Not Ready To Go Gluten-Free? Eat These 5 Healthy Grains You’ve Never Heard Of…

Today’s gluten protein molecules in packaged foods are larger than the 5 healthy grains below. And that means your body might not recognize the modern wheat protein like it does ancient wheat. As a result, your body could start attacking the genetically-engineered wheat proteins.

Do You Have To Be Gluten-Free To Be Healthy?

How often do you eat bread and other foods that contain gluten? If you’re eating gluten everyday, is this a ticking time bomb? Are you setting yourself up for an autoimmune disease or other serious health condition later on in life if you continue on your gluttonous gluten-filled path?

Chef V’s ‘Chipotle’ Burrito Bowl

Here’s my Mango Avocado Burrito Bowl, a spin on Chipotle Mexican Grill’s awesome burrito bowls. Use my recipe as a starting point and add any of your favorite ingredients like grilled chicken or fish to make your own. You can also turn this into an easy wrap with gluten-free tortillas.

What Is Leaky Gut & Do You Have It?

You’ve probably heard of leaky gut but aren’t quite sure what it means. Your intestines are lined with a mucosal barrier. A thin (leaky) intestinal mucosal wall leaks undigested food particles, toxins and microorganisms (bacteria, etc.).

Kale Nutrition: This Superfood Ain’t Going Out Of Style Anytime Soon

I’m not bragging, but I jumped on to the kale bandwagon long before the wagon rolled out of hipster neighborhoods and restaurants, serving kale chips and kale smoothies along the way. I may have jumped off other superfood bandwagons–mangosteen: that was fun while it lasted in the early 2000’s but açai berries won over my heart and tummy–but I plan on never abandoning you, kale, even if you do eventually lose hipster cred status.

Eating For Your Blood Type: Does The Blood Type Diet Work?

Eating right for your blood type. I’ve always been so intrigued. I recently found out I’m type A+ and my husband, Brandon is O+. According to the blood type diet, I should be eating lots of vegetarian-friendly food. As somebody who eats a 99% plant-based diet, I would have no problem eating for my particular blood type. But what about Brandon? Should he go on a hunting trip and shoot some wild game? Type O’s should eat basically a Paleo diet: high in lean animal protein with a minimal amount of grains.

Gut Health Survival Guide: Chef V’s 5 Tips For Success

Gut health survival guide: Chef V’s 5 Tips For Success – Follow these 5 tips for a healthy gut during the holidays…walk, take digestive enzymes, probiotics

Healthy Gut, Smooth Skin, Glossy Hair And Strong Nails

The best veggies for a healthy gut, skin, hair and nails are the same ones in Chef V’s mega-popular Green Drink. And it’s no coincidence that these same veggies are also the best for helping you cleanse and detox. Chef V covers how each of the veggies benefits your beauty.

Dark Leafy Greens & Gut Health: What’s The Connection?

If you want to be happy and healthy, you have to make sure your gut microbiome is in top-top shape. So let’s learn exactly what consuming Green Drink does for your gut galaxy of bacteria.

How To Effortlessly Boost Collagen Levels For Beautiful Skin

You’ve heard of collagen and know that it’s good for your skin. But let’s take a deeper dive with Veronica Wheat, the “V” in Chef V and find out exactly what collagen is and how to boost levels of it in your body so that your skin looks more youthful.

Organic Turkey: Why It’s Worth The Extra Few Bucks

As I write this a week before Thanksgiving, I realize that soon, lots of people will be spending their hard-earned money on holiday gifts for friends and family. I get it. Every extra dollar in your pocket this time of year adds up. But one thing I’m willing to splurge on even if it means one less spa treatment is organic turkey….

Intermittent Fasting + Green Drink

Intermittent fasting restricts when you eat, not what you eat. There are a few different ways to do intermittent fasting (I.F.). Brandon prefers the 16/8 method. That’s when you eat only during an eight-hour window and fast for the other 16 hours.

Green Drink Skin Benefits: Way Beyond Skin Deep

The benefits of Green Drink for skin can have much more of an impact than a cosmetic procedure like a facial. After all, facials and other beauty care methods are only, well, skin deep. But green drinks can benefit your skin from the inside out.

Chef V’s 3 Simple Tips For Great Gut Health

We often hear the phrase gut health. But what exactly does that mean and how can it be achieved? Veronica Kress, aka “V” of Chef V fame, shares how she’s been able to keep her tummy flat and keep her mind sharp despite the stress of running a demanding business.

Thanksgiving Food Coma? 5 Natural Drinks to Snap Out of It

Thanksgiving Food Coma? 5 Natural Drinks to Snap Out of It. Chef v shares herbal tea and her green drink as ways to recover from a food coma.

Boost your Immune System: Eating Healthy

If you’ve put on the post-pandemic 15, no worries. Chef V’s got some tips for you to slim your waistline in no time. Here are 3 tips for eating right while working from home…

Calorie Counting vs. Intermittent Fasting: Which One Is Better For Weight Loss?

Let’s say your best friend’s wedding is coming up and you’re the maid of honor. How best to lose those stubborn 5-10 pounds so you can squeeze into that sexy, new dress? Should you drastically cut down on calories? Or should you just eat whatever you want as long as you’re doing intermittent fasting?

What Do I Eat Today – Pumpkin!

This month’s menu will convince you that pumpkins can be refreshing and delicious anytime. Pumpkin recipes aren’t just for cold weather! And they are a super food, with “substantial medicinal properties” says the NIH.

Chia Seeds: Tiny in Stature, Humongous For Health

Chia Seeds: Tiny in Stature, Humongous For Health Chia seeds are the less popular sibling of flax seeds. Chia seeds are tiny superfood heroes. They come in either white or dark brown/black and pack a huge nutritional punch.

Chef V Q & A – She Answers your Questions About Cleansing – Headaches, Hunger, Exercise

“V” answers your questions about how to maximize your CLEANSE success and why it’s so important to do a brief pre-cleanse. if you want the greatest chance of feeling awesome the whole time during the cleanse, make sure to check out my responses to some customer comments below…

Chef V’s Mason Jar Salads

Mason jars are our favorite accessory. We use them every chance we get – filling the empty jars with fresh cut flowers, refreshing drinks or a variety of veggies for delicious salads on the go. Below we share with you our foolproof guide for creating the best and most nutritious mason jar salads that you – and your kiddos – will love, as well as three of our go-to mason jar summer salad recipes.

Give This Organ Some TLC For Cleansing & Weight Loss

When it comes to cleansing and detoxing, most people associate just one organ with the process: the liver. But there’s far more to detoxification than the liver. While it’s true the liver plays a critical role in breaking down heavy metals and other toxins from the body, there’s another organ I want you to know about that’s just as important.

© 2021 Chef V, LLC.