Tag: chef v

How I Tamed my Gut – Gut Disruptors to Avoid

Certified nutritional therapist and founder of ChefV.com, Veronica Wheat has a warning if you’re trying to improve digestion and overall wellness: Avoid gut health disruptors! Veronica has avoided them for years with great success and now she’s dedicated to shielding her newborn from them. You’ll be surprised what’s on this gut-microbiome-wrecking list!

Antibiotics. Junk food. Stress. Nearly everybody knows they are major gut health disruptors. Gut disruptors destroy friendly bacteria and encourage the growth of harmful bacteria. 

Before my son was born, I  decided to inventory my family’s diet and remove the gut disruptors from our lives. I never suspected  that some of the things I found can make a mess of your gut!

Here’s what I discovered…

Veronica and Kaden

Why Are Gut Disruptors Bad?

These gut health destroyers don’t just lead to chronic digestive problems. They negatively impact your well-being in every way. Here’s what can happen when gut disruptors significantly alter the ecosystem in your gut microbiome:

  • Weak immunity (infections and illnesses)
  • Chronic inflammation (allergies, autoimmune disorders)
  • Mood disorders (anxiety and depression caused by poor neurotransmitter activity)
  • Poor metabolism and weight gain (insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes)
  • Skin problems (Inflammatory skin breakouts like acne, eczema, psoriasis)
  • Cardiovascular stress (high blood pressure, hardening of arteries)
  • Sleep quality (lower melatonin production)
  • Hormonal imbalances (worsening of PMS or menopausal symptoms) 
woman cleaning window frame

When you have too many harmful bacteria and not enough friendly ones in your gut, the medical term for this is gut dysbiosis. Think of your gut health like a house party. Everyone’s having a great time because all the guests are mellow, funny and enjoying stimulating conversation. This is the equivalent of great gut health.

But then a group of rowdy party crashers shows up and spoils the fun for everybody. This is what gut dysbiosis is like. Except with party crashers, the problem is resolved when the party crashers finally leave. But in your gut, harmful bacteria can stick around for a long time. And that can cause all the problems above. 

kids in a field

Common Gut Disruptors

Skip ahead to the next section if you already know about the leading gut disruptors. Because not everybody knows about the connection between gut health and overall wellness and the things that can easily destroy gut health, here’s a recap:


Antibiotics are necessary—and potentially life-saving—if you have a bacterial infection. But if you have a history of popping them like they’re Pez candy whenever you had the sniffles, your gut microbiome has likely taken a beating. 

“Antibiotic use can have several negative effects on the gut microbiota, including reduced species diversity, altered metabolic activity, and the selection of antibiotic-resistant organisms, which in turn can lead to antibiotic-associated diarrhea and recurrent C. difficile infections.” Environment International

If you have recently taken antibiotics, I recommend taking a high-quality probiotic supplement to repopulate the good bacteria in your gut.

junk food

Highly-processed, low-nutrient-density food (Junk Food)

“Foods and beverages provide nutrients and alter the gut microbiota, resulting in eubiosis or dysbiosis,” says the study I reference below. In other words, every bite and sip you take impacts your gut health. What you eat at your next meal will drive you further into a state of eubiosis (a healthier gut microbiome) or dysbiosis (you’ll have more unfriendly bacteria crashing the party in your gut). 

“Chronic consumption of a diet that is high in saturated or trans fats, meat proteins, sugars, and salt and low in fiber induces dysbiosis.”

Annual Review of Food Science and Technology

—-> Want the easiest way to get more green leafy veggies in your life? Drink them fresh and unpasteurized, which is great for your gut microbiome! Get on the Chef V Organic Green Drink Plan.

man with postits over body


Got stress? Of course you do. Everybody does. Chronic stress can lead to junk food binging, which obviously disrupts your gut health. But never mind the consequences of negative behavior from dealing with stress like eating unhealthy or giving in to addictive behaviors. The inflammation caused by mental stress is itself a gut disruptor. In a study of frontline health workers during the pandemic, the researchers concluded:

“Stressful events … disrupted the gut microbiome; gut dysbiosis persisted for at least half a year.” 

Journal of Affective Disorders

I’ll also add insomnia here because chronic stress severely impacts sleep quality. 

“Accumulating evidence suggests that gut microbiota dysbiosis is associated with sleep-deprivation-induced human diseases.”

International Journal of Molecular Sciences

So learn to manage your stress by meditating, doing yoga, gardening, journaling, breathing, or taking a big whiff of Rescue Remedy

people running

Lack of Exercise—And Too Much Exercise

Studies show that exercise has a beneficial impact on your gut microbiome, which is the trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi in your GI tract. That’s why it’s important to move your body every day. (One reason why I love pickleball and yoga.)

But you don’t have to do crazy CrossFit workouts to support gut eubiosis. In fact, working out too hard can lead to gut dysbiosis. 

“Exercise is associated with increased biodiversity and a beneficial metabolic function, while exhaustive exercise training might be associated with dysbiosis of the gut microbiota, promoting negative metabolic effects and inflammation.”

World Journal of Gastroenterology

12 Uncommon Gut Disruptors Chef V Avoids (And Baby Kaden, Too)

So now that we’ve covered these obvious gut disruptors let’s now take a look at some that you may least expect. I’ve avoided these for most of my adult life and plan to keep baby Kaden away from them. Hey, call me a helicopter parent, I don’t care. When it comes to my baby’s health, I’ll go all grizzly mama. After all, as the study I reference above about antibiotics says, “Early childhood exposure to antibiotics can lead to several gastrointestinal, immunologic, and neurocognitive conditions.” 

And I bet the same goes for early exposure to junk food. 

OK, so here we go. Ready to have your mind blown by these gut disruptors? 

chewing gum

Chewing Gum

You’re not only what you eat, you’re what you chew. Pretty much the only time I’ll chew gum is when I’m on an airplane to prevent my ears from popping. Other than that, here’s why I avoid it:

For starters, sugarless gum is made with artificial sweeteners. Research (like this study) shows that artificial sweeteners such as xylitol, sorbitol, and sucralose are major gut disruptors. 

In addition, chewing gum not only disrupts your gut microbiome, it negatively impacts your oral microbiome. Your mouth, of course, is also a breeding ground for bacteria, both good and bad. Chewing gum is an oral disruptor. It prevents the growth of bacteria in your saliva. 

That may seem like a good thing if you have bad breath. But you need enough good bacteria to prevent infections of the mouth—and dank breath. Also, your oral microbiome (and the “feminine microbiome”) directly impacts the health of your gut microbiome. (And vice versa.)

Now let’s move on to the next uncommon gut disruptor…


Just like chewing gum, gargling with conventional mouthwash brands can be a huge oral health disruptor. 

One common ingredient in major brands of mouthwash is chlorhexidine or CHX. CHX, says this study in Scientific Reports is “associated with a major shift in the salivary microbiome, leading to more acidic conditions and lower nitrite availability in healthy individuals.”

Now here’s why “nitrate availability” is important. Your mouth has bacteria that convert nitrate into beneficial compounds like nitric oxide (NO), which helps to open up your blood vessels, allowing for better circulation. 

So what do I do after I eat healthy garlic bread (with cassava flour) and my breath is kicking? I use organic or natural mouthwash. It may cost a few bucks extra. But the health of my oral and gut microbiomes is worth it. 

teflon pan

Next up seems like a random list:

Non-Stick Cookware
Microwave Popcorn Bags
Fast-food and Take-Out Wrappers
Stain-Resistant Carpet and Fabrics
Waterproofing Sprays

Why am I lumping these uncommon gut disruptors together? 

They all contain “per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances” or PFAS for short. PFAS substances are known as “forever chemicals” because, if not literally forever, they take a really long time to decompose. Like hundreds or thousands of years. Not only are PFAS chemicals terrible for the environment, they are deadly for your gut microbiome and health. 

PFAS chemicals are added to products to make them fireproof, and resistant to grease. However, studies show that PFAS chemicals are major gut disruptors. I found one study from 2023 that especially hits home for me. It researches the effects of PFAS on a group of moms and their babies. PFAS compounds were shown to increase a specific type of unfriendly bacteria in the mommy’s stool and to a lesser extent (thank goodness), the babies’ poop. 

man with chemical testing

Preservatives & Additives

I’m gonna revisit junk food. Besides the loads of sugar and salt, another reason highly processed food is horrible for the gut microbiome is that it contains preservatives and additives. One example of an additive is polysorbate 80. It’s an emulsifier. Emulsifiers mix ingredients together that don’t normally blend well. Like oil and water for instance.

Studies suggest polysorbate 80 causes low-grade inflammation in the colon (large intestine). It’s in the colon where the majority of your gut bacteria colonize. They live here rent-free in exchange for helping you digest your food and produce byproducts that contribute to health like short-chain fatty acids. 

If you buy organic food, you don’t have to worry about ingredients like polysorbate 80. No need to panic if it’s not organic. But you should really start reading nutrition labels. 

So what are some examples of foods that include gut disruptors like polysorbate 80?

  • Salad dressings 
  • Processed cheese 
  • Ice cream
  • Sauces
  • Baked goods
  • Non-dairy milk
  • Candy

Want to learn to make your own healthy version of these foods? Then check out my recipe archives!

Over-The-Counter Pain Relievers

Got a minor headache? Does your tummy feel a bit off? Is your boo-boo throbbing? When those things happen to me, I try to toughen it out instead of taking OTC pain-relief medicines. That’s because non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can destroy your gut lining when taken in excess. And when your gut lining erodes, harmful bacteria can move into your colon, acting like gut party crashers. 

So take it easy on the ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), aspirin (Bayer) and naproxen (Aleve). Instead, use herbs, homeopathic remedies or essential oils to manage pain and swelling. Don’t worry, baby Kaden, I’ve got Rescue Remedy with me at all times. 

clean water

Tap Water

If your home doesn’t have a whole house water filtration system, consider installing filters on your shower head and kitchen tap. That’s because chlorine is added to tap water as a disinfectant. You wouldn’t drink water from a swimming pool. So why drink water from the tap or let your skin be exposed to chlorine in the shower? 

“Given the importance of the microbiome in health, persistent exposure to low levels of chlorine may be a hitherto unrecognized risk factor for gut dysbiosis, which has now been linked to virtually every chronic non-communicable disease of the modern era.”

Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

cleaning products in arms

Household Cleaners and Personal Care Products

If you’re still using mainstream brands of hair care products, skincare products, laundry detergent, dryer sheets and household cleaners, I beg you to stop. And so does your gut microbiome. 

Personal care and laundry products are severely unregulated and contain synthetic chemicals that can cause cancer and disrupt hormonal balance. 

Take, for example, formaldehyde in hair relaxers, which are used primarily by African-American women. Formaldehyde was classified as a carcinogen in 2004 but because of a lack of regulations for cosmetic products, it’s one of the main chemicals in hair straighteners. 

Thankfully, the FDA is considering banning dangerous gut-disrupting, cancer-causing chemicals like formaldehyde. And not a moment too soon after thousands of women, most of them African-American, have developed or are in danger of developing ovarian cancer and other reproductive cancers. 

I’m not in the habit of calling out brands that use harmful chemicals. But stroll through any supermarket aisle and pretty much every single brand of shampoo, conditioner, hair straightener, cosmetics and laundry contains deadly gut disruptors!

And that’s not an exaggeration. 

Bisphenols, phthalates, volatile organic compounds (fragrance), and not to mention heavy metals and pesticides literally kill your friendly bacteria.

Again, it may cost more to buy an organic or natural brand. But your gut health—which is your overall health—is worth it. Slash unnecessary spending so you can afford healthy brands. Research the toxicity levels of the cosmetics you use on the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep database.

Veronica with pickleball

The Benefits of Avoiding Gut Disruptors 

It’s pretty easy to avoid most of these gut disruptors by:

  • Eating real food at least 90% of the time. (Organic, non-GMO preferably.)
  • Drinking and using purified water. (That includes cooking.)
  • Using organic or natural oral health, household and beauty products. 
  • Managing your stress.
  • Doing a periodic CLEANSE to reboot your digestive system.
  • Try Pickleball! (I love pickleball.) Or other regular exercise.

When you avoid gut disruptors and do other things to support your gut microbiome like having a GREEN DRINK every morning, good things happen. Here are the health benefits I’ve been enjoying for years. 

  • Strong immune function (Knock on wood.)
  • Iron stomach digestion (Even when I’m on vacation in another country. Again, knock on wood haha.)
  • Balanced mood (Hubby, Brandon, may disagree with me on that one!)
  • Weight management and metabolism (Great gut health is way more than having a flat tummy, although that doesn’t hurt.)
  • Looking Great and Feeling Great (‘nuff said.)

These benefits, I hope, will be passed on to baby Kaden. I’m breastfeeding him and gave birth to him vaginally. So he’s got a great gut microbiome head start. Let’s hope he doesn’t turn into a rebellious teenager and use these gut disruptors…

To great gut health.


Veronica Wheat
ChefV.com Founder

Coconut Whipped Cream

Use this vegan, gluten-free whipped cream on anything you want to make taste decadently delicious.

coconut whipped cream


  • 1 can full fat coconut milk (refrigerate overnight)
  • 2 tbsp. raw coconut sugar
  • 1 tsp. real organic vanilla extract


Remove the can of coconut milk from refrigerator very carefully. Make sure not to shake the can at all.

Open slowly and scrape out the top layer of coconut that is creamy (don’t worry if you get a little of the water just try to get only cream).

Place in a mixing bowl with coconut sugar and vanilla extract.

Beat the cream on high for 2 minutes or until it becomes a cream substance. Top on pumpkin pie or anything else your heart desires this holiday!

Do You Have a Parasite in Your Gut? How to Kill it

gut parasites

How To Kill Parasites In Your Gut The Natural Way

Got a freeloader living in your gut? If you have been diagnosed with parasites, is it possible to kill them off with natural ingredients? Keep reading to find out…

It’s got to be one of the most embarrassing and self-deflating situations: You’re shopping in the supermarket when all of a sudden a stranger asks, “How far along are you?” 

The problem is that you’re not pregnant. But your belly looks like you could be two or three months along in the prenatal journey. 

For some of the 60 million people(!) in the U.S. that, according to the CDC, are living with toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection, a chronically-bloated belly isn’t the only concern. 

gut parasite

Top Signs You May Have a Parasite

Parasites can also cause brain fog, skin problems, constant fatigue, muscle pain, an itchy anus, frequent hunger and a long laundry list of digestive issues. 

Another nearly 4 million people, says the CDC, have a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by another parasitic infection called trichomoniasis, or trich for short. And here’s another scary stat from the CDC: More than 14 percent of people in the U.S. are exposed to the roundworm parasite that lives in the intestines of dogs that causes toxocariasis.

Sorry, Coconut (my 4-year old four-legged furry pet child): I just don’t know if I can look at you the same way for the next couple days after learning that. But thank God for heartworm pills!

gut health - Coconut and roundworm

Parasites: Not Just A Problem in Poorer Countries

I admit that I thought parasites were mostly something people picked up by visiting a developing nation in the tropics, where hot, damp and humid conditions are rife for all kinds of creepy microorganisms. 

But clearly, there are many among us right here in the good ol’ USA who are walking buffets for parasites. Now, I’m not intentionally trying to scare you; lord knows we have enough things right now to worry about. The good news is that if you have a healthy immune system, your body will be able to prevent parasites from taking up residence in your intestines and stealing your vital nutrients. 

However, thousands of people each year succumb to parasites, mainly by eating or drinking contaminated food and beverages. 

And if that’s you, natural ingredients may help…

natural remedies dried herbs

Treat Parasites Without Medication?

Unfortunately, many symptoms of parasitic infection mirror those of digestive disorders. The only way to know for sure if you have a parasite is by getting your stool tested. Another bummer when it comes to parasitic infections is that stool samples don’t always detect parasites, even when there is one. Far and away, the best stool sample analysis for detecting parasites, says the CDC is the ‘Wheatley method trichrome staining technique.’

If you have a parasitic infection confirmed, your doctor will likely recommend taking a prescription medication for the specific parasite.

Taking medication probably is the quickest way to eradicate the infection. But they don’t always work. Parasites are notoriously difficult to completely wipe out. And if your immune system is compromised and your gut microbiome doesn’t have enough friendly bacteria, there’s a good chance the parasite could re-emerge bigger and badder than before.

Some people would rather go about treating parasites (and candida, which is an overgrowth of a yeast fungus; technically it’s not a parasite) with natural remedies. If that’s you, the best ingredients that are backed by at least some decent research include:

  • Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE)
  • Aged garlic extract
  • Oregano oil
  • Black walnut
  • Clove oil

gut parasites remedies- grapefruit and garlic oils

There’s one more natural antiparasitic ingredient I’d like to mention. And that’s Pau D’Arco, which is the Portugese name for ‘lapacho,’ the bark from a tree found in South America, including the Amazonian rainforest. Pau D’Arco is actually a natural anti-bacterial.

If you have a parasite, your doctor may want you to also take an antibiotic just in case you also have a bacterial infection. But antibiotic medications wipe out all the good bugs in your gut. This weakens your immune system, making conditions more likely for the parasite to grow.

Pau D' Arco tree

Eat This, Not That … For Parasites

So what are the best foods to eat for killing parasites? Well, let’s start with the worst thing to consume if you have a parasitic infection: sugar. And I’m not just talking about the added grams that come from soda, snacks and the like. You also should avoid starchy foods that easily convert into sugar like white rice, white flour, wheat flour and high starch carbs like mashed potatoes.

According to Mount Sinai of New York, raw garlic, pumpkin seeds, pomegranates, beets, carrots and a mixture of honey and papaya seeds may be beneficial for killing parasites. And don’t forget to use herbal remedies such as wormwood, barberry, goldenseal, oregon grape, anise and garlic. Mount Sinai adds that homeopathic remedies may also help.

Make sure you also support your liver’s detoxification pathways. One great way to do that is with Chef V’s Cleanse or 21 Day Detox.


Well, I hope a parasite isn’t to blame for what’s bugging you. But if a lab test reveals that you indeed have one, don’t despair. You can kill it and come out the other side stronger than ever.

No B.S. If You have IBS: Try A Chef V Cleanse To Repair Your Gut

leaky gut

Having Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) means experiencing frequent bloating, cramping, diarrhea or constipation and other digestive disturbances. Thankfully, Chef V has one effective recommendation for improving your IBS, courtesy of a Facebook post testimonial. 

Unless you have IBS, it’s hard to empathize with someone who has it. It’s such a challenging condition not to mention a frustrating one. 

On one hand, it’s one of the most commonly-diagnosed gastrointestinal disorders, affecting up to 50 million people in the U.S. alone. At the very least, roughly 15% of adults in the U.S. have IBS, but only 5% of people have been officially diagnosed. 

Despite how pervasive IBS is, there is no single cure, root cause, or effective treatment. 

If you don’t have IBS, consider yourself lucky and imagine how harrowing it must be to be totally in the dark when IBS symptoms strike! What if you’re out in public and can’t get to a bathroom in time? 

IBS can severely impact your quality of life.

So let’s get to know this baffling condition…

irritable bowel

What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

As mentioned, IBS is one of the most common albeit underdiagnosed gastrointestinal disorders. Unlike Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD), which is caused by a functional and structural problem of the bowels, with IBS there’s nothing going on under the hood, so to speak, that explains the symptoms. 

If there’s no noticeable abnormality in the gut, then what explains the frequent or chronic bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, gas and belching?

What Causes IBS?

Here’s a list of things that may cause IBS symptoms:

  • Gut dysbiosis (This means not having enough friendly bacteria in the large intestine and too many unfriendly bacteria.)
  • Poor gut-brain communication (The gut and brain should always be communicating effectively, just like in a healthy relationship.)
  • Poor motility (This means having abnormal muscle contractions in the bowels.)
  • Stress (Research studies like this one suggest a strong link between psychological stress and IBS. Stress is definitely a trigger.)
  • Food intolerances (Dairy and gluten are major triggers of IBS symptoms.)
  • Unresolved gut infections. (Did you travel to a developing country in the tropics? Maybe you picked up a parasite?)

Out of the 6 factors above, I think stress is the most prevalent because it can cause or exacerbate the other triggers. 

For example, stress negatively impacts gut-brain communication (the Gut-Brain Axis); causes gut dysbiosis; can lead to poor motility and leaky gut; and can worsen inflammation-associated food sensitivity.

leaky gut

How To Manage IBS

In light of the fact that psychological stress is one of the biggest triggers of IBS symptoms, it helps to have a daily stress-management practice. 

  • Yoga.
  • Meditation. 
  • Visualization exercises. 
  • Journaling. 
  • Immersing yourself in nature. 

Do at least one of these practices every single day. 

For IBS sufferers, the condition is frustrating and challenging because there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treatment like there is for let’s say high cholesterol. (Not that I’m endorsing statin drugs for everybody!)

For a dietary intervention, a low FODMAP diet may help. I won’t go too deep here but FODMAPS are basically different types of sugars that are difficult for people with IBS to digest. 

I previously touched on FODMAPS here.

Basically, you’ll want to avoid foods that give most people gas. That means no:

  • Broccoli and other cruciferous veggies (especially raw!)
  • Beans and lentils
  • Asparagus
  • Apples
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Dairy
  • Cereal, bread, wheat products and other high-gluten foods

Drink Low FODMAP Leafy Greens 

A lot of veggies, even though they are considered healthy, can trigger IBS symptoms. Cauliflower and cabbage: I’m talking about you!

What’s even more frustrating is that there are at least 3 subtypes of IBS: IBS-C, IBS-D, IBS-M. IBS-C is constipation-dominant; D is diarrhea-dominant and M is mixed. 

What may trigger IBS symptoms in a person with IBS-D may not trigger symptoms in a person who is IBS-C dominant. 

So wanna know the best way to get your daily dose of antioxidants—without freaking out your digestive system?

Try drinking them. 

With Chef V Organic Green Drink, you’re getting the cleanest (no pesticides) low FODMAP leafy green veggies. 

In a way, they’re pre-digested for you through the processing method of cold-blending. 

As mentioned, IBS is caused in part by gut dysbiosis, meaning there’s not enough friendly bacteria in the gut. 

The Chef V Green Drink advantage over conventional juice brands is that it’s never high-heat pasteurized. 

That means that all the friendly bacteria is alive in the Green Drink. 

And when you drink Green Drink every morning, you will supply your gut with the friendly bacteria it needs to manage IBS symptoms.

Manage IBS Symptoms With A Chef V 5 DAY Cleanse

If you want to take your IBS management to the next level, check out Tina’s recommendation below. 

Tina has IBS and says that doing a 5 Day Cleanse (Chef V offers a 21 Day Detox which includes a cleanse period) has helped her get rid of gas and bloating. 

With the 5 Day Cleanse you get everything you need to reduce IBS symptoms—without feeling deprived:

  • 4 Green Drinks per day
  • 2 vegan, low FODMAP protein shakes per day
  • 1 DETOX SOUP for dinner per day
  • Health resources to keep the results going and unlimited email support.

Learn more about CHEF V CLEANSE options here

To your success in kicking IBS’ butt!


Veronica “V” Kress

Founder, ChefV.com

Healthy Alternatives to Toxic Household Chemicals

There are four main pillars of wellness:

1) eating healthy,

2) exercising regularly,

3) managing stress and

4) minimizing exposure to toxic chemicals.

With the average person exposed to more than 100 toxic chemicals at home every day, certified nutritional therapist and ChefV.com founder Veronica Wheat focuses here on the fourth pillar.

“V” will show you how to reduce your toxic load by switching to natural alternatives for haircare and skincare products, household cleaners, and more. 

I've always been careful about what I bring into my home, and now that baby Kaden is here, I'm re-evaluating everything.

How might toxic chemicals effect my family? Does this sound like you? You’re getting healthier by starting each morning with Organic Green Drink. You’re physically active, maybe doing a mini yoga routine a couple of times a day, and you meditate for 5-10 minutes before bed and in the morning. But you still don’t feel your best. You still have brain fog and you can’t get your ish together without coffee

Could it be that the synthetic chemicals in the products you use to clean your home, wash your hair, use on your skin, and brush your teeth are the culprit?

woman cleaning window frame

The Dangers of Toxic Chemicals Found in Most American Homes

Chemicals could very well be to blame. You see, more than 100 types of common consumer products contain at least one, and often multiple, chemicals linked to cancer or reproductive and developmental problems, says research published May 2023 in the journal Environmental Science & Technology

Everyday items including soap, lotion, perfume, nail polish, laundry detergent and dishwashing liquid, and especially all-purpose cleaners are rife with this toxic brew of harsh chemicals. 

If you’re thinking, “How can these products be sold if they have such dangerous chemicals?” that’s a great question. Unfortunately, most of these chemicals are 

“mostly untested [for safety] and largely unregulated, with even known carcinogenic and endocrine (hormone) disrupting chemicals still found in some formulations,” explains Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health

And if you’re wondering why rates of certain chronic diseases seem to be soaring, studies show that exposure to synthetic chemicals has been linked to, among other diseases: 

  • Breast cancer
  • Autism
  • Asthma
  • Infertility and reproductive cancers

Why Your Cosmetics Aren’t Tested For Safety

Over 84,000 synthetic chemicals are used in the marketplace. But only 1% of them have been tested for safety, says Brigham Young University. Why is that? It’s because of a law that was written nearly 100 years ago. In 1938, Congress passed the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. This legislation brought cosmetics, under the authority of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

So you’d think that cosmetics and other household products would be safe with the backing of federal law and an agency overseeing it. But the thing is that the FDA hasn’t done nearly enough to ensure the health of “We the People.”  While it is against the law for a company to sell harmful products, the ingredients in cosmetics do not have to be approved before they reach the marketplace or undergo an FDA safety review, explains PBS News Hour.

