Author: Chef V

Coconut Sugar: Is It Healthier Sweet Stuff?

Coconut Sugar

Coconut Sugar?  What do you get when you cross my 7-year-old, four-legged furry kid with sweetener? 

You get my very own sweet sugar baby – my dog Coconut!

Sorry for being corny—again. 

But in all seriousness, one of the most common questions I get asked as a certified nutritional therapist and creator of The Chef V Organic Cleanse is this: Is coconut sugar healthier than regular sugar?

Let’s dive in and find out what the research says…

Coconut Sugar: Is It Healthier Sweet Stuff?

What Is It?

Actually, before we follow the science on coconut sugar, let’s cover some basic facts on the natural alternative sweetener. 

It does not come from the meaty white flesh of the nuts. It’s also not produced from the husky shell. And it’s not made from the liquid within the nut (coconut water). 

So what is it made from? It’s made by dehydrating the sap contained in the flower bud of the stem of coconut palm trees. You could say that the sap is the circulating life force or the blood of the tree. And just like the blood circulating through your veins contains minerals and trace minerals that are vital for energy, coconut sap is rich in minerals. But we’ll get to that in a bit…

Coconut blossom sugar, is all-natural. Although it comes from the coconut palm tree, do not confuse it with palm sugar. Regular palm sugar is sourced from a different type of tree than coconut sugar. 

True coconut sugar resembles granulated raw brown sugar. And if you’re an animal lover or vegan, there’s one big plus about using it instead of regular table sugar. 

According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), table sugar is sometimes whitened with bone char. What’s bone char, you ask? It’s charred cattle bones. Think about that next time you sweeten your coffee at your favorite diner. And according to PETA, brown sugar can also be processed with bone char. Brown sugar, which is not healthier than table sugar (it’s just as refined) is colored with molasses, so don’t get fooled by regular brown sugar. 

But coconut sweetener is a healthier brown sugar that is not refined and therefore does not get processed with bone char.

coconut plant


I found an interesting study published in Food Science & Nutrition, co-authored by researchers from Malaysia, a country thought to be the first to commercialize it for the U.S. market. 

The researchers concluded “Coconut sap could be served as a potential healthier sugar source compared with sugar palm and sugarcane as it carries more minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins.”

Another reason the researchers think it is a healthier alternative to refined sugar is that it has a lower glycemic index. The GI ranks the rise in blood glucose after the consumption of carbohydrates on a scale from 0–100.  A food with low GI raises blood glucose less than that of the food with high GI. 

Coconut sugar’s GI ranks about 35, which is only 10 points higher than fructose from whole fruits. In comparison, refined sugar has a GI that’s almost twice as high as coconut sugar. 

For this reason, the researchers suggest that coconut palm nectar (another way to say coconut sugar) can be part of the solution in curtailing the diabetes and obesity epidemic. 

Vitamins & Minerals

The researchers detected vitamin C, B1, B3, B4, B2, and B10 in samples. Of those, vitamin C, B3, B4, B2, and B10 in coconut nectar were significantly higher than in table sugar. In addition, coconut sugar contained higher levels of three important electrolytes: potassium, sodium and magnesium. Many Americans are deficient in magnesium, a mineral that’s important for helping to relax muscles. 

By the way, you can also get the benefits of these minerals from coconut water, which is why I use both coconut sugar and coconut water in several of my recipes. 

And in comparison to regular sugar, coconut nectar is relatively high in other minerals such as zinc, calcium and iron. 

Coconut Water

For Gut Health?

Another reason to swap regular table sugar for coconut is that it contains a type of fiber called inulin. This special fiber acts like fertilizer for a type of friendly bacteria in your gut called bifidobacteria, which is a common live culture added to yogurt. 

Inulin is considered a post-biotic fiber. Postbiotics are the healthy short-chain fatty acids released by probiotics. Probiotics are essential for a healthy gut and immune system, but it’s actually the postbiotics that make the magic happen!

Is It Healthier: Chef V’s Verdict

Now don’t get me wrong … even though I think it is healthier than regular table sugar, I don’t rely on it to get my daily dose of essential minerals and trace minerals. The dark leafy greens in Organic Green Drink provide me with an excellent low-sugar source of minerals without spiking my blood sugar. 

If you have type 2 diabetes, don’t get fooled into thinking that it is a miracle sweetener. It may have a lower glycemic index than regular sugar but that doesn’t mean it gives you a free pass to go crazy with it. 

So don’t use it as a multivitamin, antioxidant supplement or probiotic. Instead, just like all other sweeteners, use it sparingly. But when I do use the sweet stuff, I reach for COCONUT and a little coconut sugar. 

Veronica and Coconut

How to Tell if You Have Inflammation in Your Body

Inflammation has become something of a scary word these days, but not without reason. Having acute inflammation in your body is often the precursor to a variety of rather serious health concerns. Of course, it's one thing to simply say that inflation is bad. But how do you know if you’re suffering from it? 

Obviously, the first stop for any of your health concerns should be a medical practitioner. But if you’re wondering how to tell if you have inflammation, we’ll discuss some of the best ways to tell here. Often, customers are interested in our 21 day cleanse to deal with inflammation issues, so it makes sense that we’d try and help you ID the condition! 

What is inflammation?

Most of us generally understand what inflammation is as a concept. If we’ve been injured, we’ve often seen injuries become red and aggravated. But that’s just the outside story. Inside our body, we can often suffer from unseen inflammation, affecting important organs and systems.

Technically, inflammation is a good thing—it’s a sign your immune system is reacting to an issue. But as anyone who has had a fever can tell you, your immune system is often prone to overreacting. In some cases, your immune system could even be reacting where there’s no real issue. 

Often inflammation is divided into two types, acute and chronic. This is just a division based on severity. Acute inflammation should clear up within two weeks or so, and is generally linked to a specific injury or illness. Chronic inflammation sticks around longer, and isn’t often linked to a single issue, being more an indicator of poor health and stress.

Detecting inflammation

Identifying inflammation outside the body is easy—you just look for visible swelling and redness. If you have chronic inflammation inside your body, it might be less obvious that inflammation is the source of your problem. This is further complicated by the fact that not all inflammation is the same. 

Chronic inflammation can be caused by a variety of conditions (including some severe medical conditions), and can crop up nearly anywhere in your body. Naturally, you can expect that inflammation in your brain will have a different effect than inflammation in your bowels. Following is a list of some of the more common symptoms of an inflammatory problem. 

Body pain

This is by far one of the most common symptoms of inflammation out there. A whole array of nasty types of pain can come with inflammation. From throbbing to pinching, if you have chronic pain in your body, but can’t link it to a specific injury or illness, it could be a sign of chronic inflammation.

Brain fog

“Brain fog” refers to a condition where you suffer from chronic confusion, memory loss, and lack of focus. We increasingly realize that brain fog, rather than just being a sign of exhaustion or aging, can be linked to a variety of conditions—think about all the concerns over the connections between COVID-19 and brain fog. Turns out that inflammation could be a potential cause of brain fog as well. 

Depression and anxiety

It’s not just general “brain fog” that’s associated with inflammation. There have been studies linking inflammation to more severe mood disorders. Of course, this gets into a bit of a complex topic. If you’re living an unhealthy lifestyle, depression and inflammation might arise independently. That’s all the more reason to stay active and maintain a healthy diet and eating habits!


While not a common symptom of inflammation, there have been cases recorded where inflammation of nerves or inner ear leads to dizziness. In some cases, this can be so severe it affects balance. 

Fatigue and insomnia

If you have difficulty sleeping, it could potentially be connected to fatigue caused by inflammation. Of course, as with some of the other symptoms, fatigue is a common result from many health issues relating to blood sugar levels or being overweight. It’s likely if you have some of these problems, you could have bodily inflammation as well.

Gastrointestinal issues

When it comes to inflammation in your guts, there’s no good ending here. Acid reflux, constipation, and diarrhea are all the result of chronic inflammation affecting your intestinal systems. This is one of the types of inflammation-related illnesses that we tend to hear about the most at Chef V. There’s a reason our 21-day cleanse is so popular! 

Heart troubles

One of the most frightening symptoms of inflammation is the emergence of heart issues. This could be because of inflammation in important arteries or because of inflammation in the heart itself. This inflammation can manifest in coronary diseases or even heart failure. 

Insulin issues

For many people, getting control of their blood sugar levels is difficult enough as is. And that’s before you throw in the complications of insulin resistance. Our bodies need insulin to help manage blood sugar levels. Inflammation, however, has been connected with triggering insulin production in your body to the point that your systems become resistant. And after that, say goodbye to your ability to manage your blood sugar levels. You’ll need to get the best in a low sugar juice cleanse to give you even a chance. 

Weight gain

Perhaps one of the most currently discussed effects of inflammation in the body is its relation to weight gain. Exactly how this relationship works is still debated. But high levels of inflammation in the body seem to be linked to higher chances of obesity, and vice versa.  

Handling inflammation

If there’s one takeaway from this blog, it’s that inflammation isn’t a simple condition. Very often, it’s tied closely to other issues. If you’re overweight, have blood sugar issues, and inflammation, it might be a moot point as to which came first.

Dealing with inflammation requires a holistic approach. You need to do everything to help your body recover. This means getting more exercise, more sleep, and cutting back on stress. It also means reevaluating your diet. You want to cut out foods that cause inflammation, such as foods high in trans fats. Replace these with anti-inflammatory foods, such as more berries, leafy greens, and spices high in antioxidants—think garlic, ginger, and turmeric

You’ll also want to do your best to bring your blood sugar levels under control. Thankfully, Chef V’s 21 day cleanse is one of the best low sugar juice cleanses out there. Whether you get a short cleanse, or follow the full Chef V 21 day cleanse schedule, you can get your blood sugar under control, and strike back against inflammation. 

CRP: The One Blood Test You Should Beg Your Doctor To Take

CRP: The One Blood Test You Should Beg Your Doctor To Take

CRP is the one blood test you should beg your Doctor to take. Virtually every disease is caused by inflammation. Inflammation manifests in many different ways, from auto-immune disorders to cancer and diabetes, and even weight gain. But how do you know if your body has inflammation? After all, sometimes, inflammation has no symptoms–until a heart attack or stroke strikes.

Thankfully, there’s a simple blood test you can get from your doctor. It’s called the “C-Reactive Protein” (CRP) blood test. Next time you go for your checkup, ask your doctor to test your CRP levels. If you are diagnosed with high levels of CRP, then you can make some lifestyle changes before serious symptoms or disease occurs….

What is C-Reactive Protein?

So what do my Organic Green Drinks and Cleanses have to do with a protein called CRP that’s created by the liver when the body’s inflammatory response kicks in?

They have everything to do with C-Reactive Protein, that’s what. You see, one of the best ways to stay healthy and avoid disease is to have as little CRP as possible. CRP isn’t inherently bad. You actually need some of it to fight infections. But when levels of this protein are high, it’s an indication that there’s too much inflammation in the body. This is why its important to know what can raise your CRP levels, and how to reduce CRP levels.

CRP and inflammation

As I mention above, all disease is triggered by inflammation. Even diseases that are passed down by your ancestors are at greater risk for being expressed if you have more inflammation in your body. In other words, if you eat healthy, just because you may inherit a disease potential does not mean the genes for that disease will express. However, if you eat a diet that’s full of refined carbs like bread and baked goods and lots of added sugar, you’re at more risk for those genetic switches being turned on.

That’s where my Green Drinks, Detox Soups and Vegan Protein Shakes come into play. The antioxidants and other nutrients are a great way how to reduce RP levels, which means your body will have less inflammation.

Whether your goal is to stay healthy and prevent disease or to lose weight (or both), the 7-certified organic green leafy veggies in my Organic Green Drinks can play a big part in preventing inflammation.

But how do you know how much CRP you have?

CRP Blood test

Take a C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Blood Test 

Recently, I wrote about a new health trend you’ll be hearing much more about in the near future: DNA testing for weight loss.

Basically, I said that until the science catches up, getting your DNA tested to find out the best form of exercise and supplements to take is probably a waste of money.

But there is one test I’m all in favor of you getting: the C-Reactive Protein Blood Test, or CRP Blood Test. It’s easy to do and your health insurance plan (if you have one) likely covers it in a normal panel blood test (along with A1C blood sugar and cholesterol markers).

Your body has dozens of inflammatory markers. CRP is the easiest one to test and it seems to provide good insight into your inflammation levels. (Don’t get a test done while your sick, especially if you’re fighting an infection because your body’s CRP levels will be inflated and won’t give an accurate reading of the levels when you’re healthy.)

Why is CRP so important? Because it’s a good predictor of heart attacks and strokes. It can also reveal if you’re at risk for developing diabetes and arthritis. In fact, according to WebMD, a Harvard Women’s Health Study revealed that in healthy postmenopausal women, those with the highest CRP levels were more than four times as likely to have died from heart disease or suffer a non-fatal attack or stroke, compared with those with the lowest levels.

See why CRP is so important?

CRP test and inflammation

How to Reduce CRP Levels

Look, I realize that CRP might not be a super sexy health topic. It’s not as celeb-gossip worthy as Intermittent Fasting or Keto. But as a certified nutritional therapist, I feel it’s my duty (and honor) to share with you simple yet important wellness advice. It’s easy to fall prey to food, drinks and other lifestyle choices that can cause serious inflammation in your body.

But it’s just as easy to avoid it.

Start off each morning by lowering your CRP levels with 16 ounces of my Organic Green Drink.

CRP and green drink

If you have time before you go to work, do a little yoga routine at home or go take a class (or do yoga any other time of day). Think I’m biased because I love yoga myself? Well, I do love yoga. But I bet you didn’t know that yoga is clinically proven to reduce CRP levels. Don’t believe me? Check out this research. And as you might expect, mindfulness, meditation, breathing exercises, and moving meditation exercises such as Tai Chi, can also reduce CRP levels. (So, too, can sex! Again, don’t take my word for it; look at the research.)

A few more simple ways to keep your inflammation level down is by taking a quality fish oil supplement and probiotic and getting 7 or more hours of restful sleep every night. And remember to keep your added sugar intake to a minimum and exercise almost every day.

Eating the right foods makes a difference in your CRP levels. Try healthy wild salmon, real olive oil, cruciferous veggies, and nuts and seeds.

If you’re feeling great and doing most of these things already, then no worries. But if you are concerned about the level of inflammation in your body, it’s really easy to get a CRP blood test (unless you’re like me and deathly afraid of needles; sorry can’t help you with that phobia!

To your health (and low levels of CRP),

Veronica “Chef V” Kress

Chef V

SIBO: The Number One Reason You Shouldn’t Snack All Day

SIBO - snacking

How many times a day do you do it? 

You’re not really hungry but you stroll into the kitchen and open the fridge or pantry…

It’s not like new food has magically materialized. 

Yet you find something to snack on. 

But even when you’re done eating the last crumb, you’re already thinking about the next snack. 

And all day long, it doesn’t stop. Popcorn on the couch at 11:00 at night while you’re binge-watching your favorite show. 

Nothing wrong with unwinding after a hard day’s work with some mindless show. 

But because I know about SIBO and how it can cause terrible bloating, constipation, gas, and skin problems, I avoid snacking almost entirely—especially after dinner. 

gastritis from SIBO

What is SIBO? 

SIBO stands for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. 

Because of the popularity of probiotics, lots of people know about the importance of having a healthy gut microbiome. 

Not sure what a gut microbiome is? 

It’s everything in your gut that’s not you, like bacteria and fungus. 

It’s important to have enough of these invisible friendly freeloaders in your gut. That’s because they help metabolize food and release byproducts that keep you healthy. 

In other words, if you take care of these microscopic critters, they will take care of you. 

Many people know it’s important to have enough friendly bacteria in the gut to keep the potentially disease-causing bacteria and yeast from overwhelming the immune system. 

But what few people are aware of is exactly where the good stuff should be. 

Yes, in the gut … but where exactly? 

The answer is your colon. 

And, no, the colon is not the same as the rectum, where poop comes out of; the colon is another term for the five-foot long large intestine.

Gut bacteria should predominantly be present in the large intestine. But when you snack a lot, it can cause an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine or SIBO. 


What Causes SIBO?

There are other root causes besides snacking. But not giving your digestion enough of a break is one of the biggest culprits. 

Chronic stress, medication, serious illness, surgery, hormonal imbalance (excess estrogen) … these are some of the other contributing SIBO factors. 

But I want to focus on snacking here because almost everybody can relate to it and it’s really easy to correct. 

So here’s why snacking can cause SIBO…

The bacteria in your small intestine normally gets literally swept down into the large intestine several times a day by a process called the migrating motor complex or MMC. 

Not to geek out on this highly complex function of human physiology but the basics of the MMC are important to understand. 

If the majority of your bacteria sits in your small intestine, you will not be able to absorb nutrients very well. 

Malabsorption of nutrients can cause autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue, mood disorders and lots of other health concerns. 

So you really need the bacteria to migrate from the small intestine to the large intestine. Otherwise, the friendly bacteria (probiotics) can’t digest their favorite food—prebiotic fiber—that eventually create short-chain fatty acids. 

Short-chain fatty acids improve gut-brain communication. And basically every factor of health such as immunity is determined by gut-brain communication. 

intermittent fasting

Why Snacking Causes SIBO

But it can take up to 4 hours in between meals for most of the bacteria to be swept into the colon. 

You probably already know that frequent snacking is bad for managing blood sugar levels and keeping insulin levels low. 

Now that you know about the MMC, add it to the list of why you really should never snack in between meals—unless you have a medical condition such as type 1 diabetes that necessitates eating frequent small meals. 

SIBO is another good reason to give intermittent fasting a try. I like the routine of finishing my dinner by 8 p.m. and then breaking my fast 16 hours later with Organic Green Drink. 

Doing a 16 hour fast will help your body not only sweep all the excess bacteria down into the large intestine, it will also help your body get back in balance. Digestion requires an enormous amount of energy and resources. When you deprive your body of food short-term, it can focus on other tasks like self-repair. 

 (Fasting for 12-14 hours will also yield positive results but build up your temporary daily fast to 16 hours eventually.)

How To Get Tested For SIBO and Fix It

You have to get diagnosed for it by a medical doctor. You can also find a functional health practitioner who can run some diagnostic tests and assess your gut health. 

Fixing SIBO requires dietary adjustments, probiotics and prebiotic fiber, for starters. You may have to eliminate all added sugars, gluten, processed soy, white flour, and wheat flour for the time being. Eat a plant-based diet consisting of real food (nothing packaged or processed) and stop snacking. And stop walking past the fridge and pantry so much! 

Chef V and kale

Is there a Safe Detox for Diabetics? Diabetes and Juice Cleanses

Diabetes management tools

Maintaining blood sugar levels is important for everyone, but especially pressing for those with diabetes. Blended juice cleanses can help you get your blood sugar levels back under control, and cut sugar cravings as well – this makes them an incredibly useful tool for both preventing diabetes, and alleviating its symptoms.

Individuals with diabetes do need to be very careful with changes in their blood sugar levels, and with what they eat in general. This means that diabetic cleanses need to be approached with a little bit more care and thought. We’ll cover some of these considerations right here.

Juicing to Prevent Diabetes

In an odd twist,  juice is both one of the main causes of diabetes, and one of the main ways to prevent it. How does that work, you might ask?

The risk of Type 2 Diabetes can be increased significantly by the consumption of sugar (overall diet, lifestyle and genetics also play a role). A lot of the juice products you can buy in the grocery store tend to be filled with sugar, often artificially added in order to create a sweeter flavor. Since we tend to think of juice as “healthy”, we might gulp down a lot of sugar without realizing it.

However, there are also a lot of healthier juice options out there. The green drink in our blended juice cleanses, for example, is filled with only the healthiest fruits and vegetables, and has low overall sugar content  – an 8oz serving has 26 calories and 6 g of sugar. 

Blended juice cleanses can be a great way to help regulate the dangerous sugar levels that might lead to the development of diabetes. They’re also a great way to help regular sugar cravings. This doesn’t only promote weight loss, but it helps you better stick to a healthy diet that can be used to manage diabetes risk factors. While reading the labels on blended juice cleanses, check for the amount of sugar – some have up to 100 g of sugar! 

Glucometer surrounded by candy

Juicing and Diabetes Concerns

So, a blended juice cleanse can be a great way to help prevent the high blood glucose levels that can be a risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes. But should people with Type 2 Diabetes be taking part in blended juice cleanses? Can it do anything for diabetes after it has developed?

If you are considering the possibility of a safe detox for diabetics, there are a few things to consider. Blood sugar levels for those with diabetes are much more difficult to control. This means that if you go all out on a hardcore diabetic cleanse to lose weight, you could possibly drop your blood sugar down to levels that are potentially unsafe.

If you have diabetes and aren’t sure about participating in a juice cleanse just yet, it doesn’t mean that you have to abandon the good stuff in a blended juice cleanse entirely – far from it. It does mean that you should try to set more limited and realistic blended juice cleanse goals for healthy living.

