Tag: 21 day detox

Your Decision To Do A Chef V Detox + Green Drink Is Now Supported By Clinical Research!

triglyceride levels down

For the thousands of people who have tried a Chef V 21 DAY DETOX, the proof is in the pudding. Or more accurately, the proof is in the Organic Green Drinks, Vegan Protein Shakes, Detox Soups, recipes, and healthy-meal-creation resources. 

Weight loss, more energy, better sleep, more balanced mood, clearer skin … 

…These are just some of the anecdotal/social proof benefits of the cleanse and detox programs created by Veronica “V” Wheat, founder of ChefV.com. 

If you’ve never tried a detox before and you’re skeptical, well, you should be… 

That’s because the global detox drink market size was valued at nearly $5 billion in 2021. And the vast majority of detox drinks have three major problems: 

  • They’re either ineffective or:
  • The results don’t last long (Temporary water weight loss; no lifelong healthy eating habits developed). And:
  • There’s hardly any research that supports nutrition-based detox plans. 

So rather than just relying on social media testimonials and hype, Veronica and ChefV.com CEO Brandon (V’s husband) decided to boldly go where few natural food companies have gone: get the (very expensive) backing of an independent clinical trial. 

clinical interview

Chef V’s 21 DAY DETOX Put To The Test

All the benefits of a CHEFV.com detox listed here wouldn’t hold much water (no pun intended) if a clinical trial did not find the results “statistically significant.” 

Statistical significance in research studies refers to the likelihood that the observed results are not due to coincidence or chance but occurred directly because of the intervention. 

And in this case, the intervention was following Chef V’s 21 DAY DETOX (details), followed by a 7-day period during which the 38 participants of the study consumed one 16-ounce serving of Organic Green Drink and consumed a healthy lunch and dinner with ingredients, recipes and resources suggested and created by Veronica Wheat. (These suggestions and resources are provided to all ChefV.com customers who purchase a CLEANSE or 21 DAY DETOX.)

The 38 subjects (male and female) were between the ages of 31-65 and in relatively good health with no chronic health problems. This fact is important because if someone was recruited in the study who had, say, obesity, it might be easier for them to lose more weight than somebody who has a smaller Body Mass Index (BMI), thereby skewing the average weight loss results. 

However, this isn’t to say that the participants were pictures of perfect health. They had to self-report that they were tired several times a week, experienced brain fog, sleep issues, trouble with focus, or experienced a busy and stressful life. Participants were also recruited if they experienced consistent gastrointestinal issues such as bloating. With these common health concerns, it would be easy to study whether the participants experienced improvements in these areas after finishing the 28 day trial. 

The clinical trial was conducted by Santa Monica, CA-based Citrus Labs in February 2023. 

The 38 participants completed baseline surveys and had blood samples collected by a third-party lab. The participants also completed surveys and had a blood sample taken after 28 days of using ChefV.com products. 

Order a 21 Day Detox Challenge – followup with a Green Drink subscription.

Over a 28-day period, the Chef V 21 Day Detox + Green Drink Program resulted in positive health improvements:

weight loss – an average of eight pounds.

‘bad’ cholesterol decreased – (LDL cholesterol) and the ratio of total cholesterol to LDL cholesterol improved. This is really promising for overall cardiovascular wellness.

inflammation – went down 33% (based on c-reactive protein levels).

A1C levels improved, crucial for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and avoiding diabetes.

bloating decreased – relieving the traffic jam inside your stomach.

It’s truly rewarding to see these positive changes happening in just under a month, making a difference in people’s lives.

You can carry out your own Chef V program and experience the proven results! Order your 21 day detox today!

Chef V Blood Test Results On Day 28 

The clinical trial tested the participants' blood levels for: 

  • Total cholesterol
  • LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol)
  • Cholesterol/LDL ratio (high levels are associated with a higher risk of heart disease)
  • Triglycerides (fat in the bloodstream)
  • C-Reactive Protein (a marker of inflammation)
  • HbA1C (“A1C” measures blood sugar levels over a 3-month period)

The results of the clinical trial, according to Citrus Labs:

  • Total cholesterol: 9.2% reduction
  • LDL cholesterol: 10.7% reduction
  • Triglycerides: 23.3% reduction
  • Cholesterol/LDL ratio: 7.7% reduction
  • C-Reactive Protein: 34.1% reduction
  • A1C: 1.7% reduction

“Overall, participants saw a statistically significant improvement in total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, cholesterol/LDL cholesterol ratio, and HbA1C. These findings suggest that the Chef V protocol, as used in this trial, is effective at bringing about positive changes in each of these biomarkers in just a 28-day test period…

“The Chef V program led to many statistically significant improvements in biomarkers critical for overall health and well-being,” Citrus Labs researchers concluded.

How Well Did Participants Feel Better Overall? 

What about the wellness markers that can’t be measured by a blood test, such as? 

  • Weight Loss
  • Energy Level
  • Sleep Quality
  • Concentration and Focus
  • Skin Complexion
  • Digestion/Elimination
  • Hair fallout
  • Headaches
  • Congestion
  • Muscle/Body/Joint problems (aches, stiffness, pain)
  • Compulsive Eating

How effective was following a Chef V Starter Detox plan for 21 days followed by a 7-day Green Drink plan?  

At the end of the 28 days, Citrus Labs researchers reported that participants saw a significant improvement in dark circles under their eyes, congestion issues, excessive mucus production, acne, dry skin, hair loss, constipation, excessive belching and flatulence, and bloating. 

“These positive improvements were quite large and represented significant symptom relief during the trial. Overall, Chef V products positively influence skin, hair, and GI health when used over 28 days,” the researchers concluded. 

But that’s not all…

The participants experienced significant improvements in muscle fatigue, body aches, joint aches, back pain, and neck pain as well as mental clarity and brain fog. There was also a significant improvement in sleep quality with less daytime  fatigue. 

Other key findings reported after day 28 day of the study:

  • On average, participants lost nearly 8 pounds (Study participants were considered healthy with no significant overweight issues; many people lose far more than 8 pounds after a 21 DAY DETOX.)
  • 39.8% improvement in hair loss
  • 46.2% improvement in bloating
  • 49.6% improvement in muscle fatigue
  • 48.6% improvement in back pain
  • 43.8% improvement with sleep issues
  • 43.7% improvement in energy levels.
  • 32.3% improvement in the ability to focus
  • 78.8% of participants said they felt in a better mood.
  • 72.7% felt they had more energy.
  • 87.9% of participants felt better overall.
  • 84.8% of participants would recommend Chef V products to family and friends. 

Be A Chef V Detox Participant & Experience The Results For Yourself

The clinical trial data speaks for itself. Following a Chef V 21 DAY DETOX and continuing with healthy habits such as continuing with an Organic Green Drink subscription isn’t a quick weight loss fix. It’s a lifelong health transformation. 

And the best part is that after the 21 DAY DETOX, you can indulge in some of your favorite not-so-healthy treats from time to time. 

It’s all about balance. If you stick to Chef V’s healthy eating routine (resources provided) at least 80% of the time, you may experience the same results as the study participants. 

As Citrus Labs explains, the reason why Chef V’s cleanse and detox program works is because:

“It’s not a diet that encourages people to skip meals but to use green juices and other products alongside foods that can supply the nutrition needed for optimal health outcomes. The detox program provides the three primary macronutrients alongside antioxidants to promote detoxification.”

Want to experience a safe, effective, and enjoyable health transformation? Learn more about the 21 DAY DETOX here

Chef V Detox + Green Drink Lowers Inflammation: C-Reactive Protein down 34.1%

Good news if you’re on a CHEF V GREEN DRINK PLAN or about to do a 21 DAY DETOX… A study Chef V commissioned from an independent laboratory concluded that when study participants completed the Chef V detox and continued to use the Chef V GREEN DRINK plan, “CRP levels were reduced by 34.1% from Baseline to Day 28. This is a substantial improvement in a biomarker tied to stress and the stress response”.

High levels of C-Reactive Protein indicate chronic inflammation in the body. 

Did you hear the news? 

Yes, I’m pregnant. But that’s not what I wanna talk about. 

We commissioned a neutral third-party lab testing company to conduct the effects of doing a STARTER 21 DAY DETOX, followed by 7 days of consuming ORGANIC GREEN DRINKS and eating a healthy diet. 

As I expected, the results were incredible. Sure, there was some impressive “beach body” before/after results. And I’ll be telling you all about that soon. But the first specific topic I want to discuss in depth from the study is protein. 

Not the kind you eat, but one of more than 10,000 proteins in your body: C-Reactive Protein. 

If you’ve never had your levels of C-Reactive Protein tested by your doctor, I highly encourage you to do it the next time you get a physical. 

Here’s why…


Why we Studied C-Reactive Protein (CRP) levels in our Clinical Research

CRP is made by the liver in response to inflammation in the body. 

Before I further explain, a quick note about inflammation. It’s a good thing our bodies experience an inflammatory response. That’s how we get things to heal, like cuts, bruises, runny noses, and sore throats. 

However, certain factors can cause chronic inflammation in the body. Here are a few things that can produce high levels of internal inflammation:

  • Frequently eating heavily-processed food
  • Drinking alcohol excessively
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Lack of exercise
  • Exposure to environmental toxins

When it comes to toxins, I’m not talking just about things like mold or oil spills. In addition, household cleaning products and body/haircare products made with petroleum-based chemicals can create chronic inflammation. (So spend the money and purchase organic.)

If you have high levels of CRP, it indicates that there’s chronic inflammation in your body. It can even mean there’s an underlying infection you’re unaware of. And more bad news if you have high levels of CRP. The Mayo Clinic suggests that high levels of CRP are associated with an increased risk of heart disease, heart attack or stroke. 

So should you schedule a blood draw at the doctor’s office the first chance you get? 

It’s not a bad idea to have your CRP levels checked. Thankfully, there’s an easy way to lower your CRP levels. 

knee pain

Chef V 21 DAY DETOX Lowers Inflammation Marker By Over 34%

As I said earlier, the research study evaluated the effects of doing the 21 DAY DETOX (Starter version) followed by 7 extra days of eating clean and starting each day with an Organic Green Drink. 

Incredibly, CRP levels plummeted, on average, by 34.1%. 

This is huge because unexplainable chronic pain and autoimmune conditions cause high levels of CRP. According to Medical News Today, conditions that elevate CRP levels include: 

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Irritable Bowel Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Lupus
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Obesity

Symptoms of High C-Reactive Protein Levels

You can have high CRP levels without having a diagnosed disease. However, if you do have elevated CRP in your body, you’ll likely feel at least one of these symptoms:

  • Fatigue (even if you’re getting plenty of sleep)
  • Aches and pains or stiffness, soreness and muscle weakness
  • Poor sleep
  • Digestion problems
  • Fevers or headaches

Considering that the Chef V study participants had a 34% average reduction in CRP levels after 28 days, it's no wonder the researchers concluded:

“At the conclusion of the study, participants experienced significant improvements in:

  • Muscular complaints
  • Body and joint aches
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain.”

