What Do I Eat Today – Menu with Chicken Pot Pie

This “What Do I Eat Today” menu starts with warm lemon water, then Green Drink. For breakfast, Warm Cinnamon Quinoa. For lunch, my Mediterranean Stew, and for dinner, Chicken Pot Pie, a gluten-free recipe with a vegan option, demonstrated in this month’s Chef V Cooking School video.

What Do I Eat Today – Menu with Chef V’s Turkey Risotto

My “What Do I Eat Today” menu: Warm lemon water, Green Drink, ginger Apple Berry Smoothie, Spicy Vegetable Soup, and Turkey Risotto.

Chef V’s Spin On Energy Drinks and Protein Bars

Another afternoon workday, another energy crash. It’s 3 PM and you finished lunch a couple hours ago but you’re hungry and tired and there’s a ton of work to finish before you call it a day. If you don’t want to rely on coffee for an energy boost, should you reach for a bar or energy drink? Here’s Chef V’s take…

Healthy Gut, Smooth Skin, Glossy Hair And Strong Nails

The best veggies for a healthy gut, skin, hair and nails are the same ones in Chef V’s mega-popular Green Drink. And it’s no coincidence that these same veggies are also the best for helping you cleanse and detox. Chef V covers how each of the veggies benefits your beauty.

Organic Turkey: Why It’s Worth The Extra Few Bucks

As I write this a week before Thanksgiving, I realize that soon, lots of people will be spending their hard-earned money on holiday gifts for friends and family. I get it. Every extra dollar in your pocket this time of year adds up. But one thing I’m willing to splurge on even if it means one less spa treatment is organic turkey….

Intermittent Fasting + Green Drink

Intermittent fasting restricts when you eat, not what you eat. There are a few different ways to do intermittent fasting (I.F.). Brandon prefers the 16/8 method. That’s when you eat only during an eight-hour window and fast for the other 16 hours.

Organic Pumpkin Purée

Making your own pumpkin purée means you get a fresher, more flavorful product, and you know where the pumpkin came from – and that it was grown organically.

Homemade Gatorade

If I’m running low on Green Drink or am just in the mood for something else, I’ll make my own healthy, homemade Gatorade Electrolyte drink. Here’s how I make a healthy alternative to Gatorade and other sugar-filled, artificial sports drinks.

Why I’m Out Of My Gourd About Pumpkins

Can we all agree that the whole pumpkin spice and PSL (latte) thing has gotten out of hand? It’s gotten to the point that PSLs are released with a whole month left of summer to go. In fact, Dunkin Donuts beat Starbucks to the pumpkin punch this year, releasing its own PSL on August 19.

What Do I Eat Today – Pumpkin!

This month’s menu will convince you that pumpkins can be refreshing and delicious anytime. Pumpkin recipes aren’t just for cold weather! And they are a super food, with “substantial medicinal properties” says the NIH.

2 Easy Hacks for Lowering Blood Sugar Levels

Living with diabetes isn’t a life sentence. In fact, it is possible to reverse diabetes. Sure, it’s going to take a lifestyle adjustment, including getting regular exercise and diet modification. But with these 2 easy hacks, you’ll be on your way to managing your diabetes.

Consumer Reports on Green Juice: Chef V Excels

What’s the healthiest green drink? According to an article on Consumer Reports, some of the most popular brands fail to meet their strict criteria for what constitutes a healthy green juice. And according to what Consumer Reports says, my recipe has all the features they regard as healthy, and none of the unhealthy. My Green Drink passes with flying (green) colors!

Chia Seeds: Tiny in Stature, Humongous For Health

Chia Seeds: Tiny in Stature, Humongous For Health Chia seeds are the less popular sibling of flax seeds. Chia seeds are tiny superfood heroes. They come in either white or dark brown/black and pack a huge nutritional punch.

Despite Its Buzz, Are Doctors On Board With Intermittent Fasting?

We’re all down with the Intermittent Fasting trend here at Chef V. My husband, Brandon, looks totally chiseled because of it. But even though us Chef V peeps have had success with it, I wanted to see what the mainstream medical community thinks about Intermittent Fasting.

Chef V Q & A – She Answers your Questions About Cleansing – Headaches, Hunger, Exercise

“V” answers your questions about how to maximize your CLEANSE success and why it’s so important to do a brief pre-cleanse. if you want the greatest chance of feeling awesome the whole time during the cleanse, make sure to check out my responses to some customer comments below…

Chef V’s Mason Jar Salads

Mason jars are our favorite accessory. We use them every chance we get – filling the empty jars with fresh cut flowers, refreshing drinks or a variety of veggies for delicious salads on the go. Below we share with you our foolproof guide for creating the best and most nutritious mason jar salads that you – and your kiddos – will love, as well as three of our go-to mason jar summer salad recipes.

Poached Pear with Gluten-Free Crumble & Vegan Ice Cream

Although this poached pear recipe contains alcohol, this recipe removes it by baking for 30 minutes at 375 degrees. Serve on a plate with scooped vegan ice cream. Enjoy this delicious and healthy dessert!

Easiest Way To Be Eco Friendly: Power Yourself by Plants!

Even if you drive a gas-guzzling car, crank up the A/C in the summer and heat in the winter, you can still do your part to tread more lightly on the Earth. Learn how easy it is to be more eco friendly….

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