Category: Transformation

Your Decision To Do A Chef V Detox + Green Drink Is Now Supported By Clinical Research!

triglyceride levels down

For the thousands of people who have tried a Chef V 21 DAY DETOX, the proof is in the pudding. Or more accurately, the proof is in the Organic Green Drinks, Vegan Protein Shakes, Detox Soups, recipes, and healthy-meal-creation resources. 

Weight loss, more energy, better sleep, more balanced mood, clearer skin … 

…These are just some of the anecdotal/social proof benefits of the cleanse and detox programs created by Veronica “V” Wheat, founder of 

If you’ve never tried a detox before and you’re skeptical, well, you should be… 

That’s because the global detox drink market size was valued at nearly $5 billion in 2021. And the vast majority of detox drinks have three major problems: 

  • They’re either ineffective or:
  • The results don’t last long (Temporary water weight loss; no lifelong healthy eating habits developed). And:
  • There’s hardly any research that supports nutrition-based detox plans. 

So rather than just relying on social media testimonials and hype, Veronica and CEO Brandon (V’s husband) decided to boldly go where few natural food companies have gone: get the (very expensive) backing of an independent clinical trial. 

clinical interview

Chef V’s 21 DAY DETOX Put To The Test

All the benefits of a detox listed here wouldn’t hold much water (no pun intended) if a clinical trial did not find the results “statistically significant.” 

Statistical significance in research studies refers to the likelihood that the observed results are not due to coincidence or chance but occurred directly because of the intervention. 

And in this case, the intervention was following Chef V’s 21 DAY DETOX (details), followed by a 7-day period during which the 38 participants of the study consumed one 16-ounce serving of Organic Green Drink and consumed a healthy lunch and dinner with ingredients, recipes and resources suggested and created by Veronica Wheat. (These suggestions and resources are provided to all customers who purchase a CLEANSE or 21 DAY DETOX.)

The 38 subjects (male and female) were between the ages of 31-65 and in relatively good health with no chronic health problems. This fact is important because if someone was recruited in the study who had, say, obesity, it might be easier for them to lose more weight than somebody who has a smaller Body Mass Index (BMI), thereby skewing the average weight loss results. 

However, this isn’t to say that the participants were pictures of perfect health. They had to self-report that they were tired several times a week, experienced brain fog, sleep issues, trouble with focus, or experienced a busy and stressful life. Participants were also recruited if they experienced consistent gastrointestinal issues such as bloating. With these common health concerns, it would be easy to study whether the participants experienced improvements in these areas after finishing the 28 day trial. 

The clinical trial was conducted by Santa Monica, CA-based Citrus Labs in February 2023. 

The 38 participants completed baseline surveys and had blood samples collected by a third-party lab. The participants also completed surveys and had a blood sample taken after 28 days of using products. 

Order a 21 Day Detox Challenge – followup with a Green Drink subscription.

Over a 28-day period, the Chef V 21 Day Detox + Green Drink Program resulted in positive health improvements:

weight loss – an average of eight pounds.

‘bad’ cholesterol decreased – (LDL cholesterol) and the ratio of total cholesterol to LDL cholesterol improved. This is really promising for overall cardiovascular wellness.

inflammation – went down 33% (based on c-reactive protein levels).

A1C levels improved, crucial for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and avoiding diabetes.

bloating decreased – relieving the traffic jam inside your stomach.

It’s truly rewarding to see these positive changes happening in just under a month, making a difference in people’s lives.

You can carry out your own Chef V program and experience the proven results! Order your 21 day detox today!

Chef V Blood Test Results On Day 28 

The clinical trial tested the participants' blood levels for: 

  • Total cholesterol
  • LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol)
  • Cholesterol/LDL ratio (high levels are associated with a higher risk of heart disease)
  • Triglycerides (fat in the bloodstream)
  • C-Reactive Protein (a marker of inflammation)
  • HbA1C (“A1C” measures blood sugar levels over a 3-month period)

The results of the clinical trial, according to Citrus Labs:

  • Total cholesterol: 9.2% reduction
  • LDL cholesterol: 10.7% reduction
  • Triglycerides: 23.3% reduction
  • Cholesterol/LDL ratio: 7.7% reduction
  • C-Reactive Protein: 34.1% reduction
  • A1C: 1.7% reduction

“Overall, participants saw a statistically significant improvement in total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, cholesterol/LDL cholesterol ratio, and HbA1C. These findings suggest that the Chef V protocol, as used in this trial, is effective at bringing about positive changes in each of these biomarkers in just a 28-day test period…

“The Chef V program led to many statistically significant improvements in biomarkers critical for overall health and well-being,” Citrus Labs researchers concluded.

How Well Did Participants Feel Better Overall? 

What about the wellness markers that can’t be measured by a blood test, such as? 

  • Weight Loss
  • Energy Level
  • Sleep Quality
  • Concentration and Focus
  • Skin Complexion
  • Digestion/Elimination
  • Hair fallout
  • Headaches
  • Congestion
  • Muscle/Body/Joint problems (aches, stiffness, pain)
  • Compulsive Eating

How effective was following a Chef V Starter Detox plan for 21 days followed by a 7-day Green Drink plan?  

At the end of the 28 days, Citrus Labs researchers reported that participants saw a significant improvement in dark circles under their eyes, congestion issues, excessive mucus production, acne, dry skin, hair loss, constipation, excessive belching and flatulence, and bloating. 

“These positive improvements were quite large and represented significant symptom relief during the trial. Overall, Chef V products positively influence skin, hair, and GI health when used over 28 days,” the researchers concluded. 

But that’s not all…

The participants experienced significant improvements in muscle fatigue, body aches, joint aches, back pain, and neck pain as well as mental clarity and brain fog. There was also a significant improvement in sleep quality with less daytime  fatigue. 

Other key findings reported after day 28 day of the study:

  • On average, participants lost nearly 8 pounds (Study participants were considered healthy with no significant overweight issues; many people lose far more than 8 pounds after a 21 DAY DETOX.)
  • 39.8% improvement in hair loss
  • 46.2% improvement in bloating
  • 49.6% improvement in muscle fatigue
  • 48.6% improvement in back pain
  • 43.8% improvement with sleep issues
  • 43.7% improvement in energy levels.
  • 32.3% improvement in the ability to focus
  • 78.8% of participants said they felt in a better mood.
  • 72.7% felt they had more energy.
  • 87.9% of participants felt better overall.
  • 84.8% of participants would recommend Chef V products to family and friends. 

Be A Chef V Detox Participant & Experience The Results For Yourself

The clinical trial data speaks for itself. Following a Chef V 21 DAY DETOX and continuing with healthy habits such as continuing with an Organic Green Drink subscription isn’t a quick weight loss fix. It’s a lifelong health transformation. 

And the best part is that after the 21 DAY DETOX, you can indulge in some of your favorite not-so-healthy treats from time to time. 

It’s all about balance. If you stick to Chef V’s healthy eating routine (resources provided) at least 80% of the time, you may experience the same results as the study participants. 