The Easy Way To Support Normal Inflammation In The Body

Hey, I get it. Snacky foods exert a powerful force on us like a magnet to a fridge. Even I—a certified nutritional therapist, yoga practitioner, and healthy cookbook author—am not immune. French fries are my kryptonite. 

But this is why I formulated Organic Green Drink and started delivering them to customers. Starting your day by drinking 7 leafy green certified organic veggies is so easy. It balances out the toxins you’re exposed to, whether it’s from breathing car exhaust or you just can’t say no to happy hour.  


And if your diet hasn’t been squeaky clean, there’s no need to panic if it isn’t all organic! That’s why I created the 21 DAY DETOX. It’s the easiest, safest, and most affordable way to reboot your digestive and elimination system. Your liver will thank you in many ways, including having clearer skin and more energy.

If you’ve never done a detox before, select a STARTER plan. It’s the same detox that was used in the lab study that reduced CPR levels by 34%. 

With the STARTER detox, only 3 days out of the 21 do you eat a calorie-reduced diet. But even on those 3 days, you won’t feel famished or deprived of nutrients. We provide everything you need to thrive. Not only that, all our detoxes come with practical nutrition resources that help keep your results going long after you finish the 21 DAY DETOX. 

Keep Up The Good Work!

This news isn’t just for new customers. If you’re already on the CHEF V GREEN DRINK Plan or have completed a 21 DAY DETOX, I want you to know I appreciate you!

I hope that by reading this article and future ones where I’ll be discussing other impressive outcomes from the study, you’ll be motivated to stay on the CHEF V path! 

I’ve been extolling the benefits of Green Drink and 21 DAY DETOX for years. And now, we can say that these benefits are supported by science. 


Veronica Wheat
Founder, ChefV.com

A Research Study Worth “Weighting” For: CHEF V Clinically Proven For Weight Loss

Chef V and weight loss

There’s no need to do a radical fast to lose weight. Instead, you can fuel your body with healthy carbs, lean protein, and a tiny bit of dietary fat and not have to skip meals to achieve a healthy weight loss. I lost 55lbs in three months after having Kaden using Green Drink!

And now we have the science to back it up.

The word “detox” has dubious connotations: Slick-marketed detox pills, crazy fad diets, water fasts, and fruit juice fasts. So it’s no wonder most people put more weight back on than before trying a detox.

It’s also not surprising that few research studies have proven the effectiveness of detox supplements. That is until now! An independent laboratory has recently concluded that Chef V’s Detox and Green Drink leads to significant weight loss.


I should implement this on social media immediately!

One question we’re asked almost daily on DM is if Chef V Detox is effective for weight loss. “Will I keep the weight off?” customers want to know. 

Despite thousands of customer success stories, it’s inevitable that not everybody who reaches out to us tries the 21 DAY DETOX. 

And I can’t say I blame them. 

So many people have been burned by ineffective detoxes in the past. Maybe they lost a bunch of water weight (and were glued to the toilet in the process). But they put the weight back on after the detox. 

I get it. Detoxing sometimes has a bad rap. But, unfortunately, there’s a lot of crappy detox products out there.

doctor measuring waist of patient

But doing a safe and effective detox can be transformative. For the better part of two decades, I’ve believed in the power of detoxing whenever I needed to improve: 

  • Elimination: Less constipation
  • Liver function: Clearer-looking skin
  • Digestive enzyme function: Enhanced nutrient absorption and digestion
  • Inflammation: Lower levels of C-Reactive Protein
  • Energy: Better physical energy and mental stamina
  • Body composition: Less stored body fat (WEIGHT LOSS)

That’s why several years ago, I created the Chef V 21 DAY DETOX. My goal was to develop a safe and effective detox program with amazing results that lasted well past the end of the three weeks. 

In addition, I wanted to provide the education that customers so desperately need to keep the weight loss results going and adopt lifelong healthy habits

Even though I knew in my heart that the detox program I created was effective, most mainstream health websites will tell you that there’s minimal scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of detox programs for weight loss. 

Well, it was time to put my money where my mouth was and not just rely on anecdotal evidence to back my claims. It was time to put CHEF V’s Detox under the microscope.

Order a 21 Day Detox Challenge – followup with a Green Drink subscription.

Over a 28-day period, the Chef V 21 Day Detox + Green Drink Program resulted in positive health improvements:

weight loss – an average of eight pounds.

‘bad’ cholesterol decreased – (LDL cholesterol) and the ratio of total cholesterol to LDL cholesterol improved. This is really promising for overall cardiovascular wellness.

inflammation – went down 33% (based on c-reactive protein levels).

A1C levels improved, crucial for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and avoiding diabetes.

bloating decreased – relieving the traffic jam inside your stomach.

It’s truly rewarding to see these positive changes happening in just under a month, making a difference in people’s lives.

You can carry out your own Chef V program and experience the proven results! Order your 21 day detox today!

Clinical Trial Results: Participants Lose Avg. 8 POUNDS

Recently, CHEFV.com commissioned Santa Monica-based Citrus Labs to independently analyze the effects of following a 21 DAY STARTER DETOX, followed by a 7-day ORGANIC GREEN DRINK PLAN, for a total of 28 days. 

For the clinical trial, 38 men and women between the ages of 31-65 were recruited. At the beginning of the trial, participants weighed, on average, 176 pounds. By the end of the 28 days, the participants’ average body weight was 168 pounds. Of course, some people lost significantly more than 8 pounds.

(If you check out our SUCCESS STORIES, you’ll see that people who have more weight to lose have lost an impressive amount, in some cases over 50 pounds in just 21 days. And the best part is they have kept the weight off!)

Now, if you don’t think 8 pounds is a lot in 28 days, I want you to consider two things. 

First, none of the study participants had any chronic metabolic disorders such as obesity or type 2 diabetes. In other words, study participants didn’t necessarily have a significant amount of weight to lose. 

And secondly, going from 176 to 168 is a drop of almost 4.5%. Imagine melting away nearly 5% of your body, especially the part you least want to keep. 

But it wasn’t just the impressive weight loss that the participants were stoked about. Nearly 80% of the participants said they felt in a better mood, and over 72% felt they had more energy. And 88% felt better overall. 

I can’t say I was surprised by the results. That’s because in creating the 21 DAY DETOX, I didn’t have just the scale in mind. Instead, my mission was to create a detox program that safely improves digestion and elimination while teaching customers how to eat healthily for the rest of their lives.

“Participants experienced a significant reduction in weight across the trial, losing 7.74 pounds on average. Overall, Chef V products were very effective at promoting positive changes in biomarkers measured during this trial.”

—Citrus Labs 

Mackenzie's Success Story

During my 21 day detox I lost 19 lbs! My BMI went from 24.0 to 16.9! I am super excited for when I do my next detox because I will be doing the expert challenge! LOVE LOVE LOVE Chef V.” – Mackenzie

Chef V Weight Loss Study Detox Method

So how did the participants lose all that weight and feel great? By, as I like to joke, following the directions to a “V.”

A Chef V Starter Detox has 3 phases:

  • Days 1-7: Healthy Routine
  • Days 8-10: 3 Day Cleanse
  • Days 11-21: Healthy Routine

For the first and third phases, study participants prepared lunch and dinner from Chef V’s Meal Planner, which contains delicious recipes, helpful tips, and resources such as a healthy portion guide, an Eat This/Not That chart, and more. For breakfast, participants enjoy a 16 oz. Green Drink and then are encouraged to have a vegan protein shake (also provided by Chef V) 30 minutes later. 

During the 3 Day Cleanse phase, participants consumed four 16 oz servings of Green Drink, two vegan protein shakes, and a Detox Soup for dinner. All three Chef V products—GREEN DRINK, PROTEIN SHAKE, DETOX SOUP—supply the nutrition you need for optimal health outcomes, including healthy and sustained weight loss. 

There’s no need to do a radical fast to lose weight. Instead, you can fuel your body with healthy carbs, lean protein, and a tiny bit of dietary fat and not have to skip meals to achieve a healthy weight loss. 

And now we have the science to back it up. 

Experience what the Chef V study participants felt. Learn more about Chef V Detox options here

Rick's Success Story

“I noticed that there is a lack of 21 Day Cleanse reviews, compared to 3 day, 5 day, and 7 day reviews. So I feel obliged to share my experience.

This is not the first time I have done a cleanse, so I have others to compare it to as well. In a nut shell: CHEF V ROCKS! Thats the simple version. The long version is that the 21 Day Cleanse is worth every penny, it is a challenge, and it is positively altering!

So far, I am down a whopping total of 51 LBS, due in part to Chef V's 21 Day Cleanse! From day 1 to day 21 of the challenge, I lost a total of 22lbs….and I continue to lose weight. This cleanse has aftershocks.
(BOOOOOOOM!)” – Rick

The Formula for Sustained Weight Loss with Chef V

four people holding green drink

Anybody can do a juice cleanse to lose weight. But for sustained weight loss and a major health transformation, use my Chef V Cleanse + Green Drink and follow my recipes and meals!

My Chef V’s 21-Day Challenge makes nutrition the first priority. It's the only clinically proven long-term program that includes organic Green Drink, plant-based protein shakes, filling detox soups, a varied choice of food, and a plan for sustaining your positive results. 

Michael weight loss

The Chef V Clinical Research Study

“Will I keep the weight off?” customers want to know.  Lots of companies make weigh loss claims, but I want to prove the results people get from my products. 

So rather than just relying on social media testimonials and hype, I decided to boldly go where few natural food companies have gone: get the (very expensive) backing of an independent clinical trial. 

The clinical trial had participants completing a 21 Day Challenge followed by a week of Green Drink. Before the 21 Day Challenge, the participants weighed, on average, 176 pounds. At the end of the trial, participants’ average body weight was 168 pounds. And some people lost significantly more than 8 pounds.

Most important to me, I designed the Challenge to keep the weight loss results going and help participants adopt lifelong healthy habits.

Above, you can see the incredible weight loss that Michael achieved and sustained with help from Chef V Green Drink. 

Chef V cooking

What's Your Secret? How Can You Help Me?

How can I get people to end their addiction to artificial ingredients, sodium, sugar, and unhealthy processed fats that are so pervasive in packaged foods? What can I do to help people conquer insulin resistance and high blood sugar that lead to so many chronic health problems? 

These were burning questions I asked myself when I decided to pass on going to graduate school after getting my degree in psychology. Instead, I decided to take a leap of faith and launch a career that combined two of my passions: cooking and educating people about health and wellness. 

Over a decade later with thousands of success stories under ChefV’s belt, people often ask me the secret to my Cleanse and Detox programs in helping people safely lose weight, feel great and keep their results going. I would say it’s these elements:

Completely Organic

Organic Foundation – Chef V is a certified organic brand with bicoastal kitchens that exceed the rigorous standards set forth by the National Organic Program. When trying to cleanse/detox your body, you can’t do it with pesticides and herbicides. The ingredients have to be organic! That’s not something I’ll ever compromise on just to save money.

