sleep

Veronica working from home

Sleep and Nutrition have a bigger connection than you may realize. If you’re suffering from insomnia, the issue might lie in your diet. This piece will explain why sleep is so important and how nutrition and sleep relate to each other – and how a blended juice cleanse detox can help you out if you’re not getting as much shuteye as you should.

Dangers of Sleepless Nights

There are a host of issues that come with not getting enough sleep. No matter how healthy you eat and how much you exercise (and how much you juice cleanse), you can still ruin your health by not getting that needed shuteye. Sleep is so important because this is the time when your body and mind can regenerate and recover from being active all day long. This means that sleep isn’t just important for physical health, but for mental health and cognitive abilities as well.

The most obvious symptom of lack of sleep will be, well, sleepiness. That sounds benign, but trying to get anything done during a day when you haven’t had enough sleep is a real chore. This sleepiness can conceal some more severe effects, such as lack of alertness, problems with memory, increased stress, and difficulty concentrating and exercising. Lack of sleep can also severely impact your immune system.

And that’s just the issues you’ll run into during the short term! Poor sleep patterns over an extended period can lead to some significant health issues. The stress caused by lack of sleep can lead to conditions such as hypertension and stress eating, which can lead to greater weight. Lack of sleep can even mess with the hormones that help regulate your cardiovascular system – this means even more weight being put on, as well as an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes. Lack of sleep can also lead to severe or worsening depression or anxiety over time.

Tips for Better Sleep

Human society has been doing its best to ruin our ability to sleep in a variety of ways. Too much light in the evenings, and too many glowing screens, tend to confuse our body’s ability to slow down functions in preparation for sleep. The best schedule for sleep involves at least an hour of “downtime” before bed – nothing beats a good book for this. Not only does this relax you, but it also starts to train your brain to associate the time before bed with winding down.

Scheduling is also important. It can be all about when you get up in the morning, as much as when you get to bed. If you can get up at a consistent hour, you’ll start to train your body to go to sleep at a proper time to wake up at that hour.

It’s also important to have a sleeping space free from distractions. For many of us this can be difficult, but cutting down on sound and light is important. If your bed isn’t giving you the comfort you need, you may want to look into a change of mattress or pillows.

And then there’s the very interesting link between sleep and nutrients, which we’ll get into here next. As they say, you are what you eat – and you want to be someone with a body ready for sleep!

Nutrition and Sleep

As you can see, there are plenty of methods to achieve better sleeping habits. One of the most potent methods is actually nutritional. A healthy diet can mean the difference between peaceful slumber and sleepless nights.

We mentioned earlier that lack of sleep can prompt you to start making bad dietary decisions. This relationship works in reverse. Having a proper intake of a wide variety of vitamins and minerals has been shown to improve sleep quality. If you’re missing a key vitamin or other nutrients, you may start to have issues sleeping.

Why is this? Studies are still being done on this, but we do know that sleep is closely related to the complex chemistry in our brain. We also know that getting the right vitamins and minerals improves the function of that brain chemistry – this is why a bad diet can lead to you feeling gross not just physically, but mentally. Our brain releases certain chemicals when it’s time to sleep to help us drift off. If we’re missing the important components of those chemicals, our brain is going to struggle to properly turn itself off and rest. And a brain without rest is going to be an unhappy brain.

Conversely, diets that are too high in carbs may make you feel drowsy during the day but can ruin your sleep when night rolls around. And we all know what diets that are too heavy in sugar and caffeine can do to you – these substances are some of the worst offenders when it comes to ruining sleep schedules.

This is why blended juice cleanses tend to be so great for helping sleep. Firstly, the best diets for sleep are those that are filled with fruits and vegetables (and all those amazing vitamins contained within). Not only does a blended juice cleanse ensure you’re getting a wide range of veggies, but the fact that they are raw means that fewer of those key sleep vitamins have been removed in the prep process. This means your brain is getting everything it needs for a proper shutdown.

Blended juice cleanses are also a great way to give your body a break from carbs, sugar, and caffeine, so you don’t need to worry about any of these substances playing havoc with your ability to get some shuteye. Blended juice cleanses are a great way to feel energetic and focused during the day, and still, get plenty of sleep at night.

Want to start to improve your sleep duration and feel amazing during the day? Then give our Chef V blended juice cleanses a spin. With even just a few days you’ll be feeling significantly better – rocking your days, and sleeping sounding during your nights.

Your Guide to Gluten

If you’ve been buying Chef V detox juice products, you may have noticed that we mention all our products are gluten-free. You’ve probably also seen gluten-free options appearing in more and more places over the past years. If you’re someone with a gluten allergy or intolerance, buying gluten-free has probably become second nature to you. However, the whole gluten-free diet is somewhat perplexing for many of us. Since we offer gluten-free products, it makes sense that we give a brief overview of what exactly this means for you!

What is Gluten?

Okay, basics first. Before you figure out if there’s gluten in your 3 day juice cleanse or 7 day juice cleanse, you’ll need to know what it is. Gluten is, in simplest terms, a protein. Of course, since proteins make up a ton of food and a good portion of our body, that doesn’t exactly narrow it down.

More specifically, gluten is a protein found in wheat products, like rye and barley. Beyond being naturally found in some foods, gluten is also a very popular food additive. This is because gluten works just like glue. It’s perfect for helping food products stick together and maintain their shape and consistency.

So gluten shows up in plenty of products you’d expect, such as bread, cereals, and pasta. However, it can also sneak into things like sauces and dressings, used as a binding agent.

What’s the Issue?

The primary issue with gluten is that many people have a severe intolerance for it, known as celiac disease.

It’s essential to note that celiac disease is not strictly a wheat allergy. A wheat allergy is a specific, separate, and often severe condition.

Celiac disease is a bit more of a complicated topic. Essentially, the small intestine of someone with celiac disease triggers an immune response whenever it detects gluten, believing that the gluten is harmful. The response has a lot of nasty side effects – lack of nutritional absorption, diarrhea, anemia, bloating, the works.

So you can understand why clearly marking gluten-free products is super important to people with this condition. Providing gluten-free products is a way to be more inclusive in who can enjoy those products.

Other Benefits of Gluten-Free

As you can guess, the general “schtick” of a gluten-free diet involves cutting back on wheat products and avoiding non-organic foods. Hey – that sounds a little bit like an organic diet that’s also low carb!

For this reason, gluten-free or gluten-reduced diets are also taking off among people who are generally health-conscious. Obviously, just because something is gluten-free doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily healthy. You could eat a diet of only red meat and technically be gluten-free.

Still, a standard gluten-free diet will involve lots of fruits and vegetables, leaner meats, and low-fat dairy products. This isn’t just an excellent diet for people worried about gluten – it’s also an ideal diet for losing weight. If you’re between taking our detox juice cleanses, you may want to keep an eye out for gluten-free options.

Proudly Gluten Free

At Chef V, all our products, from 3-day juice cleanses to 7-day juice cleanses to our green drink, are gluten-free. So no matter if you’re protecting your digestive health or simply looking to lose weight, we have a safe and effective product for you. So check out our detox juice, and get your delivery booked today!

© 2021 Chef V, LLC.