Chef V Detox + Green Drink Lowers Inflammation: C-Reactive Protein down 34.1%

A study conducted by an independent laboratory has concluded that completing the Chef V 21 Day detox followed by sticking with the GREEN DRINK plan lowered levels of C-Reactive Protein in study participants by over 34%. High levels of C-Reactive Protein indicate chronic inflammation in the body.

Protein Powder: What you Need to Know before you Cleanse

When you think of a juice cleanse or detox diet, does protein come to mind? If not, it should. But not just any protein. In fact, many protein powders can be toxic to your health. Learn why you need protein if you’re cleansing and what kind is best for your body. Here’s what you need to know.

The Power of Pea Protein: Why You Will Cleanse So Hap-pea-ly

Pea protein is one of the most popular vegan proteins with no signs of slowing down, and for good reason. It’s super easy to digest, contains all 9 essential amino acids and doesn’t cause nasty belly bloating. That’s why Chef V is excited to introduce Vanilla Ultra Shake with pea protein for cleanse customers.

Are You Eating The Perfect Amount Of Protein?

Protein – here’s the shocking truth. According to the CDC the average person consumes far less protein than they need. In fact, some estimates suggest that up to 80% of the population may be protein deficient.

Plant Based Protein Vs Plant-Based Meat

If you need a detox and digestion makeover, “V” encourages a pretty strict plant-based diet. That’s because meat is hard to digest and if your digestion is sluggish you should give it a rest.

But that doesn’t mean you should be eating vegan fast food burgers every day. There’s a big difference between plant-based meat and plant-based proteins. In fact, eating mock meat may be worse for your health than regular meat. Instead, find out what the healthiest plant-based proteins are…

Chef V’s Spin On Energy Drinks and Protein Bars

Another afternoon workday, another energy crash. It’s 3 PM and you finished lunch a couple hours ago but you’re hungry and tired and there’s a ton of work to finish before you call it a day. If you don’t want to rely on coffee for an energy boost, should you reach for a bar or energy drink? Here’s Chef V’s take…

Your Decision To Do A Chef V Detox + Green Drink Is Now Supported By Clinical Research!

The clinical trial data speaks for itself. Following a Chef V 21 DAY DETOX and continuing with healthy habits such as continuing with an Organic Green Drink subscription isn’t a quick weight loss fix. It’s a lifelong health transformation.

And the best part is that after the 21 DAY DETOX, you can indulge in some of your favorite not-so-healthy treats from time to time.

It’s all about balance. If you stick to Chef V’s healthy eating routine (resources provided) at least 80% of the time, you may experience the same results as the study participants.

Avoiding the Side Effects of Cleansing

You’ve been eating like crap, drinking too much wine/champagne/Prosecco, not exercising enough and your pants are getting too tight. It’s time for an intervention. But if you’re considering doing a cleanse/detox, is the cure worse than the intervention? Before you splurge on a week’s worth of fancy juice or other detox product, take the time to learn about cleanse side effects.

Gingerbread Smoothie

If it’s warm for Christmas, like it is here in San Diego, I’ll be enjoying some pickleball and a nice refreshing treat after. Like this healthy vegan gingerbread smoothie.

It tastes like a cookie but it’s made with cauliflower and banana for lots of nutrients. It’s also packed with flavor from all the spices. I hope you enjoy this deliciously unique treat!

Chef V’s 24-Hour Guide For Elevating Your Mood

More than 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience a mood disorder at some point in their lives. If you suspect you may be suffering from any mental/mood disorder, seek professional help. If you’re looking for practical tips to elevate your mood, Veronica — the “V” in Chef V — Wheat provides a daily guide for activating your feel-good chemicals.

Vitamin C For Skin: Grab A Green Drink & Ditch the Pricey Creams

The benefits of Green Drink for skin can have much more of an impact than a cosmetic procedure like a facial. After all, facials and other beauty care methods are only, well, skin deep. But green drinks can benefit your skin from the inside out. Chef V explains….

Go Veg: Thicker Hair, Healthy Gut, Smooth Skin, and Strong Nails

The best veggies for a healthy gut, skin, hair and nails are the same ones in Chef V’s mega-popular Green Drink. And it’s no coincidence that these same veggies are also the best for helping you cleanse and detox. Chef V covers how each of the veggies benefits your beauty.

Is There Any Proof Green Drink Improves Sleep Quality?

In 2023, products were the focus of an independent clinical trial by Citrus Labs. The 38 participants who completed a 21 DAY DETOX and then continued on a GREEN DRINK plan for 7 days saw vast improvements in all areas of their life. This includes a 34% reduction in inflammation and an average weight loss of nearly 8 pounds, and a 44% improvement in sleep quality.

What I Ate to Lose 55 Pounds After Having a Baby

This was a journey with some dietary surprises and a lot of learning. Trust me, it’s not your typical weight loss story! Let’s dive into the world of postpartum diets. Like many, I assumed that eating lots of salads and raw foods was the way to go. However, I quickly learned that postpartum nutrition requires a different approach.

Adaptogens: The Medicinal Plant All-Stars That Help Conquer Stress And Fatigue

Out of tens of thousands of medicinal plants on Earth, only a tiny percentage have been classified as “adaptogens.” Over the last few years, adaptogenic herbs have become a huge health trend. Certified nutritional therapist and founder Veronica “V” Kress explains what’s so special about adaptogens.

Teryaki Chicken or Salmon

Chef V’s Tips: While I generally do not use a lot of nightshade vegetables, I do think fresh or dried jalapeño peppers in small quantities add a kick to dishes and have detoxifying powers. For more protein, swap the cannellini beans with 1 pound of cooked ground turkey, if desired.