Cutting out sugary drinks is still important, as are managing sugar cravings. This is why incorporating green drinks into your regular diet can be a great way to help you achieve weight loss goals, and blood sugar level goals, even if you do have diabetes. By losing weight and cutting sugar cravings, you can help better manage your diabetes overall. With Chef V, you can get a green drink plan developed just for you, delivering the exact amount of the healthiest green drinks out there for your own health needs.

So while undergoing long cleanses may not be the best idea for those with diabetes, blended juice cleanse products can still play an important role in maintaining good health.

Recently Chef V had a clinical research study of its detox and green drink products completed. It shows that a 21 day Chef V detox plus a week of Chef V organic green drink lower A1C blood sugar levels. 

Warm Pumpkin Salad

This is a delicious fall treat for those first cool days that signal the end of summer. It’s very filling and makes you feel full even though it’s a salad. It’s also very healthy and vegan. – Veronica

pumpkin quinoa salad

Serving Size: 2-4 people


Warm Pumpkin Salad

  • 1 Tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup diced sweet or yellow onion
  • 1 small pie pumpkin, skinned, seeded and chopped into 1/2 inch cubes
  • 1 clove garlic, minced or pressed
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
  • 1 cup cooked quinoa
  • Sea salt, to taste
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 4 cups wild greens (arugula, spinach, or mixed lettuces)
  • 1 cup pomegranate seeds


Warm the pumpkin: In a large non-stick pan, heat the coconut oil over medium heat. Add the diced onion and pumpkin. (The smaller the pumpkin is diced the more quickly it will cook.) Sauté the pumpkin and onions over medium heat for about 5 minutes, or until the squash is soft. Do not burn the pumpkin or onions.

Add the garlic, nutmeg and thyme, and cook for 1 to 2 minutes more. Transfer the pumpkin to a bowl and stir in the cooked quinoa. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cool mixture in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

To serve, mix the dressing ingredients and drizzle over greens. Top with cooled pumpkin mix and garnish with pomegranate seeds. Serves 2-4.

How To Save $4000 On Green Drink & Cleanses—And Feel Like A Million Bucks

Veronica “V” Kress, founder of, is paying it forward by reducing the yearly cost of a Green Drink plan and 2 Cleanses by $4000, to a select group of VIP customers. To be eligible for consideration, VIP customers must be fully committed to looking and feeling their best in 2023. 

How are those healthy New Year resolutions going so far? Hopefully you’re not one of the 25% of people who quit within the first week of setting their resolutions. 

The fact is that most people abandon their resolution before the end of January. And get this: less than 10% are successful in seeing their resolution through and achieving success.

Are you the rare person that not only wants to unleash your full potential in 2023, but will actually make it happen? Are you someone who wants to live life at the possible highest vibration this year

Do you want 2023 to be your healthiest year yet? Are you excited about the possibility of looking and feeling your best ever?

Then I have an invitation for you

But first I have to warn you about something…

Be A CHEF V VIP. Buy A New Wardrobe With Your Savings!

If you accept my invitation you’re going to get significantly leaner

You’ll finally achieve the body you’ve been dreaming about for years.

And that means there’s a good chance you might have to buy new clothes

But with all the money you’ll save, you’ll be able to buy a whole new wardrobe. 

Plus you’ll still have lots more money saved to go on a dream vacation

If this sounds too good to be true, there is a catch…

You need to be 100% fully committed to my plan. 

You see, recently, I told you that Chef V’s Green Drink Plan is the best $7 you’ll spend this year for your overall health and well-being. 

The same price as a coffee shop vanilla latte will help you lose weight, feel great and everything that comes along with that… 

Like better sleep, more youthful looking skin and a stronger immune system… 

The Chef V Green Drink Plan is a great place to start for looking and feeling your best in 2023. 

If you want to take it to the next level and save thousands of dollars, I invite you into my inner circle: the CHEF V VIP group. 

Here’s what you get when you join:

  • $4000 off the retail price for 12 months of Green Drink or Tropical Green Drink
  • Two (2) 3-DAY CLEANSES Included (accelerate your weight loss)
    • Private Health Consultation with Chef V, a certified nutritional therapist (30 minutes $250 value)
    • Hard copy of Chef V’s Cookbook, Making Cleansing Easier (a $47 value)
    • A Chef V Tumbler ($20 value)
  • Free samples of upcoming Chef V new products. 

Be A VIP For Less Than The Cost Of A Burrito 

My accountant is not very happy with me. You see, he thinks I’m not charging enough for my Green Drink Plan. And on top of that, I’m offering 2 free 3-DAY CLEANSES! 

I’m sure you’re all too aware of how much prices of everything have gone up. Why would I then offer a huge savings plus several freebies on top of that? 

Well, at the end of the day, CHEF V is a business, so I do have to turn a profit. But beyond being a business, CHEF V is a community. And I want to give back and help people achieve their health goals

This is why I created the VIP PLAN. By becoming a VIP, you are purchasing not only the freshest, most gut-friendly, lowest-sugar Green Drink, you’re also getting something you can’t put money on…


By becoming a VIP, you are not only purchasing daily Green Drinks and 2 CLEANSES, you’re also investing in your future health and success. 

By prepaying for a VIP yearly plan, you are guaranteeing that you will stay motivated and committed to meeting your goals

In becoming a CHEF V VIP, you eliminate the chance of failure!  

You will be the rare person that sticks to their New Year health resolutions!

So what will all this cost? 

I believe in being fully transparent. No waiting until the checkout cart pops up to see what the total cost is…

Your upfront investment in your health and happiness for 2023 is $2199.

That comes out to $183 a month

That’s only $6.10 per day

Way less than the breakfast burrito I ate the other day. It was $15! 

Of course, I ate it at 1 p.m. because I do intermittent fasting and I break my fast with Green Drink every morning. Having Green Drink every day for your “break-fast” is the easiest way to lose weight and feel super-charged.

And with the VIP Plan, you’re guaranteed of securing the lowest possible price on Green Drink and sticking with it. No temptations to jump off the bandwagon and go back to your old ways of eating sausage, bacon, toast and bagels for breakfast. 

I can’t emphasize enough how Green Drink starts off your day in the healthiest way possible. 

—-> Read Chef V’s Health Benefits Of Green Drink For Breakfast

The point is, that gourmet burrito I had was delicious. But $15 on something that really isn’t supporting my health to the same degree as Green Drink? Delicious but ridiculous. 

Whereas $6 a day for Green Drink plus free 2 CLEANSES during the year to support your body’s detoxification organs

That’s far too much of a bargain, according to my accountant. 

Is Your Brain Health Worth $2K? 

The average person will think of a thousand excuses not to invest $2199 in their health. 

But you’re not average. You realize that flooding your cells every morning with the world’s most potent, health-supporting phytonutrients is priceless. 

And doing so affects your health in every possible way. 

For example, your brain health. 

But don’t just take my word for it. A study in the journal, Neurology, shows that just 1 serving a day of green leafy vegetables may help to slow age-associated cognitive decline. 

Plus there’s research that shows how daily green leafy veggies supports sleep quality, collagen production, blood sugar levels and so much more…

The VIP Green Drink plan is like buying the best premium fuel for your body at Costco prices. 

30 Day Challenge X 12 = Amazing Health Transformation

Every so often, we’ll do a 30 Day Green Drink Challenge on social media. Chef V customers who complete the challenge typically experience some amazing results. 10-20 pounds lost. More energy. Cravings for junk gone. Clearer skin. 

Unfortunately, some people lose their momentum and go back to their old ways. 

This is why becoming a VIP is the smartest thing you’ll do this year. 

Imagine the success of a 30-day challenge times 12!!!

On a VIP plan, the motivation will never fade! 

Make 2023 the year you finally see a health resolution through to the end of the year.

Upgrade to a VIP plan now.

To your health and success!

Love, Chef V

Chef V and kale

What Do I Eat Today – Menu with Chef V’s Moussaka

what do I eat today moussaka

This “What Do I Eat Today” menu starts with warm lemon water, then Green Drink. For breakfast, Easy Cereal with Chef V's Almond Milk.  For lunch, my Creamy Sweet Potato Soup, and for dinner,  Vegan Moussaka, demonstrated in this month's Chef V Cooking School video. Dessert is a creamy Chia Seed Pudding with fruit.


I have lemon water in the morning and then I wait until I'm hungry to have my Green Drink.

warm cinnamon quinoa

For Breakfast – Easy Cereal with Chef V's  raw Almond Milk

Chef V’s Tip: My Raw Almond Milk is easy to make and so versatile; I use it throughout my book. Or, an ice-cold glass of it is refreshing on a hot summer day.

Get the recipe here. 

This “What do I Eat today” lunch is Sweet Potato Leek Soup. Sweet potatoes are the uber tuber – packed with fiber and antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and blood sugar regulating nutrients. The best ways to prepare them for maximum health benefits are boiling, steaming and stir frying.

Get the recipe here.

Dinner – Vegan Moussaka

For dinner, you are having my Vegan Moussaka, made with healthier ingredients that will taste great and make you feel good. My vegan version of moussaka uses a dairy-free Béchamel sauce and mushrooms instead of meat.

This recipe is featured in my Cooking series on YouTube and you can watch me prepare the recipe here.

Chia seed pudding

Dessert – Chia Seed Pudding

For dessert or snack we offer a recipe for Chia Seed Pudding. Chia seed pudding is great for breakfast, dessert, or anytime, and kids love this recipe.

Get the recipe here.

Chia seeds are tiny superfood heroes. They come in either white or dark brown/black and have a huge nutritional profile. 

Veronica pouring green drink

A Research Study Worth “Weighting” For: CHEF V Clinically Proven For Weight Loss

Chef V and weight loss

There’s no need to do a radical fast to lose weight. Instead, you can fuel your body with healthy carbs, lean protein, and a tiny bit of dietary fat and not have to skip meals to achieve a healthy weight loss. I lost 55lbs in three months after having Kaden using Green Drink!

And now we have the science to back it up.

The word “detox” has dubious connotations: Slick-marketed detox pills, crazy fad diets, water fasts, and fruit juice fasts. So it’s no wonder most people put more weight back on than before trying a detox.

It’s also not surprising that few research studies have proven the effectiveness of detox supplements. That is until now! An independent laboratory has recently concluded that Chef V’s Detox and Green Drink leads to significant weight loss.


I should implement this on social media immediately!

One question we’re asked almost daily on DM is if Chef V Detox is effective for weight loss. “Will I keep the weight off?” customers want to know. 

Despite thousands of customer success stories, it’s inevitable that not everybody who reaches out to us tries the 21 DAY DETOX. 

And I can’t say I blame them. 

So many people have been burned by ineffective detoxes in the past. Maybe they lost a bunch of water weight (and were glued to the toilet in the process). But they put the weight back on after the detox. 

I get it. Detoxing sometimes has a bad rap. But, unfortunately, there’s a lot of crappy detox products out there.

doctor measuring waist of patient

But doing a safe and effective detox can be transformative. For the better part of two decades, I’ve believed in the power of detoxing whenever I needed to improve: 

  • Elimination: Less constipation
  • Liver function: Clearer-looking skin
  • Digestive enzyme function: Enhanced nutrient absorption and digestion
  • Inflammation: Lower levels of C-Reactive Protein
  • Energy: Better physical energy and mental stamina
  • Body composition: Less stored body fat (WEIGHT LOSS)

That’s why several years ago, I created the Chef V 21 DAY DETOX. My goal was to develop a safe and effective detox program with amazing results that lasted well past the end of the three weeks. 

In addition, I wanted to provide the education that customers so desperately need to keep the weight loss results going and adopt lifelong healthy habits

Even though I knew in my heart that the detox program I created was effective, most mainstream health websites will tell you that there’s minimal scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of detox programs for weight loss. 

Well, it was time to put my money where my mouth was and not just rely on anecdotal evidence to back my claims. It was time to put CHEF V’s Detox under the microscope.

Order a 21 Day Detox Challenge – followup with a Green Drink subscription.

Over a 28-day period, the Chef V 21 Day Detox + Green Drink Program resulted in positive health improvements:

weight loss – an average of eight pounds.

‘bad’ cholesterol decreased – (LDL cholesterol) and the ratio of total cholesterol to LDL cholesterol improved. This is really promising for overall cardiovascular wellness.

inflammation – went down 33% (based on c-reactive protein levels).

A1C levels improved, crucial for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and avoiding diabetes.

bloating decreased – relieving the traffic jam inside your stomach.

It’s truly rewarding to see these positive changes happening in just under a month, making a difference in people’s lives.

You can carry out your own Chef V program and experience the proven results! Order your 21 day detox today!

Clinical Trial Results: Participants Lose Avg. 8 POUNDS

Recently, commissioned Santa Monica-based Citrus Labs to independently analyze the effects of following a 21 DAY STARTER DETOX, followed by a 7-day ORGANIC GREEN DRINK PLAN, for a total of 28 days. 

For the clinical trial, 38 men and women between the ages of 31-65 were recruited. At the beginning of the trial, participants weighed, on average, 176 pounds. By the end of the 28 days, the participants’ average body weight was 168 pounds. Of course, some people lost significantly more than 8 pounds.

(If you check out our SUCCESS STORIES, you’ll see that people who have more weight to lose have lost an impressive amount, in some cases over 50 pounds in just 21 days. And the best part is they have kept the weight off!)

Now, if you don’t think 8 pounds is a lot in 28 days, I want you to consider two things. 

First, none of the study participants had any chronic metabolic disorders such as obesity or type 2 diabetes. In other words, study participants didn’t necessarily have a significant amount of weight to lose. 

And secondly, going from 176 to 168 is a drop of almost 4.5%. Imagine melting away nearly 5% of your body, especially the part you least want to keep. 

But it wasn’t just the impressive weight loss that the participants were stoked about. Nearly 80% of the participants said they felt in a better mood, and over 72% felt they had more energy. And 88% felt better overall. 

I can’t say I was surprised by the results. That’s because in creating the 21 DAY DETOX, I didn’t have just the scale in mind. Instead, my mission was to create a detox program that safely improves digestion and elimination while teaching customers how to eat healthily for the rest of their lives.

“Participants experienced a significant reduction in weight across the trial, losing 7.74 pounds on average. Overall, Chef V products were very effective at promoting positive changes in biomarkers measured during this trial.”

—Citrus Labs 

Mackenzie's Success Story

During my 21 day detox I lost 19 lbs! My BMI went from 24.0 to 16.9! I am super excited for when I do my next detox because I will be doing the expert challenge! LOVE LOVE LOVE Chef V.” – Mackenzie

Chef V Weight Loss Study Detox Method

So how did the participants lose all that weight and feel great? By, as I like to joke, following the directions to a “V.”

A Chef V Starter Detox has 3 phases:

  • Days 1-7: Healthy Routine
  • Days 8-10: 3 Day Cleanse
  • Days 11-21: Healthy Routine

For the first and third phases, study participants prepared lunch and dinner from Chef V’s Meal Planner, which contains delicious recipes, helpful tips, and resources such as a healthy portion guide, an Eat This/Not That chart, and more. For breakfast, participants enjoy a 16 oz. Green Drink and then are encouraged to have a vegan protein shake (also provided by Chef V) 30 minutes later. 

During the 3 Day Cleanse phase, participants consumed four 16 oz servings of Green Drink, two vegan protein shakes, and a Detox Soup for dinner. All three Chef V products—GREEN DRINK, PROTEIN SHAKE, DETOX SOUP—supply the nutrition you need for optimal health outcomes, including healthy and sustained weight loss. 

There’s no need to do a radical fast to lose weight. Instead, you can fuel your body with healthy carbs, lean protein, and a tiny bit of dietary fat and not have to skip meals to achieve a healthy weight loss. 

And now we have the science to back it up. 

Experience what the Chef V study participants felt. Learn more about Chef V Detox options here

Rick's Success Story

“I noticed that there is a lack of 21 Day Cleanse reviews, compared to 3 day, 5 day, and 7 day reviews. So I feel obliged to share my experience.

This is not the first time I have done a cleanse, so I have others to compare it to as well. In a nut shell: CHEF V ROCKS! Thats the simple version. The long version is that the 21 Day Cleanse is worth every penny, it is a challenge, and it is positively altering!

So far, I am down a whopping total of 51 LBS, due in part to Chef V's 21 Day Cleanse! From day 1 to day 21 of the challenge, I lost a total of 22lbs….and I continue to lose weight. This cleanse has aftershocks.
(BOOOOOOOM!)” – Rick

Chef V’s Cooking with V – Vegan Moussaka

Welcome to Chef V's Cooking School!

I'm Veronica, Certified Nutritional Therapist, author, and proud owner of Chef V. You might know me for my Green Drink and Cleanses, but I started Chef V as a personal chef. In my first video cooking series, I'll be sharing some of my clients' favorite recipes with you.

Using this blog and my YouTube channel, I welcome you to my kitchen. We're going to laugh, learn and cook – together.

In this special episode, we have a virtual guest. Michael lost over 200lbs with Chef V and implemented a healthy lifestyle. His story is so inspiring. We make a vegan version of moussaka using a dairy-free Béchamel sauce and mushrooms instead of meat.

Cooking with Chef V

Michael says:

“I’ve reached my goal weight in June, losing a total of 245 plus pounds over the last 22 months. Chef V has helped in this as my morning drink since I started my Green Drink Plan from you. Thank you.”

Vegan Moussaka
Step by Step

moussaka ingredients


  • 2 tablespoons cold-pressed olive oil, divided use
  • 1/4 cup sliced white onion
  • 1 clove garlic, minced or pressed
  • 1 pound minced mushrooms
  • 1 tablespoon gluten-free flour
  • 1 cup Chef V's Raw Almond Milk
  • 3/4 cup vegan mozzarella shreds
  • 1/2 cup vegetable broth
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • Sea salt and black pepper, to taste
  • 1 large (or 2 small) zucchini, thinly sliced lengthwise like lasagna noodles


dicing onion

Preheat the oven to 350F. Lightly coat a 6×6 inch baking dish with coconut spray.


Cut off both ends of the onion, remove the skin, give it diagonal cuts all the way across the cut end.  Slice across cut end for perfectly diced onion.

chop mushrooms

Chop the mushrooms – I love the nice meaty texture they give to the dish.

sliced zucchini

Cut off the ends so the end is flat. Slice lengthwise making pieces like a lasagna noodle.

saute onions


In a saucepan, saute onions in 1 tablespoon of olive oil for about one minute, until translucent. Add the garlic, then the mushrooms. Continue cooking for about 3 minutes more.

bechamel sauce in pan


Add one tablespoon olive oil to a saucepan, add the flour into the oil, and stir. Slowly add the almond milk while stirring. Add 1/2 cup vegan cheese.

Once the cheese is melted add the spices – 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg and 1/8 teaspoon rosemary.

The sauce will get creamy and thicken. Reduce the heat and simmer it. Add the broth and continue stirring.

assemble dish


In a 6 by 6-inch baking dish, assemble the moussaka. 

  • Cover the bottom with a layer of zucchini slices.
  • Sprinkle with 1/2 the mozzarella shreds.
  • Top with mushroom mixture.
  • Sprinkle remaining mozzarella shreds.
  • Cover with a layer of zucchini slices.
  • Top with sauce.

moussake oven


Bake for 45 minutes, or until the sauce is golden brown.

Let cool for 10-15 minutes before serving.



Is Cleansing While Pregnant Or Nursing Safe?

Chef V pregnant -1

Veronica (the “V” in Chef V) is now a mommy to one big beautiful baby. Kaden Samuel Kress was born weighing almost 10 pounds! Baby, momma and daddy (Brandon) are all doing great. Now that Baby Kaden is here, can V get back to her pre-pregnancy weight by doing a brief cleanse? V reveals whether it’s safe, and provides pregnant and breastfeeding moms with other practical nutrition facts. 

As I write this right after the July 4th holiday, I feel grateful to live in the USA. But after having just given birth, I’m dreaming of being a Scandinavian. You see, in Denmark, moms get 4 weeks of leave directly before the due date and then 14 weeks of leave after birth. 

But when you’re running a mini Organic Green Drink delivery empire, ain’t nobody got time for that much maternity leave. 

Speaking of Green Drinks, they are the cornerstone of cleanses (4 of them per day, available in 1-DAY, 3-DAY, and 5-DAY options), and now that my Baby Kaden is here, I thought I’d write about whether it’s safe for new moms to do a brief cleanse to get back to the weight they were before they had a watermelon in their belly. 

mother holding baby up in air

Cleansing For Expecting & New Moms

To answer whether it’s safe to cleanse while breastfeeding or pregnant, I’m not gonna leave you with a cliffhanger. I’ll cut right to the chase. I don’t recommend cleansing while breastfeeding or pregnant. That’s because when you’re doing a cleanse, it accelerates the liver’s detoxification pathways. 

