Chef V’s Yoga for Stress Relief During the Holidays

Tough times now. More than ever I depend on my yoga practice to settle my mind, re-energize, and reduce unhealthy stress. When it all gets to be just too much, I use these two poses to find a calm, relaxed center – and I try to carry that feeling through the entire day.

Yoga + Green Drink to Stress Less, Feel Better

To stay centered and calm, my go-to is yoga. Yoga can reduce stress, shift your mindset, and help you feel better. Before coronavirus, I made sure to do a minimum of 10-15 minutes of yoga every day. Now, I’ve increased my practice and recommending that all my friends and clients fo the same. The more stressful your day, the more you need to start your day off with yoga. To those who know me, I might seem centered but without meditation and yoga, I might be a mess.

Yoga with Mom to Start Your Morning Together

Yoga is so good for you on so many different levels. It is one of the safest types of exercise you can suggest to family, and even the most out of shape friend can gently find a path to better health.

Whether your Mom practices yoga everyday or is a beginner, I’ve selected some poses for a healthy and fun start to Mother’s Day.

Fuller Lips: Simple Tips and Tricks for Luscious Puckers (Lip Yoga?)

Fuller lips … we can’t help but be mesmerized by the beauty of thick, erotic, sexy-looking lips. But no doubt you’ve seen the after-effects of plastic surgery for fuller lips look not so attractive. Chef V’s here to fill you in on how to fill your lips without undergoing the knife or getting expensive collagen injections.

Top Five Ways to Use Green Drink – Perfect Morning Detox

The top five ways to use Green Drink: Now that your Green Drink has arrived, what do you do with it?

Should you chug the whole thing in one sitting like you’re at a frat party? Or do you daintily sip it like Mary Poppins drinking a cuppa tea? Whether you chug or sip is totally up to you. More important is learning how to incorporate Green Drink into your everyday routine.

Chef V’s 24-Hour Guide For Elevating Your Mood

More than 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience a mood disorder at some point in their lives. If you suspect you may be suffering from any mental/mood disorder, seek professional help. If you’re looking for practical tips to elevate your mood, Veronica — the “V” in Chef V — Wheat provides a daily guide for activating your feel-good chemicals.

Chef V’s Guide to Healthy Postpartum Weight Loss

Two short months after giving birth to almost 10-pound Kaden Samuel Kress, Veronica — the “V” in Chef V” — has lost 45 pounds. Just 10 more extra pregnancy pounds to shed and V will return to her pre-pregnancy shape. What’s her secret and tips for post-partum weight loss?

Chef V Detox + Green Drink Lowers Inflammation: C-Reactive Protein down 34.1%

A study conducted by an independent laboratory has concluded that completing the Chef V 21 Day detox followed by sticking with the GREEN DRINK plan lowered levels of C-Reactive Protein in study participants by over 34%. High levels of C-Reactive Protein indicate chronic inflammation in the body.

Holiday Stress: How I Keep My Sh*! Together When I’m Stressed Out

Reducing stress can be challenging anytime, and during the holidays it is harder – and more important – than ever.
How do I keep my cool during the “season of cheer”? I treat myself – and you should treat yourself too, because it keeps you healthier, and that is super important right now.

How I Tamed my Gut – Gut Disruptors to Avoid

These gut health disruptors don’t just lead to chronic digestive problems. They negatively impact your well-being in every way. Here’s what can happen when gut disruptors significantly alter the ecosystem in your gut microbiome.

No B.S. If You have IBS: Try A Chef V Cleanse To Repair Your Gut

Having Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) means experiencing frequent bloating, cramping, diarrhea or constipation and other digestive disturbances. Thankfully, Chef V has one effective recommendation for improving your IBS, courtesy of a Facebook post testimonial.

Healthy Alternatives to Toxic Household Chemicals

There are a shocking number of highly-toxic substances in standard detergents. But if you want to reduce your toxic load (no pun intended), there’s a problem with going natural with laundry detergent…

Electrolytes: Keep Your Levels Optimal

Electrolytes are not something we usually think about. But when you’re playing pickleball like it’s an Olympic sport in hot weather, electrolytes matter. Lactating mothers need increased levels of electrolytes, starting with with sodium. And we also need more potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus. If you don’t have enough electrolytes—or an imbalance of them—it can lead to serious problems: dizziness, fainting, nausea, muscle cramps, headaches, vomiting, tremors and even death.

Eating Healthy While Pregnant founder, Veronica Wheat, is sporting a serious belly bump. Actually, it’s more like a bowling ball! At 34 weeks pregnant, her baby is massive! But is that stopping V from being active? Of course not. She’s still super active. And is V giving into pregnancy cravings? Nope, she’s still eating healthy and has an important message about nutrition for future moms…

Brain Health: Keeping Sharp With Chef V

The study Chef V commissioned from an independent laboratory concluded that when study participants completed the Chef V detox and continued to use the Chef V GREEN DRINK plan, they experienced a 32.3% improvement in their ability to focus. Here are Chef V’s tips for better brain health.

What Do I Eat Today – The Importance of Liquids

This “What Do I Eat Today” menu focuses on the importance of liquids, especially at breakfast. Liquids are alkalizing to the gut, help cleanse the colon, and have so many other benefits.