Eat Healthy and Sustain!

Healthy Eating Resources – Before you start a cleanse, do you know how to avoid side effects? Do you know how to keep the weight off once the cleanse ends? Over the years, I’ve created pre-cleanse instructions, a handy Eat This/Not That and Healthy Portion printout, and other resources so you can experience a long-lasting health transformation. The recipes in my cookbook “Cleansing Made Easier” transform your favorite recipes to healthier alternatives. And my blog and weekly emails have hundreds of recipes and articles to keep you motivated.

Every month I send you new “What do I Eat Today” menus that make it easy to plan on a busy day. Michael, whose before and after photos are shown above, was a guest at my “Cooking with Chef V” moussaka video. Watch the video and click the image below for complete recipe instructions.

Cooking with V Video Series

Healthy Cooking Video SeriesHow does an organic turkey cream-free risotto sound? Or a vegan mousaka. Or a dairy-free, gluten-free chicken pot pie? Maybe you prefer quinoa enchiladas instead? All these delicious recipes and more are available on the Chef V Life channel on YouTube and offer a healthy alternative without sacrificing taste.


No Quick Fix Promises – Everybody deserves to live a healthy life. But there’s no quick-fix solution. It takes some time and effort. But when you have someone holding your hand to guide you on the transition from a diet full of processed food to eating a (mostly) plant-based whole-food diet, it’s an enjoyable journey. Our Facebook Community support each other as they cleanse and after. 

Emphasis on Nutrition while Cleansing

More than Juice – It’s easy to lose weight doing a juice cleanse. That’s because you’ll be consuming way fewer calories than normal. But if you’re just drinking juice containing high-sugar fruits, you’ll starve your body and have blood sugar fluctuations. In comparison, Chef V CLEANSES include 3 products that prevent cravings and maintain lean muscle tissue:

  • Protein-Packed Shakes: Unlike water or juice-only fasts, our shakes provide a significant amount of protein, essential for muscle maintenance and overall bodily function.
  • Fiber-Rich Organic Juice: Many cleansing juices on the market are nothing more than sugary traps. Our organic juice is blended, not pressed and is rich in fiber, aiding in digestion and contributing to a fuller feeling.
  • Vegetable-Enriched Soups: We don't ignore the importance of whole foods in our cleanse. It includes soups with essential nutrients making sure you're well-fed and satisfied.
  • And to keep weight off after your detox you eat delicious (and healthy) food.  


Backed By Research –  I commissioned an independent lab to research Chef V products. Citrus Labs concluded that Chef V products, including the ORGANIC GREEN DRINK PLAN combined with the healthy recipes, resulted in improved health and weight loss for all participants in the study. You can check out the findings from the clinical research here.

Chef V: A Path To A Healthy, New Lifestyle

Before I launched ChefV.com Organic Green Drink delivery, I was a private chef. I’ve always loved cooking and eating flavorful healthy foods, even as a teenager. 

My mission is to help you transform your kitchen into a haven for health. All of the recipes in my cookbook, MAKING CLEANSING EASIER, include 100% cleanse-friendly ingredients. When a recipe calls for sweetness, stevia or a low-sugar natural alternative is used. As I said in the intro to my cookbook, these recipes are so yummy. Not only will you not feel deprived, you will think are indulging big time! 

Experiencing a health transformation as I said takes time but the formula is pretty easy: Eating right + Drinking lots of water + exercising. 

Just remember you don’t have to eat perfectly healthy 100% of the time. Even I indulge in my favorite vice occasionally: french fries. The key is to be consistent. Don’t just try to lose weight to fit into a wedding dress and then go back to eating fast food. 

Veronica with her cookbook


If you want to look and feel your best, get on a Green Drink Plan. And if you want to accelerate your weight loss and other health goals, try a CLEANSE or 21-DAY DETOX. With all organic ingredients, healthy eating resources, dozens of recipes and cooking videos, and the backing of research, you’re well on the path to success!

Veronica Wheat
Founder, ChefV.com

Chef V Life Before & After Success Stories

chefvlife success stories

Above, Chef V clients' before/after photos

Check out these Chef V experiences!

These customers have amazing before and after stories to tell about Chef V's  Green Drink and Cleanses. Many have lost weight and feel “amazing!”.

Chef V customers might start with a Chef V Cleanse, but they continue to drink it daily for its continuing health benefits. Plus, at only $7 a day, it is much more affordable than grocery store brands.

As you can see from these success stories, our customers are happy to tell their friends, family, and us their success stories.

Pashelle's Success

Pashelle success

Pashelle says: “Thank you so much. I work about 13-14 hours a day in the wardrobe department of a television show. It is so easy to eat junk food allday. Me and the driver of my wardrobe trailer committed to the 3 day cleanse and we feel amazing. Day 1 was the toughtest day Day 2, I saw the difference. And day 3 was an introduction to my New Self. Thank you Chef V.”

Makenzie's Story

Mackenzie success

“During my 21 day detox I lost 19 lbs! My BMI went from 24.0 to 16.9! I am super excited for when I do my next detox because I will be doing the expert challenge! LOVE LOVE LOVE Chef V.”

Michael's Dramatic Weight Loss


“I’ve reached my goal weight in June, losing a total of 245 plus pounds over the last 22 months. Chef V has helped in this as my morning drink since I started my Green Drink Plan from you. Thank you.”

“I’ve reached my goal weight in June, losing a total of 245 plus pounds over the last 22 months. Chef V has helped in this as my morning drink since I started my Green Drink Plan from you. Thank you.”

Rick's Story


“Wow!… have I been excited to write this review! (READ WITH CONFIDENCE) This is not the first time I have done a cleanse, so I have others to compare it to as well. In a nut shell: CHEF V ROCKS! That’s the simple version. The long version is that the 21 Day Detox is worth every penny, it is a challenge, and it is positively altering! From day 1 to day 21 of the challenge, I lost a total of 22lbs ….and I continue to lose weight. This cleanse has aftershocks. (BOOOOOOOM!) THANK YOU Chef V; for all the countless hours of study you have done to deliver a detox that gives noticeable results and restoration! Thank you, Chef V!”

Want A Profound Wellness Transformation? Do This, Research Shows.

Research shows if you want a physical and mental-health makeover, do this. A Chef V 21 Day Detox + a week of Chef V Green Drink. Certified nutritional therapist and ChefV.com founder Veronica Wheat describes the clinical research study results…

Which supplements should I take to look and feel your best? 

Which foods should I eat so that I’m not always bloated? 

What’s the best exercise that won’t make me exhausted? 

What should I do to improve my sleep? 

How can I stay focused at work—especially in the afternoon? 

Which products will make my skin and hair look healthier? 

What should I do to keep my mood and mental health balanced?…

…It’s no wonder many people feel overwhelmed and quickly give up pursuing a healthier lifestyle. 

There’s just too many variables and conflicting information. Not to mention the hundreds or thousands of dollars in supplements, apps, and other products you need to spend to experience a health transformation.

If you’ve ever wanted a wellness makeover but ultimately gave up, I feel your pain. 

But what if there were just ONE thing you could do that would make you feel both physically and mentally incredible?

You’d probably think it was too good to be true. 

But what if that one thing were backed by research? And not just an in vitro experiment (a “test tube” study) or even an animal study. But a clinical trial—research conducted on humans…

Would you be way less skeptical? 

And what if this clinical trial showed that just one month is all it takes to experience a profound health transformation? 

Would you be willing to give it a try? 

veronica cutting veg

28 Days To A New, Better You: The Research-Backed Results Of ChefV.com 

In case you’re new to ChefV.com and you’re Googling “the best detoxes” or “best easy cleanse for weight loss”, as somebody who has been in this industry for most of my adult life, let me give you some advice… 

You know how those detox diets always promise amazing things like weight loss, fixing gut problems, boosting energy, and making your hair, skin, and nails look incredible? Well, turns out those claims are pretty much B.S. And there haven't been many studies to really check if detox diets actually work.

The truth is there’s hardly any evidence that any detox supplement or product actually works! 

Now why would I be dishing out the dirt on this industry secret when the business I launched in 2012 with encouragement from my husband and biz partner Brandon specializes in short-term Cleanses and the 21 DAY DETOX

Precisely to separate ChefV.com from the competition. 

That’s why early in 2023, Brandon and I decided to spend a small fortune on having our products clinically tested. 

Citrus Labs, a Santa Monica-based research company, examined the effects of using ChefV.com products for 28 days on 38 participants. None of the participants had any significant health problems but had complaints that almost everybody else has: low energy levels, occasional bloating, etc. 

The 38 participants first completed the ChefV.com 21 DAY DETOX and then were given one 16-ounce serving of ORGANIC GREEN DRINK for 7 days. The participants’ health was determined by pre- and post-study blood work and questionnaires. 

At the end of the study, the researchers concluded that ChefV.com products resulted in: 

A Detox That Works Without The Suffering

The study by Citrus Labs showed that pretty much every wellness marker had improved after just 28 days, including:

  • 43.7% improvement in energy levels
  • 39.8% improvement in hair loss
  • 46.2% improvement in bloating
  • 49.6% improvement in muscle fatigue
  • 48.6% improvement in back pain
  • 43.8% improvement with sleep issues
  • 32.3% improvement in the ability to focus

“Participants experienced a statistically significant improvement in total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, HbA1C, and body weight over the 28 days. Participants also experienced a significant improvement in almost all of the subjective perceptions measured via the surveys from Baseline to Day 28. Overall, the Chef V products tested in this trial led to significant positive physiological and psychological health outcomes.” — Citrus Labs conclusion

An incredible conclusion for sure. But will you have to suffer for a month in order to achieve a dramatic health and wellness transformation? 

No! That’s the great thing about the ChefV.com 21 DAY DETOX. But don’t just take my word for it. Here’s what the independent research company says about it: 

“The detox diet used in this trial is not a diet that encourages people to skip meals but to use green drinks and other products alongside foods that can supply the nutrition needed for optimal health outcomes. The detox program provides the three primary macronutrients alongside antioxidants to promote detoxification.” 

Whereas lots of other detox programs are actually short-term starvation diets, the ChefV.com 21 DAY DETOX nourishes your body’s trillions of cells with Organic Green Drinks, Vegan Protein Shakes and Detox Soups, plus low-calorie antioxidant-rich recipes. 

Let me know if you come across any detox program online that remotely comes close! 

The Journey of Lifelong Healthy Habits Starts With One Step

I’m excited for you to finally experience the wellness makeover you’ve been wanting and waiting for. You can have the confidence that your hard-earned money will be well spent on a research-backed detox that won’t jeopardize your health or make you have energy crashes and cravings. 

The first step towards a new, healthier, happier you is learning more here.