This law really has not changed since 1938. In 2022, the law was finally “modernized”. But there are more loopholes in it than there are holes in a donut factory. And with the average people using 6 to 12 cosmetic products daily—makeup, nail polish, shaving cream, face and body cleansers, moisturizers, etc.—that’s why you need to take your health into your own hands. And I’ll show you how to do that right now.

Synthetic Chemicals To Avoid

But first, I want you to go through your home and check to see if any of the products you frequently use contain these chemical compounds that have been linked to health problems. Also, do the same when you’re shopping. Start reading ingredient labels! Here is the list of chemicals you should avoid:

  • Phthalates
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) 
  • Parabens
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)
  • Formaldehyde: Formaldehyde-releasing preservatives, like DMDM hydantoin and quaternium-15
  • Triclosan
  • Fragrance
  • PEG compounds (Polyethylene Glycols) and related chemicals (examples: Ethylene Glycol and Propylene Glycol 1,4-Dioxane)
  • Toluene

I realize that it’s difficult to memorize this list. So there are two things you can do. First, print out this list or take a picture. Second, use an awesome website I’ll tell you about shortly. 

Air Fresheners: Plug-ins And Sprays Release Toxic Chemicals Into The Air

Problem chemicals in them: Too many to name

Does your home (or a home you’re visiting) have an overwhelming artificial scent that causes your eyes to water or your throat to close up? Blame it on the harsh chemicals in plug-in air fresheners and aerosol sprays. A study from the University of Washington shows that plug-in air fresheners contain more than 20 compounds associated with health problems. What’s more shocking is that seven of these chemicals are regulated as toxic or hazardous under federal laws. 

A while ago, I wrote about how toxic commercial name-brand laundry detergents are. Like detergents and dryer sheets, air fresheners do not have to list the chemical compounds on their product. Air fresheners contain volatile chemicals that you should avoid just to be safe. (Why take the chance on your health?)

Alternative: Let in fresh air into your home. Use an essential oil diffuser. Sage your home or use all-natural Palo Santo spray.

woman and skin images

The Dirty Dozen Chemicals in Skin Care Products

“No category of consumer products is subject to less government oversight than cosmetics and other personal care products.”
—Environmental Working Group (EWG)

The EWG’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database currently contains over 97,000 products from over 3,400 brands. I highly encourage you to check out the skincare products you use to how the product or ingredient scores on the hazard range (1-10, with 10 being worst). 

EWG reports that “Since 2009, 595 cosmetics manufacturers have reported using 88 chemicals that have been linked to cancer, birth defects or reproductive harm in more than 73,000 products.”

On its website, the EWG includes a list of the most toxic ingredients in cosmetics. These include:

  • Formaldehyde
  • Phthalate (Dibutyl-, Diethylhexyl-)
  • Mercury
  • Paraben (Isobutyl-, Isopropyl-, Butyl-, Propyl-)
  • Lead

Many chemicals in skin care products are derived from petroleum. You probably know that the gas that goes in your car is made with petroleum, too. But would you try to minimize and smooth your fine lines and wrinkles by rubbing your face with gasoline? 

Of course not. But petroleum is prevalent in the everyday skin care products you’ve been using perhaps for decades. 

These toxic chemicals, even at low doses, are scientifically proven to disrupt hormone levels. Chemicals like phthalates and phosphates are “xenoestrogens.” Xenoestrogens are synthetic hormones that disrupt the body’s natural hormone-control mechanism: the endocrine system. Xenoestrogens alter your hormone levels by mimicking natural estrogen. 

Consequently, this can give rise to a condition known as estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance can result in certain hormonal-related cancers such as breast and ovarian. 

Safe Alternative: Replace your toxic cosmetics with one of the over 2,000 products listed as EWG-verified on the Skin Deep database. 

Toxic Talc

Problem chemical: asbestos

Another product I want you to avoid even if you don’t use it often is talcum powder. Talc is a mineral that is located in close proximity in the earth to asbestos, a carcinogenic mineral. When you squeeze a bottle of talc powder, tiny asbestos crystals can be inhaled and lodge in your lungs. Some people have developed mesothelioma, a cancer of the lining of the lungs, allegedly because of talc powder. Using talc powder to keep things fresh below the belt may also cause ovarian cancer because the asbestos particles can migrate in the vaginal tract. In fact, nearly 40,000 people have filed talc cancer lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson (J&J). In 2018, 22 women with ovarian cancer, some of whom have passed away because of their cancer since then, were awarded over $4 billion by a jury because of their exposure to J&J’s talc powder. 

Safe Alternative: J&J stopped selling products with talc powder because of the lawsuits and negative publicity. But many people still have talc powder in their homes. J&J replaced talc with cornstarch, which is a safer alternative. 

Household Cleaners Make Things Spic ‘N’ Span, But At What Cost?

Problem chemicals: VOCs, ammonia and several others

According to the American Lung Association, all-purpose household cleaners can irritate the eyes or throat and cause headaches, among other problems. Many mainstream cleaning products release volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which vaporize at room temperature. When you purchase one of these products, they often contain “natural fragrances” such as citrus. But citrus fragrance is anything but natural. It’s actually a VOC that pollutes your indoor air! 

Cleaning toilets is no fun. But inhaling toxic chemicals from harsh cleaners might be worse than seeing a dirty commode. The same goes for window cleaners, which contain harsh ammonia, Isopropyl Alcohol, Ethylene Glycol or Methylene Chloride. 

Safe Alternative: Expose your rooms to fresh air and sunlight, use essential oils with vinegar and water with baking soda for a truly “natural” clean home. For windows, mix equal parts water and white vinegar or combine water with a small amount of castile soap. For added scent or cleaning power, add a few drops of essential oils. 

woman with essential oils

Bug Spray: How To Avoid “Skeeters” Without Chemicals

Problem chemical: DEET (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide)

If I were on a multi-day backpacking trip deep in the Borneo jungle, I admit that I would consider using DEET because it’s an effective insect repellent. But DEET can also be toxic. That’s why for repelling mosquitoes, I use one of these:

Safer alternatives: Lemongrass, Neem Oil, and other essential oils. Lemon eucalyptus oil contains a natural repellent called p-menthane-3,8-diol (PMD), which has been found to be effective against mosquitoes. Studies show PMD reduced biting by 90–95% for up to 6-8 hours, which is similar to how well DEET works. 

Laundry Detergents and Dishwashing Liquid

Problem chemicals: VOCs (surfactants) and more

If you want to know how crazy bad most laundry detergents and dryer sheets are, read this.

Dishwashing cleaners have a type of VOC called a surfactant, which makes the liquid foamy. The problem with surfactants is that they have “contaminated all surface water bodies such as lakes, rivers and the sea,” says a study in the Journal of Applied Microbiology

Safe Alternative: Instead of using toxic laundry detergent or dishwashing liquid, use natural brands like Seventh Generation or soft non-toxic pods that are free of plastic. 

Dirty Antibacterial Soap

Problem chemical: Triclosan (also found in mouthwash, facial cleansers, and many other products)

Triclosan was banned in 2016. But only in antibacterial soaps. It might still be lurking in other products in your home. In fact, research says 75% of the US population is likely exposed to this readily-absorbable toxic chemical. Despite the FDA banning it from hand soap, the agency rule doesn’t apply to hand sanitizers, antibacterial wipes or antibacterial products used in health care settings. 

Safer alternative: Don’t ruin your gut microbiome by using antibacterial cleaners. Use Castille soap or organic hand sanitizers. (Learn how to make your own with essential oils.)

Sweating the Chemicals in Antiperspirants/Deodorants

Problem chemical: aluminum 

According to researcher Lucija Tomljenovic, a Ph.D in biochemistry and senior research fellow at the University of British Columbia School of Medicine in Vancouver, BC, aluminum is the most abundant neurotoxic metal on earth. To paraphrase her article in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, Tomljenovic basically states that other research showing that aluminum cannot enter the brain in sufficient amounts to cause damage and be efficiently excreted from the body is basically a big load of B.S. 

“The hypothesis that aluminum significantly contributes to Alzheimer’s Disease is built upon very solid experimental evidence and should not be dismissed,” Tomljenovic says, verbatim. 

Safer alternative: Aluminum-free deodorant/antiperspirants 

Nice Nails and Hair Without The Toxicity

Problem chemical: Toluene

Toulene, not to be confused with Tulane, the university in New Orleans, is found in nail polish and hair dyes. Exposure has been associated with neurological and developmental issues. Especially concerning is that pregnant women have been affected by these health problems. 

As for hairspray, they contain those VOCs I mentioned earlier (especially butane, propane, and isobutane as well as compounds like PVP and PVA. Not only are PVP and PVA bad for the environment, they can also damage your hair follicles. 

Safe alternatives: Do your research and purchase non-toxic shampoos and conditioners. Make your own natural hair spray with water, aloe vera gel, and essential oils. You can add natural holding agents like gum arabic or other plant-based resins. Choose non-toxic nail polish brands. (Check with EWG’s Skin Deep database.)

You Don’t Have To Stink Without Toxic Perfume

Problem chemicals: Fragrance

Have you ever walked by someone wearing a bit too much perfume or cologne? Don’t those people realize they’re laying it on a bit too thick? Well, if they aren’t conscious about what they’re putting on their body in the first place, maybe they don’t realize they’re using too much of it. 

Body odor might not be the scent that’s taking the cosmetics industry by storm. But I’d rather have strong B.O. than expose my body to the dozens of chemicals in perfume. In fact, according to the awesome researchers at EWG, over 3,000 ingredients hide behind the word ‘fragrance.’ 25 of those chemicals ranked 10—the highest hazard score on EWG’s Skin Deep database. 

Safer alternative: Don’t use perfume. Read labels. Avoid any product with fragrance. Use EWG’s Cosmetics Database. Make your own perfume with essential oils and carrier oils like coconut or jojoba. 

Hey, if you have any DIY tips for making your own cosmetics or household cleaners, share them on the Chef V Life Facebook page

To a happy, healthy, non-toxic life!


Veronica Wheat
ChefV.com Founder

Is Your Laundry Detergent Ruining Your Health?

“I love when my clothes smell neutral and still have stains on them after I do the laundry.”

—Said nobody, ever. 

We all love that aromatic, fresh-scent experience when our clothes come out of the dryer. But when it comes to doing your laundry, there are a shocking number of highly-toxic substances in standard detergents.

And it’s not just the clothes we wear that are exposing us to these harsh chemicals. It’s the sheets we sleep in, clinging to our body for several hours a night. And it’s the towels that we press deeply into our skin when drying off.

But if you want to reduce your toxic load (no pun intended), there’s a problem with going natural with laundry detergent…

Many brands of eco-friendly laundry cleaners just don’t work very well. They don’t remove stains effectively and they don’t really smell that good. Thankfully, there are some toxic-free laundry detergent brands that actually can get Green Drink and red wine stains out and have a pleasing scent. I’ll share with you one brand that has caught my eye, but first…

What’s In Your Laundry Detergent?

In 2021, Americans spent almost $6 billion on laundry detergent. Although sales of eco-friendly detergents are increasing, they still amount to a drop in the laundry basket. Mainstream brands like Tide still dominate. But if you’ve never given thought to what’s in your laundry detergent, it’s my hope that reading this will make you more aware of the chemicals you’re exposing yourself to.

It’s shocking how the government allows toxic chemicals in everyday household goods like laundry detergent. Consider this study in Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health. It concludes that scented laundry detergent and dryer sheets “contain carcinogens that waft through vents, potentially raising cancer risk.”

The researchers tested several brands of laundry detergent and dryer sheets. What they found was that there are more than 25 toxic chemicals released into the air by scented laundry detergent and dryer sheets. A couple of these chemicals are acetaldehyde and benzene, both of which are associated with higher cancer risks.

So it’s not just the risk of using conventional laundry detergent on your skin that poses a risk. It’s the breathing in of the chemicals, too. If you have kids, hopefully reading this will make you realize how important it is to limit synthetic chemical exposure in your home.

There was another study I came across published in Environmental Health Perspectives. It said that out of six best-selling laundry products, five of them polluted the air with at least one cancer-causing chemical.

folded clothing

No Safety Oversight In Laundry Detergent

Check out the irony here. When it comes to protecting our interests and welfare as consumers, the agency tasked with that job is the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Yet the Commission doesn’t require companies like Procter & Gamble (maker of Tide) to list all their ingredients that may cause cancer.

Sure, you might see an ingredient labeled as “fragrance.” But what the label doesn’t tell you is exactly what’s in that fragrance. The label would be much longer because “fragrance” can mean a toxic cauldron of a dozen or more synthetic chemicals. What’s even more troubling about fragrance is that the vast majority of them have not been  properly tested for their effects on human health.

One “mystery” chemical in fragrance are phthalates. These are chemicals used to make fragrances last longer and to make plastic products more durable. Even mainstream WebMD says that daily contact with phthalates may lead to the early deaths of about 100,000 older Americans a year.

Commercial Detergent: Bad For The Lungs

Remember, when you do your laundry, the chemicals aren’t just making contact with your skin when you put your clothes on, dry off after showering and when you sleep. Your lungs are also being exposed.

In fact, according to a study in an allergy journal, even a full 24 hours after washing your clothes, the residue from your detergent can weaken the protective barrier in your lungs. This damage puts you at higher risk of developing asthma and allergic symptoms.

Laundry Sauce: Eco-Friendly Pods That Work

A friend of mine started a company called Laundry Sauce. Instead of liquid detergent, Laundry Sauce uses pods that are free of toxic chemicals. But does it work? Yes! Thanks to natural essential oils.

My friend and his collaborators say they were bored by the “mundane scents in the detergent aisle,” and that’s why Laundry Sauce was launched. For many people, the problem isn’t just that the scents of commercial detergents are mundane. It’s the fact that they are toxic.

Some people are so sensitive to these chemicals that they can’t even walk down the detergent aisle because the synthetic fragrance is overwhelming and triggers allergies.

Another reason I like Laundry Sauce is because they don’t use any artificial dyes. And instead of using harsh, abrasive stain removers, the company uses natural enzymes.

I don’t receive any financial compensation for endorsing this brand by the way. I just want to give them some props for making a safer laundry detergent. Give them a try.

Throw Out These Cancer Causing Products

pthalates in childrens toys

above, toys seized by US Customs for excessive levels of phthalates

No shocker here: diet plays a big part in avoiding symptoms that indicate that it’s time to detox

(I talked about these symptoms in my post about leaky gut.)

But there’s more to cleansing and detoxing the body than Organic Green Drinks, Detox Soups, and ultra clean vegan Protein Shakes

To give your liver a reset and help it more efficiently remove toxins and excess stored body fat, you need to make sure that the everyday household products you use don’t stress out your liver. 

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard from a new customer that reaches out to tell me they previously did a cleanse but their symptoms came back shortly after. 

In response, I ask them what brand of cosmetics they use, and hair care products, lotions, laundry detergent, household cleaners, toothpaste and perfume. I also ask them if they use plug-in air fresheners and spray deodorizers. 

For the many people I hear from who are new to the concept of natural health, most of the brands these people use are not all-natural. And these common everyday household cleaners, beauty- and personal care products are making people sick. 

sanitary pads and tampons

The Dangerous Chemical In Tampons, Panty Liners & Pads

Phlatates (the “ph” is silent) are synthetic chemicals. These class of chemicals contain volatile compounds that make feminine-hygiene products and dozens of plastic products flexible and resilient against wear and tear. But phthalates have been linked to breast cancer and metabolic diseases. 

In case polyester ever comes back in style (fingers crossed it doesn’t), don’t jump back on the bandwagon. That’s because polyester is one type of phthalate. Another common phthalate is polypropylene. 

Of course, you would never eat a panty liner but the problem with phthalates is that by simply handling them or breathing them in can disrupt your hormone balance. 

The average woman applies sanitary pads during her menstrual cycle 1800 days over her lifetime. If you’re not using an organic brand of sanitary pad, that’s a lot of exposure to these dangerous chemicals. The genitals, unfortunately, are an area of the body that absorbs phthalates to a higher degree. 

To minimize your exposure to phthalates, avoid plastic products with the #3 recycling icon. 

dangerous recycling symbol

The Cancer-Causing Mineral In Cosmetics

In May of last year, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) dropped a bombshell. The consumer and pharmaceutical giant announced it would no longer sell talc baby powder in North America. 

J&J said it was because of declining sales. But that’s only telling half the story. Sales were declining because of health concerns over talcum (also called talc). Talc is a mineral. Talc is completely safe. But because of its next door natural neighbor in the Earth, when it gets crushed into a powder, it becomes contaminated with a cancer-causing ingredient: asbestos. 

Talc and asbestos are located right next to each other in rock quarries. But asbestos particles can cross over into talc mining operations. And there’s no safe limit for asbestos. Once it is inhaled or enters the body, it can become highly carcinogenic. 

And that’s why there have been over 25,000 lawsuits, the overwhelming majority of them filed by minority women who developed ovarian cancer after years of applying talc to their bodies. 

But asbestos isn’t limited to baby powder. A recent study revealed that 15% of cosmetics that were tested contained asbestos, exposure to which kills some 90,000 people worldwide every year. 

talc powder

Beauty Is Skin Deep

I could go on and on about the dangers of everyday household and beauty products. And even if they don’t cause chronic diseases in one person, they can still cause the liver to get clogged. Hot flashes, night sweats and other symptoms of hormone imbalance can also be caused by synthetic chemicals. 

If there’s one and one thing only that you learn from me it’s this…

If you’re unsure of whether or not a product is safe to use, check out the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep database. It’s amazing. You simply enter the name of the brand or product and if it’s in the database, it will give you a score from 1-10; the lower the overall score, the safer the product it is. 

I’ve come to love the brands, Beauty Counter and Arbonne for safe, personal care and beauty products. There are many others. While they may cost more than their conventional counterparts, they may save you thousands in medical bills in the future. 


When it comes to cleansing your body, there’s more to it than eating clean. A holistic approach is necessary to unclog a sluggish liver. 

Chef V’s Favorite Supplements For Improving Gut Health

Did you know there’s a non-stop party in your gut? It’s true. In your microbiome—the home of your trillions of bacteria, both the friendly and unfriendly kind—your gut bacteria are constantly eating our leftovers. If only we could claim them as tax dependents! So how can you make sure you’re feeding the good guys in your gut and not the bad? Chef V has one simple solution and offers her 3 favorite gut-supporting supplements…

It sounds like something out of a science fiction movie and it’s kind of creepy if you think about it…

In your gut, there’s a constant war going on. It’s a 365/24/7 battle between your good gut bacteria and your harmful bacteria. Your good bacteria craves things like green leafy veggies to your diet—whether you eat or drink them. That’s how they grow and multiply and crowd out the unfriendly bacteria. 

When we eat and drink unhealthy food, it’s the potentially-harmful bacteria that thrives in the gut. But never ever blame yourself for indulging. You see, it’s not you, it’s your unfriendly microbes—they have a huge impact on what you decide to eat. 

Besides sipping on Organic Green Drinks every morning instead of eating a big, typical breakfast, I have a few other ways for you to support your gut microbiome. I’m not usually one to be a big promoter of supplements. But having a healthy gut microbiome is so important. Because after all, health starts in the gut! 

So here are my top 3 gut health supporting supplements.


Collagen Protein

Who hasn’t heard of collagen by now? But I’m not talking about collagen implants for your gut. Nope, your lips are beautiful enough. And I’m not talking about collagen cream for wrinkles. The collagen I’m talking about for gut health comes in powder form that you can add to smoothies or even your morning Green Drink. 

But there’s something all collagen products have in common. They are formulated to help your own body make more collagen. And what is collagen? It’s the most abundant type of human protein in the body. What makes you, you is tens of thousands of proteins. There are different types of collagen but just know that collagen is king when it comes to your body. 

And here’s what collagen does. It’s basically the glue that holds all of your skin, muscles, organs and tissues together. Gut lining included. 

The problem is that after age 40, your levels of collagen start declining. And the collagen you do have gets weaker. So by taking collagen powder, we can support our gut health by strengthening the protective barrier of the gut so nothing leaks out of it that’s not supposed to. 

leafy greens


If you have frequent bloating, constipation or other digestive issues, L-glutamine is another powder that can help support your gut. While collagen is a protein, glutamine is a building block of protein (an amino acid). 

So you already know that collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. Well, glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the protective barrier of your gut. Roughly one-third of your body’s glutamine goes to your gut. 

And if you have a lot of stress going on, that stress could gobble up a good amount of glutamine. In light of this, it might help to take an L-glutamine supplement. (L-glutamine is just glutamine in supplement form.)

Marshmallow Root

Another supplement that can be great for your gut microbiome is not the same kind of marshmallows you roast by a campfire. Back in the day, before modern food processing methods were invented, marshmallows were actually made with the root from the plant. 

Marshmallow root has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy for all kinds of things. And the cool thing is research studies support it for gut health. And here’s how it works. 

Marshmallow root soothes inflammation in the gut lining. Beyond that, it might help to build back up the sticky layer of mucus that surrounds the gut barrier. 

So if you want to improve your gut and, by extension, your overall health, try marshmallow—just not the candied kind. 

These are by no means all the supplements that may help support your gut microbiome. And you don’t have to take all three at once. I just love giving you a few options so you can achieve your health goals. 


Chef V

That’s So Cheesy! Nutritional Yeast

'NOOCH' – The Plant-Based Superfood That Makes It Easy To Give Up Cheese

“There’s no way I can give up cheese!”

If I had a dollar for everytime I heard that one, I could buy a couple pounds of pule. Pule is the most expensive cheese in the world, fetching up to $1,000 per pound. And get this, it doesn’t come from sheep, cows or goats, it comes from … wait for it … donkeys! 

But I digress. Point is, giving up cheese for many people is as difficult as going cold turkey for a 2-pack-a-day smoker. 

If you can’t picture a life worth living without cheese, I’ve got some good news. Thanks to a flaky, yellowish powder that looks just like sprinkled, crumbly parmesan on pasta, you can experience cheesiness without the dairy. That’s good news for people like me who feel bloated and weighed down after eating anything with dairy.

I’m of course talking about nutritional yeast, the darling of the vegan culinary scene. I’m not 100% vegan, but I have been using nutritional yeast for several years now. (I can’t believe I haven’t blogged about it until now.) 

In this post, I’ll discuss what nutritional yeast is and focus on its health benefits.

Why You Should Replace Regular Cheese With Nutritional Yeast

I don’t like being told what to do (ask my husband, Brandon) and I don’t like telling people what to do. So I’m not going to lecture about the evils of cheese and dairy and tell you that you should give up cheese. All I can say is that for many people, dairy tends to promote inflammation. 

But wait! What about the French? How do they get away with eating all that cheese and not suffer from the same chronic diseases endemic in American society? Ah, that’s what they call the French Paradox

While French eat plenty of cheese, they also eat a Mediterranean Diet and don’t snack all day like Americans. In traditional French society, people walk everyday and buy fresh, local, small-batch, artisanal foods. If you want to go ahead and eat some cheese here and there, fine. But if you’re not eating a Mediterranean Diet and living like the traditional French and other Mediterranean cultures do, then eating cheese is like pouring fuel on the inferno of metabolic disorders. 

If you eat plenty of fresh, local, organic produce and avoid processed foods, go ahead and enjoy a portion of pule. But if you’re like the average American who has trouble with controlling portion sizes and leading a mostly sedentary life, reduce your cheese intake. Start replacing regular cheese with “NOOCH.” 

What Is Nutritional Yeast?  

Nooch (not to be confused with booch) is the most common yeast in food fermentation. Afraid of getting a yeast infection? Don’t freak out. You won’t get one by eating nooch. Nonetheless, it is a yeast. But it’s not the same as brewer’s yeast that makes beer bubbly (and bad for your gut). It’s also not the same yeast that makes bread and baked goods rise. (Nooch doesn’t rise and it’s not doughy.) 

But the cheesy, nutty taste and mouthfeel will make your spirit soar because if you haven’t yet experienced it, you’ll be amazed by how much it tastes just like regular cheese. (I can’t say if it tastes specifically like donkey cheese because I’ve never tried pule.) 

I want to reiterate that nutritional yeast won’t contribute to an overabundance of harmful yeast in your gut. Sprinkling some nooch on farro, couscous, or other grain, or making a velvety faux-cheese sauce isn’t a recipe for having to do a Candida cleanse. To be sure, nutritional yeast is the same species as brewer’s yeast. But it’s a radically different product. Brewer’s and baker’s yeasts are active yeasts; nooch is an inactive yeast.

Not only is nooch cheesy, it also has an umami profile. If you’re not sure what umami is, it’s one of the five food tastes. There’s sweet, salty, bitter, sour and savory. Umami describes a rich, savory flavor. 

Health Benefits of Nutritional Yeast

I could regurgitate a bunch of nutrition facts like one tablespoon of nooch contains 17.6 micrograms of vitamin B-12. But you’ll probably forget these stats. What’s important to know is that nooch is one of the best sources of vitamin B-12 for vegans. B-12 is one of the hardest nutrients for the body to absorb. And if you don’t have good gut health, you’ll have a difficult time absorbing B-12, which is necessary for cellular energy. 