As Citrus Labs explains, the reason why Chef V’s cleanse and detox program works is because:

“It’s not a diet that encourages people to skip meals but to use green juices and other products alongside foods that can supply the nutrition needed for optimal health outcomes. The detox program provides the three primary macronutrients alongside antioxidants to promote detoxification.”

Want to experience a safe, effective, and enjoyable health transformation? Learn more about the 21 DAY DETOX here

Go Veg: Thicker Hair, Healthy Gut, Smooth Skin, and Strong Nails

Veronica hair loss improvement


The study Chef V commissioned from an independent laboratory concluded that when study participants completed the Chef V detox and continued to use the Chef V Green Drink plan, they experienced a 39.8% improvement in hair loss.

The best veggies for a healthy gut, skin, hair, and nails are the same as the ones in Chef V’s mega-popular Green Drink. And it’s no coincidence that these same veggies are also the best for helping you cleanse and detox. Chef V covers how each of the veggies benefits your beauty.

I created the recipe for Organic Green Drink several years ago back when I was a private chef. Over time, demand grew for my Green Drink and that’s really the catalyst for launching Chef V.

I did a ton of research for the Green Drink recipe. I wanted to select the best veggies that would not only taste amazing cold-blended, but that would also be the best for a 3 day cleanse or 21-day detox. And as it turns out, the seven veggies in Green Drink not only happen to be the best for cleansing and detoxing, they also happen to be the best veggies for skin, hair, and nails.

Now I admit, it would be a pain in the behind to have to chop green kale, black kale, collard greens, dandelion greens, green chard, curly parsley, and green leaf lettuce every day. And then have to juice it. Then clean up.

The main reason why I transitioned from being a private chef to launching Chef V: making healthier easier for people just like you. And it doesn’t get any easier than having a bottle of our certified organic Green Drink delivered to your home.

Not only can you lose weight, gain energy and sleep more soundly by having Green Drink every day, but there’s also a very good chance your skin, hair, and nails will look better.

So let’s take a look at how the ingredients in Green Drink are the healthiest veggies for skin, hair, and nails.


Best Veggies for Skin, Hair & Nails: Kale

Sure, there’s some excessive kale craziness these days. But for good reason. Kale is rich in vitamin K. And it’s really hard for most people who eat the average American diet to get enough K. Vitamin K actually helps minimize dark circles in your eyes. That’s why it’s one of the best veggies for skin.

In fact, kale can even help tighten your skin. How? Well, one of the reasons why your skin isn’t as tight when you get older is that the aging process weakens your collagen. Collagen is the body’s main structural protein. In fact, over one-third of the thousands and thousands of proteins in the body are collagen proteins. Collagen provides strength to your tendons, ligaments, teeth, nails, hair, bones, gut lining, and much more….

The vitamin C in kale along with the antioxidant, lutein, promotes collagen regrowth and production. In addition, the vitamin A in kale helps prevent damage to the skin. It also repairs and damage to the epidermis.

There’s a good reason why kale has been added to several beauty products. Because it’s such an efficient detoxifying nutrient, kale can help clean your pores. It’s even beneficial for your hair pores. Moreover, kale contains fatty acids such as omega-3s. These fatty acids provide moisture to your hair and skin.

There’s even a nail polish with kale extract. Supposedly, it can help stimulate keratin production. Keratin is the other main protein that’s in your nails.

These facts about kale make it one of the best veggies for skin, hair and nails. So drink your Green Drink and schedule that kale facial!


Best Veggies for Skin, Hair & Nails: Dandelion

Another incredible detoxifying green veggie in our Green Drink is dandelion. Dandelion widens your pores. That’s how it helps your body get rid of toxins. And according to this article, dandelion shrinks wrinkles. It may also help whiten dark spots and reduce fine lines.

Like kale, dandelion also contains lots of beta carotene and vitamin C. It’s also rich in the B vitamins and vitamin E, which is a standard ingredient in many skin care products. Moreover, the minerals and trace minerals in dandelion may actually help regrow hair.



One of the main reasons why lettuce is good for your skin is it contains the following three minerals: silica, sulfur and phosphorous. You don’t need a large quantity of these minerals from the foods you eat. That’s why they are called trace minerals. But these three trace minerals are vital for maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails. Without doubt, you’re not going to get many benefits by eating iceberg lettuce, which is devoid of nutrition. But green leafy lettuce can also protect your skin against harmful UV rays.

So now do you see why I selected these six veggies (7 really; Green Drink includes two different types of kale)? Not only are they the best-tasting and most detoxifying, they’re also the best for your skin, hair and nails.

Veronica in kitchen with blenders


One of the main reasons why lettuce is good for your skin is it contains the following three minerals: silica, sulfur and phosphorous. You don’t need a large quantity of these minerals from the foods you eat. That’s why they are called trace minerals. But these three trace minerals are vital for maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails. Without doubt, you’re not going to get many benefits by eating iceberg lettuce, which is devoid of nutrition. But green leafy lettuce can also protect your skin against harmful UV rays. So now do you see why I selected these six veggies (7 really; Green Drink includes two different types of kale)? Not only are they the best-tasting and most detoxifying, they’re also the best for your skin, hair and nails.

Is There Any Proof Green Drink Improves Sleep Quality?

Several Chef V customers recently posted how having a Green Drink first thing in the morning has improved their energy throughout the day and even their sleep quality. So I decided to look into the connection between how green leafy veggies affect sleep quality. I also provide a handful of tips on how to get restful zzzzz’s. 

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a thousand more times…

The easiest, healthiest thing you can do to start your day is to have 8-16 ounces of Organic Green Drink. It’s not a shameless sales pitch. Ask any of the thousands of Chef V customers who follow this daily piece of advice and they’ll tell you that it just sets you up for a great rest of the day. Your energy will be rock-steady. You’ll be slightly buzzing with a high vibration. Not jittery buzzing, but just an optimistic, pep-in-your-step great feeling.

But there’s a catch…

If you’re having a Green Drink in the morning, will the good vibes last well into the night? In other words, can consuming green leafy veggies actually support sleep quality? Yes – clinical research apparently proves the point.

In 2023, products were the focus of an independent clinical trial by Citrus Labs. The 38 participants who completed a 21 DAY DETOX and then continued on a GREEN DRINK plan for 7 days saw vast improvements in all areas of their life. This includes a 34% reduction in inflammation and an average weight loss of nearly 8 pounds, and a 44% improvement in sleep quality.

Research on Green Veggies & Sleep Quality

According to a 2021 study in the Swiss journal, Antioxidants, green leaf lettuce (one of the 7 certified organic veggies in Green Drink) was shown to bind to GABA receptors. I’ll break it down in plain English.

So GABA is a neurotransmitter, which are chemical messengers in the brain. Having great communication is key to almost everything in life and it turns out that for sleep and overall health, it’s crucial.

And in order to have rejuvenating sleep and feel relaxed, your GABA neurotransmitters have to be able to get the message that they need to be activated. This is because GABA is like your brain’s natural valium—without the addictive side effects.

So what’s in lettuce that activates GABA and leads to better sleep quality? Well, the researchers believe that the antioxidant called quercetin plays a big role. You may have heard of quercetin. I know people who take quercetin supplements. I guess it can’t hurt to take a quercetin supplement but I always advocate getting the real thing from food.