Veronica “V” Wheat
ChefV.com founder
Certified Nutritional Therapist

Can’t Sleep? Try CBT!

koala bear sleeping

If you think CBT is the latest, greatest form of CBD, like CBN, good guess, but not quite. CBT stands for cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and just like Chef V products, it has the backing of research for improving sleep quality. ChefV.com founder Veronica Wheat provides an intro to CBT.  

Over the last few weeks, I’ve covered something I’m incredibly proud of. ChefV.com products were recently the focus of an independent clinical trial by Citrus Labs, and the results were amazing. 

The 38 participants who completed a 21 DAY DETOX and then continued on a GREEN DRINK plan for 7 days saw vast improvements in all areas of their life. This includes a 34% reduction in inflammation, an average weight loss of nearly 8 pounds, and for what I want to focus on in this article, a 44% improvement in sleep quality.

So that got me thinking…

What else can help the Chef V community get more restful ZZZs? 

I’m not going to bore you with how important sleep is. I’m sure every article you’ve read details how sleep is linked to every facet of health. I don’t know about you but when I don’t get good sleep and I read about how important sleep is, it stresses me out a little. I’ll also skip the statistics on how many people suffer from poor sleep. (It’s obviously a lot of people.)

So I won’t pour fuel on the fire. Instead, I want to dive right in and tell you about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) because it’s received a lot of attention but many people are still unfamiliar with it. 

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? 

This is the textbook definition of CBT: It’s an evidence-based form of psychotherapy that focuses on identifying and modifying negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It aims to transform maladaptive patterns into healthier ones. 

So what exactly does that mean? Well, to put it simply, your thoughts and actions/behaviors have a profound influence on how you feel. And obviously, if you have negative thoughts, it can interfere with your sleep quality. With CBT, under the supervision of a therapist, you learn how to basically rewire your brain in order to think and act more positively. 

How Does CBT Work?

Again, let’s avoid textbook definitions and instead use an example of how cognitive behavioral therapy works for sleep. 

Picture yourself in a CBT session. Suppose the therapist asks you about your concerns and thoughts about sleep. Maybe you tell the therapist something like, “I’m afraid that if I don’t get 7-8 hours of sleep, I’ll feel like crap and won’t be able to function.” 

In response, the therapist would point out those thoughts contribute to anxiety, which can cause insomnia. 

therapist in session

The therapist then might ask you, “Can you think of any times when you thought you weren’t going to fall asleep but you did, or when you thought you wouldn’t be able to function on less than 7 hours of sleep but felt ok nonetheless?” 

You then reflect back on those nights when you were anxious about not being able to fall asleep yet you eventually did, and even though you may have needed a cup of coffee or two to wake up, you rallied and persevere through the day. 

The therapist would then make you realize that your negative thoughts centered around your inability to sleep or function are just stories in your head; they are not entirely accurate. In addition, the therapist would help you reframe your thoughts about sleep anxiety. For instance, if it’s 1 a.m. and you’re thinking, “I'll never be able to fall asleep,” you recognize this thought and replace it with a more positive one such as: “Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep, but I can find strategies to help me relax and eventually fall asleep.”

CBT: Reshaping Sleep Perspectives

CBT teaches you that having occasional sleep difficulties is normal, not a crisis. If you’re feeling anxious at night about not getting enough sleep, a CBT therapist might encourage you to recite this phrase before you try to fall asleep: 

“Even if I have a less restful night, I can still find ways to manage my day and take care of myself.”

It’s not exactly as simple as an Om mantra. But it helps take the pressure off; not everybody needs to get 8-9 hours of sleep, especially not every night. 

Ultimately, a CBT therapist helps you develop a healthier, more positive perspective on sleep. You’ve probably experienced several challenges in life that you have overcome, whether it’s difficult breakups, moving to a new location, being stuck in a dead-end job, etc. Sleep can be a challenge at times, but through CBT, you learn tools to cope with the challenge and overcome it. 

Longer-Acting Than A Sleeping Pill

Most people want a quick fix for their sleep problems. But the problem with most sleep medications is that they can be habit-forming, or eventually, they don’t work as well and you need to take a higher dose. Not to mention the potential side effects.

Although CBT is not a quick fix, it is a clinically-proven long-term solution. According to the American Psychological Association, the therapy works for a long time because it teaches one to face fears instead of avoiding them. CBT also employs role-playing to prepare for potentially problematic interactions with others and teaches relaxation techniques. 

Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Really Work For Insomnia? 

According to the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, CBT is “the most effective nonpharmacological treatment for chronic insomnia.” CBT “produces results equivalent to sleep medication, with no side effects, fewer episodes of relapse, and a tendency for sleep to continue to improve long past the end of treatment.”

The study authors add that the long-term improvements in sleep quality “seem to result from the patient learning to support and promote the body's natural sleep mechanism.”

And in another study published in the journal, Cognitive Behavior Therapy,  the positive effects of CBT were still present after 10 years. “Insomnia severity remained low, and two-thirds of participants no longer fulfilled the criteria for an insomnia diagnosis,” the study authors concluded.

woman sleeping with remote in hand

CBT & Sleep Hygiene

You’ve heard of oral hygiene (brushing, flossing, tongue scraping, oil pulling), but sleep hygiene? 

Sleep hygiene refers to healthy sleep practices. For instance, before I go to sleep, I put my phone in airplane mode. I don’t want EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) potentially interfering with my sleep cycle. I also make sure the room is dark and turn off all other electronics at least 30 minutes before bed. I also try to go to sleep at roughly the same time every night. 

I treat my bedroom as a sacred sleeping space, not a workstation or an entertainment room. If you have trouble sleeping, a CBT therapist will teach you these and other healthy sleep-preparation habits.

Breathing & Visualization For Sleep

Learning how to perform relaxation breathwork techniques, visualization exercises, and gratitude consciousness are other important components of CBT for sleep.  

There’s a ton of free YouTube videos for each of these stress-management techniques. The problem, however, is that there are so many of them it can be overwhelming if you have anxiety—and the vicious circle of anxiety about not being able to sleep. 

So if you need guidance on how to incorporate these highly-effective stress-management techniques, CBT is worth trying. 

glass sound bowls

The Downside of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Sleep

Hopefully, you have good health insurance because if not, you may need to pay out of pocket, and CBT sessions aren’t cheap. A weekly session can cost $150 or more, depending on where you live. And you’ll likely need at least a handful of sessions to overcome sleep problems. 

But in the end, I think CBT is worth it because not only can it help improve sleep, but it can also help improve your quality of life in other ways, such as feeling calmer throughout the day and having more energy—Just like ChefV.com products. 

According to the conclusion of Citrus Labs study on the Chef V 21 Day Detox (followed by 7 days of daily Green Drink consumption), nearly 80% of participants said they were in a better mood after the study, nearly 75% said they had more energy since using Chef V, and 88% said they felt better overall.

In conclusion, Chef V and CBT make for an effective sleep-improving combination. 

To your health and ZZZZ’s


Veronica “V” Wheat
Founder, ChefV.com

How “Fat” Is Your Blood? Organic Green Drink Clinically Proven To Lower Triglycerides

triglyceride levels down

Do you have any idea what your triglyceride levels are? If not, you should. One of the key markers of cardiovascular health, triglycerides are largely affected by your diet and lifestyle. The good news is that according to a clinical trial, there’s one easy way to dramatically reduce your triglyceride levels: doing a Chef V 21 Day Detox.

Dietary fat has a negative connotation. You see, far too many people don’t eat enough healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, olives, salmon, and olive oil. One reason for the lack of healthy fats in the diet is that many people still believe that eating fat makes you fat, even though studies show that eating healthy fats may be beneficial for improving obesity.   

But there is one way in which fat deservedly has earned a dubious reputation: fats in the blood, better known as triglycerides. 

What Are Triglycerides? 

Triglycerides are a type of fat that circulates in your bloodstream. The most common type of fat in your body, triglyceride levels are determined by two primary things: 

  • The food you eat
  • Calorie intake

If you’ve never thought about your triglyceride levels, here’s why it’s so important. You see, when you consume more calories than you burn, the extra calories are stored as triglycerides in fat cells. In other words, triglycerides are essentially stored fat. 

When you exercise, your body will release some of the triglycerides for energy through hormone signaling. Intermittent fasting is another example of when your body burns triglycerides for energy.

So in this respect, triglycerides are important for overall health. If you had no triglycerides, you’d have no energy. 

But, like with everything in life, too much of anything can be dangerous. And it turns out that approximately 1 in 3 Americans has high triglyceride levels

bar graph

The Dangers of Having High Triglyceride Levels

High triglyceride levels in your blood can raise your risk of heart disease and stroke, explains The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

So what causes excessive triglyceride levels? Sometimes it’s genetics, but most often, it’s lifestyle, starting with diet. Again, most people think that if you eat fat, you’ll get fatter. And if triglycerides are fat in the blood, then it stands to reason that the more fat you eat, the more fat you’ll have in your blood. 

But that’s not necessarily the case, especially if you consume a Mediterranean diet rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, like the type of healthy fats I mentioned at the beginning. 

The biggest dietary culprits that contribute to high triglyceride levels are:

  • Added sugars (soda, fruit juice, energy drinks, etc.)
  • Refined grains (cereal, bread, bagels and other baked goods)
  • White flour
  • Wheat flour
  • Alcohol 
  • Fatty cuts of meat

If you exercise every day and eat a diet that consists mostly of fruits and veggies, low-starch grains (quinoa, wild rice, ancient grains), lean protein, and healthy fats, you’ll likely keep your triglyceride levels in a healthy range (below 150 mg/dl). 

Chef V: Clinically Proven To Reduce Triglycerides

The problem is that for some people, switching from a sedentary lifestyle and eating healthy is not easy; it’s a radical transformation. The question then becomes, what’s a relatively easy way to experience a health transformation? And in the process, lower your triglyceride levels, which reduces your risk of developing heart disease. 

The answer is doing a CHEF V 21 DAY DETOX

Now, I know that if you’ve never done a detox, it sounds intimidating. But what if I told you that it’s so easy to follow and there’s no guesswork involved? Not only that, what if I told you that your triglyceride levels could be slashed by over 20%? 

But don’t take my word for it. Take the results from an independent study by Citrus Labs that studied the effects of doing a CHEF V 21 DAY DETOX, followed by a 7 day period where the 38 participants consumed a 16 oz serving of Organic Green Drink.

At the start of the trial, participants had a baseline average triglyceride level of 143mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter). 

By the end of the 28-day trial, the 38 subjects’ average triglycerides plummeted to under 110—a reduction of over 23%

Not only that, but the participants also experienced an improvement in other metabolic markers.

“Overall, participants saw a statistically significant improvement in total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, cholesterol/LDL cholesterol ratio, and HbA1C (A1C blood sugar). These findings suggest that the Chef V protocol, as used in this trial, is effective at bringing about positive changes in each of these cardiovascular health biomarkers in just a 28-day test period.”