But the good news is that, at least according to an exhaustive study in the journal Nutrients, nutritional yeast seems to be good for the gut. I’ll get into that in a sec. 

Nooch also contains an impressive amount of protein, fiber, minerals and other B vitamins in just a small serving size. If you’re making, say, a big casserole, you’ll need more nutritional yeast, so you’ll get even more of the health benefits. 

The Nutrients study says nooch increases the absorption of minerals and helps detoxify mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are pathogens that grow on mushrooms. Nooch also helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood, and acts as an antioxidant. 

Nooch might be good for your gut because of its probiotic effects, says the study. It helps maintain the epithelial barrier integrity of the intestinal mucosa. What does that mean in plain English? It means like bone broth, it might be one of the best foods for preventing leaky gut.

Nutritional Yeast Probiotic

A while back, I wrote about traveling with kids. I revealed the best probiotic to take on your trip to prevent traveller’s diarrhea. It’s called saccharomyces boulardii. It’s actually not a bacteria like all other probiotics, rather it’s a yeast. S. boulardii is the only yeast that has been shown in research studies to benefit the good bacteria in your gut. 

Why am I mentioning this? Because research has shown that S. boulardii is virtually identical to Saccharomyces cerevisiae, aka nutritional yeast.

So while regular cheese can make the belly’s of lactose-sensitive people squirm, nooch seems to actually offer protection against inflammatory gut reactions. 

That’s the cherry on top for this cheesy topping that goes great on popcorn, sauces, soups, stews, and lots of other recipes

The Best Natural Probiotic (Hint: It’s Not Yogurt)

apple core

I recently talked about how important it is to have good gut health. Your gut plays such a huge role in your overall health. But in the article, what I didn’t really focus on was how to achieve a healthy gut. And we’re not talking about crunches so you can have chiseled, six-pack abs here. Rather, we’re talking about hosting a multitude of good bacteria and a diverse amount of different bacteria species inside your gastrointestinal tract (the microbiome). 

So what’s the easiest and best way to do that? In the article on gut health, I mentioned taking a probiotic. If you eat a low-fiber diet rich in processed (junk) food, then you should definitely be taking a high-quality probiotic. 

But there’s an even easier, and perhaps healthier way to achieve a healthier microbiome. It turns out that the best probiotic source is …. Wait for it … wait for it…..

Best natural source of probiotics

So, is the best way to get lots of friendly, diverse bacteria in your gut by eating lots of yogurt? How about kombucha? Or is the best source of probiotics some other fermented food like kimchi or sauerkraut or kvass? 

Turns out it’s none of these. 

An article in The Atlantic, which references a study in Frontiers of Microbiology, suggests that the single best natural source of probiotics is: an apple. 

The average apple, the study says, contains about 100 million bacteria. 

Now, after I read that fun fact, my first reaction, I’ll admit, was the following, “Big deal, my probiotic supplement contains 10 billion CFUs (colony forming units).” That’s right, my probiotic supplement, in just one tiny little capsule, contains almost 10,000% more bacteria than an apple. 

But here’s the thing. It turns out that eating the apple might be better for you than popping a pill. The reason why? For the same reason eating unprocessed whole foods (especially fruits and veggies) is better for you than vitamin supplements. 

Makes sense, right? After all, whole foods offer the whole puzzle of interlocking health pieces, from micronutrients, antioxidants, as well as fiber, which the good bacteria feed on. On the other hand, supplements, perhaps probiotic pills included, represent, only a few pieces of the total health puzzle. 

In other words, just like in many other aspects of life, it’s quality that usually matters, not quantity. The 100 million or so bacteria in the typical apple are comprised of a myriad of different types of bacteria. Compare that to the average probiotic supplement, which contains maybe a few different friendly microbe species.

Work On Your Core – Apple that is

Now, before you rush out to your local supermarket and stock up on apples, there is a catch. Approximately 90% of the bacteria in the apple is contained, not in the skin, or the juicy main part of the flesh, but in the core. 

If you’re like most people, you probably throw the core away. And when you do that, it’s like throwing away the world’s best probiotic pill down the toilet. 

So from now on, it’s all about the core. Eat the seeds, too. They actually contain a trace amount of the natural toxin, cyanide. But if you eat an apple or two a day, core included, it’ll still keep the doctor away. 

Do you struggle to get enough vegetables in your diet? If so, don’t feel bad. You’re in good company. Approximately 9 out of 10 people don’t eat enough veggies, especially green leafy ones, which most nutritionists (like myself) consider the healthiest kind. 

The good news is that if you’re not getting enough leafy greens in your diet or can’t stomach the thought of eating apple cores, I have an easy solution for you….

Organic Green Drinks (Core Included)

Chef V’s Organic Green Drink is the easiest way to get your full day supply–and then some–of dark, leafy greens veggies. Containing two kinds of kale; collard greens; green leaf lettuce; curly parsley; green chard, and dandelion greens, Organic Green Drink is raw and cold-blended. This means the fiber and micronutrients are preserved for optimal nutrition and, yes, gut health. Fresh produce, suggests The Atlantic article, might just be the best source of natural probiotics in general. (But that finding seems like a no-brainer in my opinion.)

And guess what else is in Chef V Organic Green Drink? That’s right … an apple! Core and all. 

For every 16 oz of Green Drink you consume, you’re gut benefits from hundreds of millions of good bacteria. And remember, it’s not just the quantity of good bacteria that matters, it’s the diversity. 

As Dr. James Hamblin, author of The Atlantic article on probiotics puts it, “Food is the main way that our gut biomes are populated throughout our lives, and microbe-rich foods [especially the 7 certified organic greens in my Green Drink] seem to be important to maintaining diversity.”

Best Source of Natural Good Bacteria: Conclusion

Remember, when it comes to eating apples, don’t think if you throw away the core that you’re still getting a decent amount of probiotics. In fact, it’s only by eating the core that you’ll get the same strains of bacteria that are sold in pricey probiotic pills.  

Eating a plethora of fresh produce every day supports the intricate interconnectedness of the immune and digestive systems. By eating a wide variety of fresh produce, we feed our gut microbes the fiber and sugars they need to support our health. We scratch the bugs’ back, they scratch ours. 

And whether you eat a huge fresh salad everyday or not, Chef V Organic Green Drink is the perfect way to gently wake up your digestive system in the morning, and gently cleanse your vital organs, and, of course, feed the friendly microbes in your gut.

Despite What TikTok Says Is Berberine Really “Nature’s Ozempic” For Weight Loss?

hospital scale

Thanks to a huge TikTok trend, berberine is now promoted as “nature’s Ozempic.” What the heck is berberine and does it really help you lose lots of weight by suppressing appetite the same way Ozempic does? Certified nutritional therapist and ChefV.com founder Veronica Wheat weighs in (no pun intended).

With an infant to care for (no hubby Brandon, I’m not talking about you haha) and a green veggie juice delivery business to run, I don’t have the time—or, the interest—to watch TikTok videos. But after hearing about the berberine trend for weight loss, I couldn’t resist plunging down the rabbit hole. 

Here’s just how one of the berberine TikTok videos—which cumulatively have been viewed 100 million times—begins:

“I started taking berberine yesterday and I’m not kidding you, I was stuffed all day.”

Because of testimonials like this, be they fake or real, the fact is that from January to mid-July of 2023, sales of berberine-containing products exploded by nearly 90%. [SOURCE

berberine bottles

Why Are TikTok Influencers Taking Berberine For Weight Loss?

So what’s behind the berberine TikTok trend? Well, in case you haven’t heard about Ozempic, it’s a drug that was approved by the FDA in 2017 only for adults with type 2 diabetes. 

Ozempic lowers blood sugar levels by helping the pancreas make more insulin. Besides effectively lowering blood sugar levels, Ozempic users also noticed that their appetites plummeted while on the drug, leading to quick, significant weight loss. 

That explains why celebrities and thousands of “regular people” who could afford the steep cost of purchasing Ozempic off-label (in other words, not for type 2 diabetes) began hoarding Ozempic, creating a shortage of the drug for people living with diabetes. 

The shortage of Ozempic (generic name: semaglutide), its high cost, and lawsuits over its side effects—in some patients, it causes gastroparesis, a severely painful disorder that causes food to move at a snail’s pace through the stomach to the small intestine—has caused people to look for a natural alternative. 

Enter berberine. 

ozempic injector

What is Berberine?

Like flavonoids, carotenoids, and allicins, berberine is a chemical found in plants, or in other words, a phytochemical. Phytochemicals are natural compounds that plants use to protect themselves from being devoured by insects. Natural plant chemicals can either be toxic to humans or they can have medicinal-like effects. But does berberine really work like Ozempic for weight loss? I’ll get to that in a sec. 

First, though, it’s important to know where berberine comes from. When it’s extracted naturally, it comes from the roots or bark of the following plants: 

  • Goldenseal
  • European Barberry
  • Oregon grape
  • Phellodendron
  • Tree turmeric

Most of the berberine supplements that TikTokers use for weight loss probably claim to be extracted naturally. However, I’m not sure that’s true. As this study in Nature points out, researchers have figured out how to make berberine from genetically-modified yeast. (Yuck!) And I bet you that using this GMO yeast will prove more cost-effective than having to import the natural sources of berberine. Anyway, that’s food for thought; if you want to try a berberine supplement, do your research and make sure it’s GMO-free. (But wait until the end of the article to make your decision about whether to purchase a berberine supplement!)

barberry plant

Barberry plant –above By User:MPF – Own work

What Are The Benefits Of Berberine? 

Berberine has been a compound in many herbs that have been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. According to a research article in Chinese Medicine, berberine was first discovered in 1830 and since then it’s been the most studied alkaloid compound. In the early 1960s, Indian researchers demonstrated that berberine helped prevent diarrhea during cholera outbreaks. 

Even today, herbs with berberine are kept in medicine cabinets in Chinese homes like Immodium or Pepto Bismol to treat diarrhea. 

Having a serious case of the runs is one way to lose weight. But besides diarrhea treatment, what are the other benefits of berberine? And does research support it for weight loss? 

Well, according to the Nature study above: 

“Berberine has been found with pharmaceutical potential to treat obesity, regulate gut microbiota, treat atherosclerosis, or ameliorate Parkinson’s disease. There have been over 80 clinical trials worldwide to investigate berberine’s medicinal uses in these diseases.” 

OK, so wow, 80 studies, that’s impressive. But notice the quote above says “investigate.” In other words, is berberine legit for weight loss or has it been shown to be a dud in research studies? 

What Does The Research Say About Berberine?

The problem with berberine is that it’s really difficult to obtain it from food naturally. It’s pretty much found in just those handful of plants above. So does research support taking a supplement with berberine? Personally, I’m always in favor of using real food instead of supplements whenever possible. However, it  does seem that berberine is at least minimally effective for managing metabolic disorders by lowering: 

  • Triglycerides

    →  Triglycerides are a type of fat in your blood. Did you know that Chef V’s 21 DAY DETOX and GREEN DRINK PLAN lowered triglycerides by an average of 23% in a clinical trial? (Learn more.)

  • Cholesterol

    Cholesterol is a necessary nutrient. But too much of it can accumulate in the arteries as plaque. The clinical trial on Chef V products reduced participants’ total cholesterol by an average of 9.2%; LDL cholesterol (the so-called “bad” cholesterol) by 10.7%, and cholesterol to LDL ratio by 7.7% (Read more about the study here.)
  • Blood Sugar

    The HbA1C test (A1C for short) provides a snapshot of blood sugar levels over the last 3 months. The clinical trial showed Chef V products lowered A1C levels by an average of 1.7%, which is huge for someone managing blood sugar levels. (Details here.)

In addition to these benefits of berberine, research also supports it for cardiovascular health. It also has been shown to improve the gut barrier, making sure no nasty pathogens get in, proving that it may work to help combat diarrhea. 

–> Check out my “Gut Health Survival Guide.” 

woman walking with sticks

Is Berberine Safe To Take? 

If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. In the case of berberine, taking it for weight loss could potentially backfire—if you’re taking diabetes drugs—like Ozempic or Metformin—and blood pressure medications. Berberine could potentially cause blood sugar levels to fall too low in some people or counteract the effects of blood pressure medications. So make sure you talk to your doctor before you start using berberine supplements. 

Is Berberine Like Ozempic?

So let’s get to the heart of the matter, or more accurately, the stomach of the matter. Does berberine work for weight loss? And if so, does it work in the same way as Ozempic? 

Let’s answer the first question. If you Google “berberine weight loss pubmed” you can quickly see that the results are a mixed-bag. A meta-analysis (a review of several studies) said there was a “significant reduction of body weight and body mass index (BMI)”. Another study also showed good results but it was on rats. Another study showed “mild weight loss” in people with obesity while another study on its effects on obesity “yielded no significant decline in body weight.” 

But if a whole nation of TikTokers swear by it, shouldn’t that anecdotal evidence count for something? 

I can’t answer that question for you. You’ll have to decide for yourself. There are worse things you can do for your health than taking a berberine supplement. But I’m not convinced that it’s necessary. And more to the point, to answer the second question, berberine is not “Nature’s Ozempic.”

Why Berberine Is Not Like Ozempic

Remember the name semaglutide? That’s the generic name for Ozempic and the more recent drug approved for weight loss, Wegovy, which was created by the same manufacturer of Ozempic in 2021, the first time a weight loss drug was approved by the FDA since 2014. (Weight loss drugs have a bad track record of side effects.)

Semaglutide works by mimicking the role of a natural hormone, called GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1). Here’s why that’s important. GLP-1 tells your body you have eaten. So semaglutide works by tricking your brain into thinking you’ve already eaten. 

Berberine does not work this way whatsoever. So no, berberine is not a surrogate for Ozempic. Yes, berberine’s effects on metabolic disorders is promising as a 2022 study in Molecules describes. 

And yes, these effects do include lowering blood sugar and improving insulin sensitivity, meaning your pancreas needs to pump out less insulin to manage blood sugar levels. It could be that berberine leads to weight loss because of its effects on controlling insulin and other hormones that control the size of your fat cells. 

But that doesn’t mean it works the same way Ozempic does. And to compare berberine to Ozempic is at best false advertising and at worse, potentially dangerous for those who take diabetes medications (see side effects concern above). 

healthy foods

Is Berberine Good For Weight Loss? Conclusion

When you eat real nutrient-dense food, the nutrients activate GLP-1. In other words, you don’t need to purchase berberine supplements in order to tell your brain that you are full. As I cautioned in this article I wrote about Ozempic, lots of people who take the drug for weight loss are doing so at the risk of serious malnutrition. 

Here’s how to eat healthy if you take semaglutide/Wegovy for weight loss; you should only take Ozempic if you have type 2 diabetes.

If you want to lose weight in a safe, effective way that’s backed by research, get on an ORGANIC GREEN DRINK PLAN and maximize your weight loss success with my 21 DAY DETOX

The 38 people who participated in a clinical trial testing the effects of CHEF V products followed the 21 DAY DETOX and then continued with the GREEN DRINK PLAN for 7 days. Their average weight loss during the 28-day study was roughly 8 pounds. That amount is impressive, considering none of the participants had significant weight to lose. 

Whether they would have lost more weight had they also taken a berberine supplement is up for debate. But one thing that’s not for debate is that berberine is nature’s Ozempic. It’s not. 

To your health, 

Veronica “V” Kress
ChefV.com Founder

Chef V’s Perfect “Prescription” For Eating Healthy While Taking Ozempic

ozempic and nutrition

Ozempic has been called a wonder drug for people with type 2 diabetes. But there’s a dark side to it: The drug eradicates appetite. The downside? Being starved of vital nutrients. Certified nutritional therapist and CHEFV.com founder, Veronica Wheat offers solutions for staying healthy while taking Ozempic. 

When it comes to Ozempic, let me get something off my chest. 

I’m not going to be talking about celebrities and TikTok influencers who are unethically using the drug and potentially creating a shortage of it for people with type 2 diabetes just to quickly drop 10 pounds. 

Instead, I will focus on the biggest risk of taking Ozempic for those with type 2 diabetes.  

Before I get to that, in case you don’t know about Ozempic, some quick facts…

For managing blood sugar levels, Ozempic is super convenient for people with type 2 diabetes. Instead of injecting insulin every day like other diabetes meds, Ozempic is a once-weekly injection. It works by increasing the hormone, insulin, which lowers blood sugar levels when blood sugar gets too high. 

In addition, Ozempic reduces glucagon, the hormone that raises blood sugar levels—a double dose of blood glucose regulation. 

So far so good, right? Another way Ozempic works is by dramatically curbing appetite by cutting off the brain’s hunger signals. Not only that, but Ozempic also delays stomach emptying, which makes you feel full for several hours. This also might sound like a godsend of a drug if you have type 2 diabetes and are overweight. 



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The Dark Side Of Using Ozempic: Malnutrition

Many Ozempic users report that after taking a few bites of food, they are totally full, or even repulsed by the idea of food. This is a great recipe for losing weight but a disaster for overall health. That’s because the tendency is that when Ozempic users eat, they usually grab a few bites of whatever’s easily in reach. And most often it’s something unhealthy. 

If you use Ozempic, you will definitely lose weight. But even with the little appetite you may have, you have to consume nutritious food. Otherwise, you’ll deprive yourself of vital nutrients. In other words, you will suffer from malnutrition. You’ll have no energy and your immune system can weaken. 

So how can Ozempic users manage blood sugar and stay healthy? 

Staying Healthy On Ozempic With Green Drink

Having Organic GREEN DRINK first thing in the morning is the easiest thing Ozempic users with type 2 diabetes can do to prevent malnutrition. 

With 7 certified organic leafy green veggies, GREEN DRINK contains the antioxidants and phytonutrients your trillions of cells need to keep you healthy on a low-calorie diet.

And with only 26 calories per serving, GREEN DRINK won’t make your tummy painfully full or bloated if you’re taking Ozempic.

But drinking juice? Isn’t that bad if you have type 2 diabetes? 

It’s true that most commercial juices cause an immediate surge of insulin and are loaded with sugar. Even green-colored juices trick shoppers into thinking it must be a healthy juice because green is the color of some of the healthiest veggies on the planet. 

But don’t let store-bought juices fool you. They’re loaded with fructose (fruit sugar) and barely contain any vegetables. They should be totally avoided if you have high blood sugar. If you have type 2 diabetes, you shouldn’t have more than 25 grams of sugar per day. Did you know that most green juices sold in stores have up to 50 grams of sugar? 

—-> See how CHEFV.com compares to the competition

GREEN DRINK: Safe for Ozempic Uses & Proven to Reduce A1C

But there are three reasons why GREEN DRINK is perfectly safe for type 2 diabetes. 

  1. There are only 3 grams of naturally-occurring sugar per serving. So there’s no insulin surge after drinking GREEN DRINK as you get with most commercial juices.
  2. GREEN DRINK is blended, not juiced. That means that the fiber and nutrients from the leafy green veggies in GREEN DRINK are preserved and feed your healthy gut bacteria. With commercial juices, you’re just drinking the sugars, not the nutrients! And all that sugar goes directly into your bloodstream, spiking your insulin and driving up blood sugar.
  3. GREEN DRINK is clinically proven to lower A1C levels. In an independent clinical study of 38 participants (without type 2 diabetes), a CHEF V 21 Day DETOX followed up by 7 days of GREEN DRINK consumption reduced A1C levels by 1.7%. 

Watch CHEF V's Infamous Green Drink and Diabetes

So if you’re taking Ozempic for diabetes, make sure you’re fueling your body with supreme nutrition, even if you have a very low appetite. 

Learn more about GREEN DRINK.

Nutrition Hint from an Ozempic user:
“Keep a healthy food at your desk, in your tote, anywhere that is super easy to grab. Then set a reminder on your phone and when it goes off, eat a little. I use Green Drink, cut up fruit or nuts.”

below, Chef V working one of our kitchens

“GREEN DRINK has been invaluable for me to get the right mix of nutrients every day even when you’re not motivated to eat. Having a Green Drink in the morning kicks starts a healthy beginning to my day.”  —Type 2 diabetic Ozempic user and CHEF V customer, Jean Y.

Making Healthy Meals On Ozempic Even If You’re Not Hungry

But what about the rest of the day? Sure, Green Drink is a great way to flood your cells with vital nutrition in the morning. But when you don’t feel like eating much, what else can you do to stay healthy? 

I recommend taking one day a week to cook mini healthy meals. Even if you nibble just a few bites here and there, that’s ok. But it’s so important that you’re not just subsisting on high-carb foods while taking Ozempic. 

If you have any questions about using CHEF V with diabetes, we are always here for you.  

Here’s to having healthy blood sugar levels and optimizing your nutrition! 


Veronica Wheat

Founder, ChefV.com 

Chef V’s Halloween Trick: Transforming Treats Into Healthier Alternatives

fruit halloween treats

It’s one thing to wish someone a happy, healthy New Year. But a happy, healthy Halloween? Not with all the added sugars that cause tooth decay and promote metabolic diseases. Not to mention the artificial food colorings that contribute to hyperactivity disorders. But if you’ve got kids—or if you’re a big kid trapped in an adult’s body—thankfully, Veronica the “V” in Chef V has got some tips for celebrating a Halloween, complete with SCARY fruit.

If you’ve been reading my blog over the years, you know I abide by this golden rule of nutrition: eat healthy (meaning whole, unprocessed food) at least 80% of the time. Personally, I’m not perfect when it comes to eating like a saint. Thanks to occasional overpowering cravings for french fries, I do confess to being a food sinner maybe 5-10% of the time.

funny halloween fruit

So I understand that on Halloween, it can be tempting to let your hair down and indulge. What’s the harm in a few mini-size candy bars? The problem is, where does it end? Can you really limit yourself to just one or two bite-size treats?

If so, then get your trick-or-treat on. But maybe you’re somebody who needs to have not only their Halloween cake so to speak but their cake pops, bat-shaped and witch-finger cookies and spiced apple cider. (Depending on the brand or how it’s made, spiced apple cider can have more sugar than soda!)

If that’s you, I have some healthy Halloween suggestions…

pumpkin seed nutritional facts

Balance It Out

So if you are planning on going to a Halloween party and indulging a little bit, do what I do. Anytime I know that I’ll be faced with a food kryptonite, powerless to just say no, I make sure that I feast on healthy things earlier in the day. For example, let’s say that I’m going to a holiday party at night, then for lunch I’ll have a huge salad and maybe an extra serving of Green Drink before I leave.

Eating more veggies (and drinking them) will help alkalize your system, which will help neutralize the effects of the highly-processed food.

pumpkin popsicles

Healthier Snacks

If you do a Google search for healthy Halloween snacks, you could get tricked. Excuse the pun. You see, what I mean by that is that something that always comes up is little boxes of raisins. Are raisins healthier than candy bars? For sure they are. But just one small box contains 25 grams of sugar.

So what are better alternatives?

Get creative and make your own healthy treats. Like these haunted bananas and pumpkin-lookalike tangerines.

Or how about carving spooky apple slices?

apple carving

You can also bake gluten-free, stevia-sweetened pumpkin muffins or offer cinnamon sticks, wild honey sticks and baked pumpkin seeds.

But if you don’t have the time or skills to make these healthy treats, then just fill your jack-o-lantern with whole foods that most kids love, including:

  • Cuties
  • 100% fruit roll ups
  • Low-sugar juice boxes (Honest brand)

Make Pumpkins Healthy Again

One of the healthiest treats you can give or eat is the symbolic image of Halloween: pumpkins. One of the healthiest fruits (yes, pumpkins are technically a fruit), pumpkins have an extremely low glycemic load (3), meaning that it will hardly raise your blood sugar levels.

Plus, pumpkins are packed with carotenoids, which is a type of antioxidant. Carotenoids are one of the most important anti-aging phytonutrients. You’ve probably heard of some specific carotenoids that pumpkin contains, including beta-carotene. There’s also the vision- and eye-health supporting carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin.

Speaking of beta-carotene, it’s the precursor of Vitamin A and get this, one cup of canned pumpkin contains nearly 800% of the daily recommended value of vitamin A. In addition, pumpkin is rich in vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, and several other vitamins and minerals. And one more fun fact about pumpkins is that they are super high in fiber, which helps things move along if you have constipation.

So consider making a pureed (canned; with BPA-free lining) pumpkin treat for Halloween. To sweeten it without sugar, consider using monk fruit extract or stevia.

And finally, don’t forget to indulge in pumpkin seeds (pepitas), which are also super healthy.

Have a happy, healthy Halloween!

Chef V

Chef V Clinically Proven To Lower A1C Blood Sugar Levels

diabetes A1C

An independent clinical trial shows that Chef V’s 21 Detox followed by 7 days of continuing with a Green Drink plan significantly lowered HbA1C levels, one of the most important markers of health and longevity. 

According to Citruslabs, after the 28 day study was completed, “…there was a significant reduction in HbA1C. HbA1C is a marker of glucose levels in the blood, and lower levels are preferred to higher levels. The significant reduction in HbA1C demonstrates a healthy glucose response by the body after using Chef V products.” 

Maybe you’ve heard of “A1C” and know it has something to do with blood sugar levels. That’s a good start. But your A1C levels don’t only reveal whether you have diabetes or prediabetes. Your A1C level also has a profound effect on skin health and the aging process. And considering that your A1C level is one of the most important health biomarkers, let’s dive deeper. 