Totally a good thing when you’ve been eating lots of bacon double cheeseburgers and don’t have a tiny human in your belly. But when the liver’s detoxification pathways are accelerated, trapped toxins get released into the bloodstream. Not good for a fetus or a nursing baby!

Are Green Drinks OK For New Moms? 

Does that mean that pregnant and nursing moms shouldn’t have Organic Green Drink? Actually, having a Green Drink every day as a supplement to your diet is safe. I had one every day during my pregnancy. But don’t take that as medical advice. You should consult with your doctor or OBGYN. 

So why is it safe to have a Green Drink while pregnant or nursing if it’s the cornerstone of the Chef V cleanse? Because the 7 green leafy veggies are nutrient dense. And you’re not doing a cleanse, you’re just having one daily green drink and eating a normal diet.

Another reason it’s not a good idea to do a cleanse, even a 1-DAY cleanse is because you’re consuming fewer calories. Although the Chef V cleanse is one of the only detox programs that supplies all the essential macronutrients (protein, fat and low-sugar carbs), it does not provide enough calories and nutrients for a developing baby.

Are Raw Juices Safe For Pregnancy?

Better For Mom & Baby’s Gut prides itself on being the only company that delivers low-sugar, unpasteurized (raw) cold-blended Green Drinks made fresh. The advantage of raw and cold-blended is it’s better for your gut microbiome

Less Harmful Bacteria Than Store Produce

Another advantage of drinking your greens from is that all our produce comes direct from farms. That means hardly any hands have touched the 7 certified organic green leafy veggies. In comparison, think about how many people handle or touch the produce sold at grocery stores: distributors, employees and customers. Supermarket-bought produce carries far more bacteria!

No Bugs, Literally!

Another reason Chef V Green Drinks are safe is that after we receive the produce directly from our farm suppliers, we wash it with a certified organic solution. The produce soaks in this solution and is then power-washed with cold water and inspected for bugs. This process reduces bacteria that could potentially harm your baby. 

Finally, just a quick word of caution about consuming raw drinks and foods: make sure it’s from a brand or local farm that you know and trust!

baby with fruits and vegetables

Does Eating Veggies Affect Your Baby’s Future Diet? 

Obviously, eating a diet high in fruits and veggies is not only great for mom’s health, but for developing baby’s as well. But a 2020 study in Public Health Nutrition posed an interesting question: Does a mom’s diet while breastfeeding affect what the baby will eat later in life? In other words, if mom eats lots of fresh fruits and veggies, will it “train” baby’s taste buds to like them too? 

According to the study authors, children breastfed during infancy consume more fruits and vegetables than formula-fed children. “This pattern is likely due, in part, to infants learning from flavors of the mother's diet transmitted through breast milk.” 

And out of nearly 1400 b mom-baby combinations, the study authors concluded that longer breastfeeding duration was associated with a higher rate of fruit and vegetable consumption when the child reached one year. 

Even better, the study conclusion was the same when the children reached 6 years of age. Exposure to vegetable flavors through breast milk promotes later child vegetable consumption, the authors concluded.

baby breast feeding

Take It Easy On The Garlic & Onions

Garlic and onions are great for stir-fry dishes but alliums, the family that garlic and onions are in, are not good for babies. In fact, alliums can make a colicky baby cry like a banshee even more. 

A randomized clinical trial (the gold standard of research) from 2018 (published here) was conducted because “therapeutic diets for infantile colic lack evidence.” 

So the study authors examined the effects of a low-FODMAP diet. FODMAPS stands for “Fermentable, Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, And Polyols,” which are types of sugars. Alliums like garlic and onions are fructans, which are oligosaccharides. 

The study examined breastfed infants at least 9 weeks old with colic. One group of moms went on a 10-day low-FODMAP diet while the other group ate a typical Western diet. The low-FODMAP diet was associated with a 32% reduction in “crying-fussing durations of infants with colic.” 

You know how garlic and onions can make you burp? Remember that those alliums travel through the breast milk and make babies cranky! 

garlic and onions

Do Breastfeeding Moms Need Nutritional Supplements? 

The University of California San Francisco recommends that breastfeeding mothers take a daily multivitamin that contains 100 percent of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA). If taking a prenatal vitamin, you can continue to take it, but you’ll likely be consuming too much iron, which may cause constipation or indigestion.  

A research article from a Spanish pediatric journal suggests that moms should pay special attention to getting enough thiamine (vitamin B1) and vitamins A and D, because these 3 nutrients are the ones most likely to be the most deficient in breastmilk if mom isn’t getting enough of it through the diet. The researchers also say that moms should consume at least 1800 calories a day.

All this writing about postnatal nutrition is making me hungry. I’m off to go eat and feed baby Kaden. I hope this article is useful if you’re expecting or nursing. 

To your health — and baby’s too!



The Formula for Sustained Weight Loss with Chef V

four people holding green drink

Anybody can do a juice cleanse to lose weight. But for sustained weight loss and a major health transformation, use my Chef V Cleanse + Green Drink and follow my recipes and meals!

My Chef V’s 21-Day Challenge makes nutrition the first priority. It's the only clinically proven long-term program that includes organic Green Drink, plant-based protein shakes, filling detox soups, a varied choice of food, and a plan for sustaining your positive results. 

Michael weight loss

The Chef V Clinical Research Study

“Will I keep the weight off?” customers want to know.  Lots of companies make weigh loss claims, but I want to prove the results people get from my products. 

So rather than just relying on social media testimonials and hype, I decided to boldly go where few natural food companies have gone: get the (very expensive) backing of an independent clinical trial. 

The clinical trial had participants completing a 21 Day Challenge followed by a week of Green Drink. Before the 21 Day Challenge, the participants weighed, on average, 176 pounds. At the end of the trial, participants’ average body weight was 168 pounds. And some people lost significantly more than 8 pounds.

Most important to me, I designed the Challenge to keep the weight loss results going and help participants adopt lifelong healthy habits.

Above, you can see the incredible weight loss that Michael achieved and sustained with help from Chef V Green Drink. 

Chef V cooking

What's Your Secret? How Can You Help Me?

How can I get people to end their addiction to artificial ingredients, sodium, sugar, and unhealthy processed fats that are so pervasive in packaged foods? What can I do to help people conquer insulin resistance and high blood sugar that lead to so many chronic health problems? 

These were burning questions I asked myself when I decided to pass on going to graduate school after getting my degree in psychology. Instead, I decided to take a leap of faith and launch a career that combined two of my passions: cooking and educating people about health and wellness. 

Over a decade later with thousands of success stories under ChefV’s belt, people often ask me the secret to my Cleanse and Detox programs in helping people safely lose weight, feel great and keep their results going. I would say it’s these elements:

Completely Organic

Organic Foundation – Chef V is a certified organic brand with bicoastal kitchens that exceed the rigorous standards set forth by the National Organic Program. When trying to cleanse/detox your body, you can’t do it with pesticides and herbicides. The ingredients have to be organic! That’s not something I’ll ever compromise on just to save money.

Eat Healthy and Sustain!

Healthy Eating Resources – Before you start a cleanse, do you know how to avoid side effects? Do you know how to keep the weight off once the cleanse ends? Over the years, I’ve created pre-cleanse instructions, a handy Eat This/Not That and Healthy Portion printout, and other resources so you can experience a long-lasting health transformation. The recipes in my cookbook “Cleansing Made Easier” transform your favorite recipes to healthier alternatives. And my blog and weekly emails have hundreds of recipes and articles to keep you motivated.

Every month I send you new “What do I Eat Today” menus that make it easy to plan on a busy day. Michael, whose before and after photos are shown above, was a guest at my “Cooking with Chef V” moussaka video. Watch the video and click the image below for complete recipe instructions.

Cooking with V Video Series

Healthy Cooking Video SeriesHow does an organic turkey cream-free risotto sound? Or a vegan mousaka. Or a dairy-free, gluten-free chicken pot pie? Maybe you prefer quinoa enchiladas instead? All these delicious recipes and more are available on the Chef V Life channel on YouTube and offer a healthy alternative without sacrificing taste.


No Quick Fix Promises – Everybody deserves to live a healthy life. But there’s no quick-fix solution. It takes some time and effort. But when you have someone holding your hand to guide you on the transition from a diet full of processed food to eating a (mostly) plant-based whole-food diet, it’s an enjoyable journey. Our Facebook Community support each other as they cleanse and after. 

Emphasis on Nutrition while Cleansing

More than Juice – It’s easy to lose weight doing a juice cleanse. That’s because you’ll be consuming way fewer calories than normal. But if you’re just drinking juice containing high-sugar fruits, you’ll starve your body and have blood sugar fluctuations. In comparison, Chef V CLEANSES include 3 products that prevent cravings and maintain lean muscle tissue:

  • Protein-Packed Shakes: Unlike water or juice-only fasts, our shakes provide a significant amount of protein, essential for muscle maintenance and overall bodily function.
  • Fiber-Rich Organic Juice: Many cleansing juices on the market are nothing more than sugary traps. Our organic juice is blended, not pressed and is rich in fiber, aiding in digestion and contributing to a fuller feeling.
  • Vegetable-Enriched Soups: We don't ignore the importance of whole foods in our cleanse. It includes soups with essential nutrients making sure you're well-fed and satisfied.
  • And to keep weight off after your detox you eat delicious (and healthy) food.  


Backed By Research –  I commissioned an independent lab to research Chef V products. Citrus Labs concluded that Chef V products, including the ORGANIC GREEN DRINK PLAN combined with the healthy recipes, resulted in improved health and weight loss for all participants in the study. You can check out the findings from the clinical research here.

Chef V: A Path To A Healthy, New Lifestyle

Before I launched Organic Green Drink delivery, I was a private chef. I’ve always loved cooking and eating flavorful healthy foods, even as a teenager. 

My mission is to help you transform your kitchen into a haven for health. All of the recipes in my cookbook, MAKING CLEANSING EASIER, include 100% cleanse-friendly ingredients. When a recipe calls for sweetness, stevia or a low-sugar natural alternative is used. As I said in the intro to my cookbook, these recipes are so yummy. Not only will you not feel deprived, you will think are indulging big time! 

Experiencing a health transformation as I said takes time but the formula is pretty easy: Eating right + Drinking lots of water + exercising. 

Just remember you don’t have to eat perfectly healthy 100% of the time. Even I indulge in my favorite vice occasionally: french fries. The key is to be consistent. Don’t just try to lose weight to fit into a wedding dress and then go back to eating fast food. 

Veronica with her cookbook


If you want to look and feel your best, get on a Green Drink Plan. And if you want to accelerate your weight loss and other health goals, try a CLEANSE or 21-DAY DETOX. With all organic ingredients, healthy eating resources, dozens of recipes and cooking videos, and the backing of research, you’re well on the path to success!

Veronica Wheat

Electrolytes: Keep Your Levels Optimal


If you know me, you know I love to exercise. After recently giving birth, I was frustrated to not be able to do any of the active sports I enjoy, and now that I've been cleared by my doctor, I'm so ready.

I'm sort of obsessed with pickleball. And it's a sweaty game in sunny San Diego. I'm breastfeeding and I want to be sure I'm getting the electrolytes Kaden and I need to thrive.

Electrolytes are not something we usually think about. But when you’re playing pickleball like it’s an Olympic sport in hot weather, electrolytes matter.  Lactating mothers need increased levels of electrolytes, starting with with sodium. And we also need more potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus.

If you don’t have enough electrolytes—or an imbalance of them—it can lead to serious problems: dizziness, fainting, nausea, muscle cramps, headaches, vomiting, tremors and even death.

Some people only know about electrolytes because of high-sugar, artificially-colored and artificially-flavored sports drinks. Obviously, that’s not healthy to drink, ever. But electrolytes aren’t just for serious athletes engaged in sweat-fueled competition.

Check out my healthy Electrolyte Orange Drink Recipe at the end of this article.

What Are Electrolytes?

Many people can name some of the most important electrolytes like sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. But do you know what electrolytes are and what they do?

Don’t feel bad if you don’t. I needed a refresher on what they do at a deeper level. So I geeked out a bit and read this research on it so you don’t have to. OK, so here’s what they do in simple English.

Electrolytes are essential for basic life functioning. You wouldn’t be able to contract a muscle, or think clearly, or have your heart beat effectively without electrolytes. These minerals are like mini electricians hard at work in your body. You see, we all have trillions of cells in our body. And each cell requires the perfect amount of electricity. Electrolytes send electrical signals that generate and conduct electricity that flows through our nerves and into our muscles. Without enough electrolytes, your heart, brain, muscles and nerves wouldn’t be able to properly function.

In addition, electrolytes regulate fluid balance in our cells. This helps keep us hydrated.

Veronica and pickleball

Which Minerals Are Electrolytes And Where Do They Come From?

All electrolytes are important. But the 3 main ones are sodium, potassium and chloride.

Phosphate, calcium, bicarbonate and magnesium are also important electrolytes. Other minerals like iron, copper and selenium are also considered electrolytes.

Besides taking a sea salt bath, pretty much the only way to get electrolytes is through food and drinks. Yet another reason why diet matters.

Any time you eat or drink something, the electrolytes dissolve in your blood and water. After the minerals dissolve, electrical impulses called ions are created. These ions are to your nerves and muscles what spark plugs are to a car. In other words, they serve as a catalyst. So in essence, electrolytes are the internal body’s spark of life.


Best Food Sources Of Electrolytes

One of the best selling points of a plant-based diet is that it’s rich in electrolytes. Fruits and veggies are hands down the best sources. Green leafy veggies, like the 7 certified-organic ones in the Chef V Green Drink delivery plan are especially high in calcium and potassium.

When you sweat, you mainly lose sodium and potassium. Even though there’s a tiny bit of sodium in Green Drink, I know I need extra if I’m sweating my butt off on the pickleball court or hot yoga.

So what I do BEFORE exercising is I add a teaspoon of Himalayan Sea Salt to my Green Drink. That way, I know that I won’t deplete my sodium and potassium levels. And to make sure they are fully replenished, I’ll have another serving of Green Drink.

Or, if I’m running low on Green Drink or am just in the mood for something else, I’ll make my own healthy, homemade Electrolyte drink.

chef v's homemade gatorade

Chef V’s Electrolyte Orange Drink Recipe

Here’s how I make a healthy alternative to Gatorade and other sugar-filled, artificial sports drinks.


  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 1 cup cold water
  • 1/2 cup  fresh squeezed orange or mandarin
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp coconut sugar

Blend in a blender. Serve cold. Keep for up to 2 days in the fridge.

Creamy Sweet Potato & Leek Soup

Chef V Food Fact: Sweet potatoes are the uber tuber – packed wth fiber and antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and blood sugar regulating nutrients. The best ways to prepare them for maximum health benefits are boiling, steaming and stir frying.

pumpkin pie


  • 1 to 2 leeks, chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, minced or pressed
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 pound sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped
  • 1/2 pound white carrots, peeled and chopped
  • 4 cups vegetable broth
  • 1/2 cup raw cashews, soaked and drained

For a healthy variation to this recipe, add 1 tbsp fresh ginger and 1 tsp fresh turmeric.


In a saucepan, sauté the leek and garlic in the coconut oil for 2 minutes over medium heat. Add the sweet potatoes, carrots, and vegetable broth and cook for 15 to 20 minutes, until the veggies are tender. Add the cashews. Transfer to a Vitamix in batches, if necessary, and process until smooth. Soup is best served warm.

Raspberry Chia Pudding

Chia seeds are tiny superfood heroes. They come in either white or dark brown/black and have a huge nutritional profile. They contain Calcium, Manganese, and Phosphorus and are packed with fiber, protein, and healthy Omega-3 fats. They are basically tasteless so you can add them to nearly any kind of dish. Add raspberries, cocoa nibs, and coconut and you have a decadent yet healthy dessert.

chia seed pudding


1 cup coconut milk or almond milk
3 tbsp. chia seeds
1 tbsp. coconut nectar
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
2 cups fresh organic raspberries
1 tbsp. coconut flakes (optional)
1 tbsp. raw cacao nibs (optional)


In a medium sized bowl, combine milk and chia seeds and stir until there are no lumps.

Add coconut nectar and vanilla and mix well. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 4 hours.

Place raspberries in a Vitamix or food processor and puree.

Mix the raspberries with the chia pudding until completely mixed.

Serve in a glass or bowl and top with coconut and/or cacao nibs (optional). Happy V Day!

Acai Bowl

Chef V tip: Try an acai bowl for breakfast, too!

Acai is a berry-like fruit native to the rain forests of the Amazon. It has a bitter taste and a very short shelf life, so we don’t often find them fresh in the store. Acai berries contain antioxidants, fiber, and heart-healthy fats.

acai bowl


  • 1 frozen unsweetened acai smoothie packet (I like Sambazon)
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1/2 cup frozen raspberries or blackberries
  • 1/2 cup Chef V’s Raw Almond Milk
  • 1/2 cup fresh seasonal fruit (blueberries, raspberries, kiwi, peaches) use your favs!
  • 1 tablespoon shredded unsweetened coconut
  • 1/4 cup crushed raw almonds, optional


In a Vitamix, process frozen acai juice, blueberries, raspberries, and almond milk on medium until smooth. Transfer to a bowl and top with your favorite fresh fruit, coconut, and almonds, if desired.

Raw Cucumber + Avocado Gazpacho

Cool and creamy, soups are a great way to start a meal, but are also awesome as a main course. You can easily double or triple my recipe and have delicious leftovers. The beauty of my veggie-rich recipe is that its high water and fiber content slows how fast you eat and fills you up quicker.

raw cucumber + avocado gazpacho



  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1/2 cup fresh cilantro leaves
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives
  • 2 cups filtered ice water
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons sea salt
  • 1 lime, juice only
  • Chopped tomatoes
  • Fresh chopped chives
  • Cucumber slices


Refrigerate all the ingredients overnight. Peel and seed the avocado and peel the cucumber and garlic.

Place all the cold ingredients in a Vitamix and process until smooth.

The colder the ingredients are, the less foam there will be. Serve cold and top with chopped tomatoes for a bright pop of flavor.

Chef V Tropical Smoothie

Chef V’s tip: Mangos contain tartaric acid, malic acid, and a trace of citric acid, which help maintain the alkaline balance of our bodies. Use my Tropical Green Drink as the base for this recipe for a cool, refreshing smoothie.

For a variation on this recipe, add fresh ginger, fresh turmeric, and vanilla pea protein powder.

pumpkin puree

TOTAL: 10 minutes

Servings: 2


  • 3/4 cup fresh or frozen mango pieces
  • 1/2 cup fresh or frozen pineapple pieces
  • 2 large kale leaves
  • 2 cups Chef V Tropical Smoothie Green Drink
  • 1/2 cup ice
  • 1 tbsp vanilla pea protein (optional)

Superfood boosts:

  • 1 tsp. Fresh ginger
  • 1 tsp. Fresh turmeric
  • 1 tsp. Bee pollen


Process all ingredients in a Vitamix for 1 to 2 minutes, or until smooth. Will keep for up to 3 days refrigerated.

Bon Appétit!

Creamy Green Smoothie

My creamy green smoothie has it all: a rich creamy flavor from avocado, plus dark leafy greens, a natural sweetener from dates, and fiber from chia seeds. A pinch of cinnamon and a squeeze of lemon add spice and acid. Health alert: potassium is an important mineral that most people don’t get enough of. But instead of reaching for a banana, eat an avocado – it contains more potassium and way less sugar. 

Chef V’s Food Fact: Avocados are a nutritionist’s dream food – packed with nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, potassium, vitamin E, B vitamins, and folic acid. Have one in a creamy green smoothie!

creamy green smoothie


  • 1 small ripe avocado
  • 2 large leaves green kale
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 2 medjool dates, pitted
  • 1 lemon, juice only
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 1/2 cups filtered water
  • 1 cup ice


Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend 1-2 minutes until smooth. Will keep for up to 3 days refrigerated.

Bon Appétit!

Common Side Effects of Juice Cleanses: If You Should Worry and How To Deal With Them

Participating in a blended juice cleanse is a significant undertaking. You’re doing a hard reset on your body and naturally flushing toxins. Whether you’ve opted for a 3 day cleanse or a 21 day cleanse, you can expect to see and feel dramatic results.

I'm going to explain some common reactions people have to juice cleanses. I will cover which are normal and which are concerning, and why my Chef V cleanse is the safest and more achievable cleanse for you. 

Understanding Different Juice Cleanses

Before discussing the side effects of juice cleanses, you need to understand the different kinds of juice cleanses. So how exactly do you define a juice cleanse? At its most basic, a juice cleanse is a temporary diet that looks to replace, in part or whole, your regular food with juiced fruits and vegetables. The goal of a juice cleanse can be to lose weight, boost the immune system, detox the body, get more nutrients, remove sugar cravings, or just feel great.