—Citrus Labs' conclusion

Chef V: “Using As Directed” Is Easy As 1-2-V

If you’ve never done a 21 DAY DETOX, choose the STARTER option. That’s the plan the 38 participants followed. There are 3 phases during the STARTER plan. On Days 1-7 and 11-21, you’ll follow my Healthy Routine. On these days, you’ll get a 16oz Green Drink and Protein Shake, then choose your lunch, snack and dinner from my Meal Planner, which contains delicious recipes, helpful tips and resources. 

In between those two phases, on Days 8-10, you’ll follow my 3 DAY CLEANSE, which I created for safe yet maximally effective weight loss and detoxification. Each day during the 3-Day Cleanse, you’ll get four (4) 16-oz Green Drinks, 2 Protein Shakes, and a Detox Soup for dinner.

To boost your results, I’ll also send you a free digital copy of my recipe book, “Making Cleansing Easier”, which contains hundreds of ideas for creating healthier and cleansing meals for you and your family. 

I always knew that the detox and cleanse plans I created would lead to health transformations, like Sabrina’s 100-pound weight loss success.

But now Chef V has the backing of a clinical trial to prove it!

I look forward to helping you create your own health success story


Veronica “V” Wheat
Founder, CHEFV.com

Need A Liver Detox? Here’s The Safest Way

Did you just have a junk food binge-a-thon? Or did you recently celebrate a birthday with bottomless flutes of champagne? Then maybe you need a liver detox. But before you start one, Veronica Wheat, aka Chef V, explains what you need to know…

What Is A Liver Detox?

Did drinking too much red wine make you feel not so fine? Then maybe it’s time for a liver detox. But before I tell you the safest way to do a liver detox, let’s get to know your liver. 

Your liver performs hundreds of functions. If you’ve indulged lately, you can thank your liver for filtering your blood. That means that the liver removes toxins from drugs, alcohol and coffee and synthetic chemicals (like glyphosate) into harmless waste products. These waste products are eliminated when you pee and poo. 

But if your liver is chronically overworked because of what you’re putting in your body—or because of what your body is exposed to—its ability to filter the toxins in your blood becomes compromised. 

Time to reach for the liver detox pills? Well, let’s not jump ahead of ourselves. First let’s find out if you really need to do a liver detox. 

Free Liver Detox Resources

I’m  temporarily making available these incredible free resources:

  • Eat This/Not That chart that prepares you for the pre-cleanse and post-cleanse phase. No more guesswork about what to eat ever again!
  • Healthy Portions Guide – know exactly how much of the good stuff to load on your plate.
  • Breakfast Smoothie Guide – In a rush? No sweat, you don’t have to sacrifice your health thanks to these delicious and luxurious liquid breakfasts.
  • Lunch And Dinner Guide – Knowing what to make is frustrating. Chef V holds your hand with oodles of healthy meal creation ideas. 

You can find these invaluable resources here

Top 7 Signs You Could Use A Liver Detox

Here’s how you can tell if you should consider doing a liver detox

  • Frequently tired—even after getting plenty of sleep
  • Experiencing headaches
  • Constantly constipated 
  • Easily putting on weight—despite exercising
  • Cravings for sugar and starchy carbs
  • Trouble digesting protein or fat
  • Post-meal nausea or bloating

To put it simply, if you just generally feel like crap, it could be because your liver’s detoxification pathways are clogged up like an L.A. freeway at rush hour. 

This is why thousands of people have transformed their health doing a safe and effective Chef V 21 Day Detox. It’s like a metabolic reboot for your liver. 

How Does A Liver Detox Work? 

Liver detoxes work in two phases. The first phase is reducing the toxic burden on the liver. This simply means that you remove all sources of toxic overload: junk food, alcohol (sadly this includes mimosas), tobacco, conventional brands of laundry detergent and dryer sheets (don’t underestimate how much chemicals in your everyday household goods can clog your liver), etc. 

By eliminating these toxic sources, your liver can take a breather. Then, iln the second phase of liver detoxification, you introduce foods that nourish the liver and accelerate its filtering optimization. 

In the Chef V 21 Day Detox, I teach people exactly what to eat and what to avoid in the days leading up to the detox. This is the first phase. 

And in the second phase, I provide you with liver-boosting recipes, Organic Green Drinks, Vegan Protein Shakes and Detox Soups. 

Beyond doing a 21 Day Detox, there’s other things can help you improve liver detoxification like:

  • Doing high intensity interval training (like strenuous hot yoga)
  • Using household cleaners and body/haircare products that are free of synthetic chemicals. (Sorry ladies: no perfume or anything with fragrance.)
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Sweating in an infrared sauna 
  • Eating a low inflammatory diet
  • Taking supplements to support liver function

woman holding painful stomach

What Are The Best Supplements For A Liver Detox? 

Want to improve your liver function? Then you may also want to think about taking some of the following supplements that are backed by research.

But before you start popping supplements to detoxify your liver, let me give you a warning. First of all, not all supplements are created equal. Unless you really understand the nutritional supplement marketplace, you could end up buying a supplement that clogs your liver even more. That’s because many conventional supplement manufacturers add fillers to the products. Soybean oil? That’s nasty! (Read my take on soy here.)

The second problem with relying on supplements is that many people feel like they can continue eating like crap. 

It’s true that there are some people who have low-functioning livers because of environmental contamination. But by and large, it’s a food problem. Most people aren’t flooding their trillions of cells with phytonutrients to support liver health. 

And that’s why I created Organic Green Drink in the first place. It’s a staple of my 21 Day Detox program. (4 servings a day!)

What Are The Risks Of Doing A Liver Detox? 

Not all liver detox programs are safe and effective. In my “industry” juice cleanses are synonymous with liver detoxes. But I’ll tell you a dirty little secret about the juice industry. 

The majority of juice cleanse and detox programs are just glorified fruit juice. I call it “diabetes in a bottle.” How can consuming 25-50 grams or more of sugar a few times a day contribute to liver health? 

But the insane thing is that these big brand juice companies are getting away with it. They’re marketing their juices as healthy for the liver when in fact it’s the opposite. Juice detoxes do not include enough protein. That’s why on the cleanse days within my 21 Day Detox program, you get 2 Vegan Protein Shakes. They are super easy on the liver unlike animal protein. 

In addition, you need a tiny amount of healthy dietary fat while you’re cleansing the liver. That’s why on the Cleanse days within the 21 Day Detox, you get a delicious DETOX SOUP. It contains just a gram of dietary fat. Believe it or not, that’s enough to keep you satisfied and prevent cravings. 

And don’t get me started with detox pills. Any pill that promises to eliminate toxins also has the potential to strip your digestive system of good bacteria and vital nutrients. 

If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this article, don’t take liver detox pills. 

woman woth green chef v protein powder packs

Does Doing A Liver Detox Work? 

A safely designed liver detox program can definitely help you get back on track with your health goals. In fact, in a study published in Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine a 7-day detox program was found to enhance health and prevent the development of disease.

But don’t just let the research do the talking. Let’s give the spotlight to real people who have had huge success after doing a Chef V cleanse/detox. Like Maddi, who says, “When I need to get back on track, I love the Chef V cleanse – the 5 day cleanse for me has been an effective detox and metabolic reset. I love the soups, shakes, and juice and always end up feeling better after I complete one of the cleanses.”

What Is The Safest Way To Do A Detox? 

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on supplements, fad diets and pills that could end up causing scary side effects. 

If you want the cheapest detox? Then start each day by drinking fresh lemon juice water. But if you need more support, including all the education you’ll ever need for successfully doing a liver detox, check out:


Want a sneak peek into what a 21 Day Detox is like? Check out Chef V’s 21 Day Detox Directions. This resource is usually kept private until you sign up for the detox. 

To your liver health!


Chef V

Chef V eating mac and cheese

Top 5 Myths About Doing a Detox

new year same you but better

You know it’s time for a new you!

Perhaps you haven’t been eating healthy but you are ready to make a positive change. Is your belly is chronically bloated? Does it take you a couple cups of coffee in the morning to wake up from the dead? And when the caffeine eventually wears off, your mental clarity and energy are foggy and sluggish, respectively. Your skin is bumpy and dull, and your sleep patterns are erratic. Let's make the new year's you the same you but better!

But some people are intimidated by detox diets. While the thought of coming out the other side of a metabolic reboot sounds appealing, you don’t want to be miserable doing it. “Detoxes” can mean different things to different people. Herbal supplements, colon cleanses, infrared saunas, digestive enzymes, and of course, juice cleanses. 

If you’re thinking about doing a detox, here are the Top Five Myths About Doing a Detox.

Chef V in a field of kale

Detox Myth #1: It’s Too Hard – Not True!

To some people, the phrase “detox” is synonymous with starvation. But a detox shouldn’t be deficient in nutrients, and it certainly shouldn’t be a lengthy, strict fast. While following an intermittent fasting schedule is great for your health (I do it, and so does Brandon, my husband.), not eating anything for over 24 hours could do you more harm than good. 

With my 21 Day Detox, you choose between one, two or three intervals of a 3 day cleanse. During the 3, 6 or 9 days, you’re on a calorie restricted diet. But you’re getting all the nutrients you need to detoxify vital organs and lose weight—without feeling deprived. 

On these cleanse days, you drink 4 servings of my Organic Green Drink (16 oz. per serving), a smooth-as-silk cold-blend of 7 certified organic green leafy veggies. You also get 2 packets of my vegan-friendly protein shake (about 20 grams of muscle-building protein per shake) and one Detox Soup for dinner. 

Essentially, these cleanse days are a liquid diet. But there’s enough protein and fiber to help your energy levels remain steady and prevent cravings.

Chef V eating her detox carrot soup

Myth #2: You Can Only Have Juice Or Raw Kale – No, you can have delicious soups and protein shakes as well

Many people associate cleanse or detox diets with juice programs. If you ever come across a program that offers only juices, whether it’s a 3 day program or a longer one, then run. 

Here’s why: most juice programs, even if the drinks are low in sugar (unfortunately, most juice detoxes are very high in sugar), they are woefully deficient in protein and fiber. Pressed juices don’t contain the fiber from the fruit or veggie. And when you have no fiber, your blood sugar levels fluctuate. The result is nasty mood swings. You really need protein, fiber and even some healthy fat to keep you full and maintain your blood sugar at a steady level during your detox. 

(By the way, my Organic Green Drink contains only 6 grams of sugar per 16 oz serving, keeping your energy level rock-steady.) 

As for the non-cleanse days — either 18 days, 15 days or 12 days depending on how many 3 day cleanses you choose during the 21 Day Detox, you get to enjoy entrees like nachos, wild salmon, mac and cheese, and pesto lasagna, just to name a few. 

How can you mack on mac n’ cheese when you’re trying to detoxify your body? When you order my 21 Day Detox, you get access to my recipe book, “Making Healthier Easier,” a PDF download that teaches you how to make your favorite entrees healthy (I use nutritional yeast as a cheese substitute. 