It's important to understand that lowering your A1C levels is a gradual (slow) process. Unlike a blood glucose test, A1C measures your average blood sugar over a period of 2 to 3 months. This means, it can take up to 3 months to notice significant changes in your A1C.

What is an “A1C” Blood Sugar Test?

Been a while since you’ve had lab work done? If so, I highly recommend that you get a Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP) that includes A1C. Getting a CMP and A1C provides a snapshot of your liver and kidney health, electrolyte balance, metabolism, and blood. 

Just as you take your car to a mechanic for optimal engine performance, you should get these diagnostic tests to ensure your body’s “engine” is running smoothly. 

The hemoglobin A1C or HbA1c test (A1C for short) is a simple blood test that measures your average blood sugar levels over the past 3 months. That’s the simple explanation. 

More specifically, the A1C test measures the amount of glycated hemoglobin in the blood. 

So let’s break down what “glycated hemoglobin” is in two parts. First, hemoglobin is an oxygen-carrying protein in your red blood cells. Hemoglobin carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. 

What does this have to do with blood sugar? 

That brings us to “glycation.” When you eat anything with sugar or carbohydrates that break down into sugar, some of that sugar sticks to hemoglobin. This is called glycation. The A1C test measures the levels of these sticky, sugary molecules as a percentage. The higher the percentage of red blood cells with sticky hemoglobin, the higher your blood sugar levels. 

blood and fat

What is the A1C Test Used For?

Because red blood cells live for about three months, an A1C test provides a sneak peek of how much sugar is hanging out in the bloodstream over that three-month period of time.

The A1C test is used to diagnose diabetes, assess how well people with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels and diagnose prediabetes.  

According to the Diabetes Research Institute, 37.3 million Americans or 11.3% of the population have diabetes, and nearly 100 million Americans have prediabetes, including nearly 50% of people 65 and older. 

taking blood pressure

Why Glycation Matters

Obviously, diabetes is a major health concern. Research from the Journal of Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry explains that glycation—the underlying mechanism behind type 2 diabetes—leads to “a variety of irreversible dehydration and rearrangement reactions that lead to the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).”

When you eat blackened, barbecued meat or breathe in polluted air, this causes AGEs. AGEs lead to premature aging, including “a loss of protein function and impaired elasticity of tissues such as blood vessels, skin, and tendons … and diabetic complications.”

So can’t you just take some supplements to overcome glycation and AGEs? 

Not so fast, suggests the research. 

“Because there are no enzymes to remove glycated products from the human body, the glycation process matches well with the theory that the accumulation of metabolic waste promotes aging.”

A1C Levels & Skin Health

For some people, including those with diabetes, having high blood sugar levels is an abstract health problem. In other words, the link between having high blood sugar levels and serious health problems isn’t considered before it’s too late. 

For instance, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), common diabetes health complications include heart disease, chronic kidney disease, nerve damage, and other problems with feet, oral health, vision, hearing, and mental health.

Although it seems shallow in comparison, let’s face it, people do care about how they look. And another thing that relatively few people give much thought to is how A1C levels affect the skin. Sugar not only sticks to red blood cells, it also sticks to collagen and elastin, the two primary types of structural protein in the skin. 

When there’s too much sugar on collagen and elastin, those advanced glycation end products I mentioned damage collagen and elastin, leading to wrinkles and inflamed, dry, and itchy skin. 

The bad news is that it’s difficult to reverse AGEs-related skin damage. But there’s a simple, research-proven method to manage A1C levels and prevent further harm to the body…

Chef V Green Drink Put To The Test for A1C Levels

Fast forward to early 2023 when Brandon and I decided to put the 7 certified organic green leafy veggies to the test. We invested in a clinical trial conducted by Citrus Labs, a Santa Monica-based independent research organization. Citrus Labs analyzed the effects of a Chef V 21 DAY DETOX followed by a 7-day continuation of a Green Drink Plan

(Read more about the research study here.)

It’s important to mention that none of the study participants had diabetes or high blood sugar levels. Before day 1 of the 28-day study, the average A1C level of the 38 participants was 5.4. On day 28, the participants’ A1C levels were 5.31—a reduction of 1.7%. 

That might not seem like a big reduction. But it is. Just like the difference between a 5.0 and 6.0 earthquake is monumental in terms of power and potential destruction, a reduction of 1.7% in A1C levels is impressive, especially for a population that didn’t have a high blood sugar level to begin with. But don’t just take my word for it.

“The significant reduction in HbA1C demonstrates a healthy glucose response by the body after using Chef V products.”

—Citrus Labs analysis

Going Green For Healthier A1C Levels

One of the simplest ways to lower blood sugar levels is by consuming more green leafy veggies. Several studies prove this. For instance, a study of 417 type-2 diabetic patients 65 years or older in Japan showed that eating 1 cup or more a day of green leafy veggies led to significant decreases in HbA1c, triglycerides (fat in the blood), and waist circumference.

As a certified nutritional therapist, I’ve always believed in the therapeutic potential of green leafy veggies. That’s why I created a recipe for an organic low-sugar blended juice with 7 different types of leafy greens. 

At the time I created the recipe, I was a personal chef. But the response was so overwhelming that about a decade ago, my husband, Brandon, convinced me to start a business delivering this Green Drink. Within a short time, Chef V was delivering Green Drinks nationwide. 

What Are Healthy A1C Levels?

A value of 6.5% or higher indicates diabetes, while a value below 5.7% is considered normal. If you have diabetes, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends an A1C level of less than 7% to reduce the risk of complications.

I’m not suggesting that having a serving of Green Drink is all you need to do to manage A1C levels. After all, lowering your A1C levels requires regular exercise and following a healthy overall diet, which I teach how to do with the 21 DAY DETOX.

But if you’re not a huge fan of veggies or don’t have time to make huge salads, having a daily serving of Organic Green Drink—only 3 grams of natural sugar per 8 ounces—is one of the easiest ways to get your daily dose of A1C-lowering ingredients into your diet.

Is Chef V Detox Safe For Diabetes?

With millions of people using Ozempic for diabetes and weight loss, is doing a Chef V 21 DAY DETOX and continuing with a Green Drink plan safe? And is it generally safe for people with type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disease that accounts for roughly just 5% of all diabetes diagnoses? 

As Citrus Labs concluded, Chef V Detox and Green Drink work because you don’t have to skip meals, which can be dangerous if you have diabetes. “Chef V supplies the nutrition needed for optimal health outcomes,” the lab report concluded.

However, if you have diabetes, you should consult with a registered dietician or other medical professional before beginning any new dietary intervention. 

Read more about how Chef V’s Detox & Green Drink has been clinically proven to improve health outcomes such as:

Semaglutide: Disrupting The Weight Loss Industry

gila monster

Some of my most loyal customers are taking charge of their health despite having chronic metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes. Organic Green Drinks are awesome for cleansing the system and starting the day off right. But some people need an extra assist. Enter the drug, semaglutide. If you’ve never heard of it, trust me, it’s going to blow up. By next year, I predict it’s going to be one of the hottest weight loss remedies for those who constantly struggle with weight management. 

In June of last year, the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it had approved the anti-diabetic medication, Ozempic for weight management under the name Wegovy. Also known as semaglutide, the drug has a lot of potential customers in the U.S., where two-thirds of all adults are either obese or overweight. While Ozempic is meant to to be used longer term for control of diabetic's blood glucose levels (A1C), Wegovy is being used as a short term weight loss tool.

Because it’s easy to use and it seems to have mild side effects, hopefully semaglutide will be the magic pill that makes a huge dent in the obesity-diabetes epidemic. And you’ll never believe where the active ingredient of the drug comes from. 

But first, let me tell you why semaglutide hits home for me. You see, my immensely talented graphic designer, Jean, was involved in the clinical trial for its effects on diabetes. Jean has used the drug for 7 years and swears by it. So when Jean told me about this wonder drug, I was determined to look into it and so far the results are promising. And for me to sing the praises of a pharmaceutical remedy is saying something because normally, I’m Miss Mother Nature. 

gila monster

Semaglutide: Sourced From A Monster

I admit that when Jean told me where the idea of semaglutide was first hatched, I didn’t believe her. So I verified her claim and now I owe her an apology. But you would be skeptical if you heard that the way the drug can change sugar metabolism is because of the venom of the Gila monster. 

Gila monsters aren’t actually that scary looking. They’re really just small lizards that weigh 5 pounds at most. But in the reptile’s venom—not deadly to us but it wouldn’t tickle if you got bit—are hormones that regulate blood sugar. 

OK, so semaglutide isn’t actually synthesized from Gila monster venom but rather from a synthetic analogue of a hormone in Gila monster venom called GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1). 

Glucagon is like the unpopular step-sister of insulin. Almost everybody knows that insulin is the hormone that controls blood sugar. But it’s not the only one that does so. Glucagon actually raises blood sugar when blood sugar levels are too low. 

According to Vox.com, doctors noticed that people who took semaglutide were not only better able to manage their blood sugar levels, they also lost weight. Obesity researchers got very excited over the results. 

injector pen, glucose monitor

Semaglutide Drugs For Weight Loss

Semaglutide is the hormone molecule that goes by a few different brand names. Besides Ozempic (low-dose), there’s Wegovy, which is a once-a-week injectable, higher-dose weight-loss medication. And if you’re deathly afraid of needles, there’s an oral version called Rybelsus (did Big Pharma marketers run out of clever names?). 

Harvard Health doesn’t come right out and say it but for best weight loss results, if you read between the lines, it seems that Wegovy works best for weight management. 

Again, I want to stress that if your doctor puts you on a semaglutide drug, you’re not injecting Gila monster venom. What you’re injecting is a synthetic hormone that naturally is found in the digestive tract. Real GLP-1 that’s in your gut signals the pancreas to release more insulin, delays the emptying of the stomach which helps you feel full for longer, and signals the brain that hunger has been satisfied. 

(To trick my brain into feeling satisfied, I don’t eat a regular breakfast. Instead, I drink water first thing in the morning, wait about 20 minutes then have 8-16 oz of Green Drink. To complete my “breakfast” I’ll have a plant-based protein shake an hour or two later. Hunger solved.)

Does Semaglutide Work?

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine from March of this year shows really promising results. Those that were randomly assigned the drug had an average weight reduction of nearly 15% after about 16 months. That’s impressive weight loss. A 300-pound individual would have lost about 45 pounds with those results. Not too shabby!

In even more recent trials, more than 50 percent of trial participants have lost 15 percent of their bodyweight and up to 40 percent of participants have slimmed down by 20 percent, according to the University of Alabama at Birmingham

Why Semaglutide Will Be A Weight Loss Success Story

Weight-loss and obesity medications are notoriously fraught with dangerous side effects. Considering the relatively mild side effects and efficacy of semaglutide, it’s easy to see why nutrition therapists (like yours truly), registered dieticians and doctors are excited about semaglutide. 

Unfortunately, many health insurers and Medicare typically don’t pay for obesity medications. But to date, there’s never been a weight-loss drug that has shown such impressive results with so few side effects. Here’s hoping that those who have been struggling for years to get their weight down will finally have that magic pill they’ve been praying for. 

Obesity isn’t simply a lifestyle disease. Several factors come into play such as gut dysbiosis* and genetics. People living with obesity should not be punished for their condition. In my humble opinion, semaglutide should be available—and affordable—for all. If you’re interested in semaglutide, talk to your doctor. 

*dysbiosis: disruption of the composition and diversity of the microbiome

Chef V

Spicy Golden Pumpkin Hummus

This treat is so yummy you can eat it with gluten free crackers, veggies, on a veggie sandwich. For a party or everyday, I know you’ll enjoy it. – Veronica

sweet watermelon crunch salad


  • 1/3 cup cilantro
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 2 cups Chef V’s Organic Pumpkin Puree
  • 1/4 cup organic lime juice
  • 1/4 cup organic tahini
  • 1/8 tsp allspice
  • 2 tsp chili powder
  • 2 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tsp organic sea salt
  • 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes or cayenne pepper
  • 2 tbsp cold pressed olive oil


Blend all ingredients together in a Vitamix or food processor. Slowly add the olive oil while blending low. Continue to blend until smooth. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours before serving and serve cold. Bon Appetit! – Veronica

Turmeric & Ginger: Twin Gut-Healing, Inflammation-Fighting Powerhouses

“V” loves adding turmeric and ginger to her protein smoothies, which she always has about 30 minutes after breaking her fast with Organic Green Drink. Ginger and turmeric are powerful  anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-inflammation fighters. But did you know that they’re also great for your gut microbiome? Here’s how…

If there’s one easy thing you can do to support your health starting now, it’s the simple act of sprinkling ginger and turmeric into your Green Drink or plant-based protein smoothie. But the catch is that unlike candy-tasting cinnamon, both ginger and turmeric have a very strong earthy and pungent taste.

One way to get both of these incredibly healthy spices is to follow my recipe for Golden Milk, a frothy, delicious blend of almond milk (or any plant-based milk), cinnamon (another healthy spice) and coconut sugar. Yum. You’re going to absolutely love it. And thanks to the cinnamon and coconut sugar, you won’t notice the sharp taste of ginger and turmeric.

Over time, you’ll probably learn to love the taste of ginger and turmeric without needing to sweeten it. And if you want to love your gut and have your gut love you back, there are several reasons why you should consume ginger and turmeric daily. In fact, they are 2 of the 6 spices that I frequently use not only to spice up my healthy meals but also to prevent belly bloating.

Ginger for Gut Health

Everybody knows that ginger helps with nausea. So it’s great to take some ginger chews with you before you go on an airplane, roller coaster, whale watching tour, or anything else that can make your stomach queasy. And if you’re a sushi lover like I am, you know how ginger pleasantly cleanses the palate between each roll.

But here’s why I use ginger practically every day to support my gut health. You see, not only does it prevent nausea, this study shows that it pretty much helps resolve every gastric discomfort like bloating, reflux, indigestion and constipation. It’s also been shown to help prevent gastric ulcers (although only in animal studies so far).

A little bit of ginger can also help prevent vomiting during pregnancy. Another way that ginger helps with gut health is by actually changing the composition of the gut microbiome, according to this study.

In other words, this spice has the power to introduce more friendly bacteria in the gut and reduce the number of potentially-harmful bacteria. So in a way, it’s like a food-based probiotic.

And wait, there’s more to ginger for gut health. If you’re someone who gets a bad case of gas every now and then, a study in Food Science & Nutrition says ginger can help as well as resolve belly cramping.

Want to boost your digestion? Then definitely start taking ginger on a regular basis. Research shows that it helps activate your body’s own digestive enzymes, making it easier for you to digest protein and fat.

I’ll leave you with one more possible ginger benefit for gut health. Many people who have taken lots of over-the-counter pain pills have really bad gut health. These OTC pills just destroy the gut microbiome. The good news is that spices like ginger have been shown to repair the damage to the gut lining. That’s sweet … even if ginger isn’t.

Turmeric For Digestion

Now let’s look at the power of turmeric to improve your gut. Turmeric’s gut-healing potential is mostly because of the compound curcumin.

OK, so like ginger, curcumin has been shown in research to act like a natural probiotic, helping the good guys in your gut flourish while killing off the bad dudes. In fact, in one study, turmeric/curcumin was shown to destroy 36 species of harmful bacteria in the gut.

Not only that, turmeric was shown to help with leaky gut by supporting the intestinal barrier. That barrier is everything because without a strong barrier, undigested food particles, viruses, toxins and bacteria will leak into your blood.

That’s bad news because then your own immune system will recognize those things and say, “Hey, that’s not supposed to be here,” and then it will tell chemicals in your body to activate so that it can mount a defense against them. This is what causes inflammation. And if you don’t repair your gut barrier, the inflammation will be chronic.

So turmeric is like an anti-inflammatory ingredient for your gut. Many people take curcumin supplements for the joints. But relatively few people realize just how powerful turmeric/curcumin can be for preventing inflammation in the gut and repairing the gut barrier.

Does Turmeric have Side Effects?

There is no concrete evidence of any side effects to eating or drinking turmeric.

Anecdotally speaking, some people new to turmeric have reported small amounts of indigestion after consuming large amounts of the ingredient. However, this is often a reported side effect of many new spices and ingredients and may just be a sign of your body getting used to it.

Perhaps the most preposterous myth about turmeric is that it causes pregnant women to go into labor early. There is zero evidence of this. In fact, pregnant women may very well benefit from including more turmeric in their diet.

Turmeric And Ginger Supplments

If you can’t stomach the taste of fresh turmeric or ginger, I encourage you to get them in supplement form. They are definitely among the two most healing natural ingredients I use every day.

But if you create some of my smoothie recipes that feature turmeric and ginger, there’s a great chance you’ll love the taste of these two amazing gut-healing spices.

Coconut Sugar: Is It Healthier Sweet Stuff?

Coconut Sugar

Coconut Sugar?  What do you get when you cross my 7-year-old, four-legged furry kid with sweetener? 

You get my very own sweet sugar baby – my dog Coconut!

Sorry for being corny—again. 

But in all seriousness, one of the most common questions I get asked as a certified nutritional therapist and creator of The Chef V Organic Cleanse is this: Is coconut sugar healthier than regular sugar?

Let’s dive in and find out what the research says…

Coconut Sugar: Is It Healthier Sweet Stuff?

What Is It?

Actually, before we follow the science on coconut sugar, let’s cover some basic facts on the natural alternative sweetener. 

It does not come from the meaty white flesh of the nuts. It’s also not produced from the husky shell. And it’s not made from the liquid within the nut (coconut water). 

So what is it made from? It’s made by dehydrating the sap contained in the flower bud of the stem of coconut palm trees. You could say that the sap is the circulating life force or the blood of the tree. And just like the blood circulating through your veins contains minerals and trace minerals that are vital for energy, coconut sap is rich in minerals. But we’ll get to that in a bit…

Coconut blossom sugar, is all-natural. Although it comes from the coconut palm tree, do not confuse it with palm sugar. Regular palm sugar is sourced from a different type of tree than coconut sugar. 

True coconut sugar resembles granulated raw brown sugar. And if you’re an animal lover or vegan, there’s one big plus about using it instead of regular table sugar. 

According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), table sugar is sometimes whitened with bone char. What’s bone char, you ask? It’s charred cattle bones. Think about that next time you sweeten your coffee at your favorite diner. And according to PETA, brown sugar can also be processed with bone char. Brown sugar, which is not healthier than table sugar (it’s just as refined) is colored with molasses, so don’t get fooled by regular brown sugar. 

But coconut sweetener is a healthier brown sugar that is not refined and therefore does not get processed with bone char.

coconut plant


I found an interesting study published in Food Science & Nutrition, co-authored by researchers from Malaysia, a country thought to be the first to commercialize it for the U.S. market. 

The researchers concluded “Coconut sap could be served as a potential healthier sugar source compared with sugar palm and sugarcane as it carries more minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins.”

Another reason the researchers think it is a healthier alternative to refined sugar is that it has a lower glycemic index. The GI ranks the rise in blood glucose after the consumption of carbohydrates on a scale from 0–100.  A food with low GI raises blood glucose less than that of the food with high GI. 

Coconut sugar’s GI ranks about 35, which is only 10 points higher than fructose from whole fruits. In comparison, refined sugar has a GI that’s almost twice as high as coconut sugar. 

For this reason, the researchers suggest that coconut palm nectar (another way to say coconut sugar) can be part of the solution in curtailing the diabetes and obesity epidemic. 

Vitamins & Minerals

The researchers detected vitamin C, B1, B3, B4, B2, and B10 in samples. Of those, vitamin C, B3, B4, B2, and B10 in coconut nectar were significantly higher than in table sugar. In addition, coconut sugar contained higher levels of three important electrolytes: potassium, sodium and magnesium. Many Americans are deficient in magnesium, a mineral that’s important for helping to relax muscles. 

By the way, you can also get the benefits of these minerals from coconut water, which is why I use both coconut sugar and coconut water in several of my recipes. 

And in comparison to regular sugar, coconut nectar is relatively high in other minerals such as zinc, calcium and iron. 

Coconut Water

For Gut Health?

Another reason to swap regular table sugar for coconut is that it contains a type of fiber called inulin. This special fiber acts like fertilizer for a type of friendly bacteria in your gut called bifidobacteria, which is a common live culture added to yogurt. 

Inulin is considered a post-biotic fiber. Postbiotics are the healthy short-chain fatty acids released by probiotics. Probiotics are essential for a healthy gut and immune system, but it’s actually the postbiotics that make the magic happen!

Is It Healthier: Chef V’s Verdict

Now don’t get me wrong … even though I think it is healthier than regular table sugar, I don’t rely on it to get my daily dose of essential minerals and trace minerals. The dark leafy greens in Organic Green Drink provide me with an excellent low-sugar source of minerals without spiking my blood sugar. 

If you have type 2 diabetes, don’t get fooled into thinking that it is a miracle sweetener. It may have a lower glycemic index than regular sugar but that doesn’t mean it gives you a free pass to go crazy with it. 

So don’t use it as a multivitamin, antioxidant supplement or probiotic. Instead, just like all other sweeteners, use it sparingly. But when I do use the sweet stuff, I reach for COCONUT and a little coconut sugar. 

Veronica and Coconut

How to Tell if You Have Inflammation in Your Body

Inflammation has become something of a scary word these days, but not without reason. Having acute inflammation in your body is often the precursor to a variety of rather serious health concerns. Of course, it's one thing to simply say that inflation is bad. But how do you know if you’re suffering from it? 

Obviously, the first stop for any of your health concerns should be a medical practitioner. But if you’re wondering how to tell if you have inflammation, we’ll discuss some of the best ways to tell here. Often, customers are interested in our 21 day cleanse to deal with inflammation issues, so it makes sense that we’d try and help you ID the condition! 

What is inflammation?

Most of us generally understand what inflammation is as a concept. If we’ve been injured, we’ve often seen injuries become red and aggravated. But that’s just the outside story. Inside our body, we can often suffer from unseen inflammation, affecting important organs and systems.

Technically, inflammation is a good thing—it’s a sign your immune system is reacting to an issue. But as anyone who has had a fever can tell you, your immune system is often prone to overreacting. In some cases, your immune system could even be reacting where there’s no real issue. 

Often inflammation is divided into two types, acute and chronic. This is just a division based on severity. Acute inflammation should clear up within two weeks or so, and is generally linked to a specific injury or illness. Chronic inflammation sticks around longer, and isn’t often linked to a single issue, being more an indicator of poor health and stress.

Detecting inflammation

Identifying inflammation outside the body is easy—you just look for visible swelling and redness. If you have chronic inflammation inside your body, it might be less obvious that inflammation is the source of your problem. This is further complicated by the fact that not all inflammation is the same. 

Chronic inflammation can be caused by a variety of conditions (including some severe medical conditions), and can crop up nearly anywhere in your body. Naturally, you can expect that inflammation in your brain will have a different effect than inflammation in your bowels. Following is a list of some of the more common symptoms of an inflammatory problem. 

Body pain

This is by far one of the most common symptoms of inflammation out there. A whole array of nasty types of pain can come with inflammation. From throbbing to pinching, if you have chronic pain in your body, but can’t link it to a specific injury or illness, it could be a sign of chronic inflammation.

Brain fog

“Brain fog” refers to a condition where you suffer from chronic confusion, memory loss, and lack of focus. We increasingly realize that brain fog, rather than just being a sign of exhaustion or aging, can be linked to a variety of conditions—think about all the concerns over the connections between COVID-19 and brain fog. Turns out that inflammation could be a potential cause of brain fog as well. 

Depression and anxiety

It’s not just general “brain fog” that’s associated with inflammation. There have been studies linking inflammation to more severe mood disorders. Of course, this gets into a bit of a complex topic. If you’re living an unhealthy lifestyle, depression and inflammation might arise independently. That’s all the more reason to stay active and maintain a healthy diet and eating habits!


While not a common symptom of inflammation, there have been cases recorded where inflammation of nerves or inner ear leads to dizziness. In some cases, this can be so severe it affects balance. 

Fatigue and insomnia

If you have difficulty sleeping, it could potentially be connected to fatigue caused by inflammation. Of course, as with some of the other symptoms, fatigue is a common result from many health issues relating to blood sugar levels or being overweight. It’s likely if you have some of these problems, you could have bodily inflammation as well.

Gastrointestinal issues

When it comes to inflammation in your guts, there’s no good ending here. Acid reflux, constipation, and diarrhea are all the result of chronic inflammation affecting your intestinal systems. This is one of the types of inflammation-related illnesses that we tend to hear about the most at Chef V. There’s a reason our 21-day cleanse is so popular! 

Heart troubles

One of the most frightening symptoms of inflammation is the emergence of heart issues. This could be because of inflammation in important arteries or because of inflammation in the heart itself. This inflammation can manifest in coronary diseases or even heart failure. 

Insulin issues

For many people, getting control of their blood sugar levels is difficult enough as is. And that’s before you throw in the complications of insulin resistance. Our bodies need insulin to help manage blood sugar levels. Inflammation, however, has been connected with triggering insulin production in your body to the point that your systems become resistant. And after that, say goodbye to your ability to manage your blood sugar levels. You’ll need to get the best in a low sugar juice cleanse to give you even a chance. 