V’s 3 Most Important Sleep Tips (Besides Green Drink)

In addition to eating (and drinking) lots of organic green, leafy veggies and other produce, here are 3 things that help me get better sleep:

  • Meditate 

With so many meditation apps to choose from, many of them free, you don’t have to be a Buddhist monk in order to achieve a more restful, relaxed state. My favorite app is the Calm app.

I listen to the daily Calm every morning for 10 mins and usually every night before I go to bed.
It also helps me if I wake up too early – I can do the daily mediation and usually get back to sleep.

Try to listen to a sleep or meditation app for 15 minutes before you try to fall asleep for the night. If you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep, follow along to the app for another 10-15 minutes.

  • Feast at lunch, eat a light dinner

A lot of people are so busy during the day that they barely have time to eat lunch and when they do, it’s usually something not substantial enough and not well-balanced. Turkey sandwiches come to mind. Instead, try carving out time and eating a large lunch with a healthy grain like quinoa, a big portion of roasted/steamed veggies and a lean piece of protein like fish or tempeh. Then for dinner, have soup and salad.

  • Get Adequate Exercise

I notice that on days when I’m not as active as I’d like to be (hasn’t been happening that much lately because of my new pickleball obsession), I don’t sleep as well.

Make sure you move your body enough during the day. I know it’s tough for many people who work remotely on their laptop all day. But try to take a few mini-movement breaks during the day.

And don’t forget to start each day with Organic Green Drink! Here’s to getting plenty of restful zzzzz’s.

Leafy Greens in Green Drink Block Blue Light

I also came across a study in the curiously named journal, Cureus, which said that leafy greens contain micronutrients that can positively influence sleep:

  • Tryptophan
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Fiber
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin C
  • Lutein
  • Zeaxanthin
  • Choline
  • Beta carotene

So let’s talk about some of these micronutrients that are in Organic Green Drink. For starters, the researchers of this study said that fiber “has been shown to be associated with deeper and more restorative sleep.”

So in case you’re wondering what the heck lutein and zeaxanthin are, they are the most important antioxidants for vision and eye health. And the cool thing about these two micronutrients that are also found in Green Drink is that they are natural filters of high-energy blue light. That helps support sleep because blue light, which is emitted from smartphones and other electronic devices, suppress your body’s production of the sleep hormone, melatonin.

And that’s the reason why you should always put your phone in airplane mode when you go to bed and turn off all other electronics in your room a good hour before you want to fall asleep. If you have a TV in your room, get rid of it; move it into another room and stop watching well before bedtime.

Look, I could go on and on with these research studies. If you want to check more out, here ya go.) Now I’m not saying if you struggle with really difficult insomnia that having a little Green Drink in the morning is the cure, or if you eat a salad for dinner you’ll sleep like a baby. But there is plenty of evidence that associates green leafy veggie consumption with better sleep quality.

Take the Chef V Challenge – A Proven Winner!

Order a 21 Day Detox Challenge – followup with a Green Drink subscription.

Over a 28-day period, the Chef V 21 Day Detox + Green Drink Program resulted in positive health improvements:

weight loss – an average of eight pounds.

‘bad’ cholesterol decreased – (LDL cholesterol) and the ratio of total cholesterol to LDL cholesterol improved. This is really promising for overall cardiovascular wellness.

inflammation – went down 33% (based on c-reactive protein levels).

A1C levels improved, crucial for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and avoiding diabetes.

bloating decreased – relieving the traffic jam inside your stomach.

It’s truly rewarding to see these positive changes happening in just under a month, making a difference in people’s lives.

You can carry out your own Chef V program and experience the proven results! Order your 21 day detox today!

Chef V Clinically Proven To Lower A1C Blood Sugar Levels

diabetes A1C

An independent clinical trial shows that Chef V’s 21 Detox followed by 7 days of continuing with a Green Drink plan significantly lowered HbA1C levels, one of the most important markers of health and longevity. 

According to Citruslabs, after the 28 day study was completed, “…there was a significant reduction in HbA1C. HbA1C is a marker of glucose levels in the blood, and lower levels are preferred to higher levels. The significant reduction in HbA1C demonstrates a healthy glucose response by the body after using Chef V products.” 

Maybe you’ve heard of “A1C” and know it has something to do with blood sugar levels. That’s a good start. But your A1C levels don’t only reveal whether you have diabetes or prediabetes. Your A1C level also has a profound effect on skin health and the aging process. And considering that your A1C level is one of the most important health biomarkers, let’s dive deeper. 

It's important to understand that lowering your A1C levels is a gradual (slow) process. Unlike a blood glucose test, A1C measures your average blood sugar over a period of 2 to 3 months. This means, it can take up to 3 months to notice significant changes in your A1C.

What is an “A1C” Blood Sugar Test?

Been a while since you’ve had lab work done? If so, I highly recommend that you get a Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP) that includes A1C. Getting a CMP and A1C provides a snapshot of your liver and kidney health, electrolyte balance, metabolism, and blood. 

Just as you take your car to a mechanic for optimal engine performance, you should get these diagnostic tests to ensure your body’s “engine” is running smoothly. 

The hemoglobin A1C or HbA1c test (A1C for short) is a simple blood test that measures your average blood sugar levels over the past 3 months. That’s the simple explanation. 

More specifically, the A1C test measures the amount of glycated hemoglobin in the blood. 

So let’s break down what “glycated hemoglobin” is in two parts. First, hemoglobin is an oxygen-carrying protein in your red blood cells. Hemoglobin carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. 

What does this have to do with blood sugar? 

That brings us to “glycation.” When you eat anything with sugar or carbohydrates that break down into sugar, some of that sugar sticks to hemoglobin. This is called glycation. The A1C test measures the levels of these sticky, sugary molecules as a percentage. The higher the percentage of red blood cells with sticky hemoglobin, the higher your blood sugar levels. 

blood and fat

What is the A1C Test Used For?

Because red blood cells live for about three months, an A1C test provides a sneak peek of how much sugar is hanging out in the bloodstream over that three-month period of time.

The A1C test is used to diagnose diabetes, assess how well people with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels and diagnose prediabetes.  

According to the Diabetes Research Institute, 37.3 million Americans or 11.3% of the population have diabetes, and nearly 100 million Americans have prediabetes, including nearly 50% of people 65 and older. 

taking blood pressure

Why Glycation Matters

Obviously, diabetes is a major health concern. Research from the Journal of Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry explains that glycation—the underlying mechanism behind type 2 diabetes—leads to “a variety of irreversible dehydration and rearrangement reactions that lead to the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).”

When you eat blackened, barbecued meat or breathe in polluted air, this causes AGEs. AGEs lead to premature aging, including “a loss of protein function and impaired elasticity of tissues such as blood vessels, skin, and tendons … and diabetic complications.”

So can’t you just take some supplements to overcome glycation and AGEs? 

Not so fast, suggests the research. 

“Because there are no enzymes to remove glycated products from the human body, the glycation process matches well with the theory that the accumulation of metabolic waste promotes aging.”

A1C Levels & Skin Health

For some people, including those with diabetes, having high blood sugar levels is an abstract health problem. In other words, the link between having high blood sugar levels and serious health problems isn’t considered before it’s too late. 