I also provide you with an Eat This/Not That chart, and a Healthy Portions guide. When you’re eating dozens of delicious meals that you can take right from my book, and learn exactly what you should eat during a 21 Day Detox, 3 weeks goes by real quick.

refreshing smoothie

Myth #3: You Can Only Drink Water And Detox Drinks – No! How about a Watermelon Slush?

While I do recommend eliminating caffeine during a 21 Day Detox (for all 21 days), that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy other drinks. 

On your non-cleanse days (again, it’s either 18, 15 or 12 days, depending on how many 3-day cleanse periods you want to do), you can use my recipe book to easily create craft “mocktails.” How does Watermelon Slush sound? It’s perfect for hot days when you need something sweet and refreshing. Or how about Creamy Green Smoothie, a delicious, filling blend of avocado, spinach, kale, dates, lemon, chia seeds and cinnamon … doesn’t exactly sound like torture, does it? 

cheesecake with raspberry garnish

Myth #4: You Can’t Have Any Sugar Or Dessert

Ideally, starting from right now and everyday for the rest of your life, you will eat a low-sugar diet. But there’s a misconception that when you’re doing a detox, you can’t have any sugar. Technically, that’s not true. All veggies, even green leafy ones, contain a tiny bit of natural sugar. 

Sure, you shouldn’t eat anything with added sugars while you’re doing a 21 Day Detox. But even on the non-cleanse days, you still get to feast on sweet-tasting things like berries and even a date or two. 

And the best part of my 21 Day Detox is that on non-cleanse days, you can have your cake and eat it, too. That’s right. In my cookbook, you’ll find recipes for Triple Layer Cheesecake, Acai, Chia Seed Pudding, Chocolate Avocado Mousse, and Vanilla ‘Milk’ Shake. 

Again, it doesn’t sound exactly like torture, does it? The reason you get to eat like a King while eliminating toxins is that you’ll be swapping out high-inflammatory ingredients such as dairy, for ingredients that aid in the body’s detoxification process, and cause no inflammatory reaction.

Omega 3 rich foods

Myth #5: It’s Expensive – No.

It’s true that some Detox programs cost thousands of dollars. But with my 21 Day Detox, you can easily lose 30 pounds or more, starting at only $249. That’s less than $12 a day. Not bad for the following:

  • 4 Organic Green Drinks, 2 Protein Shakes and 1 Detox Soup every day during your 3 Day Cleanse interval
  • My Recipe E-Book, Making Healthier Easier, which includes a healthy food pyramid (not the ridiculous one the federal government uses); a list of cleanse approved foods; detox drinks and smoothies; healthy breakfasts; tasty snacks and apps; super soups; sensational salads; easy entrees and sides; sweets and treats
  • Healthy Portions Chart and other handy printouts
  • Unlimited email and phone support

If you’ve been thinking about going on a detox diet but you’re confused, scared, and don’t know how to get started, you’ve come to the right place. 

I’ll hold your hand every step of the way. I promise you will transform your body and mind (maybe even your spirit) when the 21 days are over. I also promise you won’t feel like you’re starving or miserable. It will take some dedication on your part. You must be willing to do some healthy meal prep and cooking on your own. But my recipes are real easy to follow and don’t take long to make. 

And if you’ve never done a 3-day calorie-restricted liquid diet cleanse, it might seem a little challenging to go that long without any solid food. But with the protein shakes and detox soup dinner, you’ll do just fine and you’ll be buzzing with natural energy after the 3 day interval.

Get Started. Experience the Chef V Transformation

Think how quickly the last 3 weeks or even the last 3 years of your life has flown by. You can do this. It’s not nearly as hard as you think. After the 21 days, not only will your clothes feel much looser, you’ll smile at your new slimmer physique when you look in the mirror, your skin will feel smoother, your thinking will be sharper … and overall, you’re going to feel like you’re living your best life. 

What do you say? Ready to get started. 

Click here to buy 21 Day Detox.

Essential Detox: 21 Days to Better Health

Veronica working from home

Happy hello! Whether it’s hot or cold, every day calls for care for your health. Weather changes and cleansing go together with my Chef V cleanses & detoxes.

My cleanses include delicious Carrot Ginger and Sweet Potato Curry soups, soothing and filling.  Doing an essential detox cleanse right now may protect you from nasty viruses. Plus, doing a detox is like giving your organs a much-needed tune-up. 

 When you’re sharing oxygen in a confined space, that’s when your body is more susceptible to catching colds and flu viruses. At work with lots of people in close proximity, the state of your immune system is a major factor in determining if you’re going to have to call in sick for work.

You might feel totally healthy now. But if you eat unhealthy fast food now that you are back at work  along with alcohol, ice cream and other inflammatory foods, your immune system might be weakened right now without you knowing it.

And if you don’t detox your system now, your immune system’s energy will be spent trying to get rid of the toxic load in your organs, instead of devoting all of its resources to fighting viruses.

Hey, maybe you’re one of the lucky ones and can feast on foods with refined carbohydrates. Perhaps you’re a genetic freak who never gets sick despite a diet rich in foods with white flour, sugar, and saturated fats.

But if you’re not a member of the dietary one-percent I have some advice for you on boosting your immune system right now with an essential detox….

green line

“During my detox I lost 19 lbs! My BMI went from 24.0 to 16.9!
I am super excited for when I do my next detox because I will be
doing the expert challenge! LOVE LOVE LOVE Chef V.” – Mackenzie

Below, my Black Bean Soup, a recipe from my cookbook. A cleanse-friendly recipe created to accompany my cleanses and detoxes.

black bean soup

Ditch Sugar Addiction & Reset Your Metabolism In Just 21 Days

In addition to eating unhealthy food, you might be more vulnerable to getting sick because of stress.

Recently, I wrote about staying healthy for the back to school season. But even if you don’t have kids, many of us feel stressed out. And when stress strikes, lots of people cope by snacking on sugary treats and other unhealthy food.

If you can relate to having felt stressed out or eat lots of unhealthy food, I suggest trying my 21 Day Detox.

My 21 Day Detox is 100% organic. Although you’ll very likely lose weight after doing a 21 Day Detox, my program is far more than just a weight loss solution. More than that, my 21 Day Detox will teach you how to adopt healthier eating habits. Not just for the 21 days but for weeks, months and even years after the detox is over.

How Does The 21 Day Essential Detox Work?

During the 21 Day Detox, you’ll have days when you follow my Cleanse protocol, which provides you with four servings of 16 oz Green Drinks, 2 Protein Shakes and a Detox Soup. Then, on other days, you’ll also have Green Drinks and Protein Shakes, plus my Healthy Routine, which allows you to choose your own lunch, snack and dinner from my Meal Planner. The Meal Planner contains delicious recipes, an approved foods list, a portion-size guide, and more helpful tips that will make completing a 21 Day Essential Detox a breeze.

Plus, when you order the 21 Day Detox, I email you a downloadable copy of my recipe book, Making Cleansing Easier.

A lot of people have no idea what to eat. But I take all the guess work out of meal planning. My recipes are filled with lots of low-starch veggies, healing herbs and spices and healthy, whole grains that don’t promote inflammation. I also include some fruit as part of my Healthy Eating routine (but not too much), as well as legumes, lean protein and moderate amounts of healthy oils such as olive oil.

Squashing VIruses With … Squash, Soup And Other Awesome Autumn Veggies

Introducing winter squash, sweet potato, carrot, beets and other hearty antioxidant-rich veggies this time of year is a good strategy for boosting your immune system and aiding your body in the detox process.

And when you do my 21 Day Detox, you’ll get one of two delicious Detox soups for dinner: Carrot Ginger Zing and Sweet Potato Curry. The carrot ginger soup also contains yam, onion, garlic, turmeric, and sea salt with a base of filtered water.

As for the sweet potato curry, it’s loaded with leeks, onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, and a gentle curry spice, flavored to taste with sea salt in a filtered water base.

Although the Detox Soups are relatively low in calories, they are very nutrient dense, so you won’t still be hungry and be tempted by empty carbs after having it for dinner.

Here’s what one Chef V customer, Mel H. of San Diego, has to say about the soup on Yelp:

The detox soup is DELICIOUS- I want to try the recipe on my own one of these days. After 3 days of cleansing I feel 100% better. I will absolutely do this cleanse again. Thanks Chef V. !

Mel didn’t jump into the 21 Day Detox. She dipped her toe in the shallow end by doing my shortest detox program, the 3 Day Cleanse. If the sound of a 21 Day Detox intimidates you, doing a 3 Day Cleanse (or 5 day or 7 day) is a good alternative.

Whether you choose the shorter cleanse or the 21 Day Detox, I’ll tell you exactly what foods to eat in the days leading up to the program and for the days that follow it after you successfully finish it.

So give your organs a tune-up now and get them in tip-top shape for the cold/flu season that’s right around the corner.

To your health,

Chef V

Veronica and Coco

Rick’s 21 Day Cleanse Journey – 51 pounds down so far!

Rick before after

I've seen some truly amazing and inspiring success stories over the years.

Rick M. recently took the Chef V 21 Day Challenge and lost 22 pounds! He's continued to lose weight and gain momentum since then was down a total of 51 pounds when we heard from him last.

Here's a snippet of his awesome review posted to our Yelp page:

“I noticed that there is a lack of 21 Day Cleanse reviews, compared to 3 day, 5 day, and 7 day reviews. So I feel obliged to share my experience.

This is not the first time I have done a cleanse, so I have others to compare it to as well. In a nut shell: CHEF V ROCKS! Thats the simple version. The long version is that the 21 Day Cleanse is worth every penny, it is a challenge, and it is positively altering!

So far, I am down a whopping total of 51 LBS, due in part to Chef V's 21 Day Cleanse! From day 1 to day 21 of the challenge, I lost a total of 22lbs….and I continue to lose weight. This cleanse has aftershocks.

Check out these results!! Way to go Rick!

Inflammation Fighters Your Doctor Won’t Tell You


When you hear the word, “inflammation” what comes to mind? You probably think it’s something bad. Well, I’m here to tell you inflammation is great! Wait … what? That’s right, you see, you need a little inflammation in your body.

The inflammation process helps get rid of nasty germs. It also heals injuries. Any time you burn your skin or have some other physical trauma, inflammation comes to the rescue. Your white blood cells, which kick in to fight infections are part of the inflammation process. So, you see, inflammation ain’t so bad….

When you’re healthy, inflammation does a delicate dance. It stays in control, out of sight and mind.

But if you party like a rock star, don’t exercise and eat like crap, here’s what happens….

Certain substances that are in the cells of your immune system and are involved in the inflammation process go crazy. That, of course, isn’t the official scientific explanation. But essentially what happens is, as with the case in autoimmune disease, the inflammation response becomes excessive.  And that’s where my two powerful inflammation fighters come into play: a 21 day Detox, and the use of CBD oil – and CBD oil is getting easier to find across the USA.