Weight gain

Perhaps one of the most currently discussed effects of inflammation in the body is its relation to weight gain. Exactly how this relationship works is still debated. But high levels of inflammation in the body seem to be linked to higher chances of obesity, and vice versa.  

Handling inflammation

If there’s one takeaway from this blog, it’s that inflammation isn’t a simple condition. Very often, it’s tied closely to other issues. If you’re overweight, have blood sugar issues, and inflammation, it might be a moot point as to which came first.

Dealing with inflammation requires a holistic approach. You need to do everything to help your body recover. This means getting more exercise, more sleep, and cutting back on stress. It also means reevaluating your diet. You want to cut out foods that cause inflammation, such as foods high in trans fats. Replace these with anti-inflammatory foods, such as more berries, leafy greens, and spices high in antioxidants—think garlic, ginger, and turmeric

You’ll also want to do your best to bring your blood sugar levels under control. Thankfully, Chef V’s 21 day cleanse is one of the best low sugar juice cleanses out there. Whether you get a short cleanse, or follow the full Chef V 21 day cleanse schedule, you can get your blood sugar under control, and strike back against inflammation. 

Don’t Be Scared Of Pumpkin—Put ’em On Your Face & Eat ‘Em!

Chef V bat-mask-pumpkin

When you think of pumpkin and autumn the first thing that probably comes to mind is jack o’ lanterns. But Chef V suggests using this “gourdeous” fruit in other ways this time of year. 

Fall is finally here and for many people that means one thing: it’s pumpkin spice latte season! Oh yeah, Halloween will soon be upon us. But there’s far more to Cucurbita Pepo (pumpkins) than carved decorative gourds and coffee drinks that instantly turn you into a pre-diabetic with an insulin-spiking rush of 50 grams of sugar. 

Raw pumpkin fruit (canned), seeds and seed oils are superfoods in my book. This time around, I want to cover some more interesting uses about pumpkins and their health benefits….

pumpkin skin mask

Pumpkins: Face Masks: For Beauty, Not Trick Or Treat

Having a pumpkin on your head makes sense if you’re celebrating Halloween. But it also can help your skin look more beautiful. Of course I’m talking about face masks. Pumpkin face masks aren’t going to be the hottest beauty trend of 2021. They’ve already been a trend for a few years but not everybody has heard of applying it to the skin. 

Now before you rush out to your closest supermarket to buy canned pumpkin and apply it to your skin, that’s not the type used in beauty face masks. 

Many beauty brands claim that pumpkin extract helps rejuvenate the skin. And there’s some evidence to back up the claim. 

In a research study from last year, the scientists concluded that the extract could have potential in treating contact dermatitis (CD) because of its antioxidant activity. 

A more recent study from earlier this year noted that depression is often associated with CD because the skin disease is caused by chronic stress. The researchers found that pumpkin extract, when applied orally and topically can lessen the severity of both CD and depression. 

Pumpkins have a high amount of oleic acid, an Omega-9 fatty acid, that is believed to possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antidepressant activities. 

Advertisements I’ve seen claim that pumpkin face masks clean pores, hydrates, cleanses, plumps the skin, stimulates collagen production, remove dead and dull skin cells and more. Who needs a dermatologist when you can just use a pumpkin face mask!

pumpkin seed nutritional facts

Pumpkins For Pooping!

One thing I forgot to mention in my article about nutrition facts is that it’s an excellent source of fiber. In fact, in just one serving of canned pumpkin (buy organic), there are seven grams of fiber. Fiber helps keep you regular, satisfies your appetite, removes excess cholesterol from the body, and controls blood sugar spikes. So when you’re craving a regular punkin' spice latte, just add some canned pumpkin to it. Just kidding, don’t do that. But do eat canned for the fiber content. 

Pumpkins – Seed Oil For Prostate Health

Another thing I didn’t mention in my original ode to pumpkins benefits is that for men, it could be a life saver. Roughly 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime. Although prostate cancer is thankfully a highly survivable disease these days, the American Cancer Society estimates that over 34,000 men in the U.S. will die from prostate cancer in 2021. 

The oil from pumpkin seeds have been shown in many research studies to prevent the growth of the prostate gland, which may be a contributing factor in developing prostate cancer. 

Many men as they age develop a non-cancerous growth in their prostate called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or BPH. BPH can make it painful and difficult for older men to urinate. 

(Hubby, Brandon: Are you reading this? I’m buying you pumpkin seed oil for your birthday!) 

pumpkin seeds

Pass On The Pumpkin Pie

This time of year, besides pumpkin spice lattes and halloween decorations, most people associate the with pie. 

Yes, I’m a certified nutritional therapist and innovator behind nationwide delivery of organic Green Drink, but I’m not going to be the food police and tell you never to eat pumpkin pie again. But if you are going to eat it, do so sparingly because too many added sugars can weaken your immune system. And you don’t need me to remind you why that’s a problem these days. 

If you’re going to indulge in pie use a zero-calorie sweetener like stevia. It may not taste as good as the real thing but it will allow you to celebrate the season without the guilt. 

Have a happy, healthy autumn!

Chef V

CRP: The One Blood Test You Should Beg Your Doctor To Take

CRP: The One Blood Test You Should Beg Your Doctor To Take

CRP is the one blood test you should beg your Doctor to take. Virtually every disease is caused by inflammation. Inflammation manifests in many different ways, from auto-immune disorders to cancer and diabetes, and even weight gain. But how do you know if your body has inflammation? After all, sometimes, inflammation has no symptoms–until a heart attack or stroke strikes.

Thankfully, there’s a simple blood test you can get from your doctor. It’s called the “C-Reactive Protein” (CRP) blood test. Next time you go for your checkup, ask your doctor to test your CRP levels. If you are diagnosed with high levels of CRP, then you can make some lifestyle changes before serious symptoms or disease occurs….

What is C-Reactive Protein?

So what do my Organic Green Drinks and Cleanses have to do with a protein called CRP that’s created by the liver when the body’s inflammatory response kicks in?

They have everything to do with C-Reactive Protein, that’s what. You see, one of the best ways to stay healthy and avoid disease is to have as little CRP as possible. CRP isn’t inherently bad. You actually need some of it to fight infections. But when levels of this protein are high, it’s an indication that there’s too much inflammation in the body. This is why its important to know what can raise your CRP levels, and how to reduce CRP levels.

CRP and inflammation

As I mention above, all disease is triggered by inflammation. Even diseases that are passed down by your ancestors are at greater risk for being expressed if you have more inflammation in your body. In other words, if you eat healthy, just because you may inherit a disease potential does not mean the genes for that disease will express. However, if you eat a diet that’s full of refined carbs like bread and baked goods and lots of added sugar, you’re at more risk for those genetic switches being turned on.

That’s where my Green Drinks, Detox Soups and Vegan Protein Shakes come into play. The antioxidants and other nutrients are a great way how to reduce RP levels, which means your body will have less inflammation.

Whether your goal is to stay healthy and prevent disease or to lose weight (or both), the 7-certified organic green leafy veggies in my Organic Green Drinks can play a big part in preventing inflammation.

But how do you know how much CRP you have?

CRP Blood test

Take a C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Blood Test 

Recently, I wrote about a new health trend you’ll be hearing much more about in the near future: DNA testing for weight loss.

Basically, I said that until the science catches up, getting your DNA tested to find out the best form of exercise and supplements to take is probably a waste of money.

But there is one test I’m all in favor of you getting: the C-Reactive Protein Blood Test, or CRP Blood Test. It’s easy to do and your health insurance plan (if you have one) likely covers it in a normal panel blood test (along with A1C blood sugar and cholesterol markers).

Your body has dozens of inflammatory markers. CRP is the easiest one to test and it seems to provide good insight into your inflammation levels. (Don’t get a test done while your sick, especially if you’re fighting an infection because your body’s CRP levels will be inflated and won’t give an accurate reading of the levels when you’re healthy.)

Why is CRP so important? Because it’s a good predictor of heart attacks and strokes. It can also reveal if you’re at risk for developing diabetes and arthritis. In fact, according to WebMD, a Harvard Women’s Health Study revealed that in healthy postmenopausal women, those with the highest CRP levels were more than four times as likely to have died from heart disease or suffer a non-fatal attack or stroke, compared with those with the lowest levels.

See why CRP is so important?

CRP test and inflammation

How to Reduce CRP Levels

Look, I realize that CRP might not be a super sexy health topic. It’s not as celeb-gossip worthy as Intermittent Fasting or Keto. But as a certified nutritional therapist, I feel it’s my duty (and honor) to share with you simple yet important wellness advice. It’s easy to fall prey to food, drinks and other lifestyle choices that can cause serious inflammation in your body.

But it’s just as easy to avoid it.

Start off each morning by lowering your CRP levels with 16 ounces of my Organic Green Drink.

CRP and green drink

If you have time before you go to work, do a little yoga routine at home or go take a class (or do yoga any other time of day). Think I’m biased because I love yoga myself? Well, I do love yoga. But I bet you didn’t know that yoga is clinically proven to reduce CRP levels. Don’t believe me? Check out this research. And as you might expect, mindfulness, meditation, breathing exercises, and moving meditation exercises such as Tai Chi, can also reduce CRP levels. (So, too, can sex! Again, don’t take my word for it; look at the research.)

A few more simple ways to keep your inflammation level down is by taking a quality fish oil supplement and probiotic and getting 7 or more hours of restful sleep every night. And remember to keep your added sugar intake to a minimum and exercise almost every day.

Eating the right foods makes a difference in your CRP levels. Try healthy wild salmon, real olive oil, cruciferous veggies, and nuts and seeds.

If you’re feeling great and doing most of these things already, then no worries. But if you are concerned about the level of inflammation in your body, it’s really easy to get a CRP blood test (unless you’re like me and deathly afraid of needles; sorry can’t help you with that phobia!

To your health (and low levels of CRP),

Veronica “Chef V” Kress

Chef V

Is there a Safe Detox for Diabetics? Diabetes and Juice Cleanses

Diabetes management tools

Maintaining blood sugar levels is important for everyone, but especially pressing for those with diabetes. Blended juice cleanses can help you get your blood sugar levels back under control, and cut sugar cravings as well – this makes them an incredibly useful tool for both preventing diabetes, and alleviating its symptoms.

Individuals with diabetes do need to be very careful with changes in their blood sugar levels, and with what they eat in general. This means that diabetic cleanses need to be approached with a little bit more care and thought. We’ll cover some of these considerations right here.

Juicing to Prevent Diabetes

In an odd twist,  juice is both one of the main causes of diabetes, and one of the main ways to prevent it. How does that work, you might ask?

The risk of Type 2 Diabetes can be increased significantly by the consumption of sugar (overall diet, lifestyle and genetics also play a role). A lot of the juice products you can buy in the grocery store tend to be filled with sugar, often artificially added in order to create a sweeter flavor. Since we tend to think of juice as “healthy”, we might gulp down a lot of sugar without realizing it.

However, there are also a lot of healthier juice options out there. The green drink in our blended juice cleanses, for example, is filled with only the healthiest fruits and vegetables, and has low overall sugar content  – an 8oz serving has 26 calories and 6 g of sugar. 

Blended juice cleanses can be a great way to help regulate the dangerous sugar levels that might lead to the development of diabetes. They’re also a great way to help regular sugar cravings. This doesn’t only promote weight loss, but it helps you better stick to a healthy diet that can be used to manage diabetes risk factors. While reading the labels on blended juice cleanses, check for the amount of sugar – some have up to 100 g of sugar! 

Glucometer surrounded by candy

Juicing and Diabetes Concerns

So, a blended juice cleanse can be a great way to help prevent the high blood glucose levels that can be a risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes. But should people with Type 2 Diabetes be taking part in blended juice cleanses? Can it do anything for diabetes after it has developed?

If you are considering the possibility of a safe detox for diabetics, there are a few things to consider. Blood sugar levels for those with diabetes are much more difficult to control. This means that if you go all out on a hardcore diabetic cleanse to lose weight, you could possibly drop your blood sugar down to levels that are potentially unsafe.

If you have diabetes and aren’t sure about participating in a juice cleanse just yet, it doesn’t mean that you have to abandon the good stuff in a blended juice cleanse entirely – far from it. It does mean that you should try to set more limited and realistic blended juice cleanse goals for healthy living.

Cutting out sugary drinks is still important, as are managing sugar cravings. This is why incorporating green drinks into your regular diet can be a great way to help you achieve weight loss goals, and blood sugar level goals, even if you do have diabetes. By losing weight and cutting sugar cravings, you can help better manage your diabetes overall. With Chef V, you can get a green drink plan developed just for you, delivering the exact amount of the healthiest green drinks out there for your own health needs.

So while undergoing long cleanses may not be the best idea for those with diabetes, blended juice cleanse products can still play an important role in maintaining good health.

Recently Chef V had a clinical research study of its detox and green drink products completed. It shows that a 21 day Chef V detox plus a week of Chef V organic green drink lower A1C blood sugar levels. 

Warm Pumpkin Salad

This is a delicious fall treat for those first cool days that signal the end of summer. It’s very filling and makes you feel full even though it’s a salad. It’s also very healthy and vegan. – Veronica

pumpkin quinoa salad

Serving Size: 2-4 people


Warm Pumpkin Salad

  • 1 Tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup diced sweet or yellow onion
  • 1 small pie pumpkin, skinned, seeded and chopped into 1/2 inch cubes
  • 1 clove garlic, minced or pressed
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
  • 1 cup cooked quinoa
  • Sea salt, to taste
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 4 cups wild greens (arugula, spinach, or mixed lettuces)
  • 1 cup pomegranate seeds


Warm the pumpkin: In a large non-stick pan, heat the coconut oil over medium heat. Add the diced onion and pumpkin. (The smaller the pumpkin is diced the more quickly it will cook.) Sauté the pumpkin and onions over medium heat for about 5 minutes, or until the squash is soft. Do not burn the pumpkin or onions.

Add the garlic, nutmeg and thyme, and cook for 1 to 2 minutes more. Transfer the pumpkin to a bowl and stir in the cooked quinoa. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cool mixture in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

To serve, mix the dressing ingredients and drizzle over greens. Top with cooled pumpkin mix and garnish with pomegranate seeds. Serves 2-4.

How To Save $4000 On Green Drink & Cleanses—And Feel Like A Million Bucks

Veronica “V” Kress, founder of ChefV.com, is paying it forward by reducing the yearly cost of a Green Drink plan and 2 Cleanses by $4000, to a select group of VIP customers. To be eligible for consideration, VIP customers must be fully committed to looking and feeling their best in 2023. 

How are those healthy New Year resolutions going so far? Hopefully you’re not one of the 25% of people who quit within the first week of setting their resolutions. 

The fact is that most people abandon their resolution before the end of January. And get this: less than 10% are successful in seeing their resolution through and achieving success.

Are you the rare person that not only wants to unleash your full potential in 2023, but will actually make it happen? Are you someone who wants to live life at the possible highest vibration this year

Do you want 2023 to be your healthiest year yet? Are you excited about the possibility of looking and feeling your best ever?

Then I have an invitation for you

But first I have to warn you about something…

Be A CHEF V VIP. Buy A New Wardrobe With Your Savings!

If you accept my invitation you’re going to get significantly leaner

You’ll finally achieve the body you’ve been dreaming about for years.

And that means there’s a good chance you might have to buy new clothes

But with all the money you’ll save, you’ll be able to buy a whole new wardrobe. 

Plus you’ll still have lots more money saved to go on a dream vacation

If this sounds too good to be true, there is a catch…

You need to be 100% fully committed to my plan. 

You see, recently, I told you that Chef V’s Green Drink Plan is the best $7 you’ll spend this year for your overall health and well-being. 

The same price as a coffee shop vanilla latte will help you lose weight, feel great and everything that comes along with that… 

Like better sleep, more youthful looking skin and a stronger immune system… 

The Chef V Green Drink Plan is a great place to start for looking and feeling your best in 2023. 

If you want to take it to the next level and save thousands of dollars, I invite you into my inner circle: the CHEF V VIP group. 

Here’s what you get when you join:

  • $4000 off the retail price for 12 months of Green Drink or Tropical Green Drink
  • Two (2) 3-DAY CLEANSES Included (accelerate your weight loss)
    • Private Health Consultation with Chef V, a certified nutritional therapist (30 minutes $250 value)
    • Hard copy of Chef V’s Cookbook, Making Cleansing Easier (a $47 value)
    • A Chef V Tumbler ($20 value)
  • Free samples of upcoming Chef V new products. 

Be A VIP For Less Than The Cost Of A Burrito 

My accountant is not very happy with me. You see, he thinks I’m not charging enough for my Green Drink Plan. And on top of that, I’m offering 2 free 3-DAY CLEANSES! 

I’m sure you’re all too aware of how much prices of everything have gone up. Why would I then offer a huge savings plus several freebies on top of that? 

Well, at the end of the day, CHEF V is a business, so I do have to turn a profit. But beyond being a business, CHEF V is a community. And I want to give back and help people achieve their health goals

This is why I created the VIP PLAN. By becoming a VIP, you are purchasing not only the freshest, most gut-friendly, lowest-sugar Green Drink, you’re also getting something you can’t put money on…


By becoming a VIP, you are not only purchasing daily Green Drinks and 2 CLEANSES, you’re also investing in your future health and success. 

By prepaying for a VIP yearly plan, you are guaranteeing that you will stay motivated and committed to meeting your goals

In becoming a CHEF V VIP, you eliminate the chance of failure!  

You will be the rare person that sticks to their New Year health resolutions!

So what will all this cost? 

I believe in being fully transparent. No waiting until the checkout cart pops up to see what the total cost is…

Your upfront investment in your health and happiness for 2023 is $2199.

That comes out to $183 a month

That’s only $6.10 per day

Way less than the breakfast burrito I ate the other day. It was $15! 

Of course, I ate it at 1 p.m. because I do intermittent fasting and I break my fast with Green Drink every morning. Having Green Drink every day for your “break-fast” is the easiest way to lose weight and feel super-charged.

And with the VIP Plan, you’re guaranteed of securing the lowest possible price on Green Drink and sticking with it. No temptations to jump off the bandwagon and go back to your old ways of eating sausage, bacon, toast and bagels for breakfast. 

I can’t emphasize enough how Green Drink starts off your day in the healthiest way possible. 

—-> Read Chef V’s Health Benefits Of Green Drink For Breakfast

The point is, that gourmet burrito I had was delicious. But $15 on something that really isn’t supporting my health to the same degree as Green Drink? Delicious but ridiculous. 

Whereas $6 a day for Green Drink plus free 2 CLEANSES during the year to support your body’s detoxification organs

That’s far too much of a bargain, according to my accountant. 

Is Your Brain Health Worth $2K? 

The average person will think of a thousand excuses not to invest $2199 in their health. 

But you’re not average. You realize that flooding your cells every morning with the world’s most potent, health-supporting phytonutrients is priceless. 

And doing so affects your health in every possible way. 

For example, your brain health. 

But don’t just take my word for it. A study in the journal, Neurology, shows that just 1 serving a day of green leafy vegetables may help to slow age-associated cognitive decline. 

Plus there’s research that shows how daily green leafy veggies supports sleep quality, collagen production, blood sugar levels and so much more…

The VIP Green Drink plan is like buying the best premium fuel for your body at Costco prices. 

30 Day Challenge X 12 = Amazing Health Transformation

Every so often, we’ll do a 30 Day Green Drink Challenge on social media. Chef V customers who complete the challenge typically experience some amazing results. 10-20 pounds lost. More energy. Cravings for junk gone. Clearer skin. 

Unfortunately, some people lose their momentum and go back to their old ways. 

This is why becoming a VIP is the smartest thing you’ll do this year. 

Imagine the success of a 30-day challenge times 12!!!

On a VIP plan, the motivation will never fade! 

Make 2023 the year you finally see a health resolution through to the end of the year.

Upgrade to a VIP plan now.

To your health and success!

Love, Chef V

Chef V and kale

What Do I Eat Today – Menu with Chef V’s Moussaka

what do I eat today moussaka

This “What Do I Eat Today” menu starts with warm lemon water, then Green Drink. For breakfast, Easy Cereal with Chef V's Almond Milk.  For lunch, my Creamy Sweet Potato Soup, and for dinner,  Vegan Moussaka, demonstrated in this month's Chef V Cooking School video. Dessert is a creamy Chia Seed Pudding with fruit.


I have lemon water in the morning and then I wait until I'm hungry to have my Green Drink.

warm cinnamon quinoa

For Breakfast – Easy Cereal with Chef V's  raw Almond Milk

Chef V’s Tip: My Raw Almond Milk is easy to make and so versatile; I use it throughout my book. Or, an ice-cold glass of it is refreshing on a hot summer day.

Get the recipe here. 

This “What do I Eat today” lunch is Sweet Potato Leek Soup. Sweet potatoes are the uber tuber – packed with fiber and antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and blood sugar regulating nutrients. The best ways to prepare them for maximum health benefits are boiling, steaming and stir frying.

Get the recipe here.

Dinner – Vegan Moussaka

For dinner, you are having my Vegan Moussaka, made with healthier ingredients that will taste great and make you feel good. My vegan version of moussaka uses a dairy-free Béchamel sauce and mushrooms instead of meat.

This recipe is featured in my Cooking series on YouTube and you can watch me prepare the recipe here.

Chia seed pudding

Dessert – Chia Seed Pudding

For dessert or snack we offer a recipe for Chia Seed Pudding. Chia seed pudding is great for breakfast, dessert, or anytime, and kids love this recipe.

Get the recipe here.

Chia seeds are tiny superfood heroes. They come in either white or dark brown/black and have a huge nutritional profile. 

Veronica pouring green drink

A Research Study Worth “Weighting” For: CHEF V Clinically Proven For Weight Loss

Chef V and weight loss

There’s no need to do a radical fast to lose weight. Instead, you can fuel your body with healthy carbs, lean protein, and a tiny bit of dietary fat and not have to skip meals to achieve a healthy weight loss. I lost 55lbs in three months after having Kaden using Green Drink!

And now we have the science to back it up.

The word “detox” has dubious connotations: Slick-marketed detox pills, crazy fad diets, water fasts, and fruit juice fasts. So it’s no wonder most people put more weight back on than before trying a detox.

It’s also not surprising that few research studies have proven the effectiveness of detox supplements. That is until now! An independent laboratory has recently concluded that Chef V’s Detox and Green Drink leads to significant weight loss.


I should implement this on social media immediately!

One question we’re asked almost daily on DM is if Chef V Detox is effective for weight loss. “Will I keep the weight off?” customers want to know. 

Despite thousands of customer success stories, it’s inevitable that not everybody who reaches out to us tries the 21 DAY DETOX. 

And I can’t say I blame them. 

So many people have been burned by ineffective detoxes in the past. Maybe they lost a bunch of water weight (and were glued to the toilet in the process). But they put the weight back on after the detox. 

I get it. Detoxing sometimes has a bad rap. But, unfortunately, there’s a lot of crappy detox products out there.

doctor measuring waist of patient

But doing a safe and effective detox can be transformative. For the better part of two decades, I’ve believed in the power of detoxing whenever I needed to improve: 

  • Elimination: Less constipation
  • Liver function: Clearer-looking skin
  • Digestive enzyme function: Enhanced nutrient absorption and digestion
  • Inflammation: Lower levels of C-Reactive Protein
  • Energy: Better physical energy and mental stamina
  • Body composition: Less stored body fat (WEIGHT LOSS)

That’s why several years ago, I created the Chef V 21 DAY DETOX. My goal was to develop a safe and effective detox program with amazing results that lasted well past the end of the three weeks. 

In addition, I wanted to provide the education that customers so desperately need to keep the weight loss results going and adopt lifelong healthy habits

Even though I knew in my heart that the detox program I created was effective, most mainstream health websites will tell you that there’s minimal scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of detox programs for weight loss. 

Well, it was time to put my money where my mouth was and not just rely on anecdotal evidence to back my claims. It was time to put CHEF V’s Detox under the microscope.

Order a 21 Day Detox Challenge – followup with a Green Drink subscription.

Over a 28-day period, the Chef V 21 Day Detox + Green Drink Program resulted in positive health improvements:

weight loss – an average of eight pounds.

‘bad’ cholesterol decreased – (LDL cholesterol) and the ratio of total cholesterol to LDL cholesterol improved. This is really promising for overall cardiovascular wellness.

inflammation – went down 33% (based on c-reactive protein levels).

A1C levels improved, crucial for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and avoiding diabetes.

bloating decreased – relieving the traffic jam inside your stomach.

It’s truly rewarding to see these positive changes happening in just under a month, making a difference in people’s lives.

You can carry out your own Chef V program and experience the proven results! Order your 21 day detox today!

Clinical Trial Results: Participants Lose Avg. 8 POUNDS

Recently, CHEFV.com commissioned Santa Monica-based Citrus Labs to independently analyze the effects of following a 21 DAY STARTER DETOX, followed by a 7-day ORGANIC GREEN DRINK PLAN, for a total of 28 days. 

For the clinical trial, 38 men and women between the ages of 31-65 were recruited. At the beginning of the trial, participants weighed, on average, 176 pounds. By the end of the 28 days, the participants’ average body weight was 168 pounds. Of course, some people lost significantly more than 8 pounds.

(If you check out our SUCCESS STORIES, you’ll see that people who have more weight to lose have lost an impressive amount, in some cases over 50 pounds in just 21 days. And the best part is they have kept the weight off!)