For instance, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), common diabetes health complications include heart disease, chronic kidney disease, nerve damage, and other problems with feet, oral health, vision, hearing, and mental health.

Although it seems shallow in comparison, let’s face it, people do care about how they look. And another thing that relatively few people give much thought to is how A1C levels affect the skin. Sugar not only sticks to red blood cells, it also sticks to collagen and elastin, the two primary types of structural protein in the skin. 

When there’s too much sugar on collagen and elastin, those advanced glycation end products I mentioned damage collagen and elastin, leading to wrinkles and inflamed, dry, and itchy skin. 

The bad news is that it’s difficult to reverse AGEs-related skin damage. But there’s a simple, research-proven method to manage A1C levels and prevent further harm to the body…

Chef V Green Drink Put To The Test for A1C Levels

Fast forward to early 2023 when Brandon and I decided to put the 7 certified organic green leafy veggies to the test. We invested in a clinical trial conducted by Citrus Labs, a Santa Monica-based independent research organization. Citrus Labs analyzed the effects of a Chef V 21 DAY DETOX followed by a 7-day continuation of a Green Drink Plan

(Read more about the research study here.)

It’s important to mention that none of the study participants had diabetes or high blood sugar levels. Before day 1 of the 28-day study, the average A1C level of the 38 participants was 5.4. On day 28, the participants’ A1C levels were 5.31—a reduction of 1.7%. 

That might not seem like a big reduction. But it is. Just like the difference between a 5.0 and 6.0 earthquake is monumental in terms of power and potential destruction, a reduction of 1.7% in A1C levels is impressive, especially for a population that didn’t have a high blood sugar level to begin with. But don’t just take my word for it.

“The significant reduction in HbA1C demonstrates a healthy glucose response by the body after using Chef V products.”

—Citrus Labs analysis

Going Green For Healthier A1C Levels

One of the simplest ways to lower blood sugar levels is by consuming more green leafy veggies. Several studies prove this. For instance, a study of 417 type-2 diabetic patients 65 years or older in Japan showed that eating 1 cup or more a day of green leafy veggies led to significant decreases in HbA1c, triglycerides (fat in the blood), and waist circumference.

As a certified nutritional therapist, I’ve always believed in the therapeutic potential of green leafy veggies. That’s why I created a recipe for an organic low-sugar blended juice with 7 different types of leafy greens. 

At the time I created the recipe, I was a personal chef. But the response was so overwhelming that about a decade ago, my husband, Brandon, convinced me to start a business delivering this Green Drink. Within a short time, Chef V was delivering Green Drinks nationwide. 

What Are Healthy A1C Levels?

A value of 6.5% or higher indicates diabetes, while a value below 5.7% is considered normal. If you have diabetes, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends an A1C level of less than 7% to reduce the risk of complications.

I’m not suggesting that having a serving of Green Drink is all you need to do to manage A1C levels. After all, lowering your A1C levels requires regular exercise and following a healthy overall diet, which I teach how to do with the 21 DAY DETOX.

But if you’re not a huge fan of veggies or don’t have time to make huge salads, having a daily serving of Organic Green Drink—only 3 grams of natural sugar per 8 ounces—is one of the easiest ways to get your daily dose of A1C-lowering ingredients into your diet.

Is Chef V Detox Safe For Diabetes?

With millions of people using Ozempic for diabetes and weight loss, is doing a Chef V 21 DAY DETOX and continuing with a Green Drink plan safe? And is it generally safe for people with type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disease that accounts for roughly just 5% of all diabetes diagnoses? 

As Citrus Labs concluded, Chef V Detox and Green Drink work because you don’t have to skip meals, which can be dangerous if you have diabetes. “Chef V supplies the nutrition needed for optimal health outcomes,” the lab report concluded.

However, if you have diabetes, you should consult with a registered dietician or other medical professional before beginning any new dietary intervention. 

Read more about how Chef V’s Detox & Green Drink has been clinically proven to improve health outcomes such as:

A Research Study Worth “Weighting” For: CHEF V Clinically Proven For Weight Loss

Chef V and weight loss

There’s no need to do a radical fast to lose weight. Instead, you can fuel your body with healthy carbs, lean protein, and a tiny bit of dietary fat and not have to skip meals to achieve a healthy weight loss. I lost 55lbs in three months after having Kaden using Green Drink!

And now we have the science to back it up.

The word “detox” has dubious connotations: Slick-marketed detox pills, crazy fad diets, water fasts, and fruit juice fasts. So it’s no wonder most people put more weight back on than before trying a detox.

It’s also not surprising that few research studies have proven the effectiveness of detox supplements. That is until now! An independent laboratory has recently concluded that Chef V’s Detox and Green Drink leads to significant weight loss.


I should implement this on social media immediately!

One question we’re asked almost daily on DM is if Chef V Detox is effective for weight loss. “Will I keep the weight off?” customers want to know. 

Despite thousands of customer success stories, it’s inevitable that not everybody who reaches out to us tries the 21 DAY DETOX. 

And I can’t say I blame them. 

So many people have been burned by ineffective detoxes in the past. Maybe they lost a bunch of water weight (and were glued to the toilet in the process). But they put the weight back on after the detox. 

I get it. Detoxing sometimes has a bad rap. But, unfortunately, there’s a lot of crappy detox products out there.

doctor measuring waist of patient

But doing a safe and effective detox can be transformative. For the better part of two decades, I’ve believed in the power of detoxing whenever I needed to improve: 

  • Elimination: Less constipation
  • Liver function: Clearer-looking skin
  • Digestive enzyme function: Enhanced nutrient absorption and digestion
  • Inflammation: Lower levels of C-Reactive Protein
  • Energy: Better physical energy and mental stamina
  • Body composition: Less stored body fat (WEIGHT LOSS)

That’s why several years ago, I created the Chef V 21 DAY DETOX. My goal was to develop a safe and effective detox program with amazing results that lasted well past the end of the three weeks. 

In addition, I wanted to provide the education that customers so desperately need to keep the weight loss results going and adopt lifelong healthy habits

Even though I knew in my heart that the detox program I created was effective, most mainstream health websites will tell you that there’s minimal scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of detox programs for weight loss. 

Well, it was time to put my money where my mouth was and not just rely on anecdotal evidence to back my claims. It was time to put CHEF V’s Detox under the microscope.

Order a 21 Day Detox Challenge – followup with a Green Drink subscription.

Over a 28-day period, the Chef V 21 Day Detox + Green Drink Program resulted in positive health improvements:

weight loss – an average of eight pounds.

‘bad’ cholesterol decreased – (LDL cholesterol) and the ratio of total cholesterol to LDL cholesterol improved. This is really promising for overall cardiovascular wellness.

inflammation – went down 33% (based on c-reactive protein levels).

A1C levels improved, crucial for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and avoiding diabetes.

bloating decreased – relieving the traffic jam inside your stomach.

It’s truly rewarding to see these positive changes happening in just under a month, making a difference in people’s lives.

You can carry out your own Chef V program and experience the proven results! Order your 21 day detox today!