Of course, every juice cleanse out there has a different set of ingredients to it. When browsing recipes you might look for maximum nutritional value, or for the taste you prefer. Some juice cleanses are very basic, such as those based around only celery juice. Other juice cleanses are more involved, with many different ingredients.

Many juice cleanses go beyond the juice. It’s not uncommon to see juice cleanses that add in detox smoothies and detox shakes. These allow a juice cleanse to offer you more protein and fiber, meaning that you can stay healthy for longer during your juice cleanse.

Lastly, juice cleanses can differ depending on how long they last. Generally, the shortest kinds of juice cleanse are the 3-day juice cleanses. The longest kind of juice cleanse would be the 21-day juice cleanses.

Common Juice Cleanse Side Effects

Ideally, a juice cleanse should leave you feeling amazing. Yet, many report side effects while taking on a juice cleanse. Here we’ll go over some of the most common, as well as explain what might cause them – and if you should do anything about them.


Headaches aren’t uncommon during many juice cleanses. But this doesn’t mean that they are good either. One of the major causes of headaches is from getting a lack of all the nutrients you need. Many juice cleanses don’t provide you with everything you need to get through a juice cleanse. This is particularly true of the very “basic” ones like celery juice cleanses.

Celery juice side effects often include the infamous celery juice headaches. While eating celery is certainly healthy, you can’t just live off of celery stalks! You must research your juice cleanses beforehand and make sure that they have all the proper nutrients you need. In particular, try to make sure you are getting enough protein out of your juice cleanse.


Dizziness during juice cleanses isn’t uncommon either. Dizziness during a juice cleanse normally happens because of a drop in blood sugar levels.

A little bit of dizziness is to be expected then, as your blood sugar levels start to stabilize. If you are experiencing prolonged dizziness, your juice cleanse isn’t providing you with enough carbs and natural sugars. Like the celery juice headache, you may want to look for a more sustainable cleanse, or try a shorter one.

It should also be noted that sometimes dizziness can be caused by a lack of iron, or dehydration. Make sure you are doing a juice cleanse that includes plenty of dark greens for iron, and always drink plenty of water.


If you are experiencing prolonged fatigue during your juice cleanse, it might be that you aren’t getting enough iron or protein. Like with the previous side effects, it’s a good idea to make sure you are getting a nutritionally comprehensive juice cleanse. This is especially important if you are aiming for a long-term weight loss goal like the 21-day juice cleanse.

Fatigue can also be caused during a juice cleanse by getting too much or too little physical activity. Remaining active during a juice cleanse is important, but you will want to try and keep it to mainly light exercise.

Bowel Issues

Getting on a juice cleanse does represent a fairly significant change to your diet, it’s true. So some digestive issues to start aren’t uncommon. If you find yourself running to the toilet, you might want to look into a juice cleanse that contains more fiber. A lack of fiber in your cleanse is often the most common reason for bowel issues. (In particular, celery juice side effects often include bowel trouble). It’s a good idea to go for a blended juice cleanse that comes with detox soups. This way you don’t have to deal with the results of putting too much juice in an empty stomach without fiber.

Get A Sustainable Juice Cleanse

The best kind of blended juice cleanse is the kind that you can finish. Undergoing even a 3-day juice cleanse or 7-day juice cleanse is a big undertaking. If you want to go for a 21-day juice cleanse, you are going to want a cleanse that works with you, not against you.

Thankfully, our 21-day juice cleanse comes with the extra detox smoothies and detox shakes you need to be able to make it all the way through. Our green drink juice recipes are also jam-packed with all the most nutritious fruits and vegetables we can find.

Just as important as our recipes is our support. Chef V wants to help you succeed, and will be with you for every step of your juice cleanse. As long as you listen to your body and take note of side effects, you’ll be able to finish your blended juice cleanse like a champ.

A 21-day juice cleanse should leave you feeling great, not suffering from things like celery juice headaches.

Eating Healthy While Pregnant

Chef V pregnant -1 founder, Veronica Wheat, recently gave birth. Before she delivered, she sported a serious belly bump. Actually, it’s more like a bowling ball! At 34 weeks pregnant, her baby was massive! 

But did that stop V from being active? Of course not. She’s was still super active. And did V give into pregnancy cravings? Nope, she ate healthy and has an important message about nutrition for new moms…

(V wrote this article before she gave birth.)

Whew! What an amazing 8-month-long journey this has been. I can hardly believe that my due date is just around the corner! In just a few short weeks, my little bundle of joy will make his grand entrance into the world. 

Make that a huge bundle of joy because right now—I’m 34 weeks as I’m writing this—HE is already huge: over 7 pounds! (Sorry to spoil the gender reveal.)

And he’s only going to get bigger. Starting in week 36, babies gain about half a pound and grow half an inch a week. That means he (naming reveal to be announced later) is on track to be 10 pounds by week 38. I wasn’t all that surprised, considering that on both sides of the family, we’ve got some long, tall genes. 

Despite lugging a bowling bowl around with me everywhere I go,  I’m not one of those pregnant moms with swollen feet propped up on pillows. That’s because I’m been staying super active and eating healthy. 

Look, I know how tempting it is when you’re pregnant to give in to cravings. “I’m carrying around this 10-pound baby and deserve a pint of ice cream!” 

But when you give into temptation during the later part of your pregnancy, you run the risk of…

gestational diabetes

Gestational Diabetes

You can have perfectly normal blood sugar levels but if you get your Ben & Jerry’s on every night, you can develop a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy: Gestational diabetes. 

As if our hormones weren’t challenged enough being ladies without gestating babies. But during pregnancy, shifts in hormone levels can change how our body processes glucose (sugar). With pregnancy, hormones focus on the task at hand, keeping baby healthy—at the expense, however, of making it more difficult for the hormone, insulin, to escort sugar out of the bloodstream and into the cells. 

With all the built-up sugar in the blood, gestational diabetes can occur. And it usually happens around the 24th to 28th week of pregnancy. 

Only someone who has given birth, or is about to, can understand the intense desire to eat whatever you want. But the problem with giving in to temptation is that gestational diabetes doesn’t just affect the mama, but also the baby. 

Preeclampsia (high blood pressure), premature birth, macrosomia (a condition in which the baby grows larger than normal), and neonatal hypoglycemia (low blood sugar in the baby after birth) are just a few conditions that are tied to gestational diabetes. 

So even though pre-natal babies and bon bons go hand in hand, I’m not willing to jeopardize my health or that of my baby for a quick sugar fix. If I need something sweet, I’ll go for some fresh organic fruit or make one of my popular smoothies or low-sugar desserts.

Read Real Food For Pregnancy 

I’ve been studying nutrition pretty much all my adult life. But when it comes to eating healthy during pregnancy, I wanted to turn to the experts. And one of the best resources I came across was a book called, “Real Food For Pregnancy,” written by the author of Real Food For Diabetes, Lily Nichols, a registered dietitian, and certified diabetes educator. 

On one hand, the importance of consuming nutrient-dense, real foods should apply to everybody, no matter which stage of life you’re in, baby bump or none. But what I found the most valuable from the book is the common misconceptions about prenatal nutrition. For instance, many pregnant women are told to avoid eggs or seafood, due to their cholesterol or mercury content. 

Would you call child protective services on me if I told you I’ve been eating sushi while pregnant? It’s true! As Nichols implies, there’s no reason to be hysterical about eating sushi occasionally. Would I get to-go sushi from a gas station? No. But I’ll go to a high-end sushi joint I’ve been going to for years, and has never made me sick. Why risk it, you might ask? It’s because the cold-water fish used in sushi rolls are one of the best sources of Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid and one of the best nutrients for your heart and brain. And for a growing baby, too!

However, you definitely want to keep your intake of high-mercury fish like swordfish and canned tuna to a minimum. High-mercury fish tend to be lower in DHA anyway. Try to limit your intake of canned tuna and mahi to 6 oz once a week. 

below, my recipe for Pistachio Coated Salmon.

Is Red Meat Safe For Pregnancy?

I’ve never been a huge meat eater. But I have gotten in touch with my inner caveman because in reading Real Food For Pregnancy, I learned that eating a little meat-on-bone provides essential nutrients such as collagen that you can’t get from a typical burger patty. Still, it’s weird gnawing on chicken bones like I’m a frat boy putting down 20 pieces on wing night at the bar. 

Of course, the quality of meat is super important. I know how insane food prices have shot up. But I’m willing to spend the extra money to support my developing baby. 

below, Chef V’s baby shower

Chef V baby shower

Prenatal Vitamins: Are They Worth It?

Of course, certain nutrients are vital for a growing baby such as folic acid. Personally, I think prenatal vitamins are just fine, but the one mistake some expecting mothers make is that they take the vitamins in lieu of getting the nutrients from real food. 

That’s why I’ve been eating more eggs during pregnancy than combined over my whole life. Remember DHA I was just talking about? I eat 3 eggs a day sometimes to make sure I’m getting it straight from the source. But I admit, I’m gonna be so sick of eggs by the time this is over.  

Avoid Green Leafy Veggies Because of Bacteria?

Some expecting mothers are told to avoid green leafy veggies because they may be more susceptible to bacterial contamination. 

But if you’re avoiding dark green leafy veggies because you’re scared of bacteria, well, that’s just crazy. No offense. 

Green leafy veggies are some of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. Why deprive yourself and your growing baby of the vitamins and minerals on the rare chance you’ll become sickened by tainted produce? 

In my opinion, the reward of eating plenty of dark, leafy greens is much greater than the risk. 

I’m also not giving into the warning not to drink unpasteurized juices. At least not when it comes to having Organic Green Drink, which my body is so used to after drinking it for over 10 years. 

Again, the health benefits of raw Green Drink outweigh the risks. The living microorganisms from the 7-certified organic leafy greens in Green Drink nourish my gut microbiome. And, in turn, it will help colonize my baby’s beneficial gut bacteria. 

Now, I don’t want you to think that even while pregnant I don’t eat any junk. But pretty much, my biggest indulgences have been pancakes or waffles. Obviously, with almond flour, not regular white flour, haha. 

pregnant woman by the pool

Staying Active Well Into 3rd Trimester

The impulse to sit on the couch when you’re sweating with a watermelon-sized belly is strong. But not only do you have to get a little movement, the more movement you get, the easier your pregnancy may be. 

That’s why I’m still doing yoga almost every day, going to the gym, playing pickleball 5-6 days a week—yup, even at 34 weeks!—and last, but not least, I’m playing golf 2-3 times a week. All the while still working full-time! I work every day but I also make sure to squeeze in time for fun every day. 

And here’s the crazy thing. Now that I’m just about 6 weeks shy of the due date, my golf game is better than ever. I’m crushing the ball. My drives are 240 yards. That’s 40 yards longer than before I became pregnant! I’m catching up with Brandon’s long game. Still, I have to admit some defeat. I can’t do a whole 18 holes. I’m cutting down to 9. 

You know how in traditional cultures, the moms carry their babies on their backs? Well, I’ll probably be on the links and pickleball court with one of those back slings, haha! 

Stay tuned. I can’t wait to introduce you to…him. 

Chef V and Pickle ball

Want A Profound Wellness Transformation? Do This, Research Shows.

Research shows if you want a physical and mental-health makeover, do this. A Chef V 21 Day Detox + a week of Chef V Green Drink. Certified nutritional therapist and founder Veronica Wheat describes the clinical research study results…

Which supplements should I take to look and feel your best? 

Which foods should I eat so that I’m not always bloated? 

What’s the best exercise that won’t make me exhausted? 

What should I do to improve my sleep? 

How can I stay focused at work—especially in the afternoon? 

Which products will make my skin and hair look healthier? 

What should I do to keep my mood and mental health balanced?…

…It’s no wonder many people feel overwhelmed and quickly give up pursuing a healthier lifestyle. 

There’s just too many variables and conflicting information. Not to mention the hundreds or thousands of dollars in supplements, apps, and other products you need to spend to experience a health transformation.

If you’ve ever wanted a wellness makeover but ultimately gave up, I feel your pain. 

But what if there were just ONE thing you could do that would make you feel both physically and mentally incredible?

You’d probably think it was too good to be true. 

But what if that one thing were backed by research? And not just an in vitro experiment (a “test tube” study) or even an animal study. But a clinical trial—research conducted on humans…

Would you be way less skeptical? 

And what if this clinical trial showed that just one month is all it takes to experience a profound health transformation? 

Would you be willing to give it a try? 

veronica cutting veg

28 Days To A New, Better You: The Research-Backed Results Of 

In case you’re new to and you’re Googling “the best detoxes” or “best easy cleanse for weight loss”, as somebody who has been in this industry for most of my adult life, let me give you some advice… 

You know how those detox diets always promise amazing things like weight loss, fixing gut problems, boosting energy, and making your hair, skin, and nails look incredible? Well, turns out those claims are pretty much B.S. And there haven't been many studies to really check if detox diets actually work.

The truth is there’s hardly any evidence that any detox supplement or product actually works! 

Now why would I be dishing out the dirt on this industry secret when the business I launched in 2012 with encouragement from my husband and biz partner Brandon specializes in short-term Cleanses and the 21 DAY DETOX

Precisely to separate from the competition. 

That’s why early in 2023, Brandon and I decided to spend a small fortune on having our products clinically tested. 

Citrus Labs, a Santa Monica-based research company, examined the effects of using products for 28 days on 38 participants. None of the participants had any significant health problems but had complaints that almost everybody else has: low energy levels, occasional bloating, etc. 

The 38 participants first completed the 21 DAY DETOX and then were given one 16-ounce serving of ORGANIC GREEN DRINK for 7 days. The participants’ health was determined by pre- and post-study blood work and questionnaires. 

At the end of the study, the researchers concluded that products resulted in: 

A Detox That Works Without The Suffering

The study by Citrus Labs showed that pretty much every wellness marker had improved after just 28 days, including:

  • 43.7% improvement in energy levels
  • 39.8% improvement in hair loss
  • 46.2% improvement in bloating
  • 49.6% improvement in muscle fatigue
  • 48.6% improvement in back pain
  • 43.8% improvement with sleep issues
  • 32.3% improvement in the ability to focus

“Participants experienced a statistically significant improvement in total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, HbA1C, and body weight over the 28 days. Participants also experienced a significant improvement in almost all of the subjective perceptions measured via the surveys from Baseline to Day 28. Overall, the Chef V products tested in this trial led to significant positive physiological and psychological health outcomes.” — Citrus Labs conclusion

An incredible conclusion for sure. But will you have to suffer for a month in order to achieve a dramatic health and wellness transformation? 

No! That’s the great thing about the 21 DAY DETOX. But don’t just take my word for it. Here’s what the independent research company says about it: 

“The detox diet used in this trial is not a diet that encourages people to skip meals but to use green drinks and other products alongside foods that can supply the nutrition needed for optimal health outcomes. The detox program provides the three primary macronutrients alongside antioxidants to promote detoxification.” 

Whereas lots of other detox programs are actually short-term starvation diets, the 21 DAY DETOX nourishes your body’s trillions of cells with Organic Green Drinks, Vegan Protein Shakes and Detox Soups, plus low-calorie antioxidant-rich recipes. 

Let me know if you come across any detox program online that remotely comes close! 

The Journey of Lifelong Healthy Habits Starts With One Step

I’m excited for you to finally experience the wellness makeover you’ve been wanting and waiting for. You can have the confidence that your hard-earned money will be well spent on a research-backed detox that won’t jeopardize your health or make you have energy crashes and cravings. 

The first step towards a new, healthier, happier you is learning more here.


Veronica “V” Wheat founder
Certified Nutritional Therapist

Soy: Does It Bring A New Mom Joy Or Is It Best To Avoid?

sleep and weight loss founder, Veronica Wheat, recently gave birth. She avoided soy before and after giving birth. Here, she explains why:

When it comes to soy, I’m not talking about the lab-grown kind that’s in Impossible Burgers. Been there, covered that. I’m also not talking about soy protein powder (here). Now that I’ve got a baby belly for real, I’m curious how regular soy, the kind that’s used to make blocks of tofu, for instance, impacts prenatal health. 

Spoiler alert: it’s not something I’ll be feeding my developing baby. For some people, this news might be surprising because soy is supposed to be a healthy plant-based source of protein. And for women going through menopause, soy is supposed to help balance estrogen levels. 

The thing is that soy, despite its seemingly innocuous squishy nature, has a dark side…

tofu block

Problem With Soy #1: GMOs

Almost all the soy that’s grown in the U.S. is genetically modified. But don’t just take my word for it. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s own stats, over 90 percent of soybeans are produced using genetically-engineered varieties. I’ll be stoked if my kid becomes an engineer but there’s no way I want my baby eating GMO foods. 

Think I’m just being paranoid about GMO soy? Then check out the conclusion of this study from Environmental Sciences Europe:

“Serious adverse events of GM consumption include mortality, tumor or cancer, significant low fertility, decreased learning and reaction abilities, and some organ abnormalities.”

Case closed. 

Problem With Soy #2: Pesticides

Is the simple answer to buy organic, non-GMO soy? (FYI: Organic foods are not genetically engineered, so saying organic non-GMO is redundant.) 

This is a bit of a tricky question. On one hand, soy is one of the most heavily-sprayed crops. I previously talked about the potential dangers of the world’s most widely used weedkiller: glyphosate (used in the Monsanto brand, Roundup). 

Organic soy is not sprayed with glyphosate. But that doesn’t mean it won’t contain traces of it. If an organic farm is located close to a non-organic farm that uses glyphosate, the spray can drift to the organic farm. 

Again, it may sound like I’m being a bit kooky worrying about glyphosate drift. But studies have shown that people who live near large farms where herbicides and pesticides are used are at risk. 

And that’s not a risk I’m willing to expose my kid to. In fact, according to a study in Diabetes Care, exposure to glyphosate in the first trimester is linked to a higher risk of gestational diabetes, says pregnancy nutrition expert, Lily Nichols, RDN. 

spraying fields

Problem With Soy #3: Environmental Impact

The next problem with soy is how it affects the environment that my child will walk on, in just a few short months!

It turns out that soy has a huge negative impact on the Earth. According to the World Wide Fund for Nature, soy production has more than doubled over the last two decades. While we need more crop yields to feed a growing population, the production of soy is mostly unsustainable and contributes to rising levels of greenhouse gas emissions. Forests and grasslands are cleared to cultivate soy. The result is that not only are natural habitats destroyed, so are the traditional cultures that rely on them. 

What’s more is that soy isn’t just grown for human consumption. In fact, approximately 80% is used as feed for livestock. And even if you think the environmental impact of cow farts are greatly exaggerated, there’s no denying that soy usurps a huge amount of resources. It requires immense amounts of water and chemicals to cultivate soy. In addition, the clear-cutting of forests to make room for soy changes the natural composition of the soil. 

woman holding sign save our planet

Soy Brings No Joy – Reason #4: Heavy Metals

When soy is cultivated in unhealthy/unnatural soil, the soil becomes eroded and often contains heavy metals like aluminum. If you have an excess amount of aluminum in your body, it creates oxidative stress in the brain, liver and kidney, says a 2022 study in Emerging Medicine International

Conventional soy is often processed in aluminum containers or boxes instead of the traditional Japanese wooden boxes. The aluminum can leach out of the box into the tofu. And if that’s not bad enough, conventional soy can interfere with the absorption of the good minerals you want in your gut like calcium, zinc and magnesium. 

The ultimate reason I’m not going to avoid soy over the next several months? I’ll let the aforementioned Lily Nichols explain. Nichols quotes a study on her website from Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior which concludes:

“Aluminum exposure during pregnancy has potential neurotoxic hazards to the in utero developing fetus brain.”

aluminum sheet, crumpled

Conclusion: Soy Isn’t Totally Evil

There’s no way I’m chugging gallons of soy milk while I’m pregnant or while I’ll be breastfeeding. However, I’m not suggesting that all soy is bad all of the time. I think with soy, the key is moderation and the type. I’m in favor of fermented soy that’s produced via traditional methods.

Miso soup, tempeh and natto are examples of fermented soy that are healthy sources of plant-based protein. Whole organic soybeans can also be your best friend if you’re looking to manage hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms, not something I’m not looking forward to.

For now, I’ll enjoy being a new mom, soy-free. 

Chef V, Coco and kale

Nurturing a Healthy Feminine Microbiome

uterus image with cutout flowers

If you want to avoid yeast infections, minimize PMS symptoms and maintain great gynecological health, founder and nutritional therapist Veronica Wheat has some sage advice. 

Weight. Gut health. Digestion. Elimination. 

These are the things we most often think about when it comes to our food choices. But ladies, when it comes to our overall diet, we should also keep our vaginal microbiome and menstrual cycle in mind.

You see, we not only have an invisible world of trillions of bacteria in our large intestine, comprising most of the Gut microbiome. Women also have a vaginal microbiome. In fact, a study of 110 women of reproductive age revealed that the vagina contains anywhere from 10 billion to 100 billion bacteria. 