Now, if you don’t think 8 pounds is a lot in 28 days, I want you to consider two things. 

First, none of the study participants had any chronic metabolic disorders such as obesity or type 2 diabetes. In other words, study participants didn’t necessarily have a significant amount of weight to lose. 

And secondly, going from 176 to 168 is a drop of almost 4.5%. Imagine melting away nearly 5% of your body, especially the part you least want to keep. 

But it wasn’t just the impressive weight loss that the participants were stoked about. Nearly 80% of the participants said they felt in a better mood, and over 72% felt they had more energy. And 88% felt better overall. 

I can’t say I was surprised by the results. That’s because in creating the 21 DAY DETOX, I didn’t have just the scale in mind. Instead, my mission was to create a detox program that safely improves digestion and elimination while teaching customers how to eat healthily for the rest of their lives.

“Participants experienced a significant reduction in weight across the trial, losing 7.74 pounds on average. Overall, Chef V products were very effective at promoting positive changes in biomarkers measured during this trial.”

—Citrus Labs 

Mackenzie's Success Story

During my 21 day detox I lost 19 lbs! My BMI went from 24.0 to 16.9! I am super excited for when I do my next detox because I will be doing the expert challenge! LOVE LOVE LOVE Chef V.” – Mackenzie

Chef V Weight Loss Study Detox Method

So how did the participants lose all that weight and feel great? By, as I like to joke, following the directions to a “V.”

A Chef V Starter Detox has 3 phases:

  • Days 1-7: Healthy Routine
  • Days 8-10: 3 Day Cleanse
  • Days 11-21: Healthy Routine

For the first and third phases, study participants prepared lunch and dinner from Chef V’s Meal Planner, which contains delicious recipes, helpful tips, and resources such as a healthy portion guide, an Eat This/Not That chart, and more. For breakfast, participants enjoy a 16 oz. Green Drink and then are encouraged to have a vegan protein shake (also provided by Chef V) 30 minutes later. 

During the 3 Day Cleanse phase, participants consumed four 16 oz servings of Green Drink, two vegan protein shakes, and a Detox Soup for dinner. All three Chef V products—GREEN DRINK, PROTEIN SHAKE, DETOX SOUP—supply the nutrition you need for optimal health outcomes, including healthy and sustained weight loss. 

There’s no need to do a radical fast to lose weight. Instead, you can fuel your body with healthy carbs, lean protein, and a tiny bit of dietary fat and not have to skip meals to achieve a healthy weight loss. 

And now we have the science to back it up. 

Experience what the Chef V study participants felt. Learn more about Chef V Detox options here

Rick's Success Story

“I noticed that there is a lack of 21 Day Cleanse reviews, compared to 3 day, 5 day, and 7 day reviews. So I feel obliged to share my experience.

This is not the first time I have done a cleanse, so I have others to compare it to as well. In a nut shell: CHEF V ROCKS! Thats the simple version. The long version is that the 21 Day Cleanse is worth every penny, it is a challenge, and it is positively altering!

So far, I am down a whopping total of 51 LBS, due in part to Chef V's 21 Day Cleanse! From day 1 to day 21 of the challenge, I lost a total of 22lbs….and I continue to lose weight. This cleanse has aftershocks.
(BOOOOOOOM!)” – Rick

Chef V’s Cooking with V – Vegan Moussaka

Welcome to Chef V's Cooking School!

I'm Veronica, Certified Nutritional Therapist, author, and proud owner of Chef V. You might know me for my Green Drink and Cleanses, but I started Chef V as a personal chef. In my first video cooking series, I'll be sharing some of my clients' favorite recipes with you.

Using this blog and my YouTube channel, I welcome you to my kitchen. We're going to laugh, learn and cook – together.

In this special episode, we have a virtual guest. Michael lost over 200lbs with Chef V and implemented a healthy lifestyle. His story is so inspiring. We make a vegan version of moussaka using a dairy-free Béchamel sauce and mushrooms instead of meat.

Cooking with Chef V

Michael says:

“I’ve reached my goal weight in June, losing a total of 245 plus pounds over the last 22 months. Chef V has helped in this as my morning drink since I started my Green Drink Plan from you. Thank you.”

Vegan Moussaka
Step by Step

moussaka ingredients


  • 2 tablespoons cold-pressed olive oil, divided use
  • 1/4 cup sliced white onion
  • 1 clove garlic, minced or pressed
  • 1 pound minced mushrooms
  • 1 tablespoon gluten-free flour
  • 1 cup Chef V's Raw Almond Milk
  • 3/4 cup vegan mozzarella shreds
  • 1/2 cup vegetable broth
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • Sea salt and black pepper, to taste
  • 1 large (or 2 small) zucchini, thinly sliced lengthwise like lasagna noodles


dicing onion

Preheat the oven to 350F. Lightly coat a 6×6 inch baking dish with coconut spray.


Cut off both ends of the onion, remove the skin, give it diagonal cuts all the way across the cut end.  Slice across cut end for perfectly diced onion.

chop mushrooms

Chop the mushrooms – I love the nice meaty texture they give to the dish.

sliced zucchini

Cut off the ends so the end is flat. Slice lengthwise making pieces like a lasagna noodle.

saute onions


In a saucepan, saute onions in 1 tablespoon of olive oil for about one minute, until translucent. Add the garlic, then the mushrooms. Continue cooking for about 3 minutes more.

bechamel sauce in pan


Add one tablespoon olive oil to a saucepan, add the flour into the oil, and stir. Slowly add the almond milk while stirring. Add 1/2 cup vegan cheese.

Once the cheese is melted add the spices – 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg and 1/8 teaspoon rosemary.

The sauce will get creamy and thicken. Reduce the heat and simmer it. Add the broth and continue stirring.

assemble dish


In a 6 by 6-inch baking dish, assemble the moussaka. 

  • Cover the bottom with a layer of zucchini slices.
  • Sprinkle with 1/2 the mozzarella shreds.
  • Top with mushroom mixture.
  • Sprinkle remaining mozzarella shreds.
  • Cover with a layer of zucchini slices.
  • Top with sauce.

moussake oven


Bake for 45 minutes, or until the sauce is golden brown.

Let cool for 10-15 minutes before serving.



Is Cleansing While Pregnant Or Nursing Safe?

Chef V pregnant -1

Veronica (the “V” in Chef V) is now a mommy to one big beautiful baby. Kaden Samuel Kress was born weighing almost 10 pounds! Baby, momma and daddy (Brandon) are all doing great. Now that Baby Kaden is here, can V get back to her pre-pregnancy weight by doing a brief cleanse? V reveals whether it’s safe, and provides pregnant and breastfeeding moms with other practical nutrition facts. 

As I write this right after the July 4th holiday, I feel grateful to live in the USA. But after having just given birth, I’m dreaming of being a Scandinavian. You see, in Denmark, moms get 4 weeks of leave directly before the due date and then 14 weeks of leave after birth. 

But when you’re running a mini Organic Green Drink delivery empire, ain’t nobody got time for that much maternity leave. 

Speaking of Green Drinks, they are the cornerstone of ChefV.com cleanses (4 of them per day, available in 1-DAY, 3-DAY, and 5-DAY options), and now that my Baby Kaden is here, I thought I’d write about whether it’s safe for new moms to do a brief cleanse to get back to the weight they were before they had a watermelon in their belly. 

mother holding baby up in air

Cleansing For Expecting & New Moms

To answer whether it’s safe to cleanse while breastfeeding or pregnant, I’m not gonna leave you with a cliffhanger. I’ll cut right to the chase. I don’t recommend cleansing while breastfeeding or pregnant. That’s because when you’re doing a cleanse, it accelerates the liver’s detoxification pathways. 

Totally a good thing when you’ve been eating lots of bacon double cheeseburgers and don’t have a tiny human in your belly. But when the liver’s detoxification pathways are accelerated, trapped toxins get released into the bloodstream. Not good for a fetus or a nursing baby!

Are Green Drinks OK For New Moms? 

Does that mean that pregnant and nursing moms shouldn’t have Organic Green Drink? Actually, having a Green Drink every day as a supplement to your diet is safe. I had one every day during my pregnancy. But don’t take that as medical advice. You should consult with your doctor or OBGYN. 

So why is it safe to have a Green Drink while pregnant or nursing if it’s the cornerstone of the Chef V cleanse? Because the 7 green leafy veggies are nutrient dense. And you’re not doing a cleanse, you’re just having one daily green drink and eating a normal diet.

Another reason it’s not a good idea to do a cleanse, even a 1-DAY cleanse is because you’re consuming fewer calories. Although the Chef V cleanse is one of the only detox programs that supplies all the essential macronutrients (protein, fat and low-sugar carbs), it does not provide enough calories and nutrients for a developing baby.

Are Raw Juices Safe For Pregnancy?

Better For Mom & Baby’s Gut 

ChefV.com prides itself on being the only company that delivers low-sugar, unpasteurized (raw) cold-blended Green Drinks made fresh. The advantage of raw and cold-blended is it’s better for your gut microbiome

Less Harmful Bacteria Than Store Produce

Another advantage of drinking your greens from ChefV.com is that all our produce comes direct from farms. That means hardly any hands have touched the 7 certified organic green leafy veggies. In comparison, think about how many people handle or touch the produce sold at grocery stores: distributors, employees and customers. Supermarket-bought produce carries far more bacteria!

No Bugs, Literally!

Another reason Chef V Green Drinks are safe is that after we receive the produce directly from our farm suppliers, we wash it with a certified organic solution. The produce soaks in this solution and is then power-washed with cold water and inspected for bugs. This process reduces bacteria that could potentially harm your baby. 

Finally, just a quick word of caution about consuming raw drinks and foods: make sure it’s from a brand or local farm that you know and trust!

baby with fruits and vegetables

Does Eating Veggies Affect Your Baby’s Future Diet? 

Obviously, eating a diet high in fruits and veggies is not only great for mom’s health, but for developing baby’s as well. But a 2020 study in Public Health Nutrition posed an interesting question: Does a mom’s diet while breastfeeding affect what the baby will eat later in life? In other words, if mom eats lots of fresh fruits and veggies, will it “train” baby’s taste buds to like them too? 

According to the study authors, children breastfed during infancy consume more fruits and vegetables than formula-fed children. “This pattern is likely due, in part, to infants learning from flavors of the mother's diet transmitted through breast milk.” 

And out of nearly 1400 b mom-baby combinations, the study authors concluded that longer breastfeeding duration was associated with a higher rate of fruit and vegetable consumption when the child reached one year. 

Even better, the study conclusion was the same when the children reached 6 years of age. Exposure to vegetable flavors through breast milk promotes later child vegetable consumption, the authors concluded.

baby breast feeding

Take It Easy On The Garlic & Onions

Garlic and onions are great for stir-fry dishes but alliums, the family that garlic and onions are in, are not good for babies. In fact, alliums can make a colicky baby cry like a banshee even more. 

A randomized clinical trial (the gold standard of research) from 2018 (published here) was conducted because “therapeutic diets for infantile colic lack evidence.” 

So the study authors examined the effects of a low-FODMAP diet. FODMAPS stands for “Fermentable, Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, And Polyols,” which are types of sugars. Alliums like garlic and onions are fructans, which are oligosaccharides. 

The study examined breastfed infants at least 9 weeks old with colic. One group of moms went on a 10-day low-FODMAP diet while the other group ate a typical Western diet. The low-FODMAP diet was associated with a 32% reduction in “crying-fussing durations of infants with colic.” 

You know how garlic and onions can make you burp? Remember that those alliums travel through the breast milk and make babies cranky! 

garlic and onions

Do Breastfeeding Moms Need Nutritional Supplements? 

The University of California San Francisco recommends that breastfeeding mothers take a daily multivitamin that contains 100 percent of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA). If taking a prenatal vitamin, you can continue to take it, but you’ll likely be consuming too much iron, which may cause constipation or indigestion.  

A research article from a Spanish pediatric journal suggests that moms should pay special attention to getting enough thiamine (vitamin B1) and vitamins A and D, because these 3 nutrients are the ones most likely to be the most deficient in breastmilk if mom isn’t getting enough of it through the diet. The researchers also say that moms should consume at least 1800 calories a day.

All this writing about postnatal nutrition is making me hungry. I’m off to go eat and feed baby Kaden. I hope this article is useful if you’re expecting or nursing. 

To your health — and baby’s too!


Founder, ChefV.com

The Formula for Sustained Weight Loss with Chef V

four people holding green drink

Anybody can do a juice cleanse to lose weight. But for sustained weight loss and a major health transformation, use my Chef V Cleanse + Green Drink and follow my recipes and meals!

My Chef V’s 21-Day Challenge makes nutrition the first priority. It's the only clinically proven long-term program that includes organic Green Drink, plant-based protein shakes, filling detox soups, a varied choice of food, and a plan for sustaining your positive results. 

Michael weight loss

The Chef V Clinical Research Study

“Will I keep the weight off?” customers want to know.  Lots of companies make weigh loss claims, but I want to prove the results people get from my products. 

So rather than just relying on social media testimonials and hype, I decided to boldly go where few natural food companies have gone: get the (very expensive) backing of an independent clinical trial. 

The clinical trial had participants completing a 21 Day Challenge followed by a week of Green Drink. Before the 21 Day Challenge, the participants weighed, on average, 176 pounds. At the end of the trial, participants’ average body weight was 168 pounds. And some people lost significantly more than 8 pounds.

Most important to me, I designed the Challenge to keep the weight loss results going and help participants adopt lifelong healthy habits.

Above, you can see the incredible weight loss that Michael achieved and sustained with help from Chef V Green Drink. 

Chef V cooking

What's Your Secret? How Can You Help Me?

How can I get people to end their addiction to artificial ingredients, sodium, sugar, and unhealthy processed fats that are so pervasive in packaged foods? What can I do to help people conquer insulin resistance and high blood sugar that lead to so many chronic health problems? 

These were burning questions I asked myself when I decided to pass on going to graduate school after getting my degree in psychology. Instead, I decided to take a leap of faith and launch a career that combined two of my passions: cooking and educating people about health and wellness. 

Over a decade later with thousands of success stories under ChefV’s belt, people often ask me the secret to my Cleanse and Detox programs in helping people safely lose weight, feel great and keep their results going. I would say it’s these elements:

Completely Organic

Organic Foundation – Chef V is a certified organic brand with bicoastal kitchens that exceed the rigorous standards set forth by the National Organic Program. When trying to cleanse/detox your body, you can’t do it with pesticides and herbicides. The ingredients have to be organic! That’s not something I’ll ever compromise on just to save money.

Eat Healthy and Sustain!

Healthy Eating Resources – Before you start a cleanse, do you know how to avoid side effects? Do you know how to keep the weight off once the cleanse ends? Over the years, I’ve created pre-cleanse instructions, a handy Eat This/Not That and Healthy Portion printout, and other resources so you can experience a long-lasting health transformation. The recipes in my cookbook “Cleansing Made Easier” transform your favorite recipes to healthier alternatives. And my blog and weekly emails have hundreds of recipes and articles to keep you motivated.

Every month I send you new “What do I Eat Today” menus that make it easy to plan on a busy day. Michael, whose before and after photos are shown above, was a guest at my “Cooking with Chef V” moussaka video. Watch the video and click the image below for complete recipe instructions.

Cooking with V Video Series

Healthy Cooking Video SeriesHow does an organic turkey cream-free risotto sound? Or a vegan mousaka. Or a dairy-free, gluten-free chicken pot pie? Maybe you prefer quinoa enchiladas instead? All these delicious recipes and more are available on the Chef V Life channel on YouTube and offer a healthy alternative without sacrificing taste.


No Quick Fix Promises – Everybody deserves to live a healthy life. But there’s no quick-fix solution. It takes some time and effort. But when you have someone holding your hand to guide you on the transition from a diet full of processed food to eating a (mostly) plant-based whole-food diet, it’s an enjoyable journey. Our Facebook Community support each other as they cleanse and after. 

Emphasis on Nutrition while Cleansing

More than Juice – It’s easy to lose weight doing a juice cleanse. That’s because you’ll be consuming way fewer calories than normal. But if you’re just drinking juice containing high-sugar fruits, you’ll starve your body and have blood sugar fluctuations. In comparison, Chef V CLEANSES include 3 products that prevent cravings and maintain lean muscle tissue:

  • Protein-Packed Shakes: Unlike water or juice-only fasts, our shakes provide a significant amount of protein, essential for muscle maintenance and overall bodily function.
  • Fiber-Rich Organic Juice: Many cleansing juices on the market are nothing more than sugary traps. Our organic juice is blended, not pressed and is rich in fiber, aiding in digestion and contributing to a fuller feeling.
  • Vegetable-Enriched Soups: We don't ignore the importance of whole foods in our cleanse. It includes soups with essential nutrients making sure you're well-fed and satisfied.
  • And to keep weight off after your detox you eat delicious (and healthy) food.  


Backed By Research –  I commissioned an independent lab to research Chef V products. Citrus Labs concluded that Chef V products, including the ORGANIC GREEN DRINK PLAN combined with the healthy recipes, resulted in improved health and weight loss for all participants in the study. You can check out the findings from the clinical research here.

Chef V: A Path To A Healthy, New Lifestyle

Before I launched ChefV.com Organic Green Drink delivery, I was a private chef. I’ve always loved cooking and eating flavorful healthy foods, even as a teenager. 

My mission is to help you transform your kitchen into a haven for health. All of the recipes in my cookbook, MAKING CLEANSING EASIER, include 100% cleanse-friendly ingredients. When a recipe calls for sweetness, stevia or a low-sugar natural alternative is used. As I said in the intro to my cookbook, these recipes are so yummy. Not only will you not feel deprived, you will think are indulging big time! 

Experiencing a health transformation as I said takes time but the formula is pretty easy: Eating right + Drinking lots of water + exercising. 

Just remember you don’t have to eat perfectly healthy 100% of the time. Even I indulge in my favorite vice occasionally: french fries. The key is to be consistent. Don’t just try to lose weight to fit into a wedding dress and then go back to eating fast food. 

Veronica with her cookbook


If you want to look and feel your best, get on a Green Drink Plan. And if you want to accelerate your weight loss and other health goals, try a CLEANSE or 21-DAY DETOX. With all organic ingredients, healthy eating resources, dozens of recipes and cooking videos, and the backing of research, you’re well on the path to success!

Veronica Wheat
Founder, ChefV.com

Electrolytes: Keep Your Levels Optimal


If you know me, you know I love to exercise. After recently giving birth, I was frustrated to not be able to do any of the active sports I enjoy, and now that I've been cleared by my doctor, I'm so ready.

I'm sort of obsessed with pickleball. And it's a sweaty game in sunny San Diego. I'm breastfeeding and I want to be sure I'm getting the electrolytes Kaden and I need to thrive.

Electrolytes are not something we usually think about. But when you’re playing pickleball like it’s an Olympic sport in hot weather, electrolytes matter.  Lactating mothers need increased levels of electrolytes, starting with with sodium. And we also need more potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus.

If you don’t have enough electrolytes—or an imbalance of them—it can lead to serious problems: dizziness, fainting, nausea, muscle cramps, headaches, vomiting, tremors and even death.

Some people only know about electrolytes because of high-sugar, artificially-colored and artificially-flavored sports drinks. Obviously, that’s not healthy to drink, ever. But electrolytes aren’t just for serious athletes engaged in sweat-fueled competition.

Check out my healthy Electrolyte Orange Drink Recipe at the end of this article.

What Are Electrolytes?

Many people can name some of the most important electrolytes like sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. But do you know what electrolytes are and what they do?

Don’t feel bad if you don’t. I needed a refresher on what they do at a deeper level. So I geeked out a bit and read this research on it so you don’t have to. OK, so here’s what they do in simple English.

Electrolytes are essential for basic life functioning. You wouldn’t be able to contract a muscle, or think clearly, or have your heart beat effectively without electrolytes. These minerals are like mini electricians hard at work in your body. You see, we all have trillions of cells in our body. And each cell requires the perfect amount of electricity. Electrolytes send electrical signals that generate and conduct electricity that flows through our nerves and into our muscles. Without enough electrolytes, your heart, brain, muscles and nerves wouldn’t be able to properly function.

In addition, electrolytes regulate fluid balance in our cells. This helps keep us hydrated.

Veronica and pickleball

Which Minerals Are Electrolytes And Where Do They Come From?

All electrolytes are important. But the 3 main ones are sodium, potassium and chloride.

Phosphate, calcium, bicarbonate and magnesium are also important electrolytes. Other minerals like iron, copper and selenium are also considered electrolytes.

Besides taking a sea salt bath, pretty much the only way to get electrolytes is through food and drinks. Yet another reason why diet matters.

Any time you eat or drink something, the electrolytes dissolve in your blood and water. After the minerals dissolve, electrical impulses called ions are created. These ions are to your nerves and muscles what spark plugs are to a car. In other words, they serve as a catalyst. So in essence, electrolytes are the internal body’s spark of life.


Best Food Sources Of Electrolytes

One of the best selling points of a plant-based diet is that it’s rich in electrolytes. Fruits and veggies are hands down the best sources. Green leafy veggies, like the 7 certified-organic ones in the Chef V Green Drink delivery plan are especially high in calcium and potassium.

When you sweat, you mainly lose sodium and potassium. Even though there’s a tiny bit of sodium in Green Drink, I know I need extra if I’m sweating my butt off on the pickleball court or hot yoga.

So what I do BEFORE exercising is I add a teaspoon of Himalayan Sea Salt to my Green Drink. That way, I know that I won’t deplete my sodium and potassium levels. And to make sure they are fully replenished, I’ll have another serving of Green Drink.

Or, if I’m running low on Green Drink or am just in the mood for something else, I’ll make my own healthy, homemade Electrolyte drink.

chef v's homemade gatorade

Chef V’s Electrolyte Orange Drink Recipe

Here’s how I make a healthy alternative to Gatorade and other sugar-filled, artificial sports drinks.


  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 1 cup cold water
  • 1/2 cup  fresh squeezed orange or mandarin
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp coconut sugar

Blend in a blender. Serve cold. Keep for up to 2 days in the fridge.

Creamy Sweet Potato & Leek Soup

Chef V Food Fact: Sweet potatoes are the uber tuber – packed wth fiber and antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and blood sugar regulating nutrients. The best ways to prepare them for maximum health benefits are boiling, steaming and stir frying.

pumpkin pie


  • 1 to 2 leeks, chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, minced or pressed
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 pound sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped
  • 1/2 pound white carrots, peeled and chopped
  • 4 cups vegetable broth
  • 1/2 cup raw cashews, soaked and drained

For a healthy variation to this recipe, add 1 tbsp fresh ginger and 1 tsp fresh turmeric.


In a saucepan, sauté the leek and garlic in the coconut oil for 2 minutes over medium heat. Add the sweet potatoes, carrots, and vegetable broth and cook for 15 to 20 minutes, until the veggies are tender. Add the cashews. Transfer to a Vitamix in batches, if necessary, and process until smooth. Soup is best served warm.

Chef V Life Before & After Success Stories

chefvlife success stories

Above, Chef V clients' before/after photos

Check out these Chef V experiences!

These customers have amazing before and after stories to tell about Chef V's  Green Drink and Cleanses. Many have lost weight and feel “amazing!”.

Chef V customers might start with a Chef V Cleanse, but they continue to drink it daily for its continuing health benefits. Plus, at only $7 a day, it is much more affordable than grocery store brands.

As you can see from these success stories, our customers are happy to tell their friends, family, and us their success stories.

Pashelle's Success

Pashelle success

Pashelle says: “Thank you so much. I work about 13-14 hours a day in the wardrobe department of a television show. It is so easy to eat junk food allday. Me and the driver of my wardrobe trailer committed to the 3 day cleanse and we feel amazing. Day 1 was the toughtest day Day 2, I saw the difference. And day 3 was an introduction to my New Self. Thank you Chef V.”

Makenzie's Story

Mackenzie success

“During my 21 day detox I lost 19 lbs! My BMI went from 24.0 to 16.9! I am super excited for when I do my next detox because I will be doing the expert challenge! LOVE LOVE LOVE Chef V.”

Michael's Dramatic Weight Loss


“I’ve reached my goal weight in June, losing a total of 245 plus pounds over the last 22 months. Chef V has helped in this as my morning drink since I started my Green Drink Plan from you. Thank you.”

“I’ve reached my goal weight in June, losing a total of 245 plus pounds over the last 22 months. Chef V has helped in this as my morning drink since I started my Green Drink Plan from you. Thank you.”

Rick's Story


“Wow!… have I been excited to write this review! (READ WITH CONFIDENCE) This is not the first time I have done a cleanse, so I have others to compare it to as well. In a nut shell: CHEF V ROCKS! That’s the simple version. The long version is that the 21 Day Detox is worth every penny, it is a challenge, and it is positively altering! From day 1 to day 21 of the challenge, I lost a total of 22lbs ….and I continue to lose weight. This cleanse has aftershocks. (BOOOOOOOM!) THANK YOU Chef V; for all the countless hours of study you have done to deliver a detox that gives noticeable results and restoration! Thank you, Chef V!”

Acai Bowl

Chef V tip: Try an acai bowl for breakfast, too!