How I Tamed my Gut – Gut Disruptors to Avoid

These gut health disruptors don’t just lead to chronic digestive problems. They negatively impact your well-being in every way. Here’s what can happen when gut disruptors significantly alter the ecosystem in your gut microbiome.

No B.S. If You have IBS: Try A Chef V Cleanse To Repair Your Gut

Having Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) means experiencing frequent bloating, cramping, diarrhea or constipation and other digestive disturbances. Thankfully, Chef V has one effective recommendation for improving your IBS, courtesy of a Facebook post testimonial.

Take the Chef V Challenge – A Proven Winner!

Over a 28-day period, the Chef V 21 Day Detox + Green Drink Program resulted in positive health improvements:

weight loss – an average of eight pounds.

‘bad’ cholesterol decreased – (LDL cholesterol) and the ratio of total cholesterol to LDL cholesterol improved. This is really promising for overall cardiovascular wellness.

inflammation – went down 33% (based on c-reactive protein levels).

A1C levels improved, crucial for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and avoiding diabetes.

bloating decreased – relieving the traffic jam inside your stomach.

You can carry out your own Chef V program and experience the proven results! Order your 21 day detox today!

Throw Out These Cancer Causing Products

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard from a new customer that reaches out to tell me they previously did a cleanse but their symptoms came back shortly after.

In response, I ask them what brand of cosmetics they use, and hair care products, lotions, laundry detergent, household cleaners, toothpaste and perfume. I also ask them if they use plug-in air fresheners and spray deodorizers.

For the many people I hear from who are new to the concept of natural health, most of the brands these people use are not all-natural. And these common everyday household cleaners, beauty- and personal care products are making people sick.

Chef V’s Favorite Supplements For Improving Gut Health

Did you know there’s a non-stop party in your gut? It’s true. In your microbiome—the home of your trillions of bacteria, both the friendly and unfriendly kind—your gut bacteria are constantly eating our leftovers. If only we could claim them as tax dependents! So how can you make sure you’re feeding the good guys in your gut and not the bad? Chef V has one simple solution and offers her 3 favorite gut-supporting supplements…

Chef V Clinically Proven To Lower A1C Blood Sugar Levels

An independent clinical trial shows that Chef V’s 21 Detox followed by 7 days of continuing with a Green Drink plan significantly lowered HbA1C levels, one of the most important markers of health and longevity.

According to Citruslabs, after the 28 day study was completed, “…there was a significant reduction in HbA1C. HbA1C is a marker of glucose levels in the blood, and lower levels are preferred to higher levels. The significant reduction in HbA1C demonstrates a healthy glucose response by the body after using Chef V products.”

Turmeric & Ginger: Twin Gut-Healing, Inflammation-Fighting Powerhouses

Ginger and turmeric are powerful anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-inflammation fighters. But did you know that they’re also great for your gut microbiome? Here’s how…

A Research Study Worth “Weighting” For: CHEF V Clinically Proven For Weight Loss

The word “detox” has dubious connotations: Slick-marketed detox pills, crazy fad diets, water fasts, and fruit juice fasts. So it’s no wonder most people put more weight back on than before trying a detox. It’s also not surprising that few research studies have proven the effectiveness of detox supplements. That is until now! An independent laboratory has recently concluded that Chef V’s Detox and Green Drink leads to significant weight loss.

Is Cleansing While Pregnant Or Nursing Safe?

I don’t recommend cleansing while breastfeeding or pregnant. But a fiber rich green drink as a supplement to your diet is safe. But take your doctors advice and only drink from sources you trust.

The Formula for Sustained Weight Loss with Chef V

Chef V’s formula for sustained weight loss is based on nutrition and great food. Anybody can do a juice cleanse to lose weight. But to keep the weight off for good and experience a major health transformation, use my Chef V Cleanse + Green Drink and follow my recipes and meals! Chef V is Nutritious, Healthy, and Clinically Proven.

Raspberry Chia Pudding

Chia seeds are tiny superfood heroes. They come in either white or dark brown/black and have a huge nutritional profile. They contain Calcium, Manganese, and Phosphorus and are packed with fiber, protein, and healthy Omega-3 fats. They are basically tasteless so you can add them to nearly any kind of dish. Add raspberries, cocoa nibs, and coconut and you have a decadent yet healthy dessert.

Common Side Effects of Juice Cleanses: If You Should Worry and How To Deal With Them

Participating in a blended juice cleanse is a significant undertaking. You’re doing a hard reset on your body and naturally flushing toxins. Whether you’ve opted for a 3 day cleanse or a 21 day cleanse, you can expect to see and feel dramatic results. This piece explains some common reactions people have to juice cleanses. It covers which are normal and which are concerning, and why Chef V is the safest and more achievable cleanse for you.

Want A Profound Wellness Transformation? Do This, Research Shows.

Research shows if you want a physical and mental-health makeover, do this: a Chef V 21 Day Detox + a week of Chef V Green Drink. Certified nutritional therapist and founder Veronica Wheat describes the clinical research study results…

Soy: Does It Bring A New Mom Joy Or Is It Best To Avoid?

Veronica “V” Wheat is about to spill the (soy)beans with some exciting news: she’s pregnant! Her and hubby, Brandon, are expecting in June. Now with 2 mouths to feed, V is researching what the best—and worst—foods are for pregnancy. Here, she tells us the truth about soy…

© 2021 Chef V, LLC.