And just like the gut microbiome, the vaginal microbiome is home to mostly friendly bacteria. But poor food choices and other factors I’ll highlight below can throw off the balance quickly, leading to yeast infections and irregular or painful cycles. 

Similar to the relationship in the gut microbiome, in the vaginal microbiome, there’s a symbiotic relationship between the host (you) and the bacteria. Us ladies provide a humid, nutritious and warm environment for the microbes. And in return, what do we get? 

In exchange for being able to live rent-free in our warm and cozy ‘ginas, the microbes provide “a first line of defense against nonindigenous microorganisms.” In other words, the friendly vaginal bacteria act like an army and immune system, protecting us from pathogenic invaders that don’t belong down there. 

Causes of Vaginal Dysbiosis

But just as a neglected house attracts nasty critters, the internal environment of the vagina can result in vaginal dysbiosis; the unfriendly bacteria take over and wreak havoc. 

Out of all the factors that can cause vaginal dysbiosis, I’ll focus mostly on diet. But before I do, I just want to mention other internal and external factors that can disrupt the vaginal microbiome. 

  • Hormone imbalance: Changes in estrogen and/or progesterone levels, that occur because of pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause can alter the vaginal pH and increase the likelihood of infections. 
  • Contraceptives: This is related to hormone imbalance
  • Immune system weakness
  • Heavy antibiotic usage
  • Sexually-transmitted infections

It’s important to maintain a healthy ecosystem in the vagina because dysbiosis  can lead to, among other things:

  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Candidiasis (a yeast infection caused by an overgrowth of Candida albicans)
  • Adverse pregnancy outcomes
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

woman holding downturned smily face by hip

Maintain Optimal Gynecological Health By Going Green

In addition to hygiene, regular exercise, managing stress, and eating a healthy diet are key to maintaining an optimal vaginal pH and microbiome. And for this article, I’m going to focus on nutrition. 

People assume I’m the equivalent of a Catholic nun when it comes to nutrition. But I’m not always strict. Sometimes, I “take the habit off” and indulge in my favorite junk food habit: french fries. But the most important lesson I can impart is to eat super healthy like 85% of the time. If you do this, you’ll most likely provide your vaginal microbiome with a healthy environment to thrive in, and you’ll be less likely to experience yeast infections or a difficult menstrual cycle. 

Am I just saying this because I’m in the business of delivering Organic Green Drinks to people’s homes across the country (the Green Drink Plan)? Well, yeah!

But low-sugar green leafy veggies (7 of them in Green Drink, all certified USDA Organic!) are clinically proven to support health in many ways. 

In fact, Chef V’s 21-Day Detox and Green Drink was the focus of an independent research study. However, one health metric that wasn’t analyzed by Citrus Labs, the Santa Monica research company that conducted the analysis was vaginal health. 

So I dug up some research of my own and here’s a couple of examples of how consuming green veggies can support a healthy vaginal microbiome.

What The Research Says About Vaginal Health & Diet

A study published in BMC Women’s Health says dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation with abdominal cramps) is one of the most prevalent gynecological disorders, experienced by approximately 60%-70% of young women during menstruation. 

The biological reason why painful periods occur is the increased release of something called prostaglandins into the uterine tissue once menstruation begins. Your body makes prostaglandins (which are hormone-like lipids) at sites of tissue damage or infection. 

When high levels of prostaglandins respond to tissue damage, the blood vessels constrict. In addition, you also get more contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus (the myometrium). But the fun is only just beginning. What also ends up happening is blood flow to the uterus is choked off, causing pain. 




What Do I Eat Today? (Free recipes)

Making Cleansing Easier (Free e-cookbook)

Is this simply a physiological curse of being female? 

Well, yes, if you indulge in “sugars, salty snacks, sweets and desserts, tea and coffee, salt, fruit juices and added fat (labeled as “snacks” pattern),” according to the research study in BMC Women’s Health.

So how protective are green leafy veggies for gynecological health? Well, a 2017 observational study in the British Journal of Cancer said that “a higher intake of green leafy vegetables was inversely associated with mortality from ovarian cancer.” Because it was an observational study, we can’t conclude that there is direct causation, but the correlation is very strong.

“Just finished my 3 day cleanse & I’m about to start my post cleanse. It was so much easier than I expected. I wasn’t hungry until the end of day 3 & the cleanse was actually very tasty. I lost 5.1 pounds & I feel great. I’m expecting to gain some of that weight back when I start eating solid foods again today but it’s a great kick start & great motivator to continue to eat healthy. Thanks Chef V!” – Sally

Why Do Green Leafy Veggies Support Vaginal Health?

Green leafies like kale, collard greens, lettuce, parsley, and chard (all of which are in Organic Green Drink) contain antioxidants that protect cells from oxidative stress, which prevents cellular damage. These nutrient-dense veggies also keep inflammation in check, which plays a big role in hormone balance. 

In addition, green, leafy vegetables contain phytoestrogens. These plant compounds mimic the action of estrogen in the body. If your estrogen levels are low because of perimenopause or menopause, consuming more green leafy veggies may help balance your hormones, which leads to a healthier vaginal microbiome. 

And let’s not forget how important it is to eat healthy while pregnant! As a new mom, I’m living proof! No gestational diabetes for me, thank you. You see, green leafies are abundant in essential vitamins and minerals for healthy fetal development. And after your baby is born and you’re back to having periods, the vitamin K in green leafies helps prevent excessive bleeding and encourages healthy blood clotting. 

How To Get More Leafy Greens In Your Diet For Vaginal Health

Look, I could go on and on about the benefits of green leafies, but I think by now you get the idea. They’re not just important for maintaining a healthy weight and managing blood sugar. Green leafies are absolutely necessary for an optimal vaginal microbiome!

So here’s how you can incorporate more of them into your diet:

  • Salads – Chef V Salads Recipes
  • Stir frys 
  • Sauté or steam (add healthy fats like almond slices and avocado/olive oil)
  • Frozen (I’m not a huge fan of frozen but if organic, they are convenient and just as nutritious as fresh veggies.)
  • CSA: Get your organic fresh veggies from a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. 
  • Drink organic green leafy veggies, cold-blended and raw

Check out my entree recipes from my cookbook  here.

And don’t forget to minimize your intake of added sugars. Your vaginal microbiome will thank you for it.

To your (vaginal) health!


Veronica “V” Wheat



Vegan vs. Vegetarian

Choosing a healthy lifestyle is always the best choice. But it's important to be mindful of the diet you opt for because it needs to be compatible with your lifestyle, sync with your weight goals, and meet nutritional requirements. 

Some of you may think of going meat-free or giving up dairy products, which often motivates people to turn vegan or vegetarian. Please note that these lifestyles are different from each other; both may include giving up meat, but vegetarians consume dairy and other animal products in their diets whereas vegans don’t. 

Curious to know which one's best for you? Should you turn vegan or still enjoy your cheese and take the vegetarian route? At Chef V, you'll get all your answers as we briefly discuss vegan vs. vegetarian with their benefits and downsides. 

Vegan vs. vegetarian – What’s the difference? 

Let's take a look at the difference between vegan and vegetarian.

Choosing a healthy lifestyle is always the best choice. But it's important to be mindful of the diet you opt for because it needs to be compatible with your lifestyle, sync with your weight goals, and meet nutritional requirements. 

Some of you may think of going meat-free or giving up dairy products, which often motivates people to turn vegan or vegetarian. Please note that these lifestyles are different from each other; both may include giving up meat, but vegetarians consume dairy and other animal products in their diets whereas vegans don’t. 

Curious to know which one's best for you? Should you turn vegan or still enjoy your cheese and take the vegetarian route? At Chef V, you'll get all your answers as we briefly discuss vegan vs. vegetarian with their benefits and downsides. 

Vegan vs. vegetarian – What’s the difference? 

Let's take a look at the difference between vegan and vegetarian.


Veganism is a lifestyle that encourages you to give up all animal products, ranging from clothes to food items, in an attempt to save the climate and limit the exploitation of animals. It’s a lifestyle that motivates individuals to consume plant-based and dairy-free products, including whole fruits, seeds, nuts, legumes, beans, and vegetables.

More than for social reasons, people are opting for veganism or a vegan diet because of its varied health and wellness benefits. According to a 2022 report, Americans are turning vegan six times faster in 2022 than they did in 2014.  

As more and more people move toward veganism, the market is experiencing a change. Due to the increasing demand for vegan products, the global market for plant-based products is likely to grow by 12.95%. 

There are many vegan food options and alternatives that won't let you miss your usual meat-based diet. There are vegan smoothies and burgers; you can also go for an organic juice cleanse diet and bake with plant-based ingredients, such as coconut milk and vegan meat.

Downsides of a vegan or vegetarian diet 

  • Most people following a vegan or vegetarian diet need to take vitamin B12 supplements to fulfill their daily vitamin B12 needs. The most significant source of B12 is seafood, including fish, sardines, and clams, but since vegetarians and vegans don't consume animal flesh, they take medications or other substitutes to meet health requirements. 
  • The limited option for complete proteins is also a significant downside of a vegetarian diet. Complete proteins contain nine amino acids, which are rare in plant-based diets. You may need to add a variety of different proteins, such as legumes, lentils, and nuts to meet daily protein needs. 
  • Believe it or not, a vegan diet can also result in weight gain because you tend to eat more to meet your daily nutritional requirements, which is why you should always include a juice cleanse diet or intermittent fasting in your lifestyle while turning vegetarian or vegan. 
  • Going vegan is challenging; be aware of whether the food item is vegan or not before putting it on your grocery list. It requires a complete behavioral and consumer change, especially when new to the diet and philosophy. 

What works best for you? 

This mainly depends on your lifestyle, weight goals, and health requirements. The journey will be tough if you eat meat and want to give it up to become vegan or vegetarian. Plan things accordingly to deal with cravings, find substitutes for favorite dishes and how you can accommodate the change in lifestyle. 

Both vegan vs. vegetarian are lifestyle choices, and both do wonders for your health by encouraging you to eat healthily and focus on your overall well-being. You can always move back to your standard diet if things don't go according to plan or expectation. You just need to take that one step toward a healthy lifestyle.

Learn more about this on Chef V, a platform that helps you achieve your body goals. We offer multiple juice cleanses, ranging from one day to 21-day detox challenges to take you a step closer to a healthy lifestyle. 

Brain Health: Keeping Sharp With Chef V

The study Chef V commissioned from an independent laboratory concluded that when study participants completed the Chef V detox and continued to use the Chef V GREEN DRINK plan, they experienced a 32.3% improvement in their ability to focus. Here are Chef V's tips for better brain health.

Feeling foggy brained lately?  Did you forget where you put your phone — for the tenth time this week? Are you forgetting names more often? Now is the time to get serious about brain health.

Socially distanced, locked down people are finding themselves fuzzy brained and distracted. Learn how my Green Drinks and Cleanses can help you stay focused. And even if you’re sharp as a tack, here’ s how you can stay that way well into your 90s and beyond…. Plus, a vegetable with proven brain benefits – avocado.

Mom Was Right (And So Am I): Eat Your Veggies!

There are simple ways you can boost brain health and radically improve your thinking and reasoning skills.

First and foremost: exercise. Start a daily yoga practice. If you absolutely hate yoga or exercising at home, just walk in place for an hour at night while you’re watching TV. Just be active almost every single day for the rest of your life.

Just as important as exercising is diet. Now, I admit, when I came up with my Green Drink recipe several years ago, I didn’t realize it could play a big part in preventing dementia.

As it turns out, the seven certified-organic green-leafy veggies do just that. In fact, if you want to keep your brain younger than your chronological age, green leafy veggies are the best for doing that.

Don’t take my word for it. According to this CBS news article  adults who consume a cup and a half a day of leafy greens have lower risk of developing memory deficits associated with dementia. This is based on a study of almost 1000 people over the course of five years. Those people who ate the most leafy greens were 11 years younger in brain age compared to those who ate the least.

Isn’t that an amazing finding?

There’s no easier–and smarter–way of getting your daily dose of green, leafy veggies than drinking at least 16 oz. of Green Drink every day. Combining Green Drink with my soups and protein shakes, a detox has a profound positive effect on your health.

avocados for brain health

Having Trouble Concentrating & Focusing While Working at Home? Ditch the Sugar

Most juice cleanses are way too high in sugar. (Learn how Chef V compares to the competition.)

And it turns out that if you have high blood sugar levels, to the point that you develop pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, your brain health will suffer.

What’s the connection?

According to this article people with Type 2 diabetes have an increased risk for memory problems. Furthermore, older adults who have diabetes and high blood sugars perform worse on memory tests at the start of the study and show a greater decline in memory by the end of the study, in comparison to older adult without diabetes.

Can you see why it’s so important to not go overboard with your sugar intake? The good news is you don’t have to ditch dessert for the rest of your life. You just need to eat treats that are low in added sugars. Take my recipe for Raw Avocado Chocolate Mousse for example.

melted cheese

Avocado: It’s Brain Food!

Speaking of avocado, it’s one of the healthiest foods for brain health. Along with blueberries, wild salmon, nuts and seeds, beans and some other superfoods, avocado has long been praised for its positive effect on gray matter.

Here’s how avocado is good for your brain….

Even though it’s high in fat, the fat it does contain a lot of is the monounsaturated kind. The Mediterranean Diet, one of the healthiest ways of eating on the planet, is rich in monounsaturated fats. These fats contribute to healthy blood flow and lower blood pressure. Having high blood pressure is a major risk factor for cognitive decline.

So eat up to half an avocado a day to boost brain power!

Getting Enough Sleep Prevents Brain Fog

One of the toxic proteins that contributes to foggy memory is amyloid plaque. There’s more and more research showing that consistent good sleep can help prevent memory loss. What does this have to do with bad plaque in the brain? Good sleep is like a diligent janitor. Sleep sweeps away the plaque.

If you’ve let your healthy routine go to sh*t, staying up until midnight or later and not getting at least 7 hours, you’re putting yourself at risk for forgetfulness.

Not getting enough sleep? Eating too much sugar? Just feeling heavy and groggy and dragging around the house?

Then it’s time to do a Chef V Detox.

My 21 Day Detox programs will help reset your taste buds so that you won’t be tempted by sugary and junk foods. Your organs will also be working in better shape to help your body detoxify, and your blood sugar levels will go down. You’ll have more focus and better energy throughout the day; you won’t need that late afternoon sugary pick-me-up. As a result, you’ll sleep like a baby.

Look, I can’t guarantee that if you exercise, follow my healthy eating guidelines and get enough sleep you’ll be 100% guaranteed to have a sharper brain.

But the odds will be much better in your favor….

To your health!


Chef V

Mandarin Asian Salad

You can use lots of different greens to make this Asian inspired salad but I always include cabbage. If you are cleansing, just skip the mandarin oranges to keep it cleanse friendly.

For additional protein, add my Almond Crusted Chicken to the dish.

V with Asian salad



  • 3 cups mixed greens
  • 1 cup shredded cabbage
  • 1/2 cup shredded carrot
  • 1/4 cup toasted slivered almonds
  • 2 tbsp chopped green onion
  • 1/4 cup bean sprouts
  • 2 mandarins, cut into segments
  • 1 tbsp Asian dressing


Asian Dressing

  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • 1 tsp fresh grated ginger
  • 1 tbsp rice wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp sesame seeds
  • 1 tbsp coconut nectar

Blend well.

Vanilla “Milk” Shake

Vanilla milkshake recipe –  Too much dairy can be bad for digestion, especially for kids, which is why more people are choosing to limit their intake or eliminate it completely from their diets. Here’s a creamy and delicious mock milkshake recipe that will please your taste buds and your tummy! – Veronica

Vanilla Milk shake

  • 1 cup – Chef V's Raw Almond Milk or Coconut Milk
  • 1/2 cup – Cashews (soaked for one hour and drained)
  • 1 cup – Ice 1 tbsp – Raw Coconut Nectar (I use Coconut Secret)
  • 1 tsp – Pure Vanilla Extract
  • 1 Vanilla Bean, scraped (optional)

Process all ingredients in Vitamix blender until smooth. Enjoy immediately.

Share a pic of your Vanilla “Milk” Shake with me! @chefvlife #chefvlife

Find this and other easy recipes in my new book, Making Cleansing Easier. Visit

Can’t Sleep? Try CBT!

koala bear sleeping

If you think CBT is the latest, greatest form of CBD, like CBN, good guess, but not quite. CBT stands for cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and just like Chef V products, it has the backing of research for improving sleep quality. founder Veronica Wheat provides an intro to CBT.  

Over the last few weeks, I’ve covered something I’m incredibly proud of. products were recently the focus of an independent clinical trial by Citrus Labs, and the results were amazing. 

The 38 participants who completed a 21 DAY DETOX and then continued on a GREEN DRINK plan for 7 days saw vast improvements in all areas of their life. This includes a 34% reduction in inflammation, an average weight loss of nearly 8 pounds, and for what I want to focus on in this article, a 44% improvement in sleep quality.

So that got me thinking…

What else can help the Chef V community get more restful ZZZs? 

I’m not going to bore you with how important sleep is. I’m sure every article you’ve read details how sleep is linked to every facet of health. I don’t know about you but when I don’t get good sleep and I read about how important sleep is, it stresses me out a little. I’ll also skip the statistics on how many people suffer from poor sleep. (It’s obviously a lot of people.)

So I won’t pour fuel on the fire. Instead, I want to dive right in and tell you about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) because it’s received a lot of attention but many people are still unfamiliar with it. 

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? 

This is the textbook definition of CBT: It’s an evidence-based form of psychotherapy that focuses on identifying and modifying negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It aims to transform maladaptive patterns into healthier ones. 

So what exactly does that mean? Well, to put it simply, your thoughts and actions/behaviors have a profound influence on how you feel. And obviously, if you have negative thoughts, it can interfere with your sleep quality. With CBT, under the supervision of a therapist, you learn how to basically rewire your brain in order to think and act more positively. 

How Does CBT Work?

Again, let’s avoid textbook definitions and instead use an example of how cognitive behavioral therapy works for sleep. 

Picture yourself in a CBT session. Suppose the therapist asks you about your concerns and thoughts about sleep. Maybe you tell the therapist something like, “I’m afraid that if I don’t get 7-8 hours of sleep, I’ll feel like crap and won’t be able to function.” 

In response, the therapist would point out those thoughts contribute to anxiety, which can cause insomnia. 

therapist in session

The therapist then might ask you, “Can you think of any times when you thought you weren’t going to fall asleep but you did, or when you thought you wouldn’t be able to function on less than 7 hours of sleep but felt ok nonetheless?” 

You then reflect back on those nights when you were anxious about not being able to fall asleep yet you eventually did, and even though you may have needed a cup of coffee or two to wake up, you rallied and persevere through the day. 

The therapist would then make you realize that your negative thoughts centered around your inability to sleep or function are just stories in your head; they are not entirely accurate. In addition, the therapist would help you reframe your thoughts about sleep anxiety. For instance, if it’s 1 a.m. and you’re thinking, “I'll never be able to fall asleep,” you recognize this thought and replace it with a more positive one such as: “Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep, but I can find strategies to help me relax and eventually fall asleep.”

CBT: Reshaping Sleep Perspectives

CBT teaches you that having occasional sleep difficulties is normal, not a crisis. If you’re feeling anxious at night about not getting enough sleep, a CBT therapist might encourage you to recite this phrase before you try to fall asleep: 

“Even if I have a less restful night, I can still find ways to manage my day and take care of myself.”

It’s not exactly as simple as an Om mantra. But it helps take the pressure off; not everybody needs to get 8-9 hours of sleep, especially not every night. 

Ultimately, a CBT therapist helps you develop a healthier, more positive perspective on sleep. You’ve probably experienced several challenges in life that you have overcome, whether it’s difficult breakups, moving to a new location, being stuck in a dead-end job, etc. Sleep can be a challenge at times, but through CBT, you learn tools to cope with the challenge and overcome it. 

Longer-Acting Than A Sleeping Pill

Most people want a quick fix for their sleep problems. But the problem with most sleep medications is that they can be habit-forming, or eventually, they don’t work as well and you need to take a higher dose. Not to mention the potential side effects.

Although CBT is not a quick fix, it is a clinically-proven long-term solution. According to the American Psychological Association, the therapy works for a long time because it teaches one to face fears instead of avoiding them. CBT also employs role-playing to prepare for potentially problematic interactions with others and teaches relaxation techniques. 

Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Really Work For Insomnia? 

According to the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, CBT is “the most effective nonpharmacological treatment for chronic insomnia.” CBT “produces results equivalent to sleep medication, with no side effects, fewer episodes of relapse, and a tendency for sleep to continue to improve long past the end of treatment.”

The study authors add that the long-term improvements in sleep quality “seem to result from the patient learning to support and promote the body's natural sleep mechanism.”