Acai is a berry-like fruit native to the rain forests of the Amazon. It has a bitter taste and a very short shelf life, so we don’t often find them fresh in the store. Acai berries contain antioxidants, fiber, and heart-healthy fats.

acai bowl


  • 1 frozen unsweetened acai smoothie packet (I like Sambazon)
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1/2 cup frozen raspberries or blackberries
  • 1/2 cup Chef V’s Raw Almond Milk
  • 1/2 cup fresh seasonal fruit (blueberries, raspberries, kiwi, peaches) use your favs!
  • 1 tablespoon shredded unsweetened coconut
  • 1/4 cup crushed raw almonds, optional


In a Vitamix, process frozen acai juice, blueberries, raspberries, and almond milk on medium until smooth. Transfer to a bowl and top with your favorite fresh fruit, coconut, and almonds, if desired.

Raw Cucumber + Avocado Gazpacho

Cool and creamy, soups are a great way to start a meal, but are also awesome as a main course. You can easily double or triple my recipe and have delicious leftovers. The beauty of my veggie-rich recipe is that its high water and fiber content slows how fast you eat and fills you up quicker.

raw cucumber + avocado gazpacho



  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1/2 cup fresh cilantro leaves
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives
  • 2 cups filtered ice water
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons sea salt
  • 1 lime, juice only
  • Chopped tomatoes
  • Fresh chopped chives
  • Cucumber slices


Refrigerate all the ingredients overnight. Peel and seed the avocado and peel the cucumber and garlic.

Place all the cold ingredients in a Vitamix and process until smooth.

The colder the ingredients are, the less foam there will be. Serve cold and top with chopped tomatoes for a bright pop of flavor.

How Does “V” Reboot Her Mind & Body? Cleansing Lessons From ChefV.com’s Founder

Through her email newsletters and blog posts, Chef V has helped thousands of customers by providing useful tips and tricks on how to prepare for a cleanse and what to do during before and after the cleanse to maximize success and long-term healthy habits. Now it’s time to turn the tables and find out how “V” (Veronica) cleanses…

You might assume that someone who literally wrote the book on Making Cleansing Easier frequently does a cleanse. But Veronica Kress, the “V” in Chef V, admits to only doing a full-blown cleanse about twice a year.

Why only twice a year?

Well, when you practice what you preach and do a mini cleanse every day, you don’t need to purify yourself that often. Having an Organic Green Drink every morning on an empty stomach is a daily religious rite of passage for V. “Each one of us naturally cleanses every night while we’re sleeping,” V explains, adding, “And when I have a Green Drink for breakfast after drinking some pure water, I’m prolonging the process.

But on the rare occasions, she feels she’s in a rut and experiencing cravings for junk, it’s time for V to get her cleanse on!

How Does V Know When To Do A Cleanse? 

“I know when I need to do a full cleanse if I’m at a party and have a couple Doritos and then suddenly I’m craving the whole bag and other junk food.”

V reveals an intimate detail about why she did a cleanse in the summer of 2021. The reason why she chose to do it? In the hopes of getting pregnant. “I’ve had several customers tell me that after they did a Chef V cleanse, they became pregnant so I thought I might as well try too,” V laughs. (She is now the proud Mom of baby Kaden!)

But there was another reason that V does a full cleanse that doesn’t have anything to do with procreation. “People may think I’m this perfect saint of nutrition but I’m not. Before that last cleanse, I had family in town and we did a lot of wine tasting,” V explains.

What is V’s Motivation For Doing A Cleanse?

Most people do a cleanse with the singular goal of losing weight. V says that even though weight loss isn’t her primary goal, she will lose 3-5 pounds after doing a 3 day cleanse. But the primary reason V does a cleanse—besides purging the urge to eat junk—is to sharpen her mental clarity.

“If you’re frequently craving unhealthy foods, brain fog usually accompanies the cravings,” V says.

In addition, V is motivated to do a cleanse because she realizes the plethora of benefits that accompany it, including improved sleep quality and clearer skin.

V emphasizes the amazing power that a brief cleanse has in resetting the taste buds. If you’re frequently craving starchy carbs and chemicals even a short cleanse has the potential to restore the appreciation for the natural sweetness of fruit. “When you stop eating foods with synthetic chemicals and added sugars, berries will taste amazing and then you won’t crave the bad stuff,” she says.

V’s Favorite Cleanse

In choosing between ChefV.com’s cleanse options, V says she’s partial to the 3 day cleanse because it’s the most doable.

But a 3 day cleanse isn’t really just a 3 day cleanse, V explains. That’s because the pre-cleanse phase is crucial. V says that the number of days she does a pre-cleanse depends on how her diet has been. If she’s done more wine tasting than usual or indulged in her favorite other vice—french fries—V will pre-cleanse for at least 3 days.

V’s pre-cleanse instructions are crystal clear with the 1-day, 3-day and 5-day options. Basically, V provides a list of foods to eat and to avoid before the cleanse, which is more calorie-restricted, begins.

How V Preps For A Cleanse

There’s no point in doing a cleanse if you’re not going to pre-cleanse in order to properly prepare your body, V says. “Why spend all this time and money if you’re not going to do it right?” she asks.

And while some of the “Don’t Eat This” foods on the pre-cleanse list may seem obvious, V avoids certain seemingly healthy foods leading up to the start of the official cleanse. For example, bananas are a no-no because of the high amount of sugar. Grapefruit contains an enzyme that actually slows phase 1 detoxification in the liver.

V also avoids strawberries, even organic ones, because they may contain a high amount of pesticides. Same deal goes for grapes and then there’s tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers, all of which are in the nightshade family. V avoids nightshades leading up to the cleanse because they may promote inflammation, especially if there’s already excessive inflammation in the body.

But the most important foods V avoids in the days leading up to her cleanse—and the immediate days after the cleanse is over—are anything with gluten; dairy products, red meat, caffeine and alcohol.

V says she decided to make caffeine a no-no on the pre-cleanse list because it takes a lot of energy for the body to detoxify from caffeine. But the good news is that she has helped thousands of people overcome their caffeine addiction. “They feel amazing afterwards,” she says.

below, click image to download pdf of includes and excludes

Why V Created The Pre-Cleanse Phase

So how did V come up with the idea of a pre-cleanse phase in the first place? Was it the certified nutritional therapy course she took? Nope. She was inspired to create it when a few customers walked into her former commercial kitchen in San Diego and said, “We’re going to Burger King for our last meal before the cleanse!”

V emphasizes that lots of people still don’t realize the importance of the pre-cleanse phase. If you go from filling up your car’s gas tank with sugar and then all of a sudden fill it up with the proper fuel, your car will still run like crap.

So later that night after the Burger King fiasco, V researched everything she could find about gut healing and cleansing, including what foods to eat and not to eat. The pre-cleanse instructional materials that are provided to every ChefV.com cleanse customer was soon after completed!

In addition to properly preparing your body for the cleanse, the pre-cleanse phase, V says, helps her customers typically lose 5 pounds. “The pre-cleanse phase can be just as successful as the cleanse phase.”

What V Does If She Has Cravings During A Cleanse

V doesn’t like to use the word “cheating” when it comes to experiencing cravings during a cleanse. It’s too much of a negative connotation. V likes positive reinforcements instead. Which is why V employs the concept of “intuitive eating” when her brain tells her that she’s hungry during the cleanse phase.

Instead of giving in to cravings for unhealthy snacks, V says that she’ll have a tiny bit of healthy fats like a teaspoon of coconut oil and a slice of avocado added to her Detox soup.

“The tiny amount of avocado felt so indulgent. I admit that I did feel like I was cheating a little bit, but I was making a wise decision by listening to my body.”

V also says that during the cleanse phase, one way to satisfy a craving without ruining the benefits is to puree or blend an extra veggie juice. Eating lots of cooked food, even healthy foods like low-starch veggies takes a lot of energy for the body to digest. For this reason, V says to eat a liquid lunch or dinner—if your body is really telling you that it’s hungry. Having a handful of nuts, berries, and a few carrot sticks and hummus won’t sabotage your success either.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself during the cleanse phase,” V says.

Veronica and Brandon in Hawaii

The Health Benefits Of Drinking Breakfast

drinking breakfast

Genetics isn’t the only reason V maintains a slim figure. For years, a vital component of her weight-management and gut-health strategy has been breaking the daily fast with liquids. Replacing a conventional breakfast with liquids has many health benefits and V’s here to explain…

If you’ve been following me for years, you already know how important NOT eating breakfast is.

But if you’re new to this concept, maybe you’re thinking, “Wait. I thought breakfast was the most important meal of the day.”

Now, I don’t wanna suggest that your mom didn’t know what she was talking about when you were a kid. Without doubt, eating nutrient-dense foods like fruit and eggs is important for a developing brain and body.

However, now that you’re an adult, your metabolism might be starting to slow down. And one reason why might not have anything to do with your age. Rather, it’s the fact that your body has a high toxic load. In other words, your detoxification organs such as the liver can’t clear toxins out more quickly than they accumulate.

There are several reasons why toxic overload occurs. For example, heavy metals can accumulate in your body. There’s pesticides from the food supply and harsh chemicals in skin care products, hair care products and household cleaners.

So what does this have to do with not eating food for breakfast and instead only having liquids when it’s time to break your fast?

The answer is that by not eating food, you’re giving your body a longer time to detoxify.

lemon water

V’s Liquid Breakfast Routine

Actually, before I break my fast with Organic Green Drink, I have a tall glass of warm lemon water. Then I wait until I'm hungry to have a Green Drink.

Like naturally waking up with the morning light instead of being startled awake by a harsh alarm clock, a liquid breakfast gently wakes up your digestive system. And the water and Green Drink keeps the detoxification going. Your body naturally detoxifies every night. Or at least it tries to. But when you eat a standard breakfast first thing in the morning, your digestive and detoxification systems are hard at work again.

Now, in order to feel satisfied with a liquid breakfast, here’s what I do…

About half an hour after having my Green Drink, I’ll make a smoothie with fruit, veggies, vegan protein (pea protein is my fav) and healthy fats such as avocado, chia and flax seeds.

With my cookbook, Making Cleansing Easier (which you can get as a complementary download with a purchase of a CHEF V 21 DAY CHALLENGE), you’ll never get bored of smoothies.

In addition to my cookbook smoothie recipes, I have even more smoothie recipes on my blog.  My Tropitaya Smoothie, featuring super-easy-to-digest pea protein, is one of the most popular. I also like to add ginger and turmeric to it to support my metabolism and keep inflammation in check.

berry parfait

Benefits of Drinking Your Breakfast

In addition, I’ll add ingredients that support my gut health without bloating my belly, such as bio-k fermented vegan products. Unlike regular probiotic drinks that have dairy—one of the biggest triggers of inflammation in the body—the vegan probiotic drinks I use have fermented oat and pumpkin seed as a base.

Not only does a liquid breakfast make it easy for the digestive system to “wake up,” there are other benefits as well.

Of course, you could have a liquid breakfast consisting of coffee, orange juice and Red Bull to kickstart your day. Obviously, that ain’t healthy. But as long as you’re sticking to a routine of lemon water or herbal tea; Organic Green Drink followed by a smoothie with vegan protein and a small amount of fats, you’ll be supporting your health in many ways.

Healthy liquid breakfasts may help prevent overacidity in the gut enviroment (stimulates alkalinity) and help cleanse the colon of harmful bacteria.

But don’t just take my word for it. There’s plenty of research that supports this. For instance, a study in the British Journal of Nutrition, suggests that a liquid breakfast improved the blood sugar levels of 123 patients with type 2 diabetes.

Another study in the journal, Appetite, concluded that a plant-based liquid breakfast (made with plant protein) led to consuming less calories and was more satisfying to the subjects than eating a conventional breakfast.

In general, I believe that liquid breakfasts are awesome for improving digestion, boosting detoxification and sharpening mental focus.

Give it a try for a couple weeks and see how you feel. For me and my husband, Brandon, and for thousands of Chef V customers, making the switch from a conventional breakfast to a liquid one has been one of the simplest yet most profound things we’ve done to look and feel our best.



Chef V Tropical Smoothie

Chef V’s tip: Mangos contain tartaric acid, malic acid, and a trace of citric acid, which help maintain the alkaline balance of our bodies. Use my Tropical Green Drink as the base for this recipe for a cool, refreshing smoothie.

For a variation on this recipe, add fresh ginger, fresh turmeric, and vanilla pea protein powder.

pumpkin puree

TOTAL: 10 minutes

Servings: 2


  • 3/4 cup fresh or frozen mango pieces
  • 1/2 cup fresh or frozen pineapple pieces
  • 2 large kale leaves
  • 2 cups Chef V Tropical Smoothie Green Drink
  • 1/2 cup ice
  • 1 tbsp vanilla pea protein (optional)

Superfood boosts:

  • 1 tsp. Fresh ginger
  • 1 tsp. Fresh turmeric
  • 1 tsp. Bee pollen


Process all ingredients in a Vitamix for 1 to 2 minutes, or until smooth. Will keep for up to 3 days refrigerated.

Bon Appétit!

White Sweet Potato Purée IBS Version

You just can’t have a special meal without mashed potatoes. But regular mashed potatoes are very starchy. That means the starch quickly converts into sugar. That’s more bad news for your gut. But this healthy recipe for mashed potatoes uses the nutritiously-superior white sweet potato. Instead of regular milk, I use almond or coconut milk. This recipe is designed for people with IBS who are following a low FODMAP diet.

I swear to you that my white sweet potato pureé will have the same starchy mouth-feel as regular mashed potatoes. But this version contains way more minerals and is lower in calories. – Veronica

sweet potato puree

TOTAL: 1 hour

Serving Size:2


  • 1 large white sweet potato, peeled and chopped
  • 3 cups filtered water
  • 1/4 cup Chef V’s Raw Almond Milk or coconut milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt


Boil the sweet potato pieces in the 3 cups of water in a large pot for 15 minutes, or until soft. Transfer the pieces to a Vitamix and add the milk, and sea salt and process until smooth. Serve immediately or keep refrigerated for up to 1 week.

Common Side Effects of Juice Cleanses: If You Should Worry and How To Deal With Them

Participating in a blended juice cleanse is a significant undertaking. You’re doing a hard reset on your body and naturally flushing toxins. Whether you’ve opted for a 3 day cleanse or a 21 day cleanse, you can expect to see and feel dramatic results.

I'm going to explain some common reactions people have to juice cleanses. I will cover which are normal and which are concerning, and why my Chef V cleanse is the safest and more achievable cleanse for you. 

Understanding Different Juice Cleanses

Before discussing the side effects of juice cleanses, you need to understand the different kinds of juice cleanses. So how exactly do you define a juice cleanse? At its most basic, a juice cleanse is a temporary diet that looks to replace, in part or whole, your regular food with juiced fruits and vegetables. The goal of a juice cleanse can be to lose weight, boost the immune system, detox the body, get more nutrients, remove sugar cravings, or just feel great.

Of course, every juice cleanse out there has a different set of ingredients to it. When browsing recipes you might look for maximum nutritional value, or for the taste you prefer. Some juice cleanses are very basic, such as those based around only celery juice. Other juice cleanses are more involved, with many different ingredients.

Many juice cleanses go beyond the juice. It’s not uncommon to see juice cleanses that add in detox smoothies and detox shakes. These allow a juice cleanse to offer you more protein and fiber, meaning that you can stay healthy for longer during your juice cleanse.

Lastly, juice cleanses can differ depending on how long they last. Generally, the shortest kinds of juice cleanse are the 3-day juice cleanses. The longest kind of juice cleanse would be the 21-day juice cleanses.

Common Juice Cleanse Side Effects

Ideally, a juice cleanse should leave you feeling amazing. Yet, many report side effects while taking on a juice cleanse. Here we’ll go over some of the most common, as well as explain what might cause them – and if you should do anything about them.


Headaches aren’t uncommon during many juice cleanses. But this doesn’t mean that they are good either. One of the major causes of headaches is from getting a lack of all the nutrients you need. Many juice cleanses don’t provide you with everything you need to get through a juice cleanse. This is particularly true of the very “basic” ones like celery juice cleanses.

Celery juice side effects often include the infamous celery juice headaches. While eating celery is certainly healthy, you can’t just live off of celery stalks! You must research your juice cleanses beforehand and make sure that they have all the proper nutrients you need. In particular, try to make sure you are getting enough protein out of your juice cleanse.


Dizziness during juice cleanses isn’t uncommon either. Dizziness during a juice cleanse normally happens because of a drop in blood sugar levels.

A little bit of dizziness is to be expected then, as your blood sugar levels start to stabilize. If you are experiencing prolonged dizziness, your juice cleanse isn’t providing you with enough carbs and natural sugars. Like the celery juice headache, you may want to look for a more sustainable cleanse, or try a shorter one.

It should also be noted that sometimes dizziness can be caused by a lack of iron, or dehydration. Make sure you are doing a juice cleanse that includes plenty of dark greens for iron, and always drink plenty of water.


If you are experiencing prolonged fatigue during your juice cleanse, it might be that you aren’t getting enough iron or protein. Like with the previous side effects, it’s a good idea to make sure you are getting a nutritionally comprehensive juice cleanse. This is especially important if you are aiming for a long-term weight loss goal like the 21-day juice cleanse.

Fatigue can also be caused during a juice cleanse by getting too much or too little physical activity. Remaining active during a juice cleanse is important, but you will want to try and keep it to mainly light exercise.

Bowel Issues

Getting on a juice cleanse does represent a fairly significant change to your diet, it’s true. So some digestive issues to start aren’t uncommon. If you find yourself running to the toilet, you might want to look into a juice cleanse that contains more fiber. A lack of fiber in your cleanse is often the most common reason for bowel issues. (In particular, celery juice side effects often include bowel trouble). It’s a good idea to go for a blended juice cleanse that comes with detox soups. This way you don’t have to deal with the results of putting too much juice in an empty stomach without fiber.

Get A Sustainable Juice Cleanse

The best kind of blended juice cleanse is the kind that you can finish. Undergoing even a 3-day juice cleanse or 7-day juice cleanse is a big undertaking. If you want to go for a 21-day juice cleanse, you are going to want a cleanse that works with you, not against you.

Thankfully, our 21-day juice cleanse comes with the extra detox smoothies and detox shakes you need to be able to make it all the way through. Our green drink juice recipes are also jam-packed with all the most nutritious fruits and vegetables we can find.

Just as important as our recipes is our support. Chef V wants to help you succeed, and will be with you for every step of your juice cleanse. As long as you listen to your body and take note of side effects, you’ll be able to finish your blended juice cleanse like a champ.

A 21-day juice cleanse should leave you feeling great, not suffering from things like celery juice headaches.

Banana Blue Smoothie

A smoothie recommended for the nursing mom!

This is our most popular smoothie and the smoothie my husband has every day: Banana Blue. I don’t typically share banana based smoothies since bananas are excluded from the Chef V cleanse because of their high starch and sugar content.

However, for nursing moms, banana and blueberries are great for healing the uterus and producing breast milk. I’ve added some nutritional super boosts too like chia seeds and almond butter.

And of course remember to use all organic!

banana blue smoothie


  • 1 cup Chef V's Almond Milk
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1 loose cup of kale, spinach or other greens
  • 1 cup ice
  • 1 tbsp. Chef V vanilla pea protein
  • 1 tsp. Chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp. Almond butter


Blend in high for 1-2 minutes until smooth. Enjoy! Serves 1.

Want A Profound Wellness Transformation? Do This, Research Shows.

Research shows if you want a physical and mental-health makeover, do this. A Chef V 21 Day Detox + a week of Chef V Green Drink. Certified nutritional therapist and ChefV.com founder Veronica Wheat describes the clinical research study results…

Which supplements should I take to look and feel your best? 

Which foods should I eat so that I’m not always bloated? 

What’s the best exercise that won’t make me exhausted? 

What should I do to improve my sleep? 

How can I stay focused at work—especially in the afternoon? 

Which products will make my skin and hair look healthier? 

What should I do to keep my mood and mental health balanced?…

…It’s no wonder many people feel overwhelmed and quickly give up pursuing a healthier lifestyle. 

There’s just too many variables and conflicting information. Not to mention the hundreds or thousands of dollars in supplements, apps, and other products you need to spend to experience a health transformation.

If you’ve ever wanted a wellness makeover but ultimately gave up, I feel your pain. 

But what if there were just ONE thing you could do that would make you feel both physically and mentally incredible?

You’d probably think it was too good to be true. 

But what if that one thing were backed by research? And not just an in vitro experiment (a “test tube” study) or even an animal study. But a clinical trial—research conducted on humans…

Would you be way less skeptical? 

And what if this clinical trial showed that just one month is all it takes to experience a profound health transformation? 

Would you be willing to give it a try? 

veronica cutting veg

28 Days To A New, Better You: The Research-Backed Results Of ChefV.com 

In case you’re new to ChefV.com and you’re Googling “the best detoxes” or “best easy cleanse for weight loss”, as somebody who has been in this industry for most of my adult life, let me give you some advice… 

You know how those detox diets always promise amazing things like weight loss, fixing gut problems, boosting energy, and making your hair, skin, and nails look incredible? Well, turns out those claims are pretty much B.S. And there haven't been many studies to really check if detox diets actually work.

The truth is there’s hardly any evidence that any detox supplement or product actually works! 

Now why would I be dishing out the dirt on this industry secret when the business I launched in 2012 with encouragement from my husband and biz partner Brandon specializes in short-term Cleanses and the 21 DAY DETOX

Precisely to separate ChefV.com from the competition. 

That’s why early in 2023, Brandon and I decided to spend a small fortune on having our products clinically tested. 

Citrus Labs, a Santa Monica-based research company, examined the effects of using ChefV.com products for 28 days on 38 participants. None of the participants had any significant health problems but had complaints that almost everybody else has: low energy levels, occasional bloating, etc. 

The 38 participants first completed the ChefV.com 21 DAY DETOX and then were given one 16-ounce serving of ORGANIC GREEN DRINK for 7 days. The participants’ health was determined by pre- and post-study blood work and questionnaires. 

At the end of the study, the researchers concluded that ChefV.com products resulted in: 

A Detox That Works Without The Suffering

The study by Citrus Labs showed that pretty much every wellness marker had improved after just 28 days, including:

  • 43.7% improvement in energy levels
  • 39.8% improvement in hair loss
  • 46.2% improvement in bloating
  • 49.6% improvement in muscle fatigue
  • 48.6% improvement in back pain
  • 43.8% improvement with sleep issues
  • 32.3% improvement in the ability to focus

“Participants experienced a statistically significant improvement in total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, HbA1C, and body weight over the 28 days. Participants also experienced a significant improvement in almost all of the subjective perceptions measured via the surveys from Baseline to Day 28. Overall, the Chef V products tested in this trial led to significant positive physiological and psychological health outcomes.” — Citrus Labs conclusion

An incredible conclusion for sure. But will you have to suffer for a month in order to achieve a dramatic health and wellness transformation? 

No! That’s the great thing about the ChefV.com 21 DAY DETOX. But don’t just take my word for it. Here’s what the independent research company says about it: 

“The detox diet used in this trial is not a diet that encourages people to skip meals but to use green drinks and other products alongside foods that can supply the nutrition needed for optimal health outcomes. The detox program provides the three primary macronutrients alongside antioxidants to promote detoxification.” 

Whereas lots of other detox programs are actually short-term starvation diets, the ChefV.com 21 DAY DETOX nourishes your body’s trillions of cells with Organic Green Drinks, Vegan Protein Shakes and Detox Soups, plus low-calorie antioxidant-rich recipes. 

Let me know if you come across any detox program online that remotely comes close! 

The Journey of Lifelong Healthy Habits Starts With One Step

I’m excited for you to finally experience the wellness makeover you’ve been wanting and waiting for. You can have the confidence that your hard-earned money will be well spent on a research-backed detox that won’t jeopardize your health or make you have energy crashes and cravings. 

The first step towards a new, healthier, happier you is learning more here.


Veronica “V” Wheat
ChefV.com founder
Certified Nutritional Therapist

Nurturing a Healthy Feminine Microbiome

uterus image with cutout flowers

If you want to avoid yeast infections, minimize PMS symptoms and maintain great gynecological health, ChefV.com founder and nutritional therapist Veronica Wheat has some sage advice. 

Weight. Gut health. Digestion. Elimination. 

These are the things we most often think about when it comes to our food choices. But ladies, when it comes to our overall diet, we should also keep our vaginal microbiome and menstrual cycle in mind.

You see, we not only have an invisible world of trillions of bacteria in our large intestine, comprising most of the Gut microbiome. Women also have a vaginal microbiome. In fact, a study of 110 women of reproductive age revealed that the vagina contains anywhere from 10 billion to 100 billion bacteria. 

And just like the gut microbiome, the vaginal microbiome is home to mostly friendly bacteria. But poor food choices and other factors I’ll highlight below can throw off the balance quickly, leading to yeast infections and irregular or painful cycles. 

Similar to the relationship in the gut microbiome, in the vaginal microbiome, there’s a symbiotic relationship between the host (you) and the bacteria. Us ladies provide a humid, nutritious and warm environment for the microbes. And in return, what do we get? 

In exchange for being able to live rent-free in our warm and cozy ‘ginas, the microbes provide “a first line of defense against nonindigenous microorganisms.” In other words, the friendly vaginal bacteria act like an army and immune system, protecting us from pathogenic invaders that don’t belong down there. 

Causes of Vaginal Dysbiosis

But just as a neglected house attracts nasty critters, the internal environment of the vagina can result in vaginal dysbiosis; the unfriendly bacteria take over and wreak havoc. 