Clinical Trial Results: Participants Lose Avg. 8 POUNDS

Recently, commissioned Santa Monica-based Citrus Labs to independently analyze the effects of following a 21 DAY STARTER DETOX, followed by a 7-day ORGANIC GREEN DRINK PLAN, for a total of 28 days. 

For the clinical trial, 38 men and women between the ages of 31-65 were recruited. At the beginning of the trial, participants weighed, on average, 176 pounds. By the end of the 28 days, the participants’ average body weight was 168 pounds. Of course, some people lost significantly more than 8 pounds.

(If you check out our SUCCESS STORIES, you’ll see that people who have more weight to lose have lost an impressive amount, in some cases over 50 pounds in just 21 days. And the best part is they have kept the weight off!)

Now, if you don’t think 8 pounds is a lot in 28 days, I want you to consider two things. 

First, none of the study participants had any chronic metabolic disorders such as obesity or type 2 diabetes. In other words, study participants didn’t necessarily have a significant amount of weight to lose. 

And secondly, going from 176 to 168 is a drop of almost 4.5%. Imagine melting away nearly 5% of your body, especially the part you least want to keep. 

But it wasn’t just the impressive weight loss that the participants were stoked about. Nearly 80% of the participants said they felt in a better mood, and over 72% felt they had more energy. And 88% felt better overall. 

I can’t say I was surprised by the results. That’s because in creating the 21 DAY DETOX, I didn’t have just the scale in mind. Instead, my mission was to create a detox program that safely improves digestion and elimination while teaching customers how to eat healthily for the rest of their lives.

“Participants experienced a significant reduction in weight across the trial, losing 7.74 pounds on average. Overall, Chef V products were very effective at promoting positive changes in biomarkers measured during this trial.”

—Citrus Labs 

Mackenzie's Success Story

During my 21 day detox I lost 19 lbs! My BMI went from 24.0 to 16.9! I am super excited for when I do my next detox because I will be doing the expert challenge! LOVE LOVE LOVE Chef V.” – Mackenzie

Chef V Weight Loss Study Detox Method

So how did the participants lose all that weight and feel great? By, as I like to joke, following the directions to a “V.”

A Chef V Starter Detox has 3 phases:

  • Days 1-7: Healthy Routine
  • Days 8-10: 3 Day Cleanse
  • Days 11-21: Healthy Routine

For the first and third phases, study participants prepared lunch and dinner from Chef V’s Meal Planner, which contains delicious recipes, helpful tips, and resources such as a healthy portion guide, an Eat This/Not That chart, and more. For breakfast, participants enjoy a 16 oz. Green Drink and then are encouraged to have a vegan protein shake (also provided by Chef V) 30 minutes later. 

During the 3 Day Cleanse phase, participants consumed four 16 oz servings of Green Drink, two vegan protein shakes, and a Detox Soup for dinner. All three Chef V products—GREEN DRINK, PROTEIN SHAKE, DETOX SOUP—supply the nutrition you need for optimal health outcomes, including healthy and sustained weight loss. 

There’s no need to do a radical fast to lose weight. Instead, you can fuel your body with healthy carbs, lean protein, and a tiny bit of dietary fat and not have to skip meals to achieve a healthy weight loss. 

And now we have the science to back it up. 

Experience what the Chef V study participants felt. Learn more about Chef V Detox options here

Rick's Success Story

“I noticed that there is a lack of 21 Day Cleanse reviews, compared to 3 day, 5 day, and 7 day reviews. So I feel obliged to share my experience.

This is not the first time I have done a cleanse, so I have others to compare it to as well. In a nut shell: CHEF V ROCKS! Thats the simple version. The long version is that the 21 Day Cleanse is worth every penny, it is a challenge, and it is positively altering!

So far, I am down a whopping total of 51 LBS, due in part to Chef V's 21 Day Cleanse! From day 1 to day 21 of the challenge, I lost a total of 22lbs….and I continue to lose weight. This cleanse has aftershocks.
(BOOOOOOOM!)” – Rick

The Formula for Sustained Weight Loss with Chef V

four people holding green drink

Anybody can do a juice cleanse to lose weight. But for sustained weight loss and a major health transformation, use my Chef V Cleanse + Green Drink and follow my recipes and meals!

My Chef V’s 21-Day Challenge makes nutrition the first priority. It's the only clinically proven long-term program that includes organic Green Drink, plant-based protein shakes, filling detox soups, a varied choice of food, and a plan for sustaining your positive results. 

Michael weight loss

The Chef V Clinical Research Study

“Will I keep the weight off?” customers want to know.  Lots of companies make weigh loss claims, but I want to prove the results people get from my products. 

So rather than just relying on social media testimonials and hype, I decided to boldly go where few natural food companies have gone: get the (very expensive) backing of an independent clinical trial. 

The clinical trial had participants completing a 21 Day Challenge followed by a week of Green Drink. Before the 21 Day Challenge, the participants weighed, on average, 176 pounds. At the end of the trial, participants’ average body weight was 168 pounds. And some people lost significantly more than 8 pounds.

Most important to me, I designed the Challenge to keep the weight loss results going and help participants adopt lifelong healthy habits.

Above, you can see the incredible weight loss that Michael achieved and sustained with help from Chef V Green Drink. 

Chef V cooking

What's Your Secret? How Can You Help Me?

How can I get people to end their addiction to artificial ingredients, sodium, sugar, and unhealthy processed fats that are so pervasive in packaged foods? What can I do to help people conquer insulin resistance and high blood sugar that lead to so many chronic health problems? 

These were burning questions I asked myself when I decided to pass on going to graduate school after getting my degree in psychology. Instead, I decided to take a leap of faith and launch a career that combined two of my passions: cooking and educating people about health and wellness. 

Over a decade later with thousands of success stories under ChefV’s belt, people often ask me the secret to my Cleanse and Detox programs in helping people safely lose weight, feel great and keep their results going. I would say it’s these elements:

Completely Organic

Organic Foundation – Chef V is a certified organic brand with bicoastal kitchens that exceed the rigorous standards set forth by the National Organic Program. When trying to cleanse/detox your body, you can’t do it with pesticides and herbicides. The ingredients have to be organic! That’s not something I’ll ever compromise on just to save money.

Eat Healthy and Sustain!

Healthy Eating Resources – Before you start a cleanse, do you know how to avoid side effects? Do you know how to keep the weight off once the cleanse ends? Over the years, I’ve created pre-cleanse instructions, a handy Eat This/Not That and Healthy Portion printout, and other resources so you can experience a long-lasting health transformation. The recipes in my cookbook “Cleansing Made Easier” transform your favorite recipes to healthier alternatives. And my blog and weekly emails have hundreds of recipes and articles to keep you motivated.

Every month I send you new “What do I Eat Today” menus that make it easy to plan on a busy day. Michael, whose before and after photos are shown above, was a guest at my “Cooking with Chef V” moussaka video. Watch the video and click the image below for complete recipe instructions.

Cooking with V Video Series

Healthy Cooking Video SeriesHow does an organic turkey cream-free risotto sound? Or a vegan mousaka. Or a dairy-free, gluten-free chicken pot pie? Maybe you prefer quinoa enchiladas instead? All these delicious recipes and more are available on the Chef V Life channel on YouTube and offer a healthy alternative without sacrificing taste.