DNA Testing For Weight Loss: Is This Growing Health Trend Worth It?

DNA Testing For Weight Loss: Is This Growing Health Trend Worth It? DNA testing to learn what type of exercise, diet and supplements are best for you

Need A Liver Detox? Here’s The Safest Way

Did you just have a junk food binge-a-thon? Or did you recently celebrate a birthday with bottomless flutes of champagne? Then maybe you need a liver detox. But before you start one, Veronica Wheat, aka Chef V, explains what you need to know…

Is It Time For A Social Media Detox?

Detoxes aren’t just for resetting your digestive system after having too many In-N-Out burgers and margaritas. If you’re feeling a little insane in the membrane, taking a social media break can be just what the mental health doctor ordered. Plus, Veronica Wheat, aka Chef V, has some tips to make social media, well, social and positive again…

What Do I Eat Today – Gluten-Free

This “What Do I Eat Today” gluten-free menu starts with warm lemon water, then Green Drink. For breakfast, Avocado Toast is a rich tasting treat. Lunch is my “Chipotle” style Burrito Bowl, and the day’s snack is a choice of three different hummus’s served with fresh veggies. Dinner is my Quinoa Enchiladas – you can follow the recipe online or watch me make it on my YouTube channel.

Chef V’s 5 Easy Healthy Gut Makeover Tips

Have you ever heard the saying, “a healthy mind lives in a healthy body?” The way Chef V founder Veronica “V” Kress sees it, a healthy mind exists because of a healthy gut. But it’s not just mental health that’s linked to gut health. The immune system, cardiovascular health, skin appearance, and, of course, how you look in a swimsuit is all controlled by the health of your gut. So V is here to offer 5 easy tips to boost gut health.

5 Easy Ways To Stay Positive & Healthy

If you feel like eating tons of comfort food and hibernating this time of year, I don’t blame you. But spring is coming and it’s so important to stay active and healthy this time of year and I’ve got some easy, fun tips to do it! 

5 Easy Ways To Stay Positive & Healthy in a Hot Summer

In this heat, if you feel like holing up in an air conditioned house and doing a summer hibernation, I don’t blame you. But it’s so important to stay active and healthy and I’ve got some easy, fun tips to do it! Get ready for fall and cooler weather – it is almost here!

Chef V Warns: Don’t Drink Coffee First Thing In The AM On An Empty Stomach!

Coffee, cortisol, and stress. Just like 10 cups of coffee or glasses of wine a day, too much of a good thing is a bad thing. And when we’re constantly stressed out, we can have too much cortisol coursing through our system. With unhealthy consequences.

5 Libido Spiking Ways To Spice Up The Romance On Valentine’s Day

What are you doing to make this Valentine’s Day special for your mate? A box of chocolates? Flowers? Yawn! While those V-Day traditional go-to’s will always be appreciated, these 5 activities will help resurrect your romantic life—even if you’ve been married for years.

3 Ways To Feel Unstoppable In the Morning—Without Coffee

Do you feel like a slug in the morning? Is guzzling three cups of coffee the only thing that wakes you up from the dead? Chef V offers up 3 caffeine-free ways to help you conquer the day…

How to Beat the Bloat : Chef V Clinical Research

Chef V’s recent clinical research study showed a 42% reduction in bloating in test subjects. What is bloating, how can increasing green veggies in diet reduce or eliminate bloating, and what foods and life choices will help heal a bloated gut.

Eating For Your Blood Type: Does The Blood Type Diet Work?

Eating right for your blood type. I’ve always been so intrigued. I recently found out I’m type A+ and my husband, Brandon is O+. According to the blood type diet, I should be eating lots of vegetarian-friendly food. As somebody who eats a 99% plant-based diet, I would have no problem eating for my particular blood type. But what about Brandon? Should he go on a hunting trip and shoot some wild game? Type O’s should eat basically a Paleo diet: high in lean animal protein with a minimal amount of grains.

Intermittent Fasting + Green Drink

Intermittent fasting restricts when you eat, not what you eat. There are a few different ways to do intermittent fasting (I.F.). Brandon prefers the 16/8 method. That’s when you eat only during an eight-hour window and fast for the other 16 hours.

5 Tips For Surviving The 2022 Holiday Season

5 Tips For Surviving The 2022 Holiday Season Chef V is here to keep you calm and grounded with these 5 tips for staying sane during the holidays… So what can you do to manage your stress this time of year? Follow these 5 tips for surviving the holiday season…

Goji Berries: Health Benefits and Chef V’s Trail Mix Recipe

Goji berries are one of my favorite fruits. The tart-tasting, bright-red berries are native to Asia. They’re loaded with antioxidants and are clinically-proven to have several incredible health benefits. I feature them in my snack recipe for Easy Trail Mix….

Summer 2022: What’s Chef V Up To?

Is V living the glamorous life of an entrepreneur, jet-setting to Paris for lunch, then off to the Greek Islands for a 2-week idyllic escape? Well, not exactly. But for someone who works her tail off, V knows how to have some fun on the road—even while she’s working. Let’s check out what V’s been up to this summer…

© 2021 Chef V, LLC.