Out of all the factors that can cause vaginal dysbiosis, I’ll focus mostly on diet. But before I do, I just want to mention other internal and external factors that can disrupt the vaginal microbiome. 

  • Hormone imbalance: Changes in estrogen and/or progesterone levels, that occur because of pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause can alter the vaginal pH and increase the likelihood of infections. 
  • Contraceptives: This is related to hormone imbalance
  • Immune system weakness
  • Heavy antibiotic usage
  • Sexually-transmitted infections

It’s important to maintain a healthy ecosystem in the vagina because dysbiosis  can lead to, among other things:

  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Candidiasis (a yeast infection caused by an overgrowth of Candida albicans)
  • Adverse pregnancy outcomes
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

woman holding downturned smily face by hip

Maintain Optimal Gynecological Health By Going Green

In addition to hygiene, regular exercise, managing stress, and eating a healthy diet are key to maintaining an optimal vaginal pH and microbiome. And for this article, I’m going to focus on nutrition. 

People assume I’m the equivalent of a Catholic nun when it comes to nutrition. But I’m not always strict. Sometimes, I “take the habit off” and indulge in my favorite junk food habit: french fries. But the most important lesson I can impart is to eat super healthy like 85% of the time. If you do this, you’ll most likely provide your vaginal microbiome with a healthy environment to thrive in, and you’ll be less likely to experience yeast infections or a difficult menstrual cycle. 

Am I just saying this because I’m in the business of delivering Organic Green Drinks to people’s homes across the country (the Green Drink Plan)? Well, yeah!

But low-sugar green leafy veggies (7 of them in Green Drink, all certified USDA Organic!) are clinically proven to support health in many ways. 

In fact, Chef V’s 21-Day Detox and Green Drink was the focus of an independent research study. However, one health metric that wasn’t analyzed by Citrus Labs, the Santa Monica research company that conducted the analysis was vaginal health. 

So I dug up some research of my own and here’s a couple of examples of how consuming green veggies can support a healthy vaginal microbiome.

What The Research Says About Vaginal Health & Diet

A study published in BMC Women’s Health says dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation with abdominal cramps) is one of the most prevalent gynecological disorders, experienced by approximately 60%-70% of young women during menstruation. 

The biological reason why painful periods occur is the increased release of something called prostaglandins into the uterine tissue once menstruation begins. Your body makes prostaglandins (which are hormone-like lipids) at sites of tissue damage or infection. 

When high levels of prostaglandins respond to tissue damage, the blood vessels constrict. In addition, you also get more contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus (the myometrium). But the fun is only just beginning. What also ends up happening is blood flow to the uterus is choked off, causing pain. 




What Do I Eat Today? (Free recipes)

Making Cleansing Easier (Free e-cookbook)

Is this simply a physiological curse of being female? 

Well, yes, if you indulge in “sugars, salty snacks, sweets and desserts, tea and coffee, salt, fruit juices and added fat (labeled as “snacks” pattern),” according to the research study in BMC Women’s Health.

So how protective are green leafy veggies for gynecological health? Well, a 2017 observational study in the British Journal of Cancer said that “a higher intake of green leafy vegetables was inversely associated with mortality from ovarian cancer.” Because it was an observational study, we can’t conclude that there is direct causation, but the correlation is very strong.

“Just finished my 3 day cleanse & I’m about to start my post cleanse. It was so much easier than I expected. I wasn’t hungry until the end of day 3 & the cleanse was actually very tasty. I lost 5.1 pounds & I feel great. I’m expecting to gain some of that weight back when I start eating solid foods again today but it’s a great kick start & great motivator to continue to eat healthy. Thanks Chef V!” – Sally

Why Do Green Leafy Veggies Support Vaginal Health?

Green leafies like kale, collard greens, lettuce, parsley, and chard (all of which are in Organic Green Drink) contain antioxidants that protect cells from oxidative stress, which prevents cellular damage. These nutrient-dense veggies also keep inflammation in check, which plays a big role in hormone balance. 

In addition, green, leafy vegetables contain phytoestrogens. These plant compounds mimic the action of estrogen in the body. If your estrogen levels are low because of perimenopause or menopause, consuming more green leafy veggies may help balance your hormones, which leads to a healthier vaginal microbiome. 

And let’s not forget how important it is to eat healthy while pregnant! As a new mom, I’m living proof! No gestational diabetes for me, thank you. You see, green leafies are abundant in essential vitamins and minerals for healthy fetal development. And after your baby is born and you’re back to having periods, the vitamin K in green leafies helps prevent excessive bleeding and encourages healthy blood clotting. 

How To Get More Leafy Greens In Your Diet For Vaginal Health

Look, I could go on and on about the benefits of green leafies, but I think by now you get the idea. They’re not just important for maintaining a healthy weight and managing blood sugar. Green leafies are absolutely necessary for an optimal vaginal microbiome!

So here’s how you can incorporate more of them into your diet:

  • Salads – Chef V Salads Recipes
  • Stir frys 
  • Sauté or steam (add healthy fats like almond slices and avocado/olive oil)
  • Frozen (I’m not a huge fan of frozen but if organic, they are convenient and just as nutritious as fresh veggies.)
  • CSA: Get your organic fresh veggies from a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. 
  • Drink organic green leafy veggies, cold-blended and raw

Check out my entree recipes from my cookbook  here.

And don’t forget to minimize your intake of added sugars. Your vaginal microbiome will thank you for it.

To your (vaginal) health!


Veronica “V” Wheat

Founder, ChefV.com


Vegan vs. Vegetarian

Choosing a healthy lifestyle is always the best choice. But it's important to be mindful of the diet you opt for because it needs to be compatible with your lifestyle, sync with your weight goals, and meet nutritional requirements. 

Some of you may think of going meat-free or giving up dairy products, which often motivates people to turn vegan or vegetarian. Please note that these lifestyles are different from each other; both may include giving up meat, but vegetarians consume dairy and other animal products in their diets whereas vegans don’t. 

Curious to know which one's best for you? Should you turn vegan or still enjoy your cheese and take the vegetarian route? At Chef V, you'll get all your answers as we briefly discuss vegan vs. vegetarian with their benefits and downsides. 

Vegan vs. vegetarian – What’s the difference? 

Let's take a look at the difference between vegan and vegetarian.

Choosing a healthy lifestyle is always the best choice. But it's important to be mindful of the diet you opt for because it needs to be compatible with your lifestyle, sync with your weight goals, and meet nutritional requirements. 

Some of you may think of going meat-free or giving up dairy products, which often motivates people to turn vegan or vegetarian. Please note that these lifestyles are different from each other; both may include giving up meat, but vegetarians consume dairy and other animal products in their diets whereas vegans don’t. 

Curious to know which one's best for you? Should you turn vegan or still enjoy your cheese and take the vegetarian route? At Chef V, you'll get all your answers as we briefly discuss vegan vs. vegetarian with their benefits and downsides. 

Vegan vs. vegetarian – What’s the difference? 

Let's take a look at the difference between vegan and vegetarian.


Veganism is a lifestyle that encourages you to give up all animal products, ranging from clothes to food items, in an attempt to save the climate and limit the exploitation of animals. It’s a lifestyle that motivates individuals to consume plant-based and dairy-free products, including whole fruits, seeds, nuts, legumes, beans, and vegetables.

More than for social reasons, people are opting for veganism or a vegan diet because of its varied health and wellness benefits. According to a 2022 report, Americans are turning vegan six times faster in 2022 than they did in 2014.  

As more and more people move toward veganism, the market is experiencing a change. Due to the increasing demand for vegan products, the global market for plant-based products is likely to grow by 12.95%. 

There are many vegan food options and alternatives that won't let you miss your usual meat-based diet. There are vegan smoothies and burgers; you can also go for an organic juice cleanse diet and bake with plant-based ingredients, such as coconut milk and vegan meat.

Downsides of a vegan or vegetarian diet 

  • Most people following a vegan or vegetarian diet need to take vitamin B12 supplements to fulfill their daily vitamin B12 needs. The most significant source of B12 is seafood, including fish, sardines, and clams, but since vegetarians and vegans don't consume animal flesh, they take medications or other substitutes to meet health requirements. 
  • The limited option for complete proteins is also a significant downside of a vegetarian diet. Complete proteins contain nine amino acids, which are rare in plant-based diets. You may need to add a variety of different proteins, such as legumes, lentils, and nuts to meet daily protein needs. 
  • Believe it or not, a vegan diet can also result in weight gain because you tend to eat more to meet your daily nutritional requirements, which is why you should always include a juice cleanse diet or intermittent fasting in your lifestyle while turning vegetarian or vegan. 
  • Going vegan is challenging; be aware of whether the food item is vegan or not before putting it on your grocery list. It requires a complete behavioral and consumer change, especially when new to the diet and philosophy. 

What works best for you? 

This mainly depends on your lifestyle, weight goals, and health requirements. The journey will be tough if you eat meat and want to give it up to become vegan or vegetarian. Plan things accordingly to deal with cravings, find substitutes for favorite dishes and how you can accommodate the change in lifestyle. 

Both vegan vs. vegetarian are lifestyle choices, and both do wonders for your health by encouraging you to eat healthily and focus on your overall well-being. You can always move back to your standard diet if things don't go according to plan or expectation. You just need to take that one step toward a healthy lifestyle.

Learn more about this on Chef V, a platform that helps you achieve your body goals. We offer multiple juice cleanses, ranging from one day to 21-day detox challenges to take you a step closer to a healthy lifestyle. 

Brain Health: Keeping Sharp With Chef V

The study Chef V commissioned from an independent laboratory concluded that when study participants completed the Chef V detox and continued to use the Chef V GREEN DRINK plan, they experienced a 32.3% improvement in their ability to focus. Here are Chef V's tips for better brain health.

Feeling foggy brained lately?  Did you forget where you put your phone — for the tenth time this week? Are you forgetting names more often? Now is the time to get serious about brain health.

Socially distanced, locked down people are finding themselves fuzzy brained and distracted. Learn how my Green Drinks and Cleanses can help you stay focused. And even if you’re sharp as a tack, here’ s how you can stay that way well into your 90s and beyond…. Plus, a vegetable with proven brain benefits – avocado.

Mom Was Right (And So Am I): Eat Your Veggies!

There are simple ways you can boost brain health and radically improve your thinking and reasoning skills.

First and foremost: exercise. Start a daily yoga practice. If you absolutely hate yoga or exercising at home, just walk in place for an hour at night while you’re watching TV. Just be active almost every single day for the rest of your life.

Just as important as exercising is diet. Now, I admit, when I came up with my Green Drink recipe several years ago, I didn’t realize it could play a big part in preventing dementia.

As it turns out, the seven certified-organic green-leafy veggies do just that. In fact, if you want to keep your brain younger than your chronological age, green leafy veggies are the best for doing that.

Don’t take my word for it. According to this CBS news article  adults who consume a cup and a half a day of leafy greens have lower risk of developing memory deficits associated with dementia. This is based on a study of almost 1000 people over the course of five years. Those people who ate the most leafy greens were 11 years younger in brain age compared to those who ate the least.

Isn’t that an amazing finding?

There’s no easier–and smarter–way of getting your daily dose of green, leafy veggies than drinking at least 16 oz. of Green Drink every day. Combining Green Drink with my soups and protein shakes, a detox has a profound positive effect on your health.

avocados for brain health

Having Trouble Concentrating & Focusing While Working at Home? Ditch the Sugar

Most juice cleanses are way too high in sugar. (Learn how Chef V compares to the competition.)

And it turns out that if you have high blood sugar levels, to the point that you develop pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, your brain health will suffer.

What’s the connection?

According to this article people with Type 2 diabetes have an increased risk for memory problems. Furthermore, older adults who have diabetes and high blood sugars perform worse on memory tests at the start of the study and show a greater decline in memory by the end of the study, in comparison to older adult without diabetes.

Can you see why it’s so important to not go overboard with your sugar intake? The good news is you don’t have to ditch dessert for the rest of your life. You just need to eat treats that are low in added sugars. Take my recipe for Raw Avocado Chocolate Mousse for example.

melted cheese

Avocado: It’s Brain Food!

Speaking of avocado, it’s one of the healthiest foods for brain health. Along with blueberries, wild salmon, nuts and seeds, beans and some other superfoods, avocado has long been praised for its positive effect on gray matter.

Here’s how avocado is good for your brain….

Even though it’s high in fat, the fat it does contain a lot of is the monounsaturated kind. The Mediterranean Diet, one of the healthiest ways of eating on the planet, is rich in monounsaturated fats. These fats contribute to healthy blood flow and lower blood pressure. Having high blood pressure is a major risk factor for cognitive decline.

So eat up to half an avocado a day to boost brain power!

Getting Enough Sleep Prevents Brain Fog

One of the toxic proteins that contributes to foggy memory is amyloid plaque. There’s more and more research showing that consistent good sleep can help prevent memory loss. What does this have to do with bad plaque in the brain? Good sleep is like a diligent janitor. Sleep sweeps away the plaque.

If you’ve let your healthy routine go to sh*t, staying up until midnight or later and not getting at least 7 hours, you’re putting yourself at risk for forgetfulness.

Not getting enough sleep? Eating too much sugar? Just feeling heavy and groggy and dragging around the house?

Then it’s time to do a Chef V Detox.

My 21 Day Detox programs will help reset your taste buds so that you won’t be tempted by sugary and junk foods. Your organs will also be working in better shape to help your body detoxify, and your blood sugar levels will go down. You’ll have more focus and better energy throughout the day; you won’t need that late afternoon sugary pick-me-up. As a result, you’ll sleep like a baby.

Look, I can’t guarantee that if you exercise, follow my healthy eating guidelines and get enough sleep you’ll be 100% guaranteed to have a sharper brain.

But the odds will be much better in your favor….

To your health!


Chef V

Mandarin Asian Salad

You can use lots of different greens to make this Asian inspired salad but I always include cabbage. If you are cleansing, just skip the mandarin oranges to keep it cleanse friendly.

For additional protein, add my Almond Crusted Chicken to the dish.

V with Asian salad



  • 3 cups mixed greens
  • 1 cup shredded cabbage
  • 1/2 cup shredded carrot
  • 1/4 cup toasted slivered almonds
  • 2 tbsp chopped green onion
  • 1/4 cup bean sprouts
  • 2 mandarins, cut into segments
  • 1 tbsp Asian dressing


Asian Dressing

  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • 1 tsp fresh grated ginger
  • 1 tbsp rice wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp sesame seeds
  • 1 tbsp coconut nectar

Blend well.

Vanilla “Milk” Shake

Vanilla milkshake recipe –  Too much dairy can be bad for digestion, especially for kids, which is why more people are choosing to limit their intake or eliminate it completely from their diets. Here’s a creamy and delicious mock milkshake recipe that will please your taste buds and your tummy! – Veronica

Vanilla Milk shake

  • 1 cup – Chef V's Raw Almond Milk or Coconut Milk
  • 1/2 cup – Cashews (soaked for one hour and drained)
  • 1 cup – Ice 1 tbsp – Raw Coconut Nectar (I use Coconut Secret)
  • 1 tsp – Pure Vanilla Extract
  • 1 Vanilla Bean, scraped (optional)

Process all ingredients in Vitamix blender until smooth. Enjoy immediately.

Share a pic of your Vanilla “Milk” Shake with me! @chefvlife #chefvlife

Find this and other easy recipes in my new book, Making Cleansing Easier. Visit ChefV.com/book

Can’t Sleep? Try CBT!

koala bear sleeping

If you think CBT is the latest, greatest form of CBD, like CBN, good guess, but not quite. CBT stands for cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and just like Chef V products, it has the backing of research for improving sleep quality. ChefV.com founder Veronica Wheat provides an intro to CBT.  

Over the last few weeks, I’ve covered something I’m incredibly proud of. ChefV.com products were recently the focus of an independent clinical trial by Citrus Labs, and the results were amazing. 

The 38 participants who completed a 21 DAY DETOX and then continued on a GREEN DRINK plan for 7 days saw vast improvements in all areas of their life. This includes a 34% reduction in inflammation, an average weight loss of nearly 8 pounds, and for what I want to focus on in this article, a 44% improvement in sleep quality.

So that got me thinking…

What else can help the Chef V community get more restful ZZZs? 

I’m not going to bore you with how important sleep is. I’m sure every article you’ve read details how sleep is linked to every facet of health. I don’t know about you but when I don’t get good sleep and I read about how important sleep is, it stresses me out a little. I’ll also skip the statistics on how many people suffer from poor sleep. (It’s obviously a lot of people.)

So I won’t pour fuel on the fire. Instead, I want to dive right in and tell you about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) because it’s received a lot of attention but many people are still unfamiliar with it. 

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? 

This is the textbook definition of CBT: It’s an evidence-based form of psychotherapy that focuses on identifying and modifying negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It aims to transform maladaptive patterns into healthier ones. 

So what exactly does that mean? Well, to put it simply, your thoughts and actions/behaviors have a profound influence on how you feel. And obviously, if you have negative thoughts, it can interfere with your sleep quality. With CBT, under the supervision of a therapist, you learn how to basically rewire your brain in order to think and act more positively. 

How Does CBT Work?

Again, let’s avoid textbook definitions and instead use an example of how cognitive behavioral therapy works for sleep. 

Picture yourself in a CBT session. Suppose the therapist asks you about your concerns and thoughts about sleep. Maybe you tell the therapist something like, “I’m afraid that if I don’t get 7-8 hours of sleep, I’ll feel like crap and won’t be able to function.” 

In response, the therapist would point out those thoughts contribute to anxiety, which can cause insomnia. 

therapist in session

The therapist then might ask you, “Can you think of any times when you thought you weren’t going to fall asleep but you did, or when you thought you wouldn’t be able to function on less than 7 hours of sleep but felt ok nonetheless?” 

You then reflect back on those nights when you were anxious about not being able to fall asleep yet you eventually did, and even though you may have needed a cup of coffee or two to wake up, you rallied and persevere through the day. 

The therapist would then make you realize that your negative thoughts centered around your inability to sleep or function are just stories in your head; they are not entirely accurate. In addition, the therapist would help you reframe your thoughts about sleep anxiety. For instance, if it’s 1 a.m. and you’re thinking, “I'll never be able to fall asleep,” you recognize this thought and replace it with a more positive one such as: “Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep, but I can find strategies to help me relax and eventually fall asleep.”

CBT: Reshaping Sleep Perspectives

CBT teaches you that having occasional sleep difficulties is normal, not a crisis. If you’re feeling anxious at night about not getting enough sleep, a CBT therapist might encourage you to recite this phrase before you try to fall asleep: 

“Even if I have a less restful night, I can still find ways to manage my day and take care of myself.”

It’s not exactly as simple as an Om mantra. But it helps take the pressure off; not everybody needs to get 8-9 hours of sleep, especially not every night. 

Ultimately, a CBT therapist helps you develop a healthier, more positive perspective on sleep. You’ve probably experienced several challenges in life that you have overcome, whether it’s difficult breakups, moving to a new location, being stuck in a dead-end job, etc. Sleep can be a challenge at times, but through CBT, you learn tools to cope with the challenge and overcome it. 

Longer-Acting Than A Sleeping Pill

Most people want a quick fix for their sleep problems. But the problem with most sleep medications is that they can be habit-forming, or eventually, they don’t work as well and you need to take a higher dose. Not to mention the potential side effects.

Although CBT is not a quick fix, it is a clinically-proven long-term solution. According to the American Psychological Association, the therapy works for a long time because it teaches one to face fears instead of avoiding them. CBT also employs role-playing to prepare for potentially problematic interactions with others and teaches relaxation techniques. 

Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Really Work For Insomnia? 

According to the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, CBT is “the most effective nonpharmacological treatment for chronic insomnia.” CBT “produces results equivalent to sleep medication, with no side effects, fewer episodes of relapse, and a tendency for sleep to continue to improve long past the end of treatment.”

The study authors add that the long-term improvements in sleep quality “seem to result from the patient learning to support and promote the body's natural sleep mechanism.”

And in another study published in the journal, Cognitive Behavior Therapy,  the positive effects of CBT were still present after 10 years. “Insomnia severity remained low, and two-thirds of participants no longer fulfilled the criteria for an insomnia diagnosis,” the study authors concluded.

woman sleeping with remote in hand

CBT & Sleep Hygiene

You’ve heard of oral hygiene (brushing, flossing, tongue scraping, oil pulling), but sleep hygiene? 

Sleep hygiene refers to healthy sleep practices. For instance, before I go to sleep, I put my phone in airplane mode. I don’t want EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) potentially interfering with my sleep cycle. I also make sure the room is dark and turn off all other electronics at least 30 minutes before bed. I also try to go to sleep at roughly the same time every night. 

I treat my bedroom as a sacred sleeping space, not a workstation or an entertainment room. If you have trouble sleeping, a CBT therapist will teach you these and other healthy sleep-preparation habits.

Breathing & Visualization For Sleep

Learning how to perform relaxation breathwork techniques, visualization exercises, and gratitude consciousness are other important components of CBT for sleep.  

There’s a ton of free YouTube videos for each of these stress-management techniques. The problem, however, is that there are so many of them it can be overwhelming if you have anxiety—and the vicious circle of anxiety about not being able to sleep. 

So if you need guidance on how to incorporate these highly-effective stress-management techniques, CBT is worth trying. 

glass sound bowls

The Downside of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Sleep

Hopefully, you have good health insurance because if not, you may need to pay out of pocket, and CBT sessions aren’t cheap. A weekly session can cost $150 or more, depending on where you live. And you’ll likely need at least a handful of sessions to overcome sleep problems. 

But in the end, I think CBT is worth it because not only can it help improve sleep, but it can also help improve your quality of life in other ways, such as feeling calmer throughout the day and having more energy—Just like ChefV.com products. 

According to the conclusion of Citrus Labs study on the Chef V 21 Day Detox (followed by 7 days of daily Green Drink consumption), nearly 80% of participants said they were in a better mood after the study, nearly 75% said they had more energy since using Chef V, and 88% said they felt better overall.

In conclusion, Chef V and CBT make for an effective sleep-improving combination. 

To your health and ZZZZ’s


Veronica “V” Wheat
Founder, ChefV.com

What Do I Eat Today – The Importance of Liquids

what do I eat today liquids

This “What Do I Eat Today” menu focuses on the importance of liquids, especially at breakfast.

Liquids are alkalizing to the gut, help cleanse the colon, and have so many other benefits.

Start your day with lemon juice and water, followed by Green Drink. Enjoy my Herbal Tea recipe with ginger and cinnamon, and take a probiotic- I like Bio-K+.

Chose from two smoothies – my Tropitaya Smoothie, this month with fresh Ginger and Turmeric, or my Tropical Green Smoothie with Ginger.

For lunch we have Creamy Carrot Soup, and Raw Cucumber & Avocado Gazpacho is a cooling afternoon snack. For dinner, Creamy Broccoli Soup finishes the day.

lemon water

First Thing in the Morning

I have lemon water in the morning and then I wait until I'm hungry to have my Green Drink.

berry parfait

For Breakfast – Tropitaya or Tropical Green Smoothie

This “What do I Eat Today” menu includes a Tropitaya or Tropical Green Smoothie. The Tropitaya Smoothie is one of the most popular smoothies (and one of my favorites) at our stores in New Jersey and San Diego. In this month's menu, I add fresh turmeric and ginger.

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An alternative to my Tropitaya Smoothie in this menu, my Tropical Green Smoothie adds fruit and vegetables to Chef V's Tropical Green Drink. Optionally you can add 1 tbsp pea protein, 1 tsp fresh ginger, 1/2 tsp fresh turmeric to the smoothie.

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creamy carrot soup

Lunch – Creamy Carrot Soup

Creamy and delicious without dairy, this Carrot Soup recipe uses cashews to add richness and flavor. Fast and easy to make, the recipe is perfect for two, tasty and healthy. Add fresh turmeric and ginger for additional benefits.

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Afternoon Snack – Chef V's Raw Cucumber Avocado Gazpacho

Cool and creamy, my Gazpacho is a great light snack. You can easily double or triple my recipe and have delicious leftovers. The beauty of my veggie-rich recipe is that its high water and fiber content slows how fast you eat and fills you up quicker.

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Dinner – Creamy Broccoli Soup

My Creamy Broccoli Soup is for dinner. Made with coconut milk and coconut oil, the fiber in this soup supports gut health and has anti-inflammation and antioxidant properties. For additional gut health assistance, try my recipe variation adding fresh turmeric and ginger.

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Super Antioxidant Smoothie

Antioxidants are substances that may prevent cell damage. Berries, kale, and beets are great natural sources of antioxidants. Enjoy ihis super antioxidant smoothie in the morning after your 16 oz. of Organic Green Drink.

super smoothie

TOTAL 10 minutes

Prep Time: 8 minutes

Serving Size: 1 Person


  • ½ cup organic blueberries (fresh or frozen)
  • ½ cup organic raspberries (fresh or frozen)
  • ¼ cup pomegranate seeds
  • ¼ cup diced organic red beet, raw
  • 2 pieces of organic green kale
  • ½ cup ice
  • ½ cup coconut water
  • 1 serving of Chef V Ultra Shake protein powder or Powder of your choice


Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend 1-2 minutes until smooth. Add ¼ cup filtered water if necessary. Bon Appétit!

© 2021 Chef V, LLC.