No Quick Fix Promises – Everybody deserves to live a healthy life. But there’s no quick-fix solution. It takes some time and effort. But when you have someone holding your hand to guide you on the transition from a diet full of processed food to eating a (mostly) plant-based whole-food diet, it’s an enjoyable journey. Our Facebook Community support each other as they cleanse and after. 

Emphasis on Nutrition while Cleansing

More than Juice – It’s easy to lose weight doing a juice cleanse. That’s because you’ll be consuming way fewer calories than normal. But if you’re just drinking juice containing high-sugar fruits, you’ll starve your body and have blood sugar fluctuations. In comparison, Chef V CLEANSES include 3 products that prevent cravings and maintain lean muscle tissue:

  • Protein-Packed Shakes: Unlike water or juice-only fasts, our shakes provide a significant amount of protein, essential for muscle maintenance and overall bodily function.
  • Fiber-Rich Organic Juice: Many cleansing juices on the market are nothing more than sugary traps. Our organic juice is blended, not pressed and is rich in fiber, aiding in digestion and contributing to a fuller feeling.
  • Vegetable-Enriched Soups: We don't ignore the importance of whole foods in our cleanse. It includes soups with essential nutrients making sure you're well-fed and satisfied.
  • And to keep weight off after your detox you eat delicious (and healthy) food.  


Backed By Research –  I commissioned an independent lab to research Chef V products. Citrus Labs concluded that Chef V products, including the ORGANIC GREEN DRINK PLAN combined with the healthy recipes, resulted in improved health and weight loss for all participants in the study. You can check out the findings from the clinical research here.

Chef V: A Path To A Healthy, New Lifestyle

Before I launched Organic Green Drink delivery, I was a private chef. I’ve always loved cooking and eating flavorful healthy foods, even as a teenager. 

My mission is to help you transform your kitchen into a haven for health. All of the recipes in my cookbook, MAKING CLEANSING EASIER, include 100% cleanse-friendly ingredients. When a recipe calls for sweetness, stevia or a low-sugar natural alternative is used. As I said in the intro to my cookbook, these recipes are so yummy. Not only will you not feel deprived, you will think are indulging big time! 

Experiencing a health transformation as I said takes time but the formula is pretty easy: Eating right + Drinking lots of water + exercising. 

Just remember you don’t have to eat perfectly healthy 100% of the time. Even I indulge in my favorite vice occasionally: french fries. The key is to be consistent. Don’t just try to lose weight to fit into a wedding dress and then go back to eating fast food. 

Veronica with her cookbook


If you want to look and feel your best, get on a Green Drink Plan. And if you want to accelerate your weight loss and other health goals, try a CLEANSE or 21-DAY DETOX. With all organic ingredients, healthy eating resources, dozens of recipes and cooking videos, and the backing of research, you’re well on the path to success!

Veronica Wheat

Want A Profound Wellness Transformation? Do This, Research Shows.

Research shows if you want a physical and mental-health makeover, do this. A Chef V 21 Day Detox + a week of Chef V Green Drink. Certified nutritional therapist and founder Veronica Wheat describes the clinical research study results…

Which supplements should I take to look and feel your best? 

Which foods should I eat so that I’m not always bloated? 

What’s the best exercise that won’t make me exhausted? 

What should I do to improve my sleep? 

How can I stay focused at work—especially in the afternoon? 

Which products will make my skin and hair look healthier? 

What should I do to keep my mood and mental health balanced?…

…It’s no wonder many people feel overwhelmed and quickly give up pursuing a healthier lifestyle. 

There’s just too many variables and conflicting information. Not to mention the hundreds or thousands of dollars in supplements, apps, and other products you need to spend to experience a health transformation.

If you’ve ever wanted a wellness makeover but ultimately gave up, I feel your pain. 

But what if there were just ONE thing you could do that would make you feel both physically and mentally incredible?

You’d probably think it was too good to be true. 

But what if that one thing were backed by research? And not just an in vitro experiment (a “test tube” study) or even an animal study. But a clinical trial—research conducted on humans…

Would you be way less skeptical? 

And what if this clinical trial showed that just one month is all it takes to experience a profound health transformation? 

Would you be willing to give it a try? 

veronica cutting veg

28 Days To A New, Better You: The Research-Backed Results Of 

In case you’re new to and you’re Googling “the best detoxes” or “best easy cleanse for weight loss”, as somebody who has been in this industry for most of my adult life, let me give you some advice… 

You know how those detox diets always promise amazing things like weight loss, fixing gut problems, boosting energy, and making your hair, skin, and nails look incredible? Well, turns out those claims are pretty much B.S. And there haven't been many studies to really check if detox diets actually work.

The truth is there’s hardly any evidence that any detox supplement or product actually works! 

Now why would I be dishing out the dirt on this industry secret when the business I launched in 2012 with encouragement from my husband and biz partner Brandon specializes in short-term Cleanses and the 21 DAY DETOX

Precisely to separate from the competition. 

That’s why early in 2023, Brandon and I decided to spend a small fortune on having our products clinically tested. 

Citrus Labs, a Santa Monica-based research company, examined the effects of using products for 28 days on 38 participants. None of the participants had any significant health problems but had complaints that almost everybody else has: low energy levels, occasional bloating, etc. 

The 38 participants first completed the 21 DAY DETOX and then were given one 16-ounce serving of ORGANIC GREEN DRINK for 7 days. The participants’ health was determined by pre- and post-study blood work and questionnaires. 

At the end of the study, the researchers concluded that products resulted in: 

A Detox That Works Without The Suffering

The study by Citrus Labs showed that pretty much every wellness marker had improved after just 28 days, including:

  • 43.7% improvement in energy levels
  • 39.8% improvement in hair loss
  • 46.2% improvement in bloating
  • 49.6% improvement in muscle fatigue
  • 48.6% improvement in back pain
  • 43.8% improvement with sleep issues
  • 32.3% improvement in the ability to focus

“Participants experienced a statistically significant improvement in total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, HbA1C, and body weight over the 28 days. Participants also experienced a significant improvement in almost all of the subjective perceptions measured via the surveys from Baseline to Day 28. Overall, the Chef V products tested in this trial led to significant positive physiological and psychological health outcomes.” — Citrus Labs conclusion

An incredible conclusion for sure. But will you have to suffer for a month in order to achieve a dramatic health and wellness transformation? 

No! That’s the great thing about the 21 DAY DETOX. But don’t just take my word for it. Here’s what the independent research company says about it: 

“The detox diet used in this trial is not a diet that encourages people to skip meals but to use green drinks and other products alongside foods that can supply the nutrition needed for optimal health outcomes. The detox program provides the three primary macronutrients alongside antioxidants to promote detoxification.” 

Whereas lots of other detox programs are actually short-term starvation diets, the 21 DAY DETOX nourishes your body’s trillions of cells with Organic Green Drinks, Vegan Protein Shakes and Detox Soups, plus low-calorie antioxidant-rich recipes. 

Let me know if you come across any detox program online that remotely comes close! 