CBD oil by mouth

Symptoms of Inflammation

So how do you know if you have inflammation? And what can you do about it? Well, let’s answer the first question.

Beyond the obvious signs of inflammation such as swollen joints or red skin from an injury, here are some signs you may have excessive inflammation:

  • Constantly tired
  • Getting sick often
  • Gaining weight easily and having trouble losing it
  • Digestive issues
  • Skin breakouts
  • Trouble concentrating (brain fog)
  • Headaches

Can you relate to any of these issues? Let’s say you get headaches and acne breakouts from time to time. Sure, you could pop an over-the-counter pain-reliever and use an acne remedy. Problem solved, right? Well, for now, maybe. But putting a “band-aid” on inflammation (no pun intended) does not solve the root cause of inflammation.

But I’m about to share with you 2 things that will greatly reduce it and put your body back in balance….

Chef V 21 day detox contents

21 Day Detox

If you’ve legitimately eating healthy (by that I mean eating minimally-processed-at-most organic plant-based food 90% of the time), and you exercise, and don’t use harsh chemical cleaners at home yet you still have some signs of inflammation, I recommend seeing a functional medicine doctor.

But for most people, it is caused by lifestyle factors. Needless to say, diet is a big one.

And sometimes, it’s not just enough to say to people, “eat a healthy diet.”

Sometimes, you just need somebody to hold your hand.

That’s where I come in.

With a background as a certified nutritional therapist, I created the recipe for my Organic Green Drink. Since then, I’ve created recipes for a plant-based Protein Shake and Detox Soups. These 3 items form the core of my Cleanse and Detox programs.

Now, I’m not just trying to sell you on stuff I sell. My intention is to reset your body and provide you with the lifestyle education you need to keep eating healthy long after you’re done with my cleanse and detox program.

So if you’re ready to dramatically lower your body’s inflammation response, I suggest trying my 21 Day Detox.

The 21 Day Detox combines my 3 Day Cleanse and Healthy Eating recommendations. There’s 3 different plans to choose from: Starter, Classic, Obsessive. The Starter Detox features one 3-Day Cleanse. The Classic has two different stretches of doing the 3 Day Cleanse and the Obsessive has three. For each day during the 3 Day Cleanse phase, here’s what you’ll get in these powerful fighters:

  • Four 16-oz servings of Organic Green Drink
  • 2 packets of Chocolate Vegan Protein Shake
  • 1 container of Detox Soup (either Sweet Potato Curry or Ginger Carrot Zing)

For the rest of the time you’re doing the 21 day detox, you’ll get a 16oz Green Drink and Protein Shake each day. I recommend having those two for breakfast. Then, you have lunch and dinner. I provide you with a meal planner, as well as a Healthy Eating Guide, which includes a “Eat This, Not That” easy-to-follow chart, and a Healthy Portions chart.

We deliver the Green Drinks, Protein Shakes and Detox Soups right to your front door. And you’ll get my healthy eating advice emailed as soon as you order.

If you’re suffering from excessive inflammation, doing a 21 Day Detox could finally provide the relief you’re looking for.

And not only that, it will educate and inspire you to stick with healthy eating habits long after the 3 weeks are over.

Chef V 21 day detox

Chef V

Heartwarming Success Story: K.I. Lynn

Doing Great, K.I. is losing weight with Chef V

I hope you’ll take the time to read K.I. Lynn’s wonderful post about her successful and continuing weight loss – her will power and determination to live a healthy life is inspiring to me and I know it will be to you also. I am so proud of you,K.I.! – Veronica Wheat, Chef V

From bestselling author K. I. Lynn on Facebook:

LONG post ahead. I hope you’ll read.

I haven’t updated any of my weight loss because I wasn’t really seeing it, but today, I did. Plus, I hate people seeing me like this.

When I left my job it was not because my books had done so well I was going to write full time. In fact, I was just beginning to edit Breach. I left as just a pause, one that ended up being needed, because within a few weeks I hurt my knee and my beloved grandmother passed away. The next year, I released Breach and my hubs said “Ok, you don’t have to go back to work.” BTW, in that time I’d had to have surgery on the injured knee.

Between the surgery and writing full time something happened that I did not expect.

I gained weight.

It wasn’t a lot at first, but it did scare me when I passed the highest I’d ever been. Then I cried when I passed the number I said I never would.

Each year, I gained more weight. All the travel and stress and another surgery and needing something quick and easy started to add up, and in 4 short years, I’d put on around 100 lbs. That’s a lot of weight!!

I felt terrible about myself. I hated going to signings because I hated how I looked and felt. I didn’t FEEL good.

The biggest thing about weight loss that people don’t understand is that it’s not about WANTING to lose weight, it’s about having the MOTIVATION to lose weight. Wanting can lead to depression as you stare in the mirror, and you lose any desire to eat healthy.

Earlier this year I’d finally had enough. I didn’t have the motivation, but I was sick of it all. Olivia Kelley-Santos had told me about her green drink that she drank that made her feel good, so I went on and saw they had a 21 day detox and I said “That’s what I need. That’s the push.”

I needed to purge all the bad stuff from my body and start fresh. I already knew I want to do low carb. Low carb, not Keto. The box full of everything I needed came in mid-March, right in the middle of working on Welcome to the Cameo Hotel.

The detox did exactly what I needed it to do, and I lost about 20lbs in a few short week. It gave me my motivation, so when it was over, I continued on eating healthier.

I try and stick to a max of 40 net carbs a day. As many of you know, I am a cheese fanatic, and cheese is life and in about every meal. It’s what keeps me going and on a healthier way of living.

For weeks, I watched the scale go down, little by little. I saw a stall, but moved past it. I avoided temptation, and if I did fall, I had only a very small portion.

Then, in July, it happened – I hit my first milestone.

50lbs gone

Elena M. Reyes came to visit and there were some signings, but I managed not to gain any weight. For my birthday I splurged for almost a week eating anything I wanted, because for my birthday, that was all I wanted.

However, that splurge came with consequences. I had the taste for carbs and sugar again. I got back on my diet, but I found I was caving to cravings with little arm bending.

So here I am, doing a small 3 day cleanse with the green drink to get me back on track. I’m down 54lbs in total, and hope to be down quite a bit more by Wild and Windy.

I have goals, and one of them is to get this 100lbs off by the end of the year. I think I can do it. There are more goals after that, but for now, my eye is on the prize.

Just going to keep swimming. 🙂

Pashelle: Chef V Green Drink Success

Pashelle’s Success

Check out Pashelle and her Before and After photos above – she is a real inspiration to me.

Here’s what she says:

“Thank you so much.  I work about 13-14 hrs a day in the wardrobe department of a television show. It is so easy to eat junk all day.  Me and the driver (Tim Piro) of my wardrobe trailer committed to the 3 day cleanse and we feel amazing.  Day 1, was the toughest day.  Day 2,  I saw the difference in my everything. And Day 3, was an introduction to my New Self. We Thank you Chef V!”

What Fasting Does To Your Body

What Fasting Does To Your Body

Fasting is a practice that has ancient roots in many cultures. However, there’s a good reason that it’s stuck around so long. This blog will give you a complete look at where fasting comes from and what exactly it does to your body. We’ll also measure up traditional fasting against juice cleansing (like our famous 21 day juice cleanse) and give tips for things like using green juice during intermittent fasting.

Where is Fasting From?

To many people, fasting is just not eating food. However, fasting is a lot more complex than that. It can involve the giving up of any substance. Most often, this is concerning specific kinds of food or drink. Fasting can be for health reasons, but also religious reasons as well. What’s important to understand right off the bat is that fasting is deliberate and controlled – it’s not starvation.

Prehistoric times, fasting was often times the key to better health. This makes it impossible to put a hard date on when the practice started. One of the earliest records of fasting that we have record of is from the Hippocrates. Yep, that’s the father of medicine, he of the Hippocratic oath. He was also a big fan of fasting, as were other ancient Greek writers like Plutarch. The ancient Greeks, in general, believed that fasting was just as necessary as bed rest when it came to fighting and preventing illnesses.

However, fasting was also becoming a crucial part of many religions worldwide. Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism are just a few examples of religions that have fasting as part of their heritage and culture. This has helped fasting spread to plenty of countries around the globe.

These early recommendations for fasting were based mainly on, pardon the pun, gut feelings. People in older periods understood that fasting made them feel better but didn’t understand why.

In the 19th century, people started to get curious about the actual mechanisms of fasting. Scientists began to link specific dietary choices to particular illnesses, and the sciences of nutrition and dieting started to emerge. People also started to try some of the first nutritional fasts for themselves, experimenting with foods, drinks, and lengths of time.

By the 20th century, nutritionists had managed to hone in on what exactly fasting was doing to the body.

Fasting and You

Before we talk about what fasting does to the body, it’s important to understand that fasting refers to limited and controlled periods of reduced or no food or liquid consumption. There’s a big difference between controlled fasting and starving. It’s never a good idea to put your body into starvation mode. Specifically, starving refers to the point where your body starts to burn muscle mass for energy.

But what happens between being full and starvation? That’s where fasting comes in.

The main difference between your body in “fasting mode” and your body in “regular mode” is how your body handles its blood sugar. If you are using green juice during intermittent fasting or other fasting methods, your carbohydrate intake will be lower. If they’re available, your body will automatically use carbs to produce glucose, which is where you get your blood sugar from.

During a period of lower carb intake, like a 21 day cleanse, your body will switch from using carbohydrates to make glucose to using fat. This is why 21 day detoxes are so effective for weight loss. During fasting, you’re making the most efficient use of your body’s energy reserves.

Benefits of Fasting

Does it actually matter how your body creates glucose? Studies and signs point to a real benefit to practices like intermittent fasting and 21 day juice cleanses. Here are some of the changes that fasting can make in your body.

* Controls Blood Sugar Levels: Intermittent fasting is one of the most effective ways to get your blood sugar levels under control, as it helps regulate the production of glucose in your body. Not only can this cut the risk of conditions like diabetes, but it can also help you get control of sugar cravings.
* Decreases Inflammation: Intermittent fasting has been shown to help reduce inflammation in the body. This can help promote better health of the heart and lungs and potentially reduce your risk of cancer.
* Losing Weight: Remember how we mentioned that fasting switches your body onto using fat for glucose instead of carbs? If your body is consuming its fat reserves, that can help a ton with your weight loss goals
* Improves Your Brain Health: Intriguing studies suggest that fasting can help sharpen your brain and prevent diseases that might affect your neurological symptoms. This could be why many religions promoted fasting for clarity of thought and periods of contemplation.
* Help You Live Longer: The studies are still preliminary on this one, but fasting in animals has been shown to help prolong life and health. Fasting may be the key to aging gracefully.

Importance of Juice Cleanses

Simply giving up food is a type of fasting that walks a fragile line. On one side, you could potentially hurt yourself by denying your body nutrients. On the other hand, you’re going to get incredible cravings from this kind of deprivation. This can then lead to binge eating after the fast is over.