And in another study published in the journal, Cognitive Behavior Therapy,  the positive effects of CBT were still present after 10 years. “Insomnia severity remained low, and two-thirds of participants no longer fulfilled the criteria for an insomnia diagnosis,” the study authors concluded.

woman sleeping with remote in hand

CBT & Sleep Hygiene

You’ve heard of oral hygiene (brushing, flossing, tongue scraping, oil pulling), but sleep hygiene? 

Sleep hygiene refers to healthy sleep practices. For instance, before I go to sleep, I put my phone in airplane mode. I don’t want EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) potentially interfering with my sleep cycle. I also make sure the room is dark and turn off all other electronics at least 30 minutes before bed. I also try to go to sleep at roughly the same time every night. 

I treat my bedroom as a sacred sleeping space, not a workstation or an entertainment room. If you have trouble sleeping, a CBT therapist will teach you these and other healthy sleep-preparation habits.

Breathing & Visualization For Sleep

Learning how to perform relaxation breathwork techniques, visualization exercises, and gratitude consciousness are other important components of CBT for sleep.  

There’s a ton of free YouTube videos for each of these stress-management techniques. The problem, however, is that there are so many of them it can be overwhelming if you have anxiety—and the vicious circle of anxiety about not being able to sleep. 

So if you need guidance on how to incorporate these highly-effective stress-management techniques, CBT is worth trying. 

glass sound bowls

The Downside of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Sleep

Hopefully, you have good health insurance because if not, you may need to pay out of pocket, and CBT sessions aren’t cheap. A weekly session can cost $150 or more, depending on where you live. And you’ll likely need at least a handful of sessions to overcome sleep problems. 

But in the end, I think CBT is worth it because not only can it help improve sleep, but it can also help improve your quality of life in other ways, such as feeling calmer throughout the day and having more energy—Just like products. 

According to the conclusion of Citrus Labs study on the Chef V 21 Day Detox (followed by 7 days of daily Green Drink consumption), nearly 80% of participants said they were in a better mood after the study, nearly 75% said they had more energy since using Chef V, and 88% said they felt better overall.

In conclusion, Chef V and CBT make for an effective sleep-improving combination. 

To your health and ZZZZ’s


Veronica “V” Wheat

What Do I Eat Today – The Importance of Liquids

what do I eat today liquids

This “What Do I Eat Today” menu focuses on the importance of liquids, especially at breakfast.

Liquids are alkalizing to the gut, help cleanse the colon, and have so many other benefits.

Start your day with lemon juice and water, followed by Green Drink. Enjoy my Herbal Tea recipe with ginger and cinnamon, and take a probiotic- I like Bio-K+.

Chose from two smoothies – my Tropitaya Smoothie, this month with fresh Ginger and Turmeric, or my Tropical Green Smoothie with Ginger.

For lunch we have Creamy Carrot Soup, and Raw Cucumber & Avocado Gazpacho is a cooling afternoon snack. For dinner, Creamy Broccoli Soup finishes the day.

lemon water

First Thing in the Morning

I have lemon water in the morning and then I wait until I'm hungry to have my Green Drink.

berry parfait

For Breakfast – Tropitaya or Tropical Green Smoothie

This “What do I Eat Today” menu includes a Tropitaya or Tropical Green Smoothie. The Tropitaya Smoothie is one of the most popular smoothies (and one of my favorites) at our stores in New Jersey and San Diego. In this month's menu, I add fresh turmeric and ginger.

Get the recipe

An alternative to my Tropitaya Smoothie in this menu, my Tropical Green Smoothie adds fruit and vegetables to Chef V's Tropical Green Drink. Optionally you can add 1 tbsp pea protein, 1 tsp fresh ginger, 1/2 tsp fresh turmeric to the smoothie.

Get the recipe

creamy carrot soup

Lunch – Creamy Carrot Soup

Creamy and delicious without dairy, this Carrot Soup recipe uses cashews to add richness and flavor. Fast and easy to make, the recipe is perfect for two, tasty and healthy. Add fresh turmeric and ginger for additional benefits.

Get the recipe

Afternoon Snack – Chef V's Raw Cucumber Avocado Gazpacho

Cool and creamy, my Gazpacho is a great light snack. You can easily double or triple my recipe and have delicious leftovers. The beauty of my veggie-rich recipe is that its high water and fiber content slows how fast you eat and fills you up quicker.

Get the recipe

Dinner – Creamy Broccoli Soup

My Creamy Broccoli Soup is for dinner. Made with coconut milk and coconut oil, the fiber in this soup supports gut health and has anti-inflammation and antioxidant properties. For additional gut health assistance, try my recipe variation adding fresh turmeric and ginger.

Get the recipe

Super Antioxidant Smoothie

Antioxidants are substances that may prevent cell damage. Berries, kale, and beets are great natural sources of antioxidants. Enjoy ihis super antioxidant smoothie in the morning after your 16 oz. of Organic Green Drink.

super smoothie

TOTAL 10 minutes

Prep Time: 8 minutes

Serving Size: 1 Person


  • ½ cup organic blueberries (fresh or frozen)
  • ½ cup organic raspberries (fresh or frozen)
  • ¼ cup pomegranate seeds
  • ¼ cup diced organic red beet, raw
  • 2 pieces of organic green kale
  • ½ cup ice
  • ½ cup coconut water
  • 1 serving of Chef V Ultra Shake protein powder or Powder of your choice


Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend 1-2 minutes until smooth. Add ¼ cup filtered water if necessary. Bon Appétit!

What Do I Eat Today – “On The Go” Menu

This month’s “What do I eat Today” menu is all about eating healthy during crazy busy times. I'm working extra hours to manage our orders and when I get out of the office to shop and run errands, lines are long and traffic is heavy.  So this menu is all about eating well on the go.

Start your day with lemon juice & water, then followup with Green Drink. Breakfast is a yummy Acai Bowl, and lunch is a my savory Carrot Ginger Salad, made ahead in a mason jar so you can take it with you.  Afternoon snack is another “on the go” item, my Goji Berry Trail Mix.

Dinner is a new recipe from me, my version of a Bibimbap Bowl. Dessert is a yummy vegan eggnog – I recommend drinking it with your feet up, relaxing after your busy day.

Veronica drinking green drink on a busy street

First Thing in the Morning

I have lemon water in the morning and then I wait until I'm hungry to have my Green Drink.

For Breakfast – Acai Bowl

This recipe is made in a Vitamix and can be served in a bowl or in an “on the go” cup.

The acai berry is a grape-like fruit native to the rain forests of the amazon. It has a tropical, sweet taste and a very short shelf life, so we don't often find them fresh in the store. Acai berries contain antioxidants, fiber, and heart-healthy fats.

get the recipe

Lunch – Carrot Ginger Salad

Green is good! Starting with fresh locally sourced organic greens, add carrot, celery, radish, red onion, cucumber, and grilled chicken (optional). Top your salad with my Carrot Ginger Salad Dressing.

Make this as a mason jar salad and take it “on the go”.

Get the recipe

Afternoon Snack – Chef V's Goji Berry Trail Mix

Trail mix is a healthy alternative to sugary commercial candy, loaded with artificial ingredients. My recipe includes super healthy goji berries, nuts and seeds.

Try different ingredients to create some fun mixes. I generally use one or two raw nuts, one seed, and one dried fruit. Some ideas for nuts: almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashews, pecans, or macadamia nuts. For dried fruit, always choose unsweetened and unsulfured fruits. My favorites include pineapple, apple, mango, and blueberries. And, of course, goji berries.

Get the recipe

Dinner – Bibimbap Bowl

10 minute meal! It’s the holiday season and I’ve been cooking all day getting ready for tomorrow. I need a fast but healthy meal. This one is a crowd favorite!

Get the recipe

Dessert –  Vegan Eggnog

Spread holiday cheer with my vegan take on a traditional favorite, eggnog. This thick, wonderfully flavored beverage can be made in many ways than one. Why not try my adult version with coconut nectar and almond milk. Not too thick, this chilled iconic drink will warm the hearts of your family and friends. Homemade, delicious and beautifully presented, how can it not?!

Get the recipe

veronica and brandon

Chef V’s Almond Flour Crusted Chicken

This is a new recipe I created recently that uses crushed almond flour crackers and is served with a honey mustard sauce. It makes a delicious main course, accompanied by my Mandarin Asian Salad.

chia seed pudding


2 chicken breast, boneless, skinless (pounded flat so they cook even)


    • 1 tbsp lemon juice
    • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
    • 2 garlic clove, minced
    • 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar
    • 1 tbsp olive oil
    • 1 tsp. Chopped fresh herbs (oregano & thyme)
    • Pinch of salt and pepper


  • 2 cups Simple Mills almond flour crackers blended finely
  • Add 2 tsp fresh chopped oregano & 2tsp fresh chopped thyme

Honey Mustard

  • 2 tbsp yellow mustard
  • 1 tbsp honey


Mix all marinade ingredients together in a small bowl. Use the sauce to marinate the chicken for at least 30 minutes.

Remove the chicken from the marinade and dip in the breadcrumbs, coating the chicken on all sides.

Heat 3 tbsp. oil to medium high and add chicken to hot oil. Cook for 3-5 minutes on each side, carefully not to burn by reducing heat to medium as needed.

Serve with honey mustard dipping sauce. 

Sloppy Joes with Chef V BBQ Sauce

This Sloppy Joe recipe uses my tomato-less bbq sauce. Serve with my creamy coleslaw on a gluten-free bun.

Did you know the sandwich probably originated in Sioux City, Iowa in the 1930s. According to legend, the “loose meat sandwich” was created by a cook named Joe. My version is made with ground turkey and my tomato-less BBQ sauce.

sloppy joe sandwich


-2 tbsp water

– 1 lb organic ground turkey

– Chef V's BBQ sauce


Add 2 tbsp water to a frying pan over medium high heat. Add the ground Turkey and brown the turkey (about 5 minutes). Mix with the BBQ sauce on the stove. 

Continue to warm for 1-2 minutes and serve with your favorite gluten free bun and my coleslaw recipe.

How “Fat” Is Your Blood? Organic Green Drink Clinically Proven To Lower Triglycerides

triglyceride levels down

Do you have any idea what your triglyceride levels are? If not, you should. One of the key markers of cardiovascular health, triglycerides are largely affected by your diet and lifestyle. The good news is that according to a clinical trial, there’s one easy way to dramatically reduce your triglyceride levels: doing a Chef V 21 Day Detox.

Dietary fat has a negative connotation. You see, far too many people don’t eat enough healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, olives, salmon, and olive oil. One reason for the lack of healthy fats in the diet is that many people still believe that eating fat makes you fat, even though studies show that eating healthy fats may be beneficial for improving obesity.   

But there is one way in which fat deservedly has earned a dubious reputation: fats in the blood, better known as triglycerides. 

What Are Triglycerides? 

Triglycerides are a type of fat that circulates in your bloodstream. The most common type of fat in your body, triglyceride levels are determined by two primary things: 

  • The food you eat
  • Calorie intake

If you’ve never thought about your triglyceride levels, here’s why it’s so important. You see, when you consume more calories than you burn, the extra calories are stored as triglycerides in fat cells. In other words, triglycerides are essentially stored fat. 

When you exercise, your body will release some of the triglycerides for energy through hormone signaling. Intermittent fasting is another example of when your body burns triglycerides for energy.

So in this respect, triglycerides are important for overall health. If you had no triglycerides, you’d have no energy. 

But, like with everything in life, too much of anything can be dangerous. And it turns out that approximately 1 in 3 Americans has high triglyceride levels

bar graph

The Dangers of Having High Triglyceride Levels

High triglyceride levels in your blood can raise your risk of heart disease and stroke, explains The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

So what causes excessive triglyceride levels? Sometimes it’s genetics, but most often, it’s lifestyle, starting with diet. Again, most people think that if you eat fat, you’ll get fatter. And if triglycerides are fat in the blood, then it stands to reason that the more fat you eat, the more fat you’ll have in your blood. 

But that’s not necessarily the case, especially if you consume a Mediterranean diet rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, like the type of healthy fats I mentioned at the beginning. 

The biggest dietary culprits that contribute to high triglyceride levels are:

  • Added sugars (soda, fruit juice, energy drinks, etc.)
  • Refined grains (cereal, bread, bagels and other baked goods)
  • White flour
  • Wheat flour
  • Alcohol 
  • Fatty cuts of meat

If you exercise every day and eat a diet that consists mostly of fruits and veggies, low-starch grains (quinoa, wild rice, ancient grains), lean protein, and healthy fats, you’ll likely keep your triglyceride levels in a healthy range (below 150 mg/dl). 

Chef V: Clinically Proven To Reduce Triglycerides

The problem is that for some people, switching from a sedentary lifestyle and eating healthy is not easy; it’s a radical transformation. The question then becomes, what’s a relatively easy way to experience a health transformation? And in the process, lower your triglyceride levels, which reduces your risk of developing heart disease. 

The answer is doing a CHEF V 21 DAY DETOX

Now, I know that if you’ve never done a detox, it sounds intimidating. But what if I told you that it’s so easy to follow and there’s no guesswork involved? Not only that, what if I told you that your triglyceride levels could be slashed by over 20%? 

But don’t take my word for it. Take the results from an independent study by Citrus Labs that studied the effects of doing a CHEF V 21 DAY DETOX, followed by a 7 day period where the 38 participants consumed a 16 oz serving of Organic Green Drink.

At the start of the trial, participants had a baseline average triglyceride level of 143mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter). 

By the end of the 28-day trial, the 38 subjects’ average triglycerides plummeted to under 110—a reduction of over 23%

Not only that, but the participants also experienced an improvement in other metabolic markers.

“Overall, participants saw a statistically significant improvement in total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, cholesterol/LDL cholesterol ratio, and HbA1C (A1C blood sugar). These findings suggest that the Chef V protocol, as used in this trial, is effective at bringing about positive changes in each of these cardiovascular health biomarkers in just a 28-day test period.”

—Citrus Labs' conclusion

Chef V: “Using As Directed” Is Easy As 1-2-V

If you’ve never done a 21 DAY DETOX, choose the STARTER option. That’s the plan the 38 participants followed. There are 3 phases during the STARTER plan. On Days 1-7 and 11-21, you’ll follow my Healthy Routine. On these days, you’ll get a 16oz Green Drink and Protein Shake, then choose your lunch, snack and dinner from my Meal Planner, which contains delicious recipes, helpful tips and resources. 

In between those two phases, on Days 8-10, you’ll follow my 3 DAY CLEANSE, which I created for safe yet maximally effective weight loss and detoxification. Each day during the 3-Day Cleanse, you’ll get four (4) 16-oz Green Drinks, 2 Protein Shakes, and a Detox Soup for dinner.

To boost your results, I’ll also send you a free digital copy of my recipe book, “Making Cleansing Easier”, which contains hundreds of ideas for creating healthier and cleansing meals for you and your family. 

I always knew that the detox and cleanse plans I created would lead to health transformations, like Sabrina’s 100-pound weight loss success.

But now Chef V has the backing of a clinical trial to prove it!

I look forward to helping you create your own health success story


Veronica “V” Wheat

Chef V’s BBQ Sauce

Nightshades tend to cause inflammation in the body. Tomatoes are in lots of yummy sauces like ketchup, BBQ sauce and marinara. These sauces can cause inflammation in the body and discomfort.

Try this tomato-less bbq sauce recipe as an alternative and see how much better you feel. You can use this sauce on anything that calls for BBQ sauce.



– ½ yellow onion
– 1 cup sweet potatoes cooked and mashed
– 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
– ½ cup coconut sugar
– 3 tablespoons coconut nectar 
– 1 tablespoon honey 
– ½ teaspoon smoked paprika 
– 1 teaspoon garlic powder
– ½ teaspoon chili powder 
– ½ teaspoon mustard powder 
– ½ teaspoon salt
– ½ cup water


– In a medium sized pot, boil water and your peeled and chopped sweet potatoes until fork tender. Drain the potatoes and mash lightly with a fork.

– In a blender or food processor, combine all ingredients. Blend on medium speed for 1 minute or until the sauce is smooth.

– Transfer the sauce to a small pot and cook on low for 15 minutes, stirring to make sure it doesn’t burn on the bottom.

– Use sauce immediately or store in the fridge for 1 month.

Use this sauce with my Pulled Jackfruit, Shredded Chicken, and Sloppy Joes sandwiches.

Chef V’s Top 12 Foods For Conquering Seasonal Allergies

super bloom California poppies

The wild, wet Winter and Spring of 2022/2023 are mercifully over. Thanks to all the rain that drenched San Diego, West Coast headquarters of, there’s a super bloom of flowers. But with the beauty comes the beast of seasonal allergies.

No matter where you live, certified nutritional therapist and founder Veronica “V” Wheat serves up the best foods for fighting seasonal allergies. Dig in!

Before I reveal my top foods for fighting seasonal allergies, let me come to the defense of flowers. You see, I think pollen needs a new publicist. While it’s true that some people are naturally very sensitive to pollen, I don’t think we were put on God’s great green Earth to suffer at the hands of microscopic flower dust. 

At the very least, pollen isn’t the only reason that inflammatory molecules like histamine in many people goes rogue, never letting its foot off the immune response accelerator. 

I think a big reason for the spike in allergies is exposure to chemicals. That’s why I highly recommend not using household cleaners and beauty products that contain fragrance and other synthetic chemicals. 

cleaning supplies

So is it your imagination? Does it seem like the rate of allergies is skyrocketing? No, it’s not you.

A 2022 study published in the journal, Nutrients, says that a “prevalence of allergic diseases and asthma has increased significantly in the last decades, especially in the western world.” Along with obvious reasons such as poor diet, stress and chemicals, the study offers an interesting theory.

“This phenomenon [increase in allergic diseases] has been attributed mainly to changes in environmental exposures and lifestyle. It is understood that a lack of natural stimulation of the immune system by the microbes from the external environment favors an allergic response. Our hygienic, modern lifestyle lacks sufficient contact with nature and has changed our immunity and reduced the diversity of our internal microbiome.” 

In other words, could it be that over-using disinfectants and hand sanitizers has caused a spike in allergies? Hmmm. Food for thought. 

Now let’s check out some of my favorite foods for preventing an overactive immune response and seasonal allergies.

1. Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is so last week, when I talked about it at length here. But one thing I didn’t mention: Is using bee pollen the equivalent of fighting fire with fire? After all, if pollen makes people sneezy and go through half a box of tissues, how can consuming bee pollen help? For starters, I should point out that bee pollen is not safe for everybody. Some people may be allergic to it. But if you’re not, bee pollen works by reducing histamine. 

A 2008 study showed for the first time that bee pollen inhibits the activation of mast cells. Mast cells secrete histamine and sound the alarm in your immune system. 

2. Raw, Local Honey

Pollen isn’t the only functional food from bees. Of course, bees make honey. But not any honey will do for the relief of seasonal allergies. You need to consume raw, local honey. Why raw? Because with regular honey that’s pasteurized, the antioxidants are destroyed. (It’s the same reason Chef V Organic Green Drink is never pasteurized!)

And why is it important to consume local honey? When you consume local honey, you’re getting small amounts of pollen that’s local to your area. This will get your immune system to recognize that pollen is not a threat. 

How good is honey overall, according to the research? This 2021 study says that the “therapeutic properties of honey such as anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing have been widely reported. A number of interesting studies have reported the potential use of honey in the management of allergic diseases.”

3. Quercetin-Rich Foods

Quercetin is the queen of antioxidants, and one of the best phyto(plant)-nutrients for getting those mast cells to chill out. So where can you find quercetin? The mighty duo of black kale and green kale, which are 2 of the 7-certified organic leafy veggies in Organic Green Drink. 

You can also find quercetin in broccoli, onions, capers, blueberries and apples. I’ll be the first to admit that quercetin won’t work as quickly as Benedryl. So the key is to start eating plenty of these foods before allergy season begins. (You can also take a high-potency quercetin supplement.)

4. Citrus Fruits

No surprise here, because vitamin C acts like a natural antihistamine

5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

This is a tricky one for vegetarians because the best sources of omega-3’s are wild salmon and other cold-water oily fish. These fish contain DHA/EPA, which are more potent omega-3 fatty acids than ALA, the vegetarian source.

For vegans, I recommend taking an algae oil supplement. Algae is naturally-high in omega-3s. Salmon feed on algae and this is the reason why they are rich in this anti-inflammatory healthy fat. 

Tomato Paste

From what I’ve read, tomatoes are a great seasonal allergy fighter. That’s because they’re high in vitamin C and lycopene, another type of antioxidant. But I don’t think adding a few slices of tomato to a sandwich or salad is going to do you much good if you’re suffering with seasonal allergies. 

Instead, I’d go with tomato paste, which is much richer in lycopene per serving than a regular tomato. A 2021 study says that lycopene was “effective in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, and this effect was found to be stronger with increasing doses of lycopene.” 