The Journey of Lifelong Healthy Habits Starts With One Step

I’m excited for you to finally experience the wellness makeover you’ve been wanting and waiting for. You can have the confidence that your hard-earned money will be well spent on a research-backed detox that won’t jeopardize your health or make you have energy crashes and cravings. 

The first step towards a new, healthier, happier you is learning more here.


Veronica “V” Wheat founder
Certified Nutritional Therapist

Brain Health: Keeping Sharp With Chef V

The study Chef V commissioned from an independent laboratory concluded that when study participants completed the Chef V detox and continued to use the Chef V GREEN DRINK plan, they experienced a 32.3% improvement in their ability to focus. Here are Chef V's tips for better brain health.

Feeling foggy brained lately?  Did you forget where you put your phone — for the tenth time this week? Are you forgetting names more often? Now is the time to get serious about brain health.

Socially distanced, locked down people are finding themselves fuzzy brained and distracted. Learn how my Green Drinks and Cleanses can help you stay focused. And even if you’re sharp as a tack, here’ s how you can stay that way well into your 90s and beyond…. Plus, a vegetable with proven brain benefits – avocado.

Mom Was Right (And So Am I): Eat Your Veggies!

There are simple ways you can boost brain health and radically improve your thinking and reasoning skills.

First and foremost: exercise. Start a daily yoga practice. If you absolutely hate yoga or exercising at home, just walk in place for an hour at night while you’re watching TV. Just be active almost every single day for the rest of your life.

Just as important as exercising is diet. Now, I admit, when I came up with my Green Drink recipe several years ago, I didn’t realize it could play a big part in preventing dementia.

As it turns out, the seven certified-organic green-leafy veggies do just that. In fact, if you want to keep your brain younger than your chronological age, green leafy veggies are the best for doing that.

Don’t take my word for it. According to this CBS news article  adults who consume a cup and a half a day of leafy greens have lower risk of developing memory deficits associated with dementia. This is based on a study of almost 1000 people over the course of five years. Those people who ate the most leafy greens were 11 years younger in brain age compared to those who ate the least.

Isn’t that an amazing finding?

There’s no easier–and smarter–way of getting your daily dose of green, leafy veggies than drinking at least 16 oz. of Green Drink every day. Combining Green Drink with my soups and protein shakes, a detox has a profound positive effect on your health.

avocados for brain health

Having Trouble Concentrating & Focusing While Working at Home? Ditch the Sugar

Most juice cleanses are way too high in sugar. (Learn how Chef V compares to the competition.)

And it turns out that if you have high blood sugar levels, to the point that you develop pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, your brain health will suffer.

What’s the connection?

According to this article people with Type 2 diabetes have an increased risk for memory problems. Furthermore, older adults who have diabetes and high blood sugars perform worse on memory tests at the start of the study and show a greater decline in memory by the end of the study, in comparison to older adult without diabetes.

Can you see why it’s so important to not go overboard with your sugar intake? The good news is you don’t have to ditch dessert for the rest of your life. You just need to eat treats that are low in added sugars. Take my recipe for Raw Avocado Chocolate Mousse for example.

melted cheese

Avocado: It’s Brain Food!

Speaking of avocado, it’s one of the healthiest foods for brain health. Along with blueberries, wild salmon, nuts and seeds, beans and some other superfoods, avocado has long been praised for its positive effect on gray matter.

Here’s how avocado is good for your brain….

Even though it’s high in fat, the fat it does contain a lot of is the monounsaturated kind. The Mediterranean Diet, one of the healthiest ways of eating on the planet, is rich in monounsaturated fats. These fats contribute to healthy blood flow and lower blood pressure. Having high blood pressure is a major risk factor for cognitive decline.

So eat up to half an avocado a day to boost brain power!

Getting Enough Sleep Prevents Brain Fog

One of the toxic proteins that contributes to foggy memory is amyloid plaque. There’s more and more research showing that consistent good sleep can help prevent memory loss. What does this have to do with bad plaque in the brain? Good sleep is like a diligent janitor. Sleep sweeps away the plaque.

If you’ve let your healthy routine go to sh*t, staying up until midnight or later and not getting at least 7 hours, you’re putting yourself at risk for forgetfulness.

Not getting enough sleep? Eating too much sugar? Just feeling heavy and groggy and dragging around the house?

Then it’s time to do a Chef V Detox.

My 21 Day Detox programs will help reset your taste buds so that you won’t be tempted by sugary and junk foods. Your organs will also be working in better shape to help your body detoxify, and your blood sugar levels will go down. You’ll have more focus and better energy throughout the day; you won’t need that late afternoon sugary pick-me-up. As a result, you’ll sleep like a baby.

Look, I can’t guarantee that if you exercise, follow my healthy eating guidelines and get enough sleep you’ll be 100% guaranteed to have a sharper brain.

But the odds will be much better in your favor….

To your health!


Chef V

How “Fat” Is Your Blood? Organic Green Drink Clinically Proven To Lower Triglycerides

triglyceride levels down

Do you have any idea what your triglyceride levels are? If not, you should. One of the key markers of cardiovascular health, triglycerides are largely affected by your diet and lifestyle. The good news is that according to a clinical trial, there’s one easy way to dramatically reduce your triglyceride levels: doing a Chef V 21 Day Detox.

Dietary fat has a negative connotation. You see, far too many people don’t eat enough healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, olives, salmon, and olive oil. One reason for the lack of healthy fats in the diet is that many people still believe that eating fat makes you fat, even though studies show that eating healthy fats may be beneficial for improving obesity.   

But there is one way in which fat deservedly has earned a dubious reputation: fats in the blood, better known as triglycerides. 

What Are Triglycerides? 

Triglycerides are a type of fat that circulates in your bloodstream. The most common type of fat in your body, triglyceride levels are determined by two primary things: 

  • The food you eat
  • Calorie intake

If you’ve never thought about your triglyceride levels, here’s why it’s so important. You see, when you consume more calories than you burn, the extra calories are stored as triglycerides in fat cells. In other words, triglycerides are essentially stored fat. 

When you exercise, your body will release some of the triglycerides for energy through hormone signaling. Intermittent fasting is another example of when your body burns triglycerides for energy.

So in this respect, triglycerides are important for overall health. If you had no triglycerides, you’d have no energy. 

But, like with everything in life, too much of anything can be dangerous. And it turns out that approximately 1 in 3 Americans has high triglyceride levels

bar graph

The Dangers of Having High Triglyceride Levels

High triglyceride levels in your blood can raise your risk of heart disease and stroke, explains The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

So what causes excessive triglyceride levels? Sometimes it’s genetics, but most often, it’s lifestyle, starting with diet. Again, most people think that if you eat fat, you’ll get fatter. And if triglycerides are fat in the blood, then it stands to reason that the more fat you eat, the more fat you’ll have in your blood. 

But that’s not necessarily the case, especially if you consume a Mediterranean diet rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, like the type of healthy fats I mentioned at the beginning. 

The biggest dietary culprits that contribute to high triglyceride levels are:

  • Added sugars (soda, fruit juice, energy drinks, etc.)
  • Refined grains (cereal, bread, bagels and other baked goods)
  • White flour
  • Wheat flour
  • Alcohol 
  • Fatty cuts of meat

If you exercise every day and eat a diet that consists mostly of fruits and veggies, low-starch grains (quinoa, wild rice, ancient grains), lean protein, and healthy fats, you’ll likely keep your triglyceride levels in a healthy range (below 150 mg/dl). 

Chef V: Clinically Proven To Reduce Triglycerides

The problem is that for some people, switching from a sedentary lifestyle and eating healthy is not easy; it’s a radical transformation. The question then becomes, what’s a relatively easy way to experience a health transformation? And in the process, lower your triglyceride levels, which reduces your risk of developing heart disease. 

The answer is doing a CHEF V 21 DAY DETOX

Now, I know that if you’ve never done a detox, it sounds intimidating. But what if I told you that it’s so easy to follow and there’s no guesswork involved? Not only that, what if I told you that your triglyceride levels could be slashed by over 20%? 

But don’t take my word for it. Take the results from an independent study by Citrus Labs that studied the effects of doing a CHEF V 21 DAY DETOX, followed by a 7 day period where the 38 participants consumed a 16 oz serving of Organic Green Drink.

At the start of the trial, participants had a baseline average triglyceride level of 143mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter). 

By the end of the 28-day trial, the 38 subjects’ average triglycerides plummeted to under 110—a reduction of over 23%

Not only that, but the participants also experienced an improvement in other metabolic markers.

“Overall, participants saw a statistically significant improvement in total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, cholesterol/LDL cholesterol ratio, and HbA1C (A1C blood sugar). These findings suggest that the Chef V protocol, as used in this trial, is effective at bringing about positive changes in each of these cardiovascular health biomarkers in just a 28-day test period.”

—Citrus Labs' conclusion

Chef V: “Using As Directed” Is Easy As 1-2-V

If you’ve never done a 21 DAY DETOX, choose the STARTER option. That’s the plan the 38 participants followed. There are 3 phases during the STARTER plan. On Days 1-7 and 11-21, you’ll follow my Healthy Routine. On these days, you’ll get a 16oz Green Drink and Protein Shake, then choose your lunch, snack and dinner from my Meal Planner, which contains delicious recipes, helpful tips and resources. 

In between those two phases, on Days 8-10, you’ll follow my 3 DAY CLEANSE, which I created for safe yet maximally effective weight loss and detoxification. Each day during the 3-Day Cleanse, you’ll get four (4) 16-oz Green Drinks, 2 Protein Shakes, and a Detox Soup for dinner.

To boost your results, I’ll also send you a free digital copy of my recipe book, “Making Cleansing Easier”, which contains hundreds of ideas for creating healthier and cleansing meals for you and your family. 

I always knew that the detox and cleanse plans I created would lead to health transformations, like Sabrina’s 100-pound weight loss success.

But now Chef V has the backing of a clinical trial to prove it!

I look forward to helping you create your own health success story


Veronica “V” Wheat

How to Beat the Bloat : Chef V Clinical Research

Chef V's Clinical Research Study conducted earlier this year shows that a 21 Day Detox followed by a week of Green drink led to a 42.6% decrease in bloating! 

What causes bloating and how can I fix it?

It’s always been said that you should know your enemy. Before we can go about how to fight back against bloating, it’s essential to understand what foods cause bloating, as well as other factors. 

That tight, full, and painful feeling of bloating is unmistakable. There can potentially be medical conditions that cause a bloated stomach. However, for most of us, a bloated stomach is caused by nutritional or digestive problems. The bloating feeling is often caused by excessive intestinal gas. 

This gas buildup can be because you ate too fast, or you’ve overeaten. It could be because of the type of food you ate. You might even have a specific food intolerance you’re unaware of. Women also may get bloated before their periods due to menstrual changes. 

Overeating can also be a cause of bloating. This is especially true if  you’ve been going through a phase where you’re binging on foods that are high in fats and carbohydrates. 

So what now? 

Hindsight is always 20/20. Rather than bemoan the digestive issues caused by some poor nutrition decisions, it’s time to fight back with some options for reducing bloating and there are a few tactics you can deploy in the fight against bloating. 


Yep, just getting some water can help. This one might seem counterintuitive at first glance. Bloating makes you feel like you’re about to pop, so why fill up on water as well? It can’t be understated how important hydration is for your body and all its functions. When you drink plenty of water, your digestive system can work more effectively at processing what’s in your stomach and returning things to normal. 

Eating foods high in water, like fruits and vegetables, is also a great idea. Apples, melons, and berries are all ideal fruits to get started with. 

Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is an increasingly popular way to help manage your body’s weight and metabolism. Essentially, intermittent fasting is about understanding that when you eat can be just as important as what you eat. In practice, intermittent fasting often involves eating most of your food during the day in a smaller window. 

This gives your body more time to operate in “high-metabolism” mode, and start digestion faster. This, naturally, also helps out if you’re suffering from bloating, as it will make your digestive tract work faster, and better process the food causing gas. 

Food to fight bloating

We touched on what foods cause bloating, the fatty and carb-heavy sort. But you can pull a reversal on bloating by eating foods great for fighting bloating. An excellent place to start are fruits high in potassium, such as bananas and avocados. High-water fruits like apples are also a great choice.

Potassium in foods like bananas, cantaloupe and apricots helps you manage sodium levels, which helps you manage hydration levels, which, as we learned, helps you manage bloating.

Certain spices are also really good at fighting bloating, turmeric and ginger being some of the best. 

Foods that have a lot of healthy bacteria are also excellent choices. Fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi, kombucha, miso, and tempeh and are becoming increasingly popular for their gut-healing properties.

chef v power salad

Get moving

We get it, if you’re all bloated, you’re probably not super interested in the health benefits of exercise. But getting up and moving about can help stubborn gas be moved through your system. And any kind of exercise that works out your stomach muscles will also improve your digestive process. 

This doesn’t need to be intensive exercise either. Just getting some stretching in can help you fight bloating, while also reducing the stress it causes you. Our recommendation is to give yoga a try. 

Trying out a blended liquid cleanse

As we mentioned before, getting any kind of hydration is great for dealing with bloating. And so is intermittent fasting, and healthy eating. But what if you could combine all of these strategies into one? 

Here’s where a detox juice cleanse comes in. The idea is that you restrict your diet down to low-carb foods filled with nutritious ingredients for a few days. Most notably, this includes a lot of green drink. This way, you can lose weight, while still keeping healthy. The best juice cleanses can last for quite a few days through the intake of detox soups and smoothies. (Make sure to check out our 21 day juice cleanse recipes for examples of what goes into one of these!) 

Beat the bloat with Chef V green juice

Of course, you don’t need a 21 day juice cleanse to beat the bloat. A small 3 day juice cleanse can do wonders for helping you reduce all that bloat, at any time. It can also help you manage your blood sugar and appetite, both great for weight loss! Chef V’s signature green drink is blended to ensure it loses none of that important nutrition. We also provide detox shakes and detox smoothies so you can cleanse in a safe and achievable way. Check out all our great cleanse products today, and fight back against the bloat. 

Chef V Challenge Clinically Proven

© 2021 Chef V, LLC.