A 21 day juice cleanse is a way to get the weight loss and health benefits of fasting in a controlled and feasible manner. You get every nutrient your body needs, letting your fast in a safe and healthy manner. Using green juice during intermittent fasting is also a great way to regular your blood sugar levels, meaning you can save yourself from binge eating.

If you’re interested in our own famous 21 day detox, make sure to check out our package options here. Our 21 day cleanses come with not just delicious green drinks but detox smoothies and detox soups to give you the most achievable and most effective 21 day juice cleanse out there.

You, Your Liver, and Chef V

Veronica working from home

Do you ever stop and think “where would I be without my liver?”. If you answered yes- well, you certainly have some weird thoughts! However, you also have a train of thought that is very relevant to this blog. Liver health is super important, but it often gets overlooked in favor of organs with better public relations, such as the heart, brain, and stomach. Understanding good liver health is key to good health overall. And good liver health can be improved through detox juice – as we’ll explain here.

What Does the Liver Do?

You’ve probably heard people joke about their livers when referring to their ability to take in alcohol. That’s actually pretty close to the mark on what livers do – but only the start. Did you know that scientists have identified over 500 vital functions that a liver performs? Some of the most important functions include:
* Regulating the breakdown of fats into useful forms
* Storing and managing excess glucose
* Regulating and producing proteins
* Storing iron for the blood
* Handling Blood clotting
* Removing bacteria from the bloodstream
* Filtering out toxins and drugs
* Processing waste out of the body

Quite a lot, huh? Basically, your liver is your body’s most powerful filter. However, far too many people take their liver for granted. Even the most powerful filter can get overwhelmed, clogged, or damaged. If you want your liver to take good care of you, you need to make sure you are taking good care of your liver.

How to Take Care Of Your Liver

Just like your liver has a ton of different functions, there are also a myriad of risks that it can face if you’re not careful. The following is just a brief list of the ways that you can make sure that you have a healthy, happy liver that is busy doing its job of flushing out toxins.

Eat a Balanced Diet: When it comes to good liver health, nothing is better than getting a variety of fruits and veggies. The green veggies (like you’ll find in our green drink) are particularly good at promoting good liver health.

Exercise: Getting enough exercise is good for pretty much every part of your body, including your liver. Exercising helps burn not just the fat on your body, but the fat in your blood as well, leading to a healthier liver.

Maintain a Healthy Weight: Maintaining levels of fat in the body is one of your liver’s key jobs. If you are over your healthy body weight, it can start to damage your liver. Exercise and healthy eating, mentioned above, are good ways to maintain a healthy weight, as are Chef V’s cleanse programs, like our 21 day detox.

Moderate Your Alcohol Intake: One of the things your liver is most famed for is helping your body process alcohol. It’s only good manners that you try not to overload the poor organ with too much of the stuff. Drinking more than one or two glasses of alcohol a day can start to have serious impacts on your organs.

Be Careful of Medication…: If you’ve looked closely, you’ve probably noticed that some medications come with warnings about liver damage if you take too much. Always do your best to heed these warnings. Your liver is what helps spread drugs throughout your body, both useful and harmful, and you don’t want to overload it.

…. and Supplements: Nutritional supplements seem like a great way to “cheat the system”. You get nutrition, but without having to bother trying to meal plan for it. However, getting your supplements in an inorganic way can often be dangerous for your liver, putting too much of certain vitamins and minerals through it. If you’re looking for a nutritional boost, it’s better to look into food products that pack a lot in – like our detox juices and green drinks, of course.

If you’re interested in giving your liver some extra love, why not look into our 21 day detox? You’ll flush those toxins out of your body, let your liver get ahead on its own toxin-filtering, and give it the nutrients it needs to be in fighting form.

Top Ways to Successfully Detox with Chef V

Thinking about doing a 21 day detox? With most detoxes, sticking with 21 days is a challenge. But we have some great tips for you to make sure you successfully and safely complete a 21 day detox.

Many 21 day detox programs set you up for failure even before they start. They don’t tell you what to eat before the cleanse. They don’t tell you what to eat after the cleanse. And they typically don’t include enough nutrients. When you go several days of feeling deprived, major temptation kicks in. It’s hard to stick to a 21 day cleanse when you have intense cravings. But the rewards can be amazing.

Let’s start with an inspirational story –  Mackenzie (photo above) says: “During my 21 day detox I lost 19 lbs! My BMI went from 24.0 to 16.9! I am super excited for when I do my next detox because I will be doing the expert challenge! LOVE LOVE LOVE Chef V.”

Do a 21 day detox with a friend

Friends help each other stay accountable. It’s much easier to do a 21 day detox if you’ve got a good friend to help keep you in check. Craving ice cream? Your friend can slap some sense into you. Not literally. That wouldn’t be nice of your friend to slap you. But a good friend will help you realize that instant gratifications are false friends. And likewise, you can return the favor. You can remind your friend why the two of you are embarking on this 21 day cleanse challenge. You and your friend can remind each other of the benefits of a 21 day detox, including:

  • Cleansing vital organs and ridding harmful toxins from the body
  • Burning fat more efficiently
  • Feeling more energetic
  • Thinking more clearly (no more brain fog!)
  • Sleeping better
  • Relieving stress
  • Improve digestion
  • Normalize blood sugar
  • Lower bad cholesterol levels

It’s the rare person who would want to take a 21 day camping trip alone. Most people prefer to take a trip with a partner or friend. Likewise, think of your 21 day detox as a journey. It’s always better to travel with a friend to share the experience. A long cleansing program can indeed be a life-changing journey. Many people have miraculously transformed their lives because of a 21 day cleanse. You can safely lose 1-2 pounds a day doing a detox. And you can feel great doing it, as long as you’re doing it the right way. Having a friend to hold your hand, either literally or figuratively, is one way to successfully make it through a 21 day detox.

detox with a friend

Pre-cleanse before your 21 day detox officially begins

It’s extremely important to eat the right foods before your detox starts. Even foods that you might not think are bad for you may make you feel lousy during the detox. But many detox programs don’t even bother to tell you what you should eat before the detox begins. And that’s a big problem. Negative detox symptoms are awful to experience. If you eat lots of junk food before your detox starts, you may experience some of these detox symptoms:

  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Skin breakouts
  • Indigestion
  • Insomnia

Can you see why it’s important to eat the right foods before your 21 day detox starts? In order to avoid these symptoms, here’s a partial list of what you should and shouldn’t eat:

Do Eat:

  • Fresh or frozen whole fruits and veggies
  • Unsweetened milk substitutes such as hemp, rice, almond, coconut
  • Coconut oil
  • Non gluten grains and starches (rices other than white rice, quinoa)
  • Lean, grass-fed or wild animal proteins in small amounts (salmon, organic chicken, grass-fed beef)
  • Legumes (beans)
  • Raw nuts and seeds (walnuts, macadamias, pumpkin seeds)
  • Healthy oils (extra virgin olive, flax, avocado)
  • Healthy drinks (Pure, unbottled water; green or herbal tea, organic green drinks, mineral water)
  • Zero- or low-glycemic sweeteners (Stevia, coconut nectar, yacon)

Don’t Eat:

  • Fruit juices, high-sugar fruits (bananas, strawberries, grapes, oranges)
  • Nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplant)
  • Starchy grains (white rice, wheat, corn)
  • High-fat meats and factory-farmed animal protein
  • Processed soy (soy sauce, soybean oil)
  • Peanuts and peanut butter
  • Dairy of any kind, even if it’s organic!
  • Eggs
  • Butter and vegetable and seed cooking oils
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Soda
  • Conventional fruit juice
  • Refined and artificial sugar
  • Chocolate
  • Ketchup

Post Cleanse: Don’t fall back into bad habits

 Think the Don’t Eat category is too strict? Maybe you think some of the foods you shouldn’t eat before a 21 day cleanse are healthy? Grass-fed butter, organic eggs, tomatoes. So why can’t you eat those? To give your body the best chance to eliminate toxins, it’s best to take a break from these foods. But don’t worry. After the 21 day cleanse is over, you’ll be able to eat some of these foods again. Who knows, though … you might feel so great, you might not want to.

And after your 21 day detox is over, it’s also important to eat the right foods. In fact, for both at least a few days before and after your detox, stick with the eating guidelines above. Many people mistakenly think that just because they’ve done a 21 day detox, they can eat whatever they want after. But you’ll likely feel awful if you introduce unhealthy foods back into your diet. The same detox symptoms from above may rear their ugly head if you don’t continue to eat clean.

Eating processed grains and cookies and other unnatural foods will quickly backfire on you. You can indulge a little here and there a few days after your detox is over. Think you’ll really miss coffee during your detox? Go ahead and drink one cup after it’s over. You won’t undo all the great things you’ve done for your body. Craving cheese? Have a slice or small chunk (hopefully it’s organic or raw).

Bottom line: pay close attention to the foods you eat before and after your 21 day detox.

Don’t skip the protein!

Many fad detox programs don’t include enough protein. Some don’t include any protein at all. That’s great if you lose a lot of weight during a 21 day detox cleanse. But is it healthy weight loss? If you don’t eat enough protein, you are literally starving yourself. Your body could begin to lose muscle mass if you don’t consume adequate protein.

You don’t need to eat a whole T-bone steak to get your daily dose of protein. But you need a minimal amount of protein for your body to perform its basic functions. A safe, gentle cleanse can include a protein shake. A very easy-to-absorb protein powder is pea protein or brown rice. You can have two protein shakes each day during your detox. Pea protein and brown rice protein mix easily with healthy, unsweetened milk substitutes (see examples above).

Make it a fresh & organic 21 day detox

Healthy weight loss and detoxing your body largely depends on the quality of ingredients. If the fruits, veggies and protein you consume is full of chemicals and pesticides, you won’t succeed in detoxing. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing a short 3 day-cleanse, or a 21 day cleanse. Your detox program needs to consist entirely of fresh and organic ingredients. When a vegetable is plucked or harvested from the ground, it quickly loses its nutritional value within days. To solve this problem, we’ve created a safe, gentle 21 day detox program. We deliver fresh, organic green drinks to your door. The veggies are only pulled from the ground a day before you order.

Our 21 day detox delivery program also includes protein shakes and detox soups.

Your chances of successfully sticking with a 21 day detox not only depends on the quality of the ingredients, but the taste and satisfaction. We make it super easy for you and very enjoyable. Learn more about our 21 day detox here.

@JaeBird’s 21 Day Detox

creamy broccoli soup

And so it starts… my @chefvlife 21 Day Detox! Feeling good. Feeling confident. Grateful for Tom as he's been preparing @whole30 meals for us all week long, which I believe to have been a great way to transition into this detox. We both definitely have big goals for ourselves this year in regards to our health and I'm looking forward to crushing them. – @zyiajaebirdenterprise, Santa Clarita California

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