7. Nettle Leaf

Want the sciency explanation how nettle leaf works? Here’s straight from the horse’s mouth (this 2009 study) “Nettle inhibits several key inflammatory events that cause the symptoms of seasonal allergies. These include … activity against the Histamine-1 receptor and the inhibition of mast cell…preventing degranulation and release of a host of pro-inflammatory mediators that cause the symptoms of hay fevers.” 

So start drinking nettle tea. 

8. Fermented Foods

Remember those researchers from the Nutrients journal who suggested that people aren’t exposed to enough germs in the natural environment as a reason for the soaring rates of allergies? 

They also said that we should be consuming more fermented foods like all-natural, sugar-free, plain yogurt, tempeh, kefir and sauerkraut. “The metabolic and enzymatic activity of microorganisms involved in fermentation can exert anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action.”

9. Ginger 

A 2016 study in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry says that ginger “suppresses cytokine production for T cell activation and proliferation, thereby not causing B cell and mast cell activation and resulting in prevention or alleviation of allergic rhinitis symptoms.” 

10. Turmeric/Curcumin

Turmeric’s active ingredient, curcumin, contains potent anti-allergenic properties. A 2016 study showed for the first time that curcumin may “improve nasal airflow and modulate immune response in patients with allergic rhinitis.” 

11. Pineapple

Bromelain, the main enzyme in pineapple is best known for supporting digestion. But it also may help reduce inflammation associated with allergies. A 2012 study found that bromelain “was found to [prevent the] development of allergic airway disease (AAD) … From this reduction in AAD outcomes … bromelain may have similar effects in the treatment of human asthma and hypersensitivity disorders.”

12. A Rainbow of Veggies

As if you need another reason to eat veggies! Eating a diverse range of colorful veggies like green leafy veggies in Organic Green Drink, squashes, red bell peppers and carrots ensures that you’re getting adequate antioxidant pigments called carotenoids. 

Carotenoids support healthy inflammation levels. But don’t just take my word for it. Says this study:

“High plasma carotenoid concentrations reflecting a diet high in various fruits and vegetables might have a protective effect on allergic rhinitis in adulthood.”

I include many of these seasonal allergy fighters in my recipes, which you can find here

Good luck this allergy season!


Veronica “V” Wheat

Raw Coleslaw

This coleslaw recipe goes well with my BBQ Jackfruit Sandwich, my Shredded Chicken Sandwich, and my Sloppy Joe Sandwich.



-2 cups shredded green cabbage
-1/2 cup shredded carrot 
-1/2 cup shredded red cabbage 
-3/4 cup Chef V Raw Mayo 
-1 tbsp.  coconut sugar 
-Salt and pepper to taste 


Mix all ingredients. Serve on my Jackfruit, BBQ Chicken or Sloppy Joes sandwiches on your favorite gluten free bun.

Golden Milk: Drink your Turmeric

golden milk

Golden Milk … just the name of it sounds alluring, exotic, and appealing to our inner child. Kind of like chocolate milk. But golden milk is way healthier than chocolate milk.

In fact, golden milk isn’t really milk at all.

Golden Milk: What is it?

There are a few beverages you might want to drink everyday (sorry, coffee: you’re not on the list, though I do love you at times). First on the list is Organic Green Drink, a refreshing and delicious blend of the world’s most detoxifying green, leafy plants.

The next super beverage on my list of nutritional liquid powerhouses is bone broth. Bone broth from humanely-raised animals contains amino acids and collagen. Collagen can improve your gut health, skin, and immune system. It can also better cushion and protect your ligaments, tendons, bones and joints and make your hair and nails stronger.

Golden milk is the third beverage I highly encourage you to drink as often as possible. Golden milk’s featured ingredient is turmeric.  But let me catch you up to speed on why this golden-colored spice (hence the name golden milk) is, well, the spice of life.

Turmeric contains anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-oxidant, and heart-protective properties. Moreover, another of the golden milk health benefits is that turmeric helps normalize your blood sugar levels. This is super important if you’re trying to lose weight or detox.

To make an easy vegan golden milk, just add some nut milk, coconut milk (it’s one of the few foods I buy in canned form). You can also make golden milk extra creamy by adding coconut oil.

The healthy fats from coconut and the amazing health benefits of turmeric make golden milk a must do morning ritual.

Golden Milk Health Benefits: Weight Loss and So Much More!

Recently, I shared with you how several Chef V client relations specialists have lost weight following a low-carb diet. Low-carb diets are only healthy if you replace the starchy carbs with healthy fats. Coconut is one of those healthy fats. (I love coconuts so much I named my dog, Coconut.)

The fatty acids in coconut don’t get stored as fat. Instead, they are immediately used by the body as energy. Imagine if you were able to ditch crackers, cookies, and all those other junky carb foods and replaced those empty calories with healthy fats. You just might achieve super fast weight loss.

Making a golden milk recipe vegan is easy. Again, all you need is the turmeric spice, coconut milk and/or coconut oil. It’s important to add coconut to the recipe. That’s because turmeric is fat-soluble. That means you need to eat some fat (it doesn’t have to be a lot; a tablespoon is more than enough) to absorb it and get the golden milk health benefits.

Moreover, by using coconut milk, you’re getting lots of vitamins and minerals that you wouldn’t get with just coconut oil.

How to make easy Vegan Golden Milk

To make my version of this yummy drink, you’ll need:

2 cups of your favorite nut milk (I prefer My Almond Milk)

1/4 teaspoon of ground turmeric

1/8 teaspoon of ground ginger (which has amazing health benefits, including clearing your blood of fatty deposits),

1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon (which helps lower blood sugar)

1 teaspoon of coconut nectar (which is a natural, low-glycemic sweetener that won’t spike your blood sugar).

Some nutritionists recommend adding a dash of black pepper as well to increase the bio-availability of the turmeric. The best thing about making a vegan golden milk is you can enjoy it hot or cold. To enjoy hot, simply heat up the plain “milk”. I prefer to simmer it on the stove rather than use a microwave. Take the warmed or cold  “milk” and place it in your Vitamix or other blender. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend. Easy as pie. Well, actually, much easier than pie.

Golden milk is a potent anti-inflammatory elixir that might just help you lose weight. The strong taste of turmeric might take a little getting used to. So only use a small amount at first. Enjoy it in a cup alone, alongside a special dessert or my favorite guilty pleasure, having it with a bowl of yummy cereal or oats!


Add 1 cup gluten-free oats

2 Cups Chef V Almond Milk

1/8 tsp. cinnamon

1/8 tsp. ginger

1/4 tsp. turmeric

1 tsp. coconut nectar

Chef V’s Immunity Smoothie

I've created this new Immunity Smoothie to start the day. Made with ginger, turmeric, kale and coconut water, it gives me extra drive as I start a busy day.

Immunity Smoothie


  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup coconut water
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 piece kale
  • 1 tbsp fresh ginger
  • 1 tbsp fresh turmeric
  • 1 dash black pepper


Mix all ingredients and enjoy!

What’s All The Buzz About Bee Pollen?

Chef V and weight loss

Chef V explains why bee pollen is the ultimate boost for Green Drinks and low-sugar smoothies. (Hint: there’s more to this super topping than allergy prevention!) 

I’m no history expert but was surprised to learn that bee pollen isn’t just a recent health fad. When I was geeking out on some bee pollen research, I discovered that both the Bible and ancient Egyptian texts tout bee pollen like it’s the bees' knees. 

Most people first hear about bee pollen because it’s one of the best foods for seasonal allergy prevention. That’s one reason to add bee pollen to Organic Green Drinks, low-sugar tropical smoothies like my Tropitaya smoothie, or breakfast bowl smoothies

I’ll cover bee pollen and allergies below. But first, I want you to know that there’s a lot more to bee pollen than preventing an occasional sneeze when you stop to smell the springtime flowers. In fact, for thousands of years, people have been using pollen for all sorts of physical ailments. 

“Since antiquity, people throughout the world used bee pollen to cure colds, flu, ulcers, premature aging, anemia, and colitis,” says a research review in an allergy and asthma journal. 

So let’s get to know more about bee pollen. 

What is Bee Pollen?

When honey bees construct a hive, they mix saliva and wax to create a sticky, resiny substance like super glue. This resin is known as propolis. Bee pollen is a mixture of this propolis, nectar, and plant pollen. 

Bees don’t intentionally set out to pollinate plants. Instead, bees consider pollen a superfood, just like a Whole Foods shopper does! So bees collect pollen from flowering plants, place it in their shopping carts (true story: bees collect pollen in mini baskets), and eventually bring it home to their pantry (hive) to munch on with their honey as a healthy snack. 

Beekeepers carefully collect the bee pollen by placing a mesh screen at the hive entrance, allowing the bees to enter but separating the pollen from their bodies. The collected bee pollen is then carefully dried to preserve its nutritional content.

Bee Pollen: A Gold Mine of Nutrition

After reading the research about bee pollen, I’m all abuzz about adding it to my daily morning Green Drink and smoothies. For instance, a 2021 study published in the journal, Nutrients says bee pollen “is a gold mine of nutrition due to its active components that have significant health and medicinal properties.”

And what are those components? Bee pollen contains bioactive compounds, including proteins, amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and polyphenols, which are potent antioxidants. Polyphenols are essential to include in your diet because they neutralize free radical damage caused by environmental pollution and other forms of stress.

“The vital components of bee pollen enhance different bodily functions and offer protection against many diseases,” the researchers writing in Nutrients conclude.

The Health Benefits Of Bee Pollen


Does bee pollen support immunity and help prevent allergies? Let’s forget what health bloggers are saying and see what legit research has to say. 

Remember I mentioned polyphenols, the powerful antioxidant? It turns out that bee pollen contains a type of polyphenol called flavonoids. 

Researchers from that allergy and asthma journal I mentioned say, “Bee pollen flavonoids … have anti-allergic, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, … and can be excellent candidates for future studies including phytotherapy, molecular pharmacology and substitutes for chemicals used in treating allergic and immunological disorders.”

In other words, bee pollen may help strengthen the immune system against seasonal allergy attacks. 

Lowers Blood Sugar and Body Weight

Should Ozempic users consume a daily dose of bee pollen? According to research from the Nutrients study, bee pollen inhibits the production of a particular enzyme and, in doing so, helps to lower blood sugar levels. As for weight loss, in an animal study, obese rodents were fed bee pollen for eight weeks and lost nearly 20% of their body weight. 

Protects The Heart

The same research study suggested that bee pollen’s anti-inflammatory effects may help prevent the lining of blood vessels from constricting. 


In animal studies, bee pollen removed toxic fluoride.


Instead of drowning your sorrows in booze, boost your mood with bee pollen. According to a 2022 study in Neuroscience Letters, bee pollen reduced anxiety-like behavior and suppressed inflammation in the brain. 

(It’s important to note that this finding was also from an animal study. Human clinical trials are super expensive; trust me, I know from experience.)

Skin Health

Again, let’s skip the health blog hoopla. Instead, what does the research say about bee pollen for skin health? 

“Bee pollen is a potent antifungal, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating agent, and it also facilitates the granulation process of burn healing,” reads a 2020 study in the journal, Molecules.

You won’t find me rubbing bee pollen all over my face. (Hmmm, that gives me an idea: bee pollen facial masks.) But you better believe it when I say I boost my Green Drinks and healthy smoothies almost every day with it. 

These are just some of the health benefits of bee pollen. I should also mention that it’s a great source of B vitamins, so if you need an energy boost in the morning, boost your Green Drinks and smoothies with bee pollen.

Tropitaya Smoothie

One of the most popular smoothies (and one of my favorites) at our stores in New Jersey and San Diego, the Tropitaya Smoothie is so refreshing after a yoga class or to cool off on a hot day.

super smoothie


  • 1/2 cup frozen pitaya
  • 1/4 cup pineapple
  • 1/4 cup mango
  • 1 large piece of kale or other nutritious green
  • 1 cup ice
  • 1/2 cup coconut water
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1 tbsp pea protein

For a healthy variation, add 1 tbsp fresh ginger and 1 tsp fresh turmeric


Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend 1-2 minutes until smooth. Add ¼ cup filtered water if necessary. Bon Appétit!

Red White & Blue Popsicles

Little ones will love these frozen summer Red White and Blue Popsicle treats. Use coconut yogurt, fresh fruit, and natural non-sucrose sweeteners to make them happy without making them wild with the sugar crazies! – Veronica

red white & blue popsicles


  • 8 oz. So Delicious Coconut Yogurt (original, unsweetened)
  • ½ cup organic coconut or almond milk (original, unsweetened)
  • ¼ cup fresh lime juice
  • 1 drop of organic liquid Stevia or 1 tsp. coconut nectar (optional)
  • ½ cup organic blueberries
  • ½ cup organic raspberries, chopped
  • Popsicle mold for 6
  • 6 Popsicle sticks

Combine coconut yogurt, milk, lime juice and sweetener (optional) in a bowl with a spout, so it’s easy to pour, and mix well.

Drop two blueberries and two raspberries at the very bottom of each popsicle mold.

Fill the popsicles half-way with the coconut yogurt mixture.

Add 2 more blueberries and raspberries in the middle.

Fill almost to the top and again, add 2 of each fruit.

Place the top cover over the popsicle mold.

Carefully place the sticks in the center hole of the mold – more than halfway the popsicle, but not all the way to the top. Also remember to leave enough room at the end of the stick for someone to hold in their hand.

Place in the freezer for 5 hours or overnight.

When removing, allow the popsicles to sit out for 10 minutes and slowly remove by gently wiggling them side-to-side.

Protein Powder: What you Need to Know before you Cleanse

two Chef V protein powders held by a girl

When you think of a juice cleanse or detox diet, does protein come to mind? If not, it should. But not just any protein. In fact, many protein powders can be toxic to your health. Learn why you need protein if you’re cleansing and what kind is best for your body. Here’s what you need to know.

new protein shake

Doing a Cleanse? Why Protein Powder is important

All animals must eat protein every day to survive. Us wild human animals included. Now I’m not saying you need to eat a 72-ounce T-bone steak every day for health. I’d feel very sorry for your colon if you did that.

You don’t even need a small bite of filet mignon every day. In fact, there’s no proof that you need animal protein for optimal health. Any natural vegan protein will do, including nuts and seeds.

Here’s a fun nutrition fact to chew on: the human body can’t live more than 70 days without eating any protein. Give or take a day. I haven’t personally tested this theory. And I don’t recommend you try either.

But if you’re reading this because you’re researching the best juice cleanse, there’s a very good chance you’re going to kill yourself just a little bit. And thanks to me, I’m going to save you from that. I’ll explain how in just a sec….

You see, if you go ultra low carb like the keto diet, no problem. Some of that dietary fat you’re feasting on will be converted into glucose (sugar) for your brain to feed on. Even protein can be converted into glucose. If you eat that 72-ounce steak, there’s a good possibility some of the cow meat will turn into sugar and get stored as fat.

But your body can’t store excess protein. It also can’t make protein from carbs or fats or anything else. That’s why you need to eat protein everyday for optimal health.

Your lean muscle tissue, hair, skin, and nails all need adequate protein to look healthy.

So if you’re checking out some different cleanse or detox diet options out there, here’s the big problem with them….

Most cleanse programs contain zero protein. Instead, all juice detoxes are is a slick marketing trick for selling you fruit juice with loads of sugar. That’s the opposite of cleansing! (Compare my cleanse program to popular juice cleanses here.)

Think how brittle your hair and nails will look after going several days without protein.

Some people think that it’s not good to have protein during a cleanse. Why? They assume it’s bad for the digestive system. Well, in a way, that’s true. But only if it’s processed meat or unhealthy protein powder.

I’m here to steer you in a healthy direction and recommend a protein powder to take while doing a cleanse.

protein burger

Vegan Protein Powder For Cleansing

Multi-colored, attractive bottles of juice may be effective for marketing. But they’re not good for health. You see, many commercial juice cleanse programs include about a half dozen different kinds of juice, each a different color of the rainbow. But each containing 20 grams or more of sugar and zero protein.

As far as I’m concerned (as a certified nutritional therapist), you need just one color of juice: green. Green-leafy vegetables are the most nutrient-dense foods and play a critical part in the body’s detoxification process. But even my cold-blended Organic Green Drinks don’t have any protein.

That’s why several years ago, I brainstormed on a protein powder that would be healthy for everybody, including people doing a cleanse. The result is my Organic Vegan Protein Shake. With 17 grams of high-absorbance pea protein per packet, brittle nails don’t stand a chance.

You’ll have to trust me (or the 5-star reviews on Yelp) that the shake tastes great. How does it taste good without adding gobs of sugar? My recipe uses organic vanilla powder, stevia, and monk fruit extract. Stevia and monk fruit are natural, calorie-free sweeteners.

Pea protein has become more popular. When I decided to use pea protein a few years ago, I never thought it would be just as effective for the weightlifting community. But check it out. This study shows that it produces the same increase in muscle thickness as whey protein.

There are a couple reasons I don’t use whey in my Protein Shake for my cleanse programs. First, many whey protein powders are contaminated with heavy metals. (Says this Harvard research report.) And also, whey protein is not good for people with lactose intolerance. True, I could have used whey protein isolate, which contains close to zero lactose, but I just don’t trust how whey is manufactured. And I don’t think it’s good for cleansing overall.

What About Soy Protein Powder For Cleansing?

Some people are concerned about soy protein’s effect on women. This is because soy is a phytoestrogen, and if the body has too much estrogen absorbed, it could produce a hormonal cancer such as breast cancer.

Thus far, there are no studies linking soy protein powder to breast cancer. However, I do believe that processed soy is not good for health. Also, I think there is something to the too much estrogen theory. After all, it’s not just the food supply from soybeans that causes estrogen dominance, it’s all the plastics and everyday cleaners that can mimic the effects of estrogen.

50% off Chef V Cleanse

Muscle Heads

You don’t need to buy one of those huge tubs of protein powders that huge weightlifters buy for bulging biceps.

If you’re not doing a cleanse, I really don’t think you need any protein powder at all. But if you are going to do a cleanse, you absolutely do need some protein if you don’t want your muscles to waste away and your immune system to get weak.

Dietary protein plays a major role in virtually every thing that happens in your cells. And not only that, protein helps you feel full. If you go even a few days without it, just having juice will make your blood sugars go up and down. You’ll get tired and cranky.

Look, even if you don’t choose one of my cleanses, I do highly encourage you to consume a little high-quality vegan-protein every day (hemp and brown rice are also good choices).

A little protein every day goes a long way for health.

Best wishes and to your health,

Chef V

Chef V and kale

Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels: When Being Normal is Good

Monitoring your blood sugar? If you are pre-diabetic or suspect you are, monitoring your blood sugar levels is vital. But what levels should you shoot for and how do you test blood sugar? I explain and offer a few simple tips for helping keep blood sugar levels normal.

It’s so easy for someone like me, or anyone, really, to say, “avoid added sugars.” My Green Drink is one of the lowest sugar green drinks available. Check out the chart below and compare mine to the rest – the amount of sugar in the most popular “green juice” products is staggering.

You can think you are eating healthy and not realize your blood sugar is high. The only way to know for sure is to track it by using a meter.

Approximately 84 million American adults—more than 1 out of 3— have prediabetes, and more than 90% of people with prediabetes don’t know they have it. (Center for Disease Control)

Therefore, if you want to reduce your chance of becoming type 2 diabetes (or reversing it if you already have it), avoid high sugar foods and start monitoring your blood sugar levels.

prediabetes chart

What do the Numbers Mean?

However, if you monitor your blood sugar levels and just get a reading, that’s like weighing yourself on a scale. When you weigh yourself on a scale, what’s staring back at you? Just a number, right? The number on the scale doesn’t divulge how much of your weight is body fat or lean muscle or water weight. (Unless it’s a really good scale.) Sure, you can tell if your pants are feeling tighter. And if so, then, you’re probably storing body fat. Likewise, if you feel sluggish, moody or foggy brained, you might be able to conclude that you’re consuming too much sugar.

The name of the game in preventing full-blown type 2 diabetes is learning what foods (and drinks) will provide you with steady energy throughout the day. Food should make you feel energetic. But not hyper. And, of course, the reverse is true as well. After a meal, you shouldn’t feel like you need a nap.

Monitoring blood sugar levels: what’s a normal range?

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or just want to make sure you don’t develop diabetes, I recommend frequently monitoring your blood sugar levels. But first, you need to know what normal blood glucose levels are.

Now here’s the thing about normal blood sugar levels…. You’ll often come across two different charts. One will be blood sugar levels for people who don’t have diabetes. The other will be for people with type 2 diabetes. (I will be focusing this post on those with type 2 diabetes. Obviously for those with type 1 diabetes, like Whitney (her photo is below) the focus is also on preventing blood sugar levels from precariously dipping too low.)

If you have type 2 diabetes, I want you to shoot for normal blood sugar levels. But not for someone with diabetes. Rather, I want you to shoot for normal blood sugar levels for someone without diabetes. That’s because when you’re able to get your blood glucose levels down to normal levels, you’ll likely avoid any complications caused by systemic inflammation (nerve pain, for example).

With simple lifestyle changes, it’ll totally be doable. And I’ll share some simple tips with you shortly.

But first, let’s review what normal blood sugar levels are. Actually, even before doing that, you should know that you’ll want to monitor your blood sugar more than once per day.

Whitney, diabetes monitor

Test Throughout the Day

By testing your blood sugar levels throughout the day, you will learn your body’s response to sugar. Blood sugar levels fluctuate throughout the day, in different ways for different people. Obviously, they can go up after eating. Blood glucose (the term “glucose” is interchangeable with “blood sugar”) can also lower after you exercise. Because of this, it’s a good idea to test your blood sugar levels after you take a walk after eating. That’s because you’ll get validation about how easy and simple it is to normalize your blood glucose. Just a 10-minute walk is all it takes!

Monitoring blood sugar levels: shoot for normal

As I say above, try to get your blood sugar levels down to that of someone without diabetes or pre-diabetes. According to this diabetes management website, your blood sugar level when you wake up before eating should be under 100 mg/dl. And before meals, normal levels are 70-99 mg/dl.

You’ll want to take your blood sugar levels two hours after a meal. And when you do test after a meal, blood glucose should be under 140 mg/dl.

Guidelines from the American Diabetes Association state that for those with type 2 diabetes, blood sugar 1-2 hours after a meal should be under 180 mg/dl (and from 80-130 mg/dl) before meals. But, again, to hammer the point home, I think if you have type 2 diabetes and are serious about reversing your condition, shoot for levels for normal blood sugar levels.

Over time, you’ll remember these numeric guidelines as easily as your own phone number. But if you’re new to monitoring blood sugar levels, make a note on your smartphone or use an app.

Another blood sugar range you should memorize is your A1c level. Your A1c level is more like a snapshot of your blood sugar levels over the last couple months. It’s more a longer-term overall picture of what your levels are. It’s a good idea to monitor both your everyday levels before and after meals, as well as your A1c level. But you don’t have to test A1c every day. Once a month is sufficient. Shoot for an A1c level of less than 7%.

comparing sugars in Green Drink and other juices

Monitoring blood sugar levels: Chef V’s easy tips for lowering blood sugar

Want to lower your blood sugar levels? I realize sometimes it’s really hard to make lifestyle changes. But I truly believe these following tricks to manage diabetes can produce noticeable results in a short time.

#1: After you wake up and monitor your blood sugar, drink 8-16 oz. of pure water. Squeeze a bit of lemon juice into the water.

#2: About a half hour after drinking water in the morning, have 16 oz. of Organic Green Drink. The seven green, leafy veggies in Green Drink are clinically proven to increase insulin sensitivity.

#3: Always have my Easy Trail Mix with Goji Berries with you. Whether at home, at school, at the office or in the car, if you feel hunger, tame it with my recipe. My version of trail mix has low-glycemic, delicious berries that are good for you and won’t spike your blood sugar.

#4: Eat healthy fats! I’m shocked how many people still think that eating dietary fat will make you fat. On the contrary, it’s sugar and starchy carbs that make you fat. Furthermore, dietary fat can help you actually burn body fat. So eat a moderate amount of nuts, avocado, wild salmon, olives and olive oil. These fats will also help you feel full so you won’t be tempted by sugary snacks.

#5: Take probiotics. You need more good bacteria in your gut to help fight yeast overgrowth and other harmful bacteria in your belly. When you have too much yeast or bad bacteria, you crave more sugary foods. That’s because the yeast like to feast on sugar. And when the yeast fungus is hungry, they send a signal to your brain for more sugar.

Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels: Keep your eye on the prize!

I’ll be offering more tips that hopefully you’ll find helpful in the near future. Until then, start monitoring blood sugar levels at least a few times a day. And shoot for normal, normal. Not diabetes, normal. Good luck! I know you can do it. With just a few weeks of constant monitoring and a daily Green Drink, you’ll likely see positive results!

Veronica drinking green drink in urban setting

The Power of Pea Protein: Why You Will Cleanse So Hap-pea-ly

peas for protein

Pea protein is one of the most popular vegan proteins with no signs of slowing down, and for good reason. It’s super easy to digest, contains all 9 essential amino acids and doesn’t cause nasty belly bloating. That’s why Chef V is excited to introduce Vanilla Ultra Shake with pea protein for cleanse customers. 

peas in pod

Puny plant-powered peas? Hardly! Here’s Why Pea Protein Rocks…

It wasn’t that long ago that if you would have told someone at the gym that you use pea protein, they would have likely responded, oooo, gross! 

After all, peas were something that only babies eat. And maybe grown-ups who ate the occasional split pea soup. But pea protein powder? That was something relatively unheard of a generation ago, much less 5-10 years ago. Peas have proven to shatter the myth of the puny vegan. 

No longer is it far left field for bodybuilders to heal the microscopic muscle-fiber tears after a lifting session with pea protein. In fact, some of the most accomplished bodybuilders are vegan and support their lean muscle tissue with plant-powered protein powders, especially pea.  

The total value of the worldwide pea protein market was worth about $380 million in 2017. By 2027, guess what the market is forecast to be worth…?

Over $1 billion. 

That’s a lot of “pass the peas, please!” 

Pea protein powder is not a fly-by-night fad. Thanks to the growing consciousness of the health benefits of eating a natural plant-based diet, plant-powered protein powders are becoming the norm, not the exception. (I say “natural plant-based” because you can be a vegan and still be unhealthy, eating lots of processed junk.)

But if you’re thinking about doing a juice cleanse, do you really need pea protein? 

Spoiler alert: YES!

And here’s why…

The #1 Mistake With Doing a Juice Cleanse: Not Enough Protein

After doing a juice cleanse for a couple days, you might feel elated. Especially if prior to doing the cleanse you were not eating a clean diet, consisting mostly of organic produce and unrefined grains. 

But with most juice cleanses, by day 3, if not before, many people start feeling like complete $h!*. 

That’s because most cleanses on the market do not contain enough protein. In fact, most of them contain only the trace amounts of protein that are naturally occurring in fruit and vegetables. 

Speaking of fruit, that’s another problem with doing a cleanse. If you’re just drinking juice that’s primarily fruit-based, the lack of fiber and protein may cause dramatic blood-sugar fluctuations. 

You’ll become moody, irritable and you’ll eventually be so hungry, you’ll be dreaming and salivating about eating a bacon cheeseburger. Oh, and the not-so-sweet cherry on top of most cleanses is that the lack of fiber and protein will make you miserably constipated. 

So keep in mind that even if you’re doing a juice cleanse, you need to consume an adequate amount of protein, much more than one or two grams you would get per day from fruits and vegetables. 

doing a cleanse

Why Is Pea Protein Necessary When Doing A Cleanse? 

When most people think of protein powder, workout recovery and meal replacement are probably the two top things that come to mind. 

But if you want to reboot your metabolism to unclog your congested liver, then “cleansing” should be front and center of your mind when it comes to protein powder. 

And hands-down, pea protein powder is the best for a cleanse. That’s because pea protein powder is:

  • Hypoallergenic (it won’t trigger food allergies; with rare exceptions)
  • Highly-absorbable 
  • Easy to digest (won’t cause gas or bloating)
  • A complete protein (contains all 9 essential amino acids; no food combining necessary)
  • Non-inflammatory
  • High in iron 
  • Good for the cardiovascular system
  • Supports healthy skin, hair and nails

I want to briefly talk about this last benefit. I’ve been in this business for a very long time, first as a certified nutritional therapist and personal chef and now as the curator of the nation’s best home delivery Green Drink plan and Cleanse/Detox program. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen first-hand the brittle nails, pale skin and dull hair caused by an unhealthy cleanse program. 

When you go 7, 14 or 21 days or longer doing a juice fast and don’t get enough protein, you are literally starving your lean muscle tissue. Isn’t the whole point of doing a cleanse to feel better and sexier—no matter what your body type is? 

Well, I can personally guarantee you that if you don’t get enough protein while you’re cleansing, you will not look and feel your best. 

Just Say No To Animal Protein While Cleansing?

If protein is so important while doing a cleanse, why not eat a tiny bit of grass-fed beef or supplement with egg white protein powder? 

The reason why is because if you need to cleanse because of a sluggish metabolism, animal protein is extremely difficult to process. 

That’s because your liver produces bile, the greenish, detergent-like liquid that metabolizes dietary fat. 

If your liver is underperforming, you need to temporarily minimize your intake of dietary fat; I recommend completely avoiding animal fat while you’re cleansing and in the immediate days after your cleanse is done. 

New To Chef V’s Cleanse: Vanilla Ultra Shake With Pea Protein

The number one concern most people have about doing a cleanse is, “Will I starve?” The good news is that with a Chef V Cleanse, not only will you not starve, your belly will be hap-pea-ly nourished thanks to 4 Green Juices per day, 2 Vanilla Ultra Protein Shakes with pea protein per day, and 1 delicious DETOX SOUP for dinner. 

You can choose between a 5 Day, 3 Day or 1 Day Cleanse. 

Learn more here

Here’s to feeling “hap-pea” on your cleanse!

Love,  Chef V

Chef V, Coco and kale

4 Tools for a Summer Health Boost & Slimdown

summer weight loss

The biggest factor that contributes to maintaining a trim weight and overall health is nutrition. In this article I give you four tools for enhancing your diet and boosting your well being. And no coincidence, these same tips will contribute to reducing your triglyceride levels. 

The good news is you don’t have to do high-intensity, American Ninja Warrior-type exercise to have a hot summer bod. All you need is a reboot of your digestive system. Here are my 4 top tips for improving digestion and triglyceride levels and getting lean for summer….

#1: Apple Cider Vinegar

Can your “mother” help you achieve a summer slim down?

And by “mother” I mean the cloudy film that rests on top of a bottle of raw, unfiltered, organic apple cider vinegar (ACV)….

Raw ACV bottles such as those sold by the brand, Bragg (the same company that sells liquid amino acids, a soy sauce alternative) prominently advertise “with the mother” on the product label. As well they should. That’s because the mother is tiny bits and pieces of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria.

ACV helps increase stomach acid production. And because of the friendly bacteria it contains, it also acts like a probiotic.

Honestly, I tried to find some research on humans that shows ACV can help with weight loss. I hit a brick wall, but I did find some research on animals (rats and mice) that support using it for the following: reducing fat storage; lowering blood sugar; improves metabolism and suppressing appetite.

The only downside to ACV is it tastes really harsh. But you can add it to a Green Drink to mask the taste.

ACV is also good for skin. In fact, many people use ACV to treat skin conditions. Drinking a little bit every day can help clear your skin from the inside-out. And because of its beneficial bacteria and enzymes, it can help cleanse your body.

apple cider vinegar

#2: Bone Broth/Collagen Powder

Pretty soon, it’ll be too hot to sip bone broth.

But collagen protein powders have become very popular. And you can easily add a scoop of it in your blender with almond milk and my Organic Protein Shake if you’re doing a Chef V Cleanse.

If you don’t know the difference between the two: Bone broth is animal bones with herbs and spices cooked in water for 24 hours in a slow cooker. The long-simmering process of bone broth releases collagen protein from the bones.

I admit that there’s a lot of hype surrounding bone broth and collagen protein. There are claims that it can cure just about everything.

There is research, however, that shows supplementing with collagen protein can help repair your gut. Gut health is crucial for burning fat. It’s not easy to get ready for a summer slimdown if you don’t have a healthy gut.

In fact, some people have a condition that’s known in the alternative medicine field as “leaky gut.” Leaky gut is when the tiny junctions of your gut lining tear, allowing undigested food particles to enter the bloodstream. When this happens, your detoxification system  slows down. Not only that, leaky gut can also cause an autoimmune disease.

Sipping on some fresh bone broth every day can help repair your gut and improve your body’s detox system. I do not believe in store bought bone broth, it is like trying to get your vitamins from Hi-C. Store bought bone broth is not real bone broth and does not have the same benefits. The only way to get the full benefits of bone broth is fresh made or fresh bought. It should expire in a week.  An alternative to bone broth is to take a collagen protein powder supplement.

probiotic flora

#3: Probiotics

I’ve mentioned probiotics at least a couple times recently, including the best one to bring with you if you’re travelling.

I’ll just quickly rehash here why probiotics are so important for getting or staying lean. The healthier your gut microbiome (the trillions of bacteria, etc.), that is the more friendly bacteria you have in your gut, the easier it will be to digest your food. And the easier it is to digest your food, the less likely it will be that you’ll have difficulty getting rid of unwanted body fat.

There are a few problems with probiotics….

First is that many people forget to take them everyday. Set yourself a daily reminder on your smartphone to take them in the morning or before bed.

Second, some people don’t buy a strong enough probiotic. Look for a supplement that has several different strains of bacteria and has a minimum count of 10 billion colony forming units (CFU) per capsule. The reason you need a high count is that a lot of the bacteria won’t survive the harsh trip through the digestive system.

And third, not all brands of probiotics are of good quality. Do your research before you buy. My favorite is Bio-K – they have a dairy or non-dairy version and it is fresh.

#4:  A Chef V Detox with my Green Drink, Detox Soups, and Protein Shakes

So this last tip for a summer slimdown isn’t exactly a supplement. But it’s a great way to to make sure you’re looking and feeling great when you’re ready to take your first dip in the ocean or pool….

If you do my 21 Day Detox, you’ll be amazed by the transformation your body will undergo, (not to mention your skin, mood and energy levels).

Here’s how it works: you alternate between following my Healthy Routine and doing a 3 day cleanse. During the 3 day cleanse, you get 4 servings of my Green Drink plus 2- 16 oz. Protein Shakes and 1 detox soup for dinner. And during the Healthy Routine phase, you’ll get a 16-ounce Green Drink and 1- 16 oz. Protein Shake for breakfast. Then for lunch and dinner, you’ll use my healthy eating and meal planner guides, which contains delicious recipes for soups, salads, appetizers, and entrees.

The best part is I deliver the Green Drinks, Protein Shakes and Detox Soups to your front door (Well not personally, but my company does.)

Doing a 21-Day Detox is the easiest, most affordable, and safest way to lose 30 pounds or more.

You can also try a 3, 5 or 7-day Cleanse if you just want to dip your pinky toe in the shallow end.

Good luck with your summer slimdown. Even if you don’t want to spend any money on supplements, rebooting your digestive system by doing a Chef V Cleanse or Detox will get you bikini ready!


Veronica (Chef V)

DNA Testing For Weight Loss: Is This Growing Health Trend Worth It?

DNA Testing For Weight Loss: Is This Growing Health Trend Worth It?

DNA testing to discover your ancestry is fascinating. But beyond revealing what part of the world your ancestors come from, genetic testing may provide insight into what exercises, diet and supplements are best for our own unique biochemistry. Is DNA testing for weight loss worth it?….

I’m sure you already know about using CBD oil for weight loss. Same goes for Intermittent Fasting, which is probably one of the biggest health trends right now.

But here’s a weight loss phenomenon you may not have heard about: DNA testing.

Almost everybody knows that you can easily find out what your ethnicity is by taking a genetic test from companies like and, the latter of which is so-named because human cells contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, those proteins that provide specific instructions that make you, uniquely you. (The 23rd pair determine whether you’re male or female.)

Have you ever seen the TV series on PBS, Finding Your Roots? I love it. If you’ve never seen it, check it out. It’s hosted by Harvard professor, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., who on each episode, sits down with celebrities and presents them with a “book of life,” which is basically a family tree prepared by professional genealogists.

Imagine the shock and horror that befell Seinfeld- and Curb Your Enthusiasm-creator Larry David when he learned that he has slave-owning Confederate ancestors who lived in Alabama!

Beyond learning about your ancestral history (and potentially discovering fascinating or even embarrassing secrets about your family tree), DNA testing may also reveal the best way for you to lose weight.

I recently read a couple different accounts of getting DNA testing done to learn what type of exercise, diet and supplements are best for weight loss. I’ll sum up for you what I think about this new health trend that’s certainly going to become just as popular as CBD oil, intermittent fasting, and golden milk

DNA Testing For Weight Loss

Genetic Testing for Weight Loss: How Does It Work?

When I was growing up, DNA testing for ancestry seemed like something out of a science fiction movie. But nowadays, it’s pretty commonplace. All it takes is a little bit of saliva and about $100 for the test.

In addition to genetic testing for ancestry, DNA tests can reveal potential disease markers that you’re carrying, such as sickle-cell anemia.

But genetic testing for weight loss? How is that even a thing?

Here’s how it works … at least in theory.

Just like your DNA can reveal which chromosomes you share with certain ethnic group, your genes can reveal, for example, what type of exercise will make you look better in jeans. Sprinting or long-distance running? Cardio or weight lifting? How do you know which is better for you, to help you lose weight?

This is the type of info that the first wave of “genetic fitness” companies are offering.

How do these genetic research companies know what type of exercise is better for you?

For starters, each person has a different composition of muscle fiber. Some people have more of what are called “fast-twitch muscle fibers” while other people have a greater amount of slow-twitch muscle fibers. For those with more fast-twitch muscle fibers, high-intensity interval training that involves sprints may be better for weight loss. On the other hand, slower-paced exercise would be better for someone with more slow-twitch muscle fibers.  

Think of it this way: there are different yoga styles. Someone who is out of shape and overweight probably shouldn’t try an Ashtanga class. And according to these first-0n-the-scene genetic fitness companies, exercise isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution….

DNA testing and muscle fibers

DNA Testing for Diet & Supplements

You may have heard of the Blood Type Diet, which, for example, suggests that if you’re let’s say a Type O blood type, you should eat a  high-protein diet, heavy on lean meat, poultry, fish, and vegetables, and light on grains, beans, and dairy.

It’s pretty easy to find out your blood type. Your doctor can order a test for you.

DNA and vitamins

And now, it’s almost as easy to find out what vitamins and minerals you may deficient in. The way it works is your regular doctor can submit your DNA tests to a company called PureGenomics, which will analyze your DNA and provide recommendations on what foods you should eat as well as supplements that may improve your overall health.

But let’s say you have an extra two- or three-hundred bucks to spend…. should you spend it on genetic testing in hopes that the recommendations you’ll receive will help you lose weight?

Sorry, but from the reports I’ve read on DNA testing for weight loss, the science behind it is very much still in the early phases; although it’s promising, it seems like it’s got a while to go before it’s accurate enough for it to be worth it.

So until then, I’m going to stick to what I know works for weight loss, for everybody:

  1. Green Drinks (very rare is the person who doesn’t benefit from getting more leafy greens in their diet)
  2. Avoid added sugars as much as possible
  3. Managing stress through meditation, yoga and mindfulness practices
  4. Intermittent Fasting and occasional Cleanses
  5. Being active almost every day of the year and getting enough sleep

The future of genetic testing for weight loss seems within grasp. But until the science evolves more, to me, it’s still the realm of science fiction….

What Do I Eat Today – Spring Menu

In keeping with our feature article about getting enough protein, this spring “What Do I Eat Today” menu includes chicken and salmon.

We start the day with a liquid breakfast, my Skinny Shamrock Smoothie. Lunch is a mock 'Chipotle' Burrito Bowl with grilled chicken.

Dinner is a recipe that is new to the website, Pistachio-Crusted Salmon, accompanied by my White Sweet Potato Purée. Enjoy!

First Thing in the Morning

I have lemon water in the morning and then I wait until I'm hungry to have my Chef V organic Green Drink.

For Breakfast – Skinny Shamrock Smoothie

Here is my favorite version of a Shamrock Smoothie. It’s light, healthy, creamy and it tastes so good! It’s also a low sugar smoothie.

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Lunch – Chef V’s ‘Chipotle’ Burrito Bowl

Here’s my Mango Avocado Burrito Bowl, a spin on Chipotle Mexican Grill’s awesome burrito bowls. Use my recipe as a starting point and add grilled chicken or fish to make your own. You can also turn this into an easy wrap with gluten-free tortillas.  – Veronica

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Dinner – White Sweet Potato Purée

Everyone loves mashed potatoes. But regular mashed potatoes are very starchy. That means the starch quickly converts into sugar. That’s more bad news for your gut. But this healthy recipe for mashed potatoes uses the nutritiously-superior white sweet potato. Instead of regular milk, I use almond or coconut milk.

I swear to you that my white sweet potato pureé will have the same starchy mouth-feel as regular mashed potatoes. But this version contains way more minerals and is lower in calories. – Veronica

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Dinner – Pistachio Crusted Salmon

This salmon dish is delicious and super easy to make. It’s also filled with lots of healthy fats and omegas. It takes less than 5 minutes to prep and less than 20 minutes to cook. It also makes great leftovers. Or you can serve 4 with this recipe. 

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© 2021 Chef V, LLC.