What Do I Eat Today – A Fresh Vegan Menu

What do I eat today – when I want something light? Here’s a menu plan especially for the months of summer. So this “What do I Eat Today” menu is focused on cooling, fresh, seasonal foods. And the entire menu is vegan.

Chef V’s 3 Men’s Health Tips: Gift-Wrapped For Father’s Day

What better present than giving the gift of health. If you know a daddy or a childless dude that could use a health makeover, give them the gift of an Organic Green Drink subscription. And for a sweet cherry on top, share these 3 men’s health tips, courtesy of “V” herself…

What’s Chef V Been Up To In 2022?

Like most people, Veronica Wheat Kress has embraced 2022. The entrepreneur behind ChefV.com has been thrilled with life returning to a semblance of normalcy. For her, that has meant a return to in-person yoga classes, golf, running transformational health retreats for women and traveling.

They Tried Organic Green Drink For 30 Days And Here’s What Happened

If you have Chef V’s Organic Green Drink everyday for breakfast for one month straight, what kind of results can you expect?
Will Green Drink make that much of a difference in your overall health, energy and mood? Will you really notice a difference after just 30 days?

Cleansing In A Winter Wonderland

It’s easy to do a cleanse in August, or RAWGUST, as Chef V calls it. When it’s warm, eating lots of light, raw foods like salad seems so satisfying and appropriate for the season. But in mid-winter, what are you supposed to do if you’re looking to give your digestive system and liver a fresh start? Chef V dishes out the tips for winter cleansing…

Join Chef V For A Mind, Body & Spirit Reboot!

Come spend a weekend with like-minded women in beautiful wine country, where together we will experience breakthroughs and learn to embody your feminine essence! We will integrate mind, body, and nature. The weekend will be filled with experiences including yoga, fitness, horseback riding, meditation, conversation, wine tasting, chef-inspired meals, laughter and maybe even some tears!

5 Tips For Surviving The 2021 Holiday Season

5 Tips For Surviving The 2021 Holiday Season Chef V is here to keep you calm and grounded with these 5 tips for staying sane during the holidays… So what can you do to manage your stress this time of year? Follow these 5 tips for surviving the holiday season…

Chef V Predicts 2022’s Top 5 Natural Health Trends

Chef V Predicts 2022’s Top 5 Natural Health Trends – what will be the biggest health trends next year? Chef V gazes into her crystal ball and offers her predictions for the biggest natural health trends of 2022.

Beyond Sustainable: How Regenerative Agriculture Will Heal The Planet

How does having healthier soil improve the ecological health of the planet? Well, regenerative ag may actually help reverse climate change by acting as a carbon sink.

This 4th of July, Think About The Freedom To Eat Healthy

The good news is that you have the freedom to eat organic, non-GMO, gluten-free products.

Every single day, you should maintain a practice of gratitude, especially for having the freedom to eat whatever you want to and how much you want to. Nearly 9 percent of the world’s population is food insecure. That’s roughly 690 million people. And it’s not getting better; worldwide, hunger is on the rise.

Let’s get Outdoors!

How do I keep my cool during these times? I treat myself – and you should treat yourself too. And the treat that makes me happiest this time of year is to get outside. Whether hiking in the Arizona desert or doing yoga on the beaches here in San Diego, getting outdoors is just about the best stress reliever we have in these turbulent times.

7 Tips For Keeping Your ISHT Together

But there’s no need to panic, feel stressed-out and anxious, and race to your local big chain store to hoard toilet paper. Not if you follow my tips to help you not just survive the long, dark winter but thrive. So without further ado….

Last week, I admitted that I indulged to the max while on my European vacation, and how when I got back home, I decided I needed to be a Chef V customer.

© 2021 Chef V